292 research outputs found

    Study of finite temperature QCD with 2+1 flavors via Taylor expansion and imaginary chemical potential

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    We study QCD with 2+1 flavors at nonzero temperature and nonzero chemical potential. We present preliminary results obtained from lattice calculations performed with an improved staggered fermions action (p4-action) on lattice with temporal extent N_t = 4 on a line of constant physics with the strange quark mass adjusted to its physical value and a pion mass of about 220 MeV. We compute at imaginary chemical potential and compare with Taylor expansion results. We focus our study on a range of temperatures 0.94 < T/T_c < 1.08.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figures, talk presented at the XXVIII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2010), June 14-19, 2010, Villasimius, Sardinia, Ital

    Flux tubes in the SU(3) vacuum

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    We analyze the distribution of the chromoelectric field generated by a static quark-antiquark pair in the SU(3) vacuum. We find that the transverse profile of the flux tube resembles the dual version of the Abrikosov vortex field distribution and give an estimate of the London penetration length in the confined vacuum.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, poster contribution to the XXIX International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, LATTICE 201

    Monkeys Monitor Human Goals in a Nonmatch-to-Goal Interactive Task

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    We designed a new task, called nonmatch-to-goal, to study the ability of macaque monkeys to interact with humans in a rule-guided paradigm. In this task the monkeys were required to choose one of two targets, from a list of three. For each choice, they were required to switch from their choice on the previous trial to a different one. In a subset of trials the monkeys observed a human partner performing the task. When the human concluded his turn, the monkeys were required to switch to a new goal discarding the human's previous goal. We found that monkeys were very skillful in monitoring goals, not only of their own choice by also those of their human partner. They showed also a surprising ability to coordinate their actions, taking turns with the human partner, starting and stopping their own turn following the decision of the human partner in the task

    Technical studies for operations with real-time communications in robotic missions

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    Robotic telepresence operations between earth and space are of high research value for science as they enable operators on ground to perform physical tasks in space without the need of human presence. Real-Time telepresence with haptic-feedback and stereoscopic imaging, however, poses new requirements to physical parameters of the communication channel like loss, delay and jitter as well as to the protocols spoken between the participants. To meet the new requirements, past robotic missions like ROKVISS chose to use specialized and dedicated communication channels while bypassing the established ground station network infrastructure. However, performing robotic and standard TM/TC operations in parallel was impossible because the Space Link could only be locked by either of the communication chains. For future missions, we present a setup that multiplexes robotic science data and standard TM/TC into one physical channel. Real-time requirements are met because the setup makes use of several FPGAs that forward UDP packets in synchronization with a common master clock. We present test results and test measurements of this technology and compare the proposed setup to a software based solution. Furthermore we present general approaches, tools and techniques for real-time related tasks. Finally we discuss the use of Space Link and Space Link Extension protocols in the communication chain and their impact on the real-time requirements. Operational aspects of the new setup and protocols are discussed as well

    Redox status assessment in infertile patients with non‐obstructive azoospermia undergoing testicular sperm extraction: A prospective study

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    AbstractBackgroundOxidative stress (OS) is one of the most prevalent causes of sperm damage, through the toxic effects of endogenously generated hydrogen peroxide, superoxide anion, and hydroxyl radicals. Peripheral leukocytes represent a feasible model for studying the pathophysiology of OS‐mediated homeostasis, which can be responsible for cell dysfunction and cell injury.ObjectiveTo evaluate the redox status in patients with non‐obstructive azoospermia (NOA), establishing the potential role exerted by reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the genesis of testicular secretory injury.Material and methodsFrom May 2018 to March 2019, 39 patients were enrolled in this prospective single‐center cohort study and divided into two groups. Group 1 included 19 patients with NOA, and Group 2 included 20 normozoospermic men, partners of women with infertility tubal factor. All patients underwent serum blood tests. NOA underwent testicular sperm extraction (TeSE). ROS production (in lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes) was assessed by fluorescence‐activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis. Plasma oxidative stress was evaluated by lipid peroxidation markers (MDA) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) both assessed by fluorometric techniques.ResultsMean lymphocyte ROS production resulted 967.0 ± 224.5 vs 728.0 ± 98.0 (NOA vs Controls, P .05).ConclusionROS production can be directly related to disorders of spermatogenesis, leading to severe conditions of male infertility, including azoospermia

    Vicarious Learning from Human Models in Monkeys

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    We examined whether monkeys can learn by observing a human model, through vicarious learning. Two monkeys observed a human model demonstrating an object–reward association and consuming food found underneath an object. The monkeys observed human models as they solved more than 30 learning problems. For each problem, the human models made a choice between two objects, one of which concealed a piece of apple. In the test phase afterwards, the monkeys made a choice of their own. Learning was apparent from the first trial of the test phase, confirming the ability of monkeys to learn by vicarious observation of human models

    SEMA6A/RhoA/YAP axis mediates tumor-stroma interactions and prevents response to dual BRAF/MEK inhibition in BRAF-mutant melanoma

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    Background: Despite the promise of dual BRAF/MEK inhibition as a therapy for BRAF-mutant (BRAF-mut) melanoma, heterogeneous responses have been observed in patients, thus predictors of benefit from therapy are needed. We have previously identified semaphorin 6A (SEMA6A) as a BRAF-mut-associated protein involved in actin cytoskeleton remodeling. The purpose of the present study is to dissect the role of SEMA6A in the biology of BRAF-mut melanoma, and to explore its predictive potential towards dual BRAF/MEK inhibition. Methods: SEMA6A expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry in melanoma cohort RECI1 (N = 112) and its prognostic potential was investigated in BRAF-mut melanoma patients from DFCI and TCGA datasets (N = 258). The molecular mechanisms regulated by SEMA6A to sustain tumor aggressiveness and targeted therapy resistance were investigated in vitro by using BRAF-mut and BRAF-wt melanoma cell lines, an inducible SEMA6A silencing cell model and a microenvironment-mimicking fibroblasts-coculturing model. Finally, SEMA6A prediction of benefit from dual BRAF/MEK inhibition was investigated in melanoma cohort RECI2 (N = 14). Results: Our results indicate higher protein expression of SEMA6A in BRAF-mut compared with BRAF-wt melanoma patients and show that SEMA6A is a prognostic indicator in BRAF-mut melanoma from TCGA and DFCI patients cohorts. In BRAF-mut melanoma cells, SEMA6A coordinates actin cytoskeleton remodeling by the RhoA-dependent activation of YAP and dual BRAF/MEK inhibition by dabrafenib+trametinib induces SEMA6A/RhoA/YAP axis. In microenvironment-mimicking co-culture condition, fibroblasts confer to melanoma cells a proliferative stimulus and protect them from targeted therapies, whereas SEMA6A depletion rescues the efficacy of dual BRAF/MEK inhibition. Finally, in BRAF-mut melanoma patients treated with dabrafenib+trametinib, high SEMA6A predicts shorter recurrence-free interval. Conclusions: Overall, our results indicate that SEMA6A contributes to microenvironment-coordinated evasion of melanoma cells from dual BRAF/MEK inhibition and it might be a good candidate predictor of short-term benefit from dual BRAF/MEK inhibition