1,362 research outputs found

    MILES extended: Stellar population synthesis models from the optical to the infrared

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    We present the first single-burst stellar population models which covers the optical and the infrared wavelength range between 3500 and 50000 Angstrom and which are exclusively based on empirical stellar spectra. To obtain these joint models, we combined the extended MILES models in the optical with our new infrared models that are based on the IRTF (Infrared Telescope Facility) library. The latter are available only for a limited range in terms of both age and metallicity. Our combined single-burst stellar population models were calculated for ages larger than 1 Gyr, for metallicities between [Fe/H] = -0.40 and 0.26, for initial mass functions of various types and slopes, and on the basis of two different sets of isochrones. They are available to the scientific community on the MILES web page. We checked the internal consistency of our models and compared their colour predictions to those of other models that are available in the literature. Optical and near infrared colours that are measured from our models are found to reproduce the colours well that were observed for various samples of early-type galaxies. Our models will enable a detailed analysis of the stellar populations of observed galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, published in A&

    Sir William Dawson (1820–1899): a very modern paleobotanist

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    Sir William Dawson was one of Canada’s most influential Nineteenth Century geologists. Although a lifelong opponent of the concept of evolution, a stance that resulted in him being sidelined by the scientific community, he made enormous contributions to Pennsylvanian paleobotany, especially at the Joggins fossil cliffs of Nova Scotia. Key to Dawson’s success was his recognition of the importance of a field-based research program, in which fossil plants could be observed in their precise geological context over a sustained period of time. Uniquely trained as both geologist and botanist, he was skilled in the microscopic analysis of permineralized plant anatomy, and appreciated the enormous potential of fossil charcoal as an untapped source of systematic information. Arguably his most extraordinary insights came in the field of plant taphonomy, in which studies of modern sedimentary processes and environments were used to interpret the rock record. His analysis of fossil plants in their sedimentary context allowed Pennsylvanian coal swamp communities, dominated by lycopsids and calamiteans, to be distinguished from the coniferopsid forests, which occupied mountainous regions further inland. The lasting significance of Dawson’s paleobotanical work is emphasized by many recent papers concerning the Pennsylvanian coal measures of Atlantic Canada, which have either directly built on research topics that Dawson initiated, or have confirmed hypotheses that Dawson framed. Until recent times, the discipline of paleobotany has been dominated by systematic fossil plant description with little or no reference to geological context. By virtue of his distinctively holistic approach, synthesizing all available geological and botanical data, Dawson is marked out from his contemporaries. His methodology does not appear old-fashioned even today, and it is therefore with justification that we describe him as a very modern paleobotanist. Resumé Sir William Dawson a été l’un des géologues les plus influents du 19e siècle au Canada. Même s’il s’est opposé toute sa vie au concept de l’évolution, une position qui a amené le milieu scientifique à l’ignorer, il a énormément contribué à la paléobotanique pennsylvanienne, spécialement dans les falaises fossilifères de Joggins de la Nouvelle-Écosse. La clé du succès de Dawson réside dans le fait qu’il avait reconnu l’importance d’un programme de recherche sur le terrain prévoyant l’observation des plantes fossiles dans leur milieu géologique particulier pendant une période de temps prolongée. Grâce à sa formation unique de géologue et de botaniste, il possédait la compétence voulue pour réaliser une analyse microscopique de l’anatomie des plantes perminéralisées et il comprenait le potentiel énorme du charbon de bois fossile comme source inexploitée de données systématiques. On pourrait soutenir que ses idées les plus extraordinaires se sont manifestées dans le domaine de la taphonomie végétale, dans lequel des études d’environnements et de processus sédimentaires modernes ont servi à interpréter des antécédents lithologiques. Ses analyses de plantes fossiles dans leur contexte sédimentaire ont permis de distinguer les communautés des marécages houillers pennsylvaniens, dans lesquels prédominent les lycopsides et les calamites, des forêts coniféropsides, qui occupaient les régions montagneuses plus à l’intérieur des terres. De nombreuses communications récentes au sujet des couches houillères pennsylvaniennes des provinces de l’Atlantique, qui s’appuient directement sur des sujets de recherches amorcées par Dawson ou ayant confirmé des hypothèses formulées par Dawson, mettent en relief l’importance durable des travaux paléobotaniques de Dawson. La discipline de la paléobotanique a jusqu’à tout récemment été dominée par des descriptions systématiques de plantes fossiles évoquant à peine ou n’évoquant pas du tout le contexte géologique. Dawson s’est démarqué de ses contemporains au moyen de son approche nettement holistique en réalisant une synthèse de toutes les données géologiques et botaniques accessibles. Sa méthode de travail ne semble pas rétrograde, même aujourd’hui, et il est par conséquent tout à fait justifié que nous le décrivions en tant que paléobotaniste très moderne

    A Gravitational Redshift Determination of the Mean Mass of White Dwarfs. DBA and DB Stars

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    We measure apparent velocities (v_app) of absorption lines for 36 white dwarfs (WDs) with helium-dominated atmospheres -- 16 DBAs and 20 DBs -- using optical spectra taken for the European Southern Observatory SN Ia progenitor survey (SPY). We find a difference of 6.9+/-6.9 km/s in the average apparent velocity of the H-alpha lines versus that of the HeI 5876AA for our DBAs. This is a measure of the blueshift of this He line due to pressure effects. By using this as a correction, we extend the gravitational redshift method employed by Falcon et al. (2010) to use the apparent velocity of the HeI 5876AA line and conduct the first gravitational redshift investigation of a group of WDs without visible hydrogen lines. We use biweight estimators to find an average apparent velocity, _BI, (and hence average gravitational redshift, _BI) for our WDs; from that we derive an average mass, _BI. For the DBAs, we find _BI = 40.8+/-4.7 km/s and derive _BI = 0.71 +0.04 -0.05 Msun. Though different from of DAs (32.57 km/s) at the 91% confidence level and suggestive of a larger DBA mean mass than that for normal DAs derived using the same method (0.647 +0.013 -0.014 Msun; Falcon et al. 2010), we do not claim this as a stringent detection. Rather, we emphasize that the difference between _BI of the DBAs and of normal DAs is no larger than 9.2 km/s, at the 95% confidence level; this corresponds to roughly 0.10 Msun. For the DBs, we find ^He_BI = 42.9+/-8.49 km/s after applying the blueshift correction and determine _BI = 0.74 +0.08 -0.09 Msun. The difference between ^He_BI of the DBs and of DAs is less than or equal to 11.5 km/s (~0.12 Msun), at the 95% confidence level. The gravitational redshift method indicates much larger mean masses than the spectroscopic determinations of the same sample by Voss et al. (2007)...Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal, 10 pages double-column, 3 figures, 5 table

    Laboratory Measurements Of White Dwarf Photospheric Spectral Lines: H Beta

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    We spectroscopically measure multiple hydrogen Balmer line profiles from laboratory plasmas to investigate the theoretical line profiles used in white dwarf (WD) atmosphere models. X-ray radiation produced at the Z Pulsed Power Facility at Sandia National Laboratories initiates plasma formation in a hydrogen-filled gas cell, replicating WD photospheric conditions. Here we present time-resolved measurements of H beta and fit this line using different theoretical line profiles to diagnose electron density, n(e), and n = 2 level population, n2. Aided by synthetic tests, we characterize the validity of our diagnostic method for this experimental platform. During a single experiment, we infer a continuous range of electron densities increasing from n(e) similar to 4 to similar to 30 x 10(16) cm(-3) throughout a 120-ns evolution of our plasma. Also, we observe n(2) to be initially elevated with respect to local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE); it then equilibrates within similar to 55 ns to become consistent with LTE. This supports our electrontemperature determination of T-e similar to 1.3 eV (similar to 15,000 K) after this time. At n(e) greater than or similar to 10(17) cm(-3), we find that computer-simulation-based line-profile calculations provide better fits (lower reduced chi(2)) than the line profiles currently used in the WD astronomy community. The inferred conditions, however, are in good quantitative agreement. This work establishes an experimental foundation for the future investigation of relative shapes and strengths between different hydrogen Balmer lines.Laboratory Directed Research and Development programUnited States Department of Energy DE-AC04-94AL85000, DE-SC0010623National Science Foundation DGE-1110007Astronom


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    On the Effect of the Cooperation of Indicator-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms

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    For almost 20 years, quality indicators (QIs) have promoted the design of new selection mechanisms of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs). Each indicator-based MOEA (IB-MOEA) has specific search preferences related to its baseline QI, producing Pareto front approximations with different properties. In consequence, an IB-MOEA based on a single QI has a limited scope of multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs) in which it is expected to have a good performance. This issue is emphasized when the associated Pareto front geometries are highly irregular. In order to overcome these issues, we propose here an island-based multiindicator algorithm (IMIA) that takes advantage of the search biases of multiple IB-MOEAs through a cooperative scheme. Our experimental results show that the cooperation of multiple IB-MOEAs allows IMIA to perform more robustly (considering several QIs) than the panmictic versions of its baseline IB-MOEAs as well as several state-of-the-art MOEAs. Additionally, IMIA shows a Pareto-front-shape invariance property, which makes it a remarkable optimizer when tackling MOPs with complex Pareto front geometries

    Oxydation en voie humide de la pollution organique aqueuse par le peroxyde d'hydrogène Procédé « Wet Peroxide Oxidation » (WPO®) Étude de nouveaux catalyseurs

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    Les effluents aqueux pollués par des matières organiques provenant d'industries chimiques présentent souvent une faible biodégradabilité. Dans certains domaines de concentration (DCO = 0,5 - 15 g/l), le procédé WPO® développé au laboratoire se substitue avantageusement à l'incinération pour traiter ce type d'effluents. La réaction, qui met en œuvre le réactif de Fenton à température élevée, conduit parfois à la formation de quantités importantes d'acides carboxyliques légers. Nous avons donc développé des systèmes catalytiques originaux remplaçant les sels de fer et conduisant à une oxydation totale des acides carboxyliques. Le système le plus efficace constitué de sels de fer, de cuivre et de manganèse permet d'obtenir, en 1 h à 100 °C, l'oxydation totale d'un mélange synthétique de ces acides (COT = 5 g/l) avec 1,5 fois la quantité de peroxyde théoriquement nécessaire à l'oxydation. Le catalyseur précipité et séparé en fin de traitement peut être recyclé et conserve la môme activité. Les unités industrielles permettant d'effectuer le traitement WPO® avec les nouveaux catalyseurs, recyclés ou non, seront similaires à celle déjà réalisée pour le traitement de « points noirs » industriels.There is an important concern about the problems occuring with wastes elimination, specially the industrial liquid wastes. Te face the problem of organic aqueous wastes coming front various branches of industry, the WPO® (wet peroxide oxidation) process was developed at the laboratory. In the WAO process (wet air oxidation), which uses gaseous oxygen, the limiting step is usually oxygen transfer. In this new process, this problem is suppressed by using a liquid oxidising agent (hydrogen peroxide). This process is adapted from the classical Fenton's reaction and iron salts are used as the catalyst in order to promote the formation of •OH radicles which are the main active species. But the reaction is carried out at about 120 °C; so, a very significant TOC (total organic carton) removal efficiency is obtained (60 to 90 %) in comparison with the low efficiency of the classical Fenton's reagent (typically 25 % at room temperature).Significant amounts of free fatty acids are formed during the reaction. They are namely oxalic, malonic, succinic and acetic acids, which are common by products obtained during audition of most industrial organic pollutants. In order to comply with the regulations requirements, it was necessary to improve the efficiency of the original process. It was also very important to obtain an efficient elimination at a temperature not greater than 100 °C in order to avoid to pressurize the treatment reactor. This could be obtained by using new catalysts which are described in this paper.Because of the related field, precious metals like Pt and potentially toxic ones like Cr were not considered. One needs a treatment process as cheap and as reliable as possible. So, only Fe, Cu, Co, Ni and Mn were used as salts in order to test their calalytic activity in the treatment by hydrogen peroxide of a synthetical mixture of oxalic, malonic, succinic and acetic acids (O, M, S, A). The experimental device is a stirred tank reactor where the organics and the catalyst are batch loaded. It is continuously fed, for 1 hour, with hydrogen peroxide. The total amount injected is 1.5 the stoechiometric amount. In table 1, it can be seen that any metal has a satisfactory activity when used alone (TOC removal efficiency cannot exceed 22 %). In table 2, it is clear that, in soma cases, the association of two or three metals with each other can lead to very important synergetic effects. When using a mixture of Fe, Cu and Mn, the removal efficiency can increase to 91 %. This Fe/Cu/Mn catalyst is studied with further details in table 4. It appears to have its best efficiency at about 100 °C because of a parasitic decomposition of the peroxide at higher temperatures. For an organic mixture coutaining 5 g TOC/l, 100 ppm of each metal is a convenient concentration. This new catalyst still needs an acidic pH, from 3 to about 5, but the dependency is not so strict than with Fe alone (original process) which needs a value from 3 to 3.5. In addition, it was observed that the treatment time could be easily reduced (down to 45 minutes) as well as the amount of peroxide injected.Very similar results have been obtained with synthetic solutions of pollutants and with real industrial ones, thus establishing the ability of the Fe/Cu/Mn mixture to catalyse the oxidation of a large variety of species and not only carboxilic acids. The difference between the efficiency of this new catalyst and the conventional one is shown in table 5. Figures 1 and 2 are related to an Industrial WPO® unit which is commonly used with the conventional catalyst (Fe). It has been possible to improve its efficiency by using the new one without any significant modification. The Fe/Cu/Mn catalyst can be easily separated alter reaction (coprecipitation effect). Thus, the treated water meets the regulation requirements and the recovered catalyst can be easily resolubilized and recycled

    Experimental study of the inverse cascade in gravity wave turbulence

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    We perform experiments to study the inverse cascade regime of gravity wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid. Surface waves are forced at an intermediate scale corresponding to the gravity-capillary wavelength. In response to this forcing, waves at larger scales are observed. The spectrum of their amplitudes exhibits a frequency-power law at high enough forcing. Both observations are ascribed to the upscale wave action transfers of gravity wave turbulence. The spectrum exponent is close to the value predicted by the weak turbulence theory. The spectrum amplitude is found to scale linearly with the mean injected power. We measure also the distributions of the injected power fluctuations in the presence of upscale (inverse) transfers or in the presence of a downscale (direct) cascade in gravity wave turbulence.Comment: in press in EPL (2011
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