26 research outputs found

    O impĂ©rio luso-brasileiro e a questĂŁo da dependĂȘncia inglesa - um estudo de caso: a polĂ­tica mercantilista durante a Época Pombalina e a sombra do Tratado de Methuen

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    In this paper, the author analyzes the relations between Portugal and England during the 18th century, with emphasis on the period corresponding to the reign of D. José I, during which the Marquis of Pombal, his Secretary of State, wielded considerable power. With the Treaty of Methuen (1703) as a backdrop, the text addresses the issues which, over successive periods, marked the tensions and conflicts in the economic and diplomatic relations between England and Portugal. Special attention is given to the review of documents of the era, from the National Library of Lisbon and the Lisbon Academy of Sciences. Contrary to what a rather crystallized tradition teaches us, the British-Portuguese relations during Pombal's period are rather ambiguous, fluctuating between Portugal's dependence with regard to economic interests and British political support, and the defense of trade, manufacturing and agricultural interests of the Portuguese crown and its overseas empire

    O impĂ©rio luso-brasileiro e a questĂŁo da dependĂȘncia inglesa - um estudo de caso: a polĂ­tica mercantilista durante a Época Pombalina e a sombra do Tratado de Methuen [The Luso-Brazilian Empire and the issue of British dependence - a case study: mercantilist policy during the Pombal Era and the shadow cast by the Treaty of Methuen]

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    In this paper, the author analyzes the relations between Portugal and England during the 18th century, with emphasis on the period corresponding to the reign of D. José I, during which the Marquis of Pombal, his Secretary of State, wielded considerable power. With the Treaty of Methuen (1703) as a backdrop, the text addresses the issues which, over successive periods, marked the tensions and conflicts in the economic and diplomatic relations between England and Portugal. Special attention is given to the review of documents of the era, from the National Library of Lisbon and the Lisbon Academy of Sciences. Contrary to what a rather crystallized tradition teaches us, the British-Portuguese relations during Pombal's period are rather ambiguous, fluctuating between Portugal's dependence with regard to economic interests and British political support, and the defense of trade, manufacturing and agricultural interests of the Portuguese crown and its overseas empire.mercantilism, Pombal era, protectionism, Anglo-Portuguese trade treaties, trade companies


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    Uma capitania dos novos tempos: economia, sociedade e polĂ­tica na SĂŁo Paulo restaurada (1765-1822)

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    O artigo reflete sobre a trajetória da Capitania de São Paulo, a partir de 1750, apontando sua transformação, de fronteira e "boca do sertão", para território estratégico da conquista e defesa das partes meridionais e årea economicamente integrada aos circuitos mercantis atlùnticos.In this article, we reflect upon the history of the Captaincy of São Paulo as from 1750, drawing attention to its transformation from frontier land and "door to the backcountry" into a territory of strategic value for the purposes of conquest and defense of the southern regions, and economically integrated into the Atlantic trade routes


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    Encaro o problema da pĂłs-graduação como um todo e, mais particularmente, na ĂĄrea de histĂłria, creio que devem ser considerados, pelo menos, trĂȘs grandes temas: a pĂłs-graduação como objeto de investigação histĂłrica; a pĂłs-graduação como problema atual e, finalmente, algumas perspectivas de mĂ©dio prazo acerca da pĂłs-graduação e da histĂłria

    O impĂ©rio luso-brasileiro e a questĂŁo da dependĂȘncia inglesa - um estudo de caso: a polĂ­tica mercantilista durante a Época Pombalina e a sombra do Tratado de Methuen

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    O autor analisa no presente artigo as relaçÔes entre Portugal e Inglaterra no sĂ©culo XVIII, com ĂȘnfase no perĂ­odo correspondente ao reinado de D. JosĂ© I, durante o qual afirmou se o poder de seu SecretĂĄrio de Estado, SebastiĂŁo JosĂ© de Carvalho e Melo (depois Conde de Oeiras e MarquĂȘs de Pombal). Tendo o Tratado de Methuen (1703) como pano de fundo, o texto enfoca, ao longo de sucessivos perĂ­odos, as questĂ”es que marcaram as tensĂ”es e conflitos no Ăąmbito das relaçÔes econĂŽmicas e diplomĂĄticas anglo-lusitanas com especial atenção ao exame de documentos de Ă©poca existentes na Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa e na Academia de CiĂȘncias de Lisboa. Ao contrĂĄrio do que nos ensina uma tradição jĂĄ um tanto cristalizada, as relaçÔes anglo-lusitanas Ă  Ă©poca de Pombal se revelam bastante ambĂ­guas, oscilando entre a dependĂȘncia de Portugal em relação aos interesses econĂŽmicos e o apoio polĂ­tico britĂąnico e a defesa dos interessesmercantis,manufatureiros e agrĂ­colas do reino luso e de seu impĂ©rio ultramarino