1,142 research outputs found

    Risorse linguistiche per la generazione automatica della lingua dei segni naturali

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    The paper focuses on “Technology Training”: blended teaching, sup-brought by technological tools. Punto strength of the reviews on the subject are the descriptions of the projects and research products, which highlight the cognitive and language teaching technology tools poten-tial used the Center of Didactics of Languages of the “Ca’Foscari” University of Venice. The starting point are the glottotechnologies of a corpus, intended as a tool for analysis, translation and text formulation of the language, both for the use of the common language for a certain type of Fachsprache.The description of the various methods for acquiring or extending skills for the drafting of specialist texts and for developing large linguistic resources such as NLG software is provided.Attention will then be given to “neutral” language applications and resources (dictionaries, morphology, sentence structure and transformation grammars), which can be used both to analyze and automatically generate INLG 2017, texts as Acro-Word (2014), that is a multifunctional software,that substitute the paper sheet and that is supported by man produces different types of text in paraphrases and free.Il paper si sofferma sulla tematica della “Technology Training”: blended teaching supportati da Technological tools1. Punto di forza delle disamine saranno le descrizioni dei progetti e prodotti di ricerca, che evidenziano le potenzialità cognitive e glottodidattiche degli strumenti tecnologici utilizzati dal Centro di Didattica delle Lingue dell’Università “Ca’ Foscari” di Venezia. Il punto dipartenza sono le glottotecnologie di un corpus, intese come strumento di analisi, di traduzione e di formulazione testo della lingua, sia per l’uso della lingua comune che per un determinato tipo di Fachsprache. Si giunge alla descrizione delle diverse modalità per acquisire o ampliare le competenze per la stesura di testi specialisti e a sviluppare risorse linguistiche di grande coperturaquali software NLG reali. Si pone, poi, attenzione alle applicazioni e alle risorse linguistiche “neutrali” (dizionari, morfologia, struttura delle frasi e grammatiche di trasformazione), che possono essere utilizzate sia per analizzare e generare automaticamente i testi INLG 2017, quale l’Acro- Word (2014), un software plurifunzionale, che sostituisce il foglio cartaceo e che, supportato dall’uomo,produce diverse tipologie testuali in parafrasi e a testo libero

    A review of the molecular mechanisms underlying the development and progression of cardiac remodeling

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    Pathological molecular mechanisms involved in myocardial remodeling contribute to alter the existing structure of the heart, leading to cardiac dysfunction. Among the complex signaling network that characterizes myocardial remodeling, the distinct processes are myocyte loss, cardiac hypertrophy, alteration of extracellular matrix homeostasis, fibrosis, defective autophagy, metabolic abnormalities, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Several pathophysiological stimuli, such as pressure and volume overload, trigger the remodeling cascade, a process that initially confers protection to the heart as a compensatory mechanism. Yet chronic inflammation after myocardial infarction also leads to cardiac remodeling that, when prolonged, leads to heart failure progression. Here we review the molecular pathways involved in cardiac remodeling, with particular emphasis on those associated with myocardial infarction. A better understanding of cell signaling involved in cardiac remodeling may support the development of new therapeutic strategies towards the treatment of heart failure and reduction of cardiac complications. We will also discuss data derived from gene therapy approaches for modulating key mediators of cardiac remodeling

    Celiac disease in type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Celiac Disease (CD) occurs in patients with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) ranging the prevalence of 4.4-11.1% versus 0.5% of the general population. The mechanism of association of these two diseases involves a shared genetic background: HLA genotype DR3-DQ2 and DR4-DQ8 are strongly associated with T1D, DR3-DQ2 with CD. The classical severe presentation of CD rarely occurs in T1D patients, but more often patients have few/mild symptoms of CD or are completely asymptomatic (silent CD). In fact diagnosis of CD is regularly performed by means of the screening in T1D patients. The effects of gluten-free diet (GFD) on the growth and T1D metabolic control in CD/T1D patient are controversial. Regarding of the GFD composition, there is a debate on the higher glycaemic index of gluten-free foods respect to gluten-containing foods; furthermore GFD could be poorer of fibers and richer of fat. The adherence to GFD by children with CD-T1D has been reported generally below 50%, lower respect to the 73% of CD patients, a lower compliance being more frequent among asymptomatic patients. The more severe problems of GFD adherence usually occur during adolescence when in GFD non compliant subjects the lowest quality of life is reported. A psychological and educational support should be provided for these patients

    CHM/REP1 Transcript Expression and Loss of Visual Function in Patients Affected by Choroideremia

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    PURPOSE. To evaluate the disease progression in patients with clinical and genetic diagnoses of choroideremia during a long-term follow-up and to investigate the relationship between pathogenic variants in the CHM/REP1 gene and disease phenotypes. METHODS. We performed a retrospective longitudinal study on 51 affected men by reviewing medical charts at baseline and follow-up visits to extract the following ocular findings: best-corrected visual acuity, Goldmann visual field, optical coherence tomography, microperimetry. Data obtained from the analysis of DNA and mRNA were reevaluated for genetic classification of patients. RESULTS. The longitudinal analysis showed a significant (P < 0.001) worsening of best-corrected visual acuity with a mean rate of 0.011 logMar per year before 50 years and 0.025 logMar per year after 50 years. Similarly, V4e Goldmann visual field area significantly (P ≤ 0.01) decreased at a mean rate of 2.7% per year before 40 years and 5.7% after 40 years. Moreover, we observed a significant (P < 0.05) decrease of macular sensitivity with a mean rate of 5.0% per year and a decrease of mean macular thickness with a mean rate of 0.8% per year. We classified our patients into two groups according to the expression of the CHM/ REP1 gene transcript and observed that mutations leading to mRNA absence are associated with an earlier best-corrected visual acuity and Goldmann visual field loss. CONCLUSIONS. Our analysis of morphological and functional parameters in choroideremia patients showed a slow disease progression, particularly in the first decades of life. Overall, reevaluation of clinical and molecular data suggests exploring the genotype–phenotype relationship based on CHM/REP1 transcript expression. PURPOSE. To evaluate the disease progression in patients with clinical and genetic diagnoses of choroideremia during a long-term follow-up and to investigate the relationship between pathogenic variants in the CHM/REP1 gene and disease phenotypes. METHODS. We performed a retrospective longitudinal study on 51 affected men by reviewing medical charts at baseline and follow-up visits to extract the following ocular findings: best-corrected visual acuity, Goldmann visual field, optical coherence tomography, microperimetry. Data obtained from the analysis of DNA and mRNA were reevaluated for genetic classification of patients. RESULTS. The longitudinal analysis showed a significant (P < 0.001) worsening of best-corrected visual acuity with a mean rate of 0.011 logMar per year before 50 years and 0.025 logMar per year after 50 years. Similarly, V4e Goldmann visual field area significantly (P ≤ 0.01) decreased at a mean rate of 2.7% per year before 40 years and 5.7% after 40 years. Moreover, we observed a significant (P < 0.05) decrease of macular sensitivity with a mean rate of 5.0% per year and a decrease of mean macular thickness with a mean rate of 0.8% per year. We classified our patients into two groups according to the expression of the CHM/ REP1 gene transcript and observed that mutations leading to mRNA absence are associated with an earlier best-corrected visual acuity and Goldmann visual field loss. CONCLUSIONS. Our analysis of morphological and functional parameters in choroideremia patients showed a slow disease progression, particularly in the first decades of life. Overall, reevaluation of clinical and molecular data suggests exploring the genotype–phenotype relationship based on CHM/REP1 transcript expression

    Habitat management for Red–backed Shrike, Lanius collurio, conservation in farmland systems

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    The Province of Verbano Cusio Ossola, North-Eastern Piedmont, carried out a LIFE-Nature project during the period 2003-2007. The project focused on a Natura 2000 site, located along the middle course of river Toce. One of the interventions was directed at the conservation of the breeding population of Lanius collurio through dedicated management of lowland hay meadows (with maintenance of unmown portions) and shrublands (with increasing habitat openness in overgrown shrublands). Those interventions resulted an increase in the local breeding population of the species from 9 to 25 pairs in 5 years

    The impact of environmental factors in influencing epigenetics related to oxidative states in the cardiovascular system

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    Oxidative states exert a significant influence on a wide range of biological and molecular processes and functions. When their balance is shifted towards enhanced amounts of free radicals, pathological phenomena can occur, as the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in tissue microenvironment or in the systemic circulation can be detrimental. Epidemic chronic diseases of western societies, such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes correlate with the imbalance of redox homeostasis. Current advances in our understanding of epigenetics have revealed a parallel scenario showing the influence of oxidative stress as a major regulator of epigenetic gene regulation via modification of DNA methylation, histones, and microRNAs. This has provided both the biological link and a potential molecular explanation between oxidative stress and cardiovascular/metabolic phenomena. Accordingly, in this review, we will provide current insights on the physiological and pathological impact of changes in oxidative states on cardiovascular disorders, by specifically focusing on the influence of epigenetic regulation. A special emphasis will highlight the effect on epigenetic regulation of human's current life habits, external and environmental factors, including food intake, tobacco, air pollution, and antioxidant-based approaches. Additionally, the strategy to quantify oxidative states in humans in order to determine which biological marker could best match a subject's profile will be discussed

    Treatment of Cutaneous Melanoma Harboring SMO p.Gln216Arg Mutation with Imiquimod: An Old Drug with New Results

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    : Melanoma is the most lethal form of skin cancer and its incidence is growing worldwide. In the last ten years, the therapeutic scenario of this disease has been revolutionized by the introduction of targeted therapies and immune-checkpoint inhibitors. However, in patients with many lesions and bulky tumors, in which surgery is no longer feasible, there is a need for new treatment options. Here we report, for the first time to our knowledge, a clinical case where a melanoma patient harboring the SMO p.Gln216Arg mutation has been treated with imiquimod, showing a complete and durable response. To better explain this outstanding response to the treatment, we transfected a melanoma cell line (MeWo) with the SMO p.Gln216Arg mutation in order to evaluate its role in response to the imiquimod treatment. Moreover, to better demonstrate that the antitumor activity of imiquimod was due to its role in suppressing the oncogenic SMO signaling pathway, independently of its immune modulating function, an in vivo experiment has been performed. This clinical case opens up a new scenario for the treatment of melanoma patients identifying a new potentially druggable target
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