180 research outputs found

    The lethal effect of detergent on Microcyclops sp.

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    Microcyclops sp. was exposed to selected detergents (two dishwasher detergents, one washing-powder, one washing-machine powder and one shampoo) for 24 hours. The results indicated the dishwasher powder had higher lethal effect on Microcyclops sp. than the other examined detergents, especially one containing 17% Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate, 5% Di-Ethanolamine and 2% Lauric Acid. The permissible concentration and the LC50 for the dishwasher powder is 7.84 and 13.32 mg/l respectively. Among the powders the washing-machine powder appeared to be least lethal (LC50 = 43.87 mg/l) and the shampoo with LC50 of 47.27 mg/l had the lowest lethal effect on Microcyclops sp.. Correlation rate of the detergent concentration logarithm and the mortality of Microcyclops sp. ranged between 94-98%

    Discrete Formulation for Multi-objective Optimal Design of Produced Water Treatment

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    Produced Water is naturally occurring water that is brought to the surface during the extraction of the oil and gas and it constitutes the largest waste stream in the oil and gas industry. In offshore platforms, the majority of the produced water is discharged into the ocean, threatening marine life. The treatment of produced water is attractive, not only to meet regulations but to secure a potential source of fresh water. The design of water treatment should consider economic, environmental, and social aspects. This paper presents a discrete model for the evolution of oil droplet distribution due to breakage and coalescence phenomena. The discrete model combined with a superstructure representation for process design results in a mixed integer non-linear program which is solved using a nature-inspired meta-heuristic optimization method

    Accessibility to the public facilities: A mean to achieve civil rights of the people with disabilities in Iran

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    Objective: Civil rights may cover different aspects of citizens' lives. All the members of the society should have equal access to the public facilities and public transportation system. Barriers and obstacles in society may limit the accessibility of these facilities to the disabled people. Method: This article contains a part of the results in a phenomenological study of the Disability Rights. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to describe experiences of disability rights among 11 physically disabled that were living in Tehran, Iran. The study involves secondary analysis of in-depth transcribed interview data, using colazzi's method. Results:A total of 655 descriptive expressions were categorized in to 25 preliminary structural elements (sub themes). 7 essential structural elements (themes) emerged from an analysis of the sub themes. One of these themes was right to access which was emerged from an analysis of 6 sub themes. Conclusion: These sub themes that were obtained from an analysis of descriptive expressions of the participants, are: right to access to housing, right to access to education and information, right to access to job facilities, right to access to medical care and rehabilitation, right to access to rest, leisure and sport and right to access to places and transportation system. The right to access theme, was then categorized in to the civil rights field. In this article we will describe the right to access as it was experienced by those physically disabled people who participated in the interviews


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    Teknologi informasi telah berkembang menjadi teknologi yang banyak dimanfaatkan untuk mempermudah berbagai perkerjaan yang ada pada seluruh lapisan masyarakat, termasuk salah satunya yaitu pencatatan suatu data. Pencatatan suatu data akan menjadi lebih mudah apabila telah menggunakan bantuan teknologi informasi, namun pada kenyataanya masih banyak Lembaga atau institusi yang masih menggunakan cara lama yaitu pencatatan data secara manual pada buku dimana hal tersebut terjadi pada subjek penelitian ini yaitu Yayasan Quali International Surabaya. Tentunya hal tersebut masih sangat tidak efektif mengingat canggihnya teknologi yang ada pada era sekarang. Berangkat dari hal tersebut, maka langkah yang diambil adalah membuat rancang bangun aplikasi paperless office berbasis website menggunakan framework Laravel dan RESTful API sebagai sistem pencatatan data yang juga dapat mengambil data dari website Lembaga. Aplikasi paperless office dibuat menggunakan metode prototype yang memiliki beberapa tahapan proses pembuatan aplikasi berupa pengumpulan kebutuhan, membangun prototype, dan menguji sistem. Beberapa tahapan pada metode prototype dapat berlangsung beberapa kali berdasarkan kesesuaian hasil yang diinginkan pada setiap tahapan. Dengan adanya aplikasi paperless office, proses pengolahan dan pencatatan data pada Yayasan Quali International Surabaya menjadi lebih terpusat pada satu aplikasi berbasis website yang dapat diakses dimanapun dan kapanpun.Technology of information has been developed into a valuable technology that is widely used to facilitate various jobs that exist in all levels of society, including data recording. The process of data recording will be easier if technology of information applied. But in fact there are still many institutions using the old method, in which the data are still manually recorded on books. The manual data recording occurs in the subject of this research, Surabaya Quali International Foundation. Indeed, it is still very ineffective since technology has already elevated sophisticatedly in the present era. Hence, the steps taken are to make a website-based paperless office application design using the laravel framework and RESTful API as the system of data recording that can also retrieve data from the Institutional website. The paperless office application is made using the prototype method which has certain stages of the application making process. They are gathering needs, building prototypes, and testing the system. Stage in the prototype method can take several times based on the suitability of the achieved results at each stage. Using the paperless office application, the processing and recording of data at Surabaya Quali International Foundation becomes more centralized on a website-based application that can be accessed anywhere, and anytime


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    Teknologi informasi telah berkembang menjadi teknologi yang banyak dimanfaatkan untuk mempermudah berbagai perkerjaan yang ada pada seluruh lapisan masyarakat, termasuk salah satunya yaitu pencatatan suatu data. Pencatatan suatu data akan menjadi lebih mudah apabila telah menggunakan bantuan teknologi informasi, namun pada kenyataanya masih banyak Lembaga atau institusi yang masih menggunakan cara lama yaitu pencatatan data secara manual pada buku dimana hal tersebut terjadi pada subjek penelitian ini yaitu Yayasan Quali International Surabaya. Tentunya hal tersebut masih sangat tidak efektif mengingat canggihnya teknologi yang ada pada era sekarang. Berangkat dari hal tersebut, maka langkah yang diambil adalah membuat rancang bangun aplikasi paperless office berbasis website menggunakan framework Laravel dan RESTful API sebagai sistem pencatatan data yang juga dapat mengambil data dari website Lembaga. Aplikasi paperless office dibuat menggunakan metode prototype yang memiliki beberapa tahapan proses pembuatan aplikasi berupa pengumpulan kebutuhan, membangun prototype, dan menguji sistem. Beberapa tahapan pada metode prototype dapat berlangsung beberapa kali berdasarkan kesesuaian hasil yang diinginkan pada setiap tahapan. Dengan adanya aplikasi paperless office, proses pengolahan dan pencatatan data pada Yayasan Quali International Surabaya menjadi lebih terpusat pada satu aplikasi berbasis website yang dapat diakses dimanapun dan kapanpun.Technology of information has been developed into a valuable technology that is widely used to facilitate various jobs that exist in all levels of society, including data recording. The process of data recording will be easier if technology of information applied. But in fact there are still many institutions using the old method, in which the data are still manually recorded on books. The manual data recording occurs in the subject of this research, Surabaya Quali International Foundation. Indeed, it is still very ineffective since technology has already elevated sophisticatedly in the present era. Hence, the steps taken are to make a website-based paperless office application design using the laravel framework and RESTful API as the system of data recording that can also retrieve data from the Institutional website. The paperless office application is made using the prototype method which has certain stages of the application making process. They are gathering needs, building prototypes, and testing the system. Stage in the prototype method can take several times based on the suitability of the achieved results at each stage. Using the paperless office application, the processing and recording of data at Surabaya Quali International Foundation becomes more centralized on a website-based application that can be accessed anywhere, and anytime

    Effects of Small Group Education on Interdialytic Weight Gain, and Blood Pressures in Hemodialysis Patients

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    Background: One of the most common problems in patients undergoing hemodialysis is interdialytic weight gain due to high liquid intake. Many patients are not fully aware of the fluid restriction. Group educations, such as small-group education, are among powerful methods to enable patients correct their behaviors, and enhance their capabilities, knowledge, and awareness. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of small-group education on interdialytic weight gain, and blood pressures in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Patients and Methods: This is a quasi-experimental study. Data collected from 42 patients undergoing hemodialysis. Before education, the mean of interdialytic weight gain during one week, and blood pressure were recorded. Then small-group education performed in 4 sessions. One week, and one month after the education, the mentioned parameters were recorded again. Repeated measure analysis of variances was conducted and pair-wise comparison was done using the Bonferroni test. Descriptive statistics were calculated for demographic variables. Results: The mean, and standard deviation of interdialytic weight gain of participants was 3.64 ± 0.88 kg, before the education, and significantly decreased to 1.34 ± 0.61 kg, and 1.71 ± 0.72 kg one week, and one month after the education, respectively (P = 0.001). Also, the mean and standard deviation of participants' systolic blood pressure was 139.7 ± 16.45 mmHg before the education, and significantly decreased to 129.6 ± 12.16, and 129.5 ± 11.51 mmHg one week, and one month after the education, respectively (P = 0.001). But, the mean and standard deviation of diastolic blood pressure of the participants was 81.4 ± 6.07 mmHg before the education, and decreased to 79.7 ± 5.51 and 81.7 ± 5.27 mmHg one week, and one month after the education respectively. However, no statistically significant difference was observed between the diastolic blood pressure in the three phases (P = 0.061). Conclusions: Small-group education in patients undergoing hemodialysis leads to a decrease in interdialytic weight gain, and systolic blood pressure, but has no effect on diastolic blood pressure

    Comparison of social skills of students in in-person training and online system

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    Background and Objectives:The computer is used as a powerful yet cost-effective tool in people's lives for any work or activity. The use of computers in education has increased dramatically in recent years, and computers and related technologies are now used in many schools around the world. Up to recently people should gather to learn in a specific place and time, but nowadays by the advancement of technological infrastructures and the Internet this need has vanished to a great extent. Soon everyone is able to learn anything, anywhere, at any time. This is accomplished under the umbrella of a new educational system, called e-learning. Social skills include components. Tolerance, how to react in the face of conflict, critical thinking, the decision to accept or reject an opinion and success based on logical reasons and evidence, responsibility, taking on a job or task and being accountable for it, activity Group activities, participation in group activities, duty, self-control, empathy, gaining, enriching and developing new relationships with other people in the community, respecting others, paying attention to relationships that preserve the social status of oneself and others, and finally, cooperation and coordination with the actions of others towards a common goal are components of social skills. Of all the organizations that play a key role in the socialization of individuals, educational systems are the first official place to gain social experience and the most basic element of social development of individuals because the education system of any society. It is the foundation of the social, economic, political and cultural development of that society. The purpose of this research was comparing the social skills of students under conventional training and e-learning education system. Methods:  The research method is quasi-experimental with two experimental groups. The first comparison was done using a “Pre-Test” and second comparison was also done using a “Post-Test”. A total of 48 people were randomly selected as a sample group. These two groups were similar and comparing the dependent variable was done at the same time and under the same condition.  The social skills questionnaire By Garsham & Elliot was used. The Analyze of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used for analyzing data. Findings: The results showed that there are significant differences between the two groups and e-learning environment in terms of social skills and social skills components of users of this environment has shown better performance in comparison to Face-To-Face training. Conclusion: The results of the analysis of research data indicate that the e-learning environment has a positive effect on the level of social skills and its components on students. Students in the e-learning environment scored higher than the other group in the traditional learning environment. This indicates the effectiveness of the environment designed for e-learning in the level of social skills

    Power management optimization of hybrid power systems in electric ferries

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    The integration of more-electric technologies, such as energy storage systems (ESSs) and electric propulsion, has gained attention in recent years as a promising approach to reduce fuel consumption and emissions in the maritime industry. In this context, hybrid power systems (HPSs) with direct current (DC) distribution are currently gaining a commendable interest in research and industrial applications. This paper examines the impact of using HPS with DC distribution and a battery energy storage system (BESS) over a conventional AC power system for short haul roll-on/roll-off (RORO) ferries. An electric ferry with a HPS is modeled in this study and the power management system is simulated using the Matlab/Simulink software. The result is validated using measured load profile of a ferry. The performance of the DC HPS is compared with the conventional AC system based on fuel consumption and emission reductions. An approach to estimate the fuel consumption of the diesel engine through calculation of specific fuel oil consumption (SFOC) is also presented. This study uses two optimization techniques: a classical power management method namely Rule-Based control (RB) and a meta-heuristic power management method known as Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) to optimally manage the power sharing of the proposed HPS. Fuel consumption and emission indicators are also used to assess the performance of the two power management methods. The simulation results show that the HPS provides a 2.91% and 7.48% fuel consumption reduction using RB method and GWO method respectively. It is apparent from the result that the HPS has more fuel savings while running the diesel generator sets (DGs) at higher operational efficiency. It is interesting that the proposed HPS using both power management methods provided a 100% emission reduction at berth. Finally, it was found that using a meta-heuristic optimization algorithm provides better fuel and emission reductions than a classical method