242 research outputs found

    Influence of L-Carnitine on fitness and oxidative stress parameters in Trotter Horses subjected to Laval's test

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    In the last few years, in addition to grain, the high energy requirements of racehorses have been met with dietary supplementsof vegetable oil, which may, however, represent an easily oxidisable substrate. Carnitine can be used to improvelipid metabolism. We evaluated the changes in performance and oxidative stress parameters measured in 4 trottersreceiving a diet containing soybean oil and L-Carnitine and subjected to two Standardized Exercise Tests (SET) accordingto Laval’s protocol (3 hits at increasing speed) at an interval of 30 days. Blood samples were taken at rest, just aftereach of the three hits, and at 10, 20 and 40 min after each test to determine lactic acid, glucose, Non-Esterified FattyAcid (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate, Reactive Oxygen metabolites (ROMs), Glutathione Peroxidase (GSH-Px), and SuperoxideDismutase (SOD). L-Carnitine influenced ROMs and SOD and resulted in a reduction in the oxidative stress parameters.Some indices of the fitness status also improved

    Influence of diet and rearing system on heavy pig performance, carcass and meat quality

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    Identifying alternative dietary protein sources and new types of outdoor rearing techniques that enhance animal welfare, thus optimising costs and production performance, are among the main objectives of nutritionists and breeders. The aim of this study was to compare two types of rations where pea and potato concentrate completely substituted soybean in intensively and extensively bred swine. Forty Large White × Duroc piglets weighing about 40 kg were divided into 4 groups of 10 sex- and weightmatched individuals: Indoor rearing + Control diet, Indoor rearing + Experimental diet, Outdoor rearing + Control diet, Outdoor rearing + Experimental diet. Different diets were formulated for the growing phase (40-100 kg) and the fattening period (100-slaughter); pigs, weighed individually every 40 days to estimate the average daily gain and feed conversion rate, were slaughtered when they reached the weight for Italian ham production. The following measurements were obtained: carcass weight, slaughtered yield, weight of lean cuts, pH 45 minutes and 24 hours post mortem. 40 semimembranosus muscle samples were analysed for colour parameters (L*, a* and b*), moisture, fat, protein and ash while the energy values were calculated. Semimembranosus intramuscular fat and ham backfat were analysed for fatty acid profile. Statistical analysis of performances data was conducted using design with repeated measures and the slaughterhouse, meat and fat composition data were subjected to ANOVA. The results show that soybean can be completely substituted with other protein crops. Rearing and slaughterhouse performances were not affected by the diet, whereas significant differences emerged with the rearing system. Diet composition significantly affected lean meat proportion (50.0 vs 48.2) and fat thickness of 3/4 Thoracic Vertebra (25.3 vs 28.3 mm), while the rearing system significantly affected all carcass quality measures. Some parameters were better in outdoorthan indoor-subjects. Meat colour was also significantly influenced by the rearing effect, being less light and yellow in the former subjects (L* 49.9 vs 37.3; b* 3.7 vs 2.3). Chemical analysis demonstrated that the meat of outdoor-reared subjects was leaner (1.96% vs 1.38% fat) and had a lower water content (72.8% vs 71.8%). The complete replacement of soybean is thus compatible with a strong characterization and an enhancement of the value of swine products. In addition, the rearing system can result in distinctive quality features, such as ham colour and fat content, allowing products from outdoor rearing to be clearly recognized from those obtained from intensive rearing

    Evaluation of the digestibility of Lathyrus sativus in growing pigs

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    The EU ban on meals of animal origin and the rejection by some States, including Italy, of genetically modified organ- isms (e.g. soybean), have resulted in the need for novel protein sources. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the digestibility of rations where soybean was partially replaced with Lathyrus sativusL. Twelve hybrid growing pigs were fed three diets formulated to be isoenergetic and isoproteic according to a Latin square design, each for 22 days. In the two experimental diets soybean was replaced by 10% or 20% L. sativus.Subjects were about 78 kg live weight at base- line. After 10 days of adaptation to each diet, faeces samples were collected from the rectum at the same time of day for 3 days. At the end of the administration of each diet, animals were weighed and blood was collected to determine some protein metabolism parameters. Feed and faeces were analysed for nutrients and AIA in order to calculate the coef- ficients of digestible utilisation of nutrients. Results were analysed by ANOVA using JMP (SAS system). The growth per- formance data (ADG and FCR) did not demonstrate differences attributable to the substitution of soybean with L. sativus. The coefficients of digestible utilisation indicate that soybean can be replaced with this legume seed. Low plasma urea in animals receiving 20% L. sativusconfirmed the good metabolic efficiency of protein

    In Vivo and post-mortem performances of Marchigiana and Romagnola Breeds

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    The aim of these studies was to evaluate the in vivo and post-mortem performances of Marchigiana and Romagnola cattle. The results provide updated information that suggest that the selection index of some parameters should be revised to improve the dressing, which is one of the limitations of these breeds

    Analysis of Horse Myostatin Gene and Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Breeds of Different Morphological Types

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    Myostatin (MSTN) is a negative modulator of muscle mass. We characterized the horse (Equus caballus) MSTN gene and identified and analysed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in breeds of different morphological types. Sequencing of coding, untranslated, intronic, and regulatory regions of MSTN gene in 12 horses from 10 breeds revealed seven SNPs: two in the promoter, four in intron 1, and one in intron 2. The SNPs of the promoter (GQ183900:g.26T>C and GQ183900:g.156T>C, the latter located within a conserved TATA-box like motif) were screened in 396 horses from 16 breeds. The g.26C and the g.156C alleles presented higher frequency in heavy (brachymorphic type) than in light breeds (dolichomorphic type such as Italian Trotter breed). The significant difference of allele frequencies for the SNPs at the promoter and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) on haplotypes indicates that these polymorphisms could be associated with variability of morphology traits in horse breeds

    Peripheral giant cell granuloma: immunohistochemical analysis of different markers. Study of three cases

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    El granuloma periférico de células gigantes (GPCG) es una lesión de tejido blando no neoplásica ocasionada por una reacción hiperplásica a consecuencia de un traumatismo o inflamación. Es una lesión reactiva del tejido blando que se desarrolla exclusivamente en la cavidad oral y con una ligera predilección en el sexo femenino. La localización habitual de GPCG es en la región de los premolares y la mucosa de la cresta alveolar edéntula. Se presentan tres casos con GPCG (dos hombres y una mujer) con una edad comprendida entre los 25 y 35 años. Todos los pacientes se trataron con resección quirúrgica y ninguno sufrió recidivas. Con el propósito de determinar el posible origen de las células estromales mononucleares y de las células gigantes multinucleares, las muestras de cada caso se estudiaron mediante inmunohistoquímica (marcadores CD-68, CD-34 y α-1 antitripsina) con el fin de evaluar la expresión del linaje endotelial y del linaje monocito/macrófago. Los resultados inmunohistoquímicos mostraron una marcada positividad difusa de CD-68 en las células estromales mononucleares y en las células gigantes multinucleadas. Estas últimas resultaron ser inmunonegativas para CD-34 y sólo puntualmente positivas para α-1 antitripsina. Estos resultados sugieren que las cιlulas gigantes multinucleares poseen un fenotipo osteoclαstico, proviniendo del linaje monocito/macrσfago, y que no derivan del linaje de las células endoteliales de los capilares. Se establece la importancia de un exhaustivo diagnóstico y de una exéresis quirúrgica completa de la lesión (curetaje óseo) con el propósito de evitar la reabsorción del diente y hueso adyacente