355 research outputs found

    Lattice Boltzmann models for non-ideal fluids with arrested phase-separation

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    The effects of mid-range repulsion in Lattice Boltzmann models on the coalescence/breakup behaviour of single-component, non-ideal fluids are investigated. It is found that mid-range repulsive interactions allow the formation of spray-like, multi-droplet configurations, with droplet size directly related to the strength of the repulsive interaction. The simulations show that just a tiny ten-percent of mid-range repulsive pseudo-energy can boost the surface/volume ratio of the phase- separated fluid by nearly two orders of magnitude. Drawing upon a formal analogy with magnetic Ising systems, a pseudo-potential energy is defined, which is found to behave like a quasi-conserved quantity for most of the time-evolution. This offers a useful quantitative indicator of the stability of the various configurations, thus helping the task of their interpretation and classification. The present approach appears to be a promising tool for the computational modelling of complex flow phenomena, such as atomization, spray formation and micro-emulsions, break-up phenomena and possibly glassy-like systems as well.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Geomorphic signatures of recent normal fault activity versus geological evidence of inactivity: case studies from the central Apennines (Italy)

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    We have here analysed two normal faults of the central Apennines, one that affects the south-western slopes of theMontagna dei Fiori–Montagna di Campli relief, and the other that is located along the south-western border of the Leonessa intermontane depression. Through this analysis, we aim to better understand the reliability of geomorphic features, such as the fresh exposure of fault planes along bedrock scarps as certain evidence of active faulting in the Apennines, and to define the Quaternary kinematic history of these tectonic structures. The experience gathered from these two case studies suggests that the so-called ‘geomorphic signature’ of recent fault activity must be supported by wider geomorphologic and geologic investigations, such as the identification of displaced deposits and landforms not older than the Late Pleistocene, and/or an accurate definition of the slope instabilities. Our observations indicate that the fault planes studied are exposed exclusively because of the occurrence of non-tectonic processes, i.e. differential erosion and gravitational phenomena that have affected the portions of the slopes that are located in the hanging wall sectors. The geological evidence we have collected indicates that the Montagna dei Fiori–Montagna di Campli fault was probably not active during the whole of theuaternary, while the tectonic activity of the Leonessa fault ceased (or strongly reduced) at least during the Late Pleistocene, and probably since the Middle Pleistocene. The present lack of activity of these tectonic structures suggests that the fault activation for high magnitude earthquakes that produce surface faulting is improbable (i.e.Mw5.5–6.0, with reference to the Apennines, according toMichetti et al. [Michetti, A.M., Brunamonte, F., Serva, L.,Vittori, E. (1996), Trench investigations of the 1915 Fucino earthquake fault scarps (Abruzzo, Central Italy):geological evidence of large historical events, J. Geoph. Res.,101, 5921–5936; Michetti, A.M., Ferreli, L., Esposito, E.,Porfido, S., Blumetti, A.M., Vittori, E., Serva, L., Roberts, G.P. (2000)]). If, according to the current view, the shifting of the intra-Apennine extension towards the Adriatic sectors is still active, the Montagna dei Fiori–Montagna di Campli fault might be involved in active extensional deformation in the future

    Site effects “on the rock”: the case of Castelvecchio Subequo (L’Aquila, central Italy)

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    The April 6, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake was responsible for an “anomalous”, relatively high degree of damage (i.e. Is 7 MCS scale) at Castelvecchio Subequo (CS). Indeed, the village is located at source-to-site distance of about 40 km, and it is surrounded by other inhabited centres to which considerably lower intensities, i.e. Is 5-6, have been attributed. Moreover, the damage was irregularly distributed within CS, being mainly concentrated in the uppermost portion of the old village. Geophysical investigations (ambient seismic noise and weak ground motions analyses) revealed that site effects occurred at CS. Amplifications of the ground motion, mainly striking NE-SW, have been detected at the uppermost portion of the carbonate ridge on which the village is built. Geological/structural and geomechanical field surveys defined that the CS ridge is affected by sets of fractures, joints and shear planes – mainly roughly NW-SE and N-S trending – that are related to the deformation zone of the Subequana valley fault system and to transfer faults linking northward the mentioned tectonic feature with the Middle Aterno Valley fault system. In particular, our investigations highlight that seismic amplifications occur where joints set NW-SE trending are open. On the other hand, no amplification is seen in portions of the ridge where the bedrock is densely fractured but no open joints occur. The fracture opening seems related to the toppling tendency of the bedrock slabs, owing to the local geomorphic setting. These investigations suggest that the detected amplification of the ground motion is probably related to the polarization of the seismic waves along the Castelvecchio Subequo ridge, with the consequent oscillation of the rock slabs perpendicularly to the fractures azimuth

    Optimized modeling and design of a pcm-enhanced h2 storage

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    Thermal and mechanical energy storage is pivotal for the effective exploitation of renewable energy sources, thus fostering the transition to a sustainable economy. Hydrogen-based systems are among the most promising solutions for electrical energy storage. However, several technical and economic barriers (e.g., high costs, low energy and power density, advanced material requirements) still hinder the diffusion of such solutions. Similarly, the realization of latent heat storages through phase change materials is particularly attractive because it provides high energy density in addition to allowing for the storage of the heat of fusion at a (nearly) constant temperature. In this paper, we posit the challenge to couple a metal hydride H-2 canister with a latent heat storage, in order to improve the overall power density and realize a passive control of the system temperature. A highly flexible numerical solver based on a hybrid Lattice Boltzmann Phase-Field (LB-PF) algorithm is developed to assist the design of the hybrid PCM-MH tank by studying the melting and solidification processes of paraffin-like materials. The present approach is used to model the storage of the heat released by the hydride during the H-2 loading process in a phase change material (PCM). The results in terms of Nusselt numbers are used to design an enhanced metal-hydride storage for H-2-based energy systems, relevant for a reliable and cost-effective "Hydrogen Economy". The application of the developed numerical model to the case study demonstrates the feasibility of the posited design. Specifically, the phase change material application significantly increases the heat flux at the metal hydride surface, thus improving the overall system power density

    Herschel-Bulkley rheology from lattice kinetic theory of soft-glassy materials

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    We provide a clear evidence that a two species mesoscopic Lattice Boltzmann (LB) model with competing short-range attractive and mid-range repulsive interactions supports emergent Herschel-Bulkley (HB) rheology, i.e. a power-law dependence of the shear-stress as a function of the strain rate, beyond a given yield-stress threshold. This kinetic formulation supports a seamless transition from flowing to non-flowing behaviour, through a smooth tuning of the parameters governing the mesoscopic interactions between the two species. The present model may become a valuable computational tool for the investigation of the rheology of soft-glassy materials on scales of experimental interest.Comment: 5 figure

    Analisi dell’attività quaternaria delle faglie normali della Montagna dei Fiori e del bacino di Leonessa

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    La definizione dell’attività di strutture tettoniche è un pre-requisito fondamentale per la comprensione delle caratteristiche sismotettoniche di un settore del territorio italiano che, come l’Appennino centrale, è stato interessato in tempi storici da eventi sismici di elevata magnitudo. Dunque, l’individuazione e la caratterizzazione dell’attività tardopleistocenica-olocenica di faglie potenzialmente responsabili di forti terremoti è di cruciale importanza in un’ottica di valutazione della pericolosità sismica. Nel presente lavoro vengono analizzate due faglie normali che interessano l’Appennino centrale, la faglia normale che delimita ad ovest la Montagna dei Fiori, uno dei rilievi più esterni della catena, e quella che borda a sud-ovest il bacino di Leonessa, con l’obiettivo di dare un contributo per una migliore definizione delle caratteristiche sismotettoniche di questo settore del territorio nazionale. La faglia normale della Montagna dei Fiori è una struttura lunga almeno 15 km la cui attività è stata responsabile della dislocazione di circa 900 m del substrato carbonatico. Il piano di faglia e la scarpata ad esso associata sono visibili in modo discontinuo lungo il versante. I rilevamenti geologici e geomorfologici effettuati chiariscono come l’esposizione del piano di faglia sia esclusivamente legata a fenomeni gravitativi, anche di grandi dimensioni, che interessano le formazioni calcareo-marnose (Scaglia Cinerea, Marne con Bisciaro, Marne con Cerrogna) affioranti al tetto della struttura, e a fenomeni di erosione selettiva fra le formazione della successione umbro-marchigiana affioranti al letto ed al tetto. La faglia, inoltre, è sigillata da una paleosuperficie di origine erosiva sospesa varie centinaia di metri al di sopra del fondovalle attuale del fiume Salinello (in località Colle Osso Caprino) e da brecce di versante (in località Pozzoranno) associabili a quelle riconosciute in modo ubiquitario in Appennino entrale ed attribuite al Pleistocene inferiore. Come per il caso della Montagna dei Fiori, il piano della faglia bordiera del bacino di Leonessa è visibile in modo discontinuo lungo i versanti che delimitano il settore meridionale della depressione. I nostri rilevamenti di terreno ci consentono di attribuire l’esposizione del piano i) a fenomeni gravitativi che interessano la fascia detritica depostasi alla base della scarpata di faglia e ii) a fenomeni di erosione selettiva fra i detriti ed il substrato carbonatico affiorante al letto della struttura tettonica, ad opera di corsi d’acqua perpendicolari al versante. Depositi di conoide alluvionale (“conoide alluvionale di Leonessa”) attribuiti da alcuni autori ad un contesto cronologico compreso fra la fine del Pleistocene inferiore ed il Pleistocene medio e che determinano una superficie terrazzata chiaramente visibile in tutto il bacino, non sembrano essere stati interessati (né dislocati né basculati) dall’attività di tale faglia. Inoltre, ulteriori due ordini di conoide alluvionale depostisi al di sopra di quello sopra citato ed attribuibili tentativamente al Pleistocene superiore, sigillano chiaramente la struttura tettonica. Dunque, dalle nostre osservazioni si evince che, per quello che riguarda la faglia normale della Montagna dei Fiori, tale struttura tettonica non risulta essere attiva almeno a partire dal Pleistocene inferiore e che l’esposizione del piano di faglia è esclusivamente legata a fenomeni gravitativi e di morfoselezione. Ciò corroborerebbe quanto proposto da altri autori che attribuiscono a questa struttura tettonica esclusivamente un’attività pre- e sin- fase tettonica compressiva. Per quello che riguarda il bacino di Leonessa, è possibile ipotizzare che la faglia bordiera sia stata attiva fino al Pleistocene inferiore, creando lo spazio per l’accumulo dei depositi del conoide alluvionale di Leonessa. L’attività sarebbe poi terminata, o quantomeno si sarebbe ridotta ad un tasso decisamente inferiore a quello degli agenti morfodinamici, a partire dal Pleistocene medio

    Power vs. capacity performances of thermally integrated MH-PCM hydrogen storage solutions: current status and development perspectives

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    The present work focuses on two particular performance indicators for hydrogen storage solutions based on the thermal integration of metal hydrides (MH) with phase-change materials (PCMs): i) the (specific) discharge power and ii) the system-level volumetric capacity. The paper first condenses available literature data from modelling and experimental activities, and then analyses a basic numerical benchmark of a low-temperature MH-PCM system. Findings from the literature review show that, due to the interrelation between efficient thermal management and hydrogen desorption rate, the selected performance indicators are not independent one from another. It is also confirmed that simultaneously achieving high-power (flexibility) and specific capacity (compactness) is a challenging goal for such kind of hydrogen storage systems. The parametric analysis of the numerical benchmark system suggests that, for a given MH operating pressure-temperature envelope, special care should be given in the PCM accurate characterisation and selection, as well as in the quantification of the optimal trade-off between the PCM volume and desorption kinetics performance. Furthermore it is found that the geometrical distribution of the MH and PCM volumes have a larger than expected impact on the specific discharge power