76 research outputs found

    Duality and invariants of representations of fundamental groups of 3-manifolds into PGL(3,C)

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    We determine the explicit transformation under duality of generic configurations of four flags in \PGL(3,\bC) in cross-ratio coordinates. As an application we prove invariance under duality of an invariant in the Bloch group obtained from decorated triangulations of 3-manifolds.Comment: Revised version, 29 pages,4 figure

    Dimension of character varieties for 33-manifolds

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    Let MM be a 33-manifold, compact with boundary and Γ\Gamma its fundamental group. Consider a complex reductive algebraic group G. The character variety X(Γ,G)X(\Gamma,G) is the GIT quotient Hom(Γ,G)//G\mathrm{Hom}(\Gamma,G)//G of the space of morphisms Γ→G\Gamma\to G by the natural action by conjugation of GG. In the case G=SL(2,C)G=\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb C) this space has been thoroughly studied. Following work of Thurston, as presented by Culler-Shalen, we give a lower bound for the dimension of irreducible components of X(Γ,G)X(\Gamma,G) in terms of the Euler characteristic χ(M)\chi(M) of MM, the number tt of torus boundary components of MM, the dimension dd and the rank rr of GG. Indeed, under mild assumptions on an irreducible component X0X_0 of X(Γ,G)X(\Gamma,G), we prove the inequality dim(X0)≥t⋅r−dχ(M).\mathrm{dim}(X_0)\geq t \cdot r - d\chi(M).Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Branched Spherical CR structures on the complement of the figure eight knot

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    We obtain a branched spherical CR structure on the complement of the figure eight knot with a given holonomy representation (called rho_2). There are essentially two boundary unipotent representations from the complement of the figure eight knot into PU(2,1), we call them rho_1 and rho_2. We make explicit some fundamental differences between these two representations. For instance, seeing the figure eight knot complement as a surface bundle over the circle, the behaviour of of the fundamental group of the fiber under the representation is a key difference between rho_1 and rho_2

    Eigenvalues of Products of Unitary Matrices and Lagrangian Involutions

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    This paper introduces a submanifold of the moduli space of unitary representations of the fundamental group of a punctured sphere with fixed local monodromy. The submanifold is defined via products of involutions through Lagrangian subspaces. We show that the moduli space of Lagrangian representations is a Lagrangian submanifold of the moduli of unitary representations.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Topolog

    Tetrahedra of flags, volume and homology of SL(3)

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    In the paper we define a "volume" for simplicial complexes of flag tetrahedra. This generalizes and unifies the classical volume of hyperbolic manifolds and the volume of CR tetrahedra complexes. We describe when this volume belongs to the Bloch group. In doing so, we recover and generalize results of Neumann-Zagier, Neumann, and Kabaya. Our approach is very related to the work of Fock and Goncharov.Comment: 45 pages, 14 figures. The first version of the paper contained a mistake which is correct here. Hopefully the relation between the works of Neumann-Zagier on one side and Fock-Goncharov on the other side is now much cleare

    The geometry of the Eisenstein-Picard modular group

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    The Eisenstein-Picard modular group PU(2,1;Z[ω]){\rm PU}(2,1;\mathbb {Z}[\omega]) is defined to be the subgroup of PU(2,1){\rm PU}(2,1) whose entries lie in the ring Z[ω]\mathbb {Z}[\omega], where ω\omega is a cube root of unity. This group acts isometrically and properly discontinuously on HC2{\bf H}^2_\mathbb{C}, that is, on the unit ball in C2\mathbb {C}^2 with the Bergman metric. We construct a fundamental domain for the action of PU(2,1;Z[ω]){\rm PU}(2,1;\mathbb {Z}[\omega]) on HC2{\bf H}^2_\mathbb {C}, which is a 4-simplex with one ideal vertex. As a consequence, we elicit a presentation of the group (see Theorem 5.9). This seems to be the simplest fundamental domain for a finite covolume subgroup of ${\rm PU}(2,1)
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