559 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy in HIV-positive patients: evaluation to 144 weeks

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    Hypertension is more prevalent among HIV-infected subjects than in the general population, contributing to increased cardiovascular risk in HIV+ patients. The angiotensin II receptor blocker telmisartan is also a partial peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR)-γ agonist, with documented effects on improving hypertension, lipid metabolism and renal function. Therefore telmisartan was found to be the first choice for treatment of HIV+ hypertensive patients. Aim of this study was to evaluate the durability on 144 weeks of treatment with telmisartan in HIV+ patients. 13 HIV+ Caucasian male patients treated with combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) and discovered to be naïve hypertensive, were given 80 mg telmisartan daily. Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure, viro-immunological, lipid and metabolic parameters, including triglycerides, cholesterol, insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), inflammatory markers, C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), indexes of renal function and cardiovascular risk, microalbuminuria, cystatin C, were measured at baseline (T0), and after 24 (T24), 48 (T48), 72 (T72), 96 (T96), 120 (T120) and 144 (T144) weeks. Treatment with telmisartan decreased SBP and DBP levels during the 144 weeks of observation. We also observed improved HDL-cholesterol, HOMA-IR, microalbuminuria and cystatin C at the end of study. Triglycerides and total cholesterol significantly decreased and HDL-cholesterol significantly increased. Total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio improved significantly. Throughout in the course of the trial our patients showed a significant improvement of the percentage of CD4+ and CD8+. Eventually in all 144 weeks of therapy with telmisartan 80 mg/day have not observed adverse events or dropouts. Telmisartan was effective in improving hypertension, lipid metabolism and renal function in 144 weeks of evaluation. It determines the improvement of cystatin C and microalbuminuria, markers of renal function and cardiovascular risk. Telmisartan doesn't interfere with cART, not interfering with the recovery of immunological HIV patients. Telmisartan has confirmed durability and effectiveness, excellent tolerability and an high persistance with a good blood pressure control. Therefore telmisartan reveals the first choice in the treatment of hypertension in HIV+ because of significant morbidity in this group of patients

    Effects of dual renin-angiotensin system blockade on proteinuria in a hypertensive black African HIV infected patient

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    Kidney diseases manifesting as proteinuria or elevated creatinine are increasingly prevalent complications of HIV infection. We report the effects of dual renin-angiotensin system blockade on proteinuria in a hypertensive black African HIV-infected patient

    Antiplatelet drug ticagrelor enhances chemotherapeutic efficacy by targeting the novel P2Y12-AKT Pathway in pancreatic cancer cells

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    Background: Extensive research has reported that extracellular ADP in the tumour microenvironment can stimulate platelets through interaction with the platelet receptor P2Y12. In turn, activated platelets release biological factors supporting cancer progression. Experimental data suggest that the tumour microenvironment components, of which platelets are integral, can promote chemotherapy resistance in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Thus, overcoming chemoresistance requires combining multiple inhibitors that simultaneously target intrinsic pathways in cancer cells and extrinsic factors related to the tumour microenvironment. We aimed to determine whether ticagrelor, an inhibitor of the ADP–P2Y12 axis and a well-known antiplatelet drug, could be a therapeutic option for PDAC. Methods: We investigated a functional P2Y12 receptor and its downstream signalling in a panel of PDAC cell lines and non-cancer pancreatic cells termed hTERT-HPNE. We tested the synergistic effect of ticagrelor, a P2Y12 inhibitor, in combination with chemotherapeutic drugs (gemcitabine, paclitaxel and cisplatin), in vitro and in vivo. Results: Knockdown studies revealed that P2Y12 contributed to epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activation and the expression of SLUG and ZEB1, which are transcriptional factors implicated in metastasis and chemoresistance. Studies using genetic and pharmacological inhibitors showed that the P2Y12–EGFR crosstalk enhanced cancer cell proliferation. Inhibition of P2Y12 signalling significantly reduced EGF-dependent AKT activation and promoted the anticancer activity of anti-EGFR treatment. Importantly, ticagrelor significantly decreased the proliferative capacity of cancer but not normal pancreatic cells. In vitro, synergism was observed when ticagrelor was combined with several chemodrugs. In vivo, a combination of ticagrelor with gemcitabine significantly reduced tumour growth, whereas gemcitabine or ticagrelor alone had a minimal effect. Conclusions: These findings uncover a novel effect and mechanism of action of the antiplatelet drug ticagrelor in PDAC cells and suggest a multi-functional role for ADP-P2Y12 signalling in the tumour microenvironment

    Jasmonate promotes auxin-induced adventitious rooting in dark-grown Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings and stem thin cell layers by a cross-talk with ethylene signalling and a modulation of xylogenesis

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    Background: Adventitious roots (ARs) are often necessary for plant survival, and essential for successful micropropagation. In Arabidopsis thaliana dark-grown seedlings AR-formation occurs from the hypocotyl and is enhanced by application of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) combined with kinetin (Kin). The same IBA + Kin-treatment induces AR-formation in thin cell layers (TCLs). Auxin is the main inducer of AR-formation and xylogenesis in numerous species and experimental systems. Xylogenesis is competitive to AR-formation in Arabidopsis hypocotyls and TCLs. Jasmonates (JAs) negatively affect AR-formation in de-etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings, but positively affect both AR-formation and xylogenesis in tobacco dark-grown IBA + Kin TCLs. In Arabidopsis the interplay between JAs and auxin in AR-formation vs xylogenesis needs investigation. In de-etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings, the Auxin Response Factors ARF6 and ARF8 positively regulate AR-formation and ARF17 negatively affects the process, but their role in xylogenesis is unknown. The cross-talk between auxin and ethylene (ET) is also important for AR-formation and xylogenesis, occurring through EIN3/EIL1 signalling pathway. EIN3/EIL1 is the direct link for JA and ET-signalling. The research investigated JA role on AR-formation and xylogenesis in Arabidopsis dark-grown seedlings and TCLs, and the relationship with ET and auxin. The JA-donor methyl-jasmonate (MeJA), and/or the ET precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid were applied, and the response of mutants in JA-synthesis and -signalling, and ET-signalling investigated. Endogenous levels of auxin, JA and JA-related compounds, and ARF6, ARF8 and ARF17 expression were monitored. Results: MeJA, at 0.01 μM, enhances AR-formation, when combined with IBA + Kin, and the response of the early-JA-biosynthesis mutant dde2–2 and the JA-signalling mutant coi1–16 confirmed this result. JA levels early change during TCL-culture, and JA/JA-Ile is immunolocalized in AR-tips and xylogenic cells. The high AR-response of the late JA-biosynthesis mutant opr3 suggests a positive action also of 12-oxophytodienoic acid on AR-formation. The crosstalk between JA and ET-signalling by EIN3/EIL1 is critical for AR-formation, and involves a competitive modulation of xylogenesis. Xylogenesis is enhanced by a MeJA concentration repressing AR-formation, and is positively related to ARF17 expression. Conclusions: The JA concentration-dependent role on AR-formation and xylogenesis, and the interaction with ET opens the way to applications in the micropropagation of recalcitrant species

    Class II phosphoinositide 3-kinase C2 beta regulates a novel signaling pathway involved in breast cancer progression

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    It is now well established that the enzymes phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) have a key role in the development and progression of many cancer types and indeed PI3Ks inhibitors are currently being tested in clinical trials. Although eight distinct PI3K isoforms exist, grouped into three classes, most of the evidence currently available are focused on one specific isoform with very little known about the potential role of the other members of this family in cancer. Here we demonstrate that the class II enzyme PI3K-C2β is overexpressed in several human breast cancer cell lines and in human breast cancer specimens. Our data indicate that PI3K-C2β regulates breast cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo and that PI3K-C2β expression in breast tissues is correlated with the proliferative status of the tumor. Specifically we show that downregulation of PI3K-C2β in breast cancer cell lines reduces colony formation, induces cell cycle arrest and inhibits tumor growth, in particular in an estrogen-dependent in vivo xenograft. Investigation of the mechanism of the PI3K-C2β-dependent regulation of cell cycle progression and cell growth revealed that PI3K-C2β regulates cyclin B1 protein levels through modulation of microRNA miR-449a levels. Our data further demonstrate that downregulation of PI3K-C2β inhibits breast cancer cell invasion in vitro and breast cancer metastasis in vivo. Consistent with this, PI3K-C2β is highly expressed in lymph-nodes metastases compared to matching primary tumors. These data demonstrate that PI3K-C2β plays a pivotal role in breast cancer progression and in metastasis development. Our data indicate that PI3K-C2β may represent a key molecular switch that regulates a rate-limiting step in breast tumor progression and therefore it may be targeted to limit breast cancer spread

    Transglutaminase Type 2 Regulates ER-Mitochondria Contact Sites by Interacting with GRP75

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    Transglutaminase type 2 (TG2) is a multifunctional enzyme that plays a key role in mitochondria homeostasis under stressful cellular conditions. TG2 interactome analysis reveals an enzyme interaction with GRP75 (glucose-regulated protein 75). GRP75 localizes in mitochondria-associated membranes (MAMs) and acts as a bridging molecule between the two organelles by assembling the IP3R-GRP75-VDAC complex, which is involved in the transport of Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to mitochondria. We demonstrate that the TG2 and GRP75 interaction occurs in MAMs. The absence of the TG2-GRP75 interaction leads to an increase of the interaction between IP3R-3 and GRP75; a decrease of the number of ER-mitochondria contact sites; an impairment of the ER-mitochondrial Ca2+ flux; and an altered profile of the MAM proteome. These findings indicate TG2 is a key regulatory element of the MAMs

    Resilience of a Building to Future Climate Conditions in Three European Cities

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    Building energy need simulations are usually performed using input files that contain information about the averaged weather data based on historical patterns. Therefore, the simulations performed are not able to provide information about possible future scenarios due to climate change. In this work, future trends of building energy demands due to the climate change across Europe were studied by comparing three time steps (present, 2050, and -2080) in three different European cities, characterized by different Köppen-Geiger climatic classes. A residential building with modern architectural features was taken into consideration for the simulations. Future climate conditions were reached by applying the effects of climate changes to current hourly meteorological data though the climate change tool world weather file generator (CCWorldWeatherGen) tool, according to the guidelines established by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In order to examine the resilience of the building, the simulations carried out were compared with respect to: peak power, median values of the power, and energy consumed by heating and cooling system. The observed trend shows a general reduction in the energy needs for heating (–46% for Aberdeen, –80% for Palermo, –36% for Prague in 2080 compared to the present) and increase (occurrence for Aberdeen) in cooling requirements. These results imply a revaluation of system size.</jats:p

    Durability, safety, and efficacy of rilpivirine in clinical practice: results from the SCOLTA project

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    Rilpivirine is associated with a good efficacy and safety profile. However, data from real-life settings are scarce. Methods: We investigated the durability, safety and efficacy of Rilpivirine-based antiretroviral therapy in a prospective, observational, multicenter study. Results: We enrolled 499 HIV-infected patients, 360 (72.1%) males, mean age 43.4\ub1 10.5 years, mean CD4 600\ub1 327 cell/\u3bcL, mean HIV-RNA 3.80\ub1 1.15 log10 cp/mL. After a median follow up of 16 months, 81 (16.2%) interruptions were reported, 36 (7.2%) of which for adverse events (16 of grade 653), most commonly neurological and gastrointestinal. We observed virological failures in only 8 (1.6%) patients. Naive patients showed a significant reduction in eGFR at week 24, 48 and 72 and in total cholesterol (TC)/HDL ratio at week 48 (p=0.007). In patients switching from PI we found a significant decrease at week 24 and 48 in TC and triglycerides at week 24, 48 and 72. eGFR showed a significant decrease at week 48 and 72. TC/HDL ratio showed a statistically significant decrease at week 24 (p=0.0008) and 72 (p=0.04). A significant increase at week 24 and 48 in AST and ALT values was observed. Patients switching from TDF/FTC/EFV showed a reduction in HDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides at week 24 and 48 and in eGFR at all follow up times. TC/HDL ratio showed a significant decrease at week 48 (p=0.01). CDC stage C and antiretroviral-experience (especially Protease Inhibitors) were associated with RPV discontinuation. Conclusion: In conclusion, our data confirm Rilpivirine efficacy, safety and tolerability with improvement in lipid profile. Although hepatic and renal events rarely caused discontinuation, liver and kidney parameters should be monitored