539 research outputs found

    Peran Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam Menjamin Hak-hak Konstitusionalwarga Negara

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    The Constitutional Court as the judicial authority is responsible for maintaining the constitution directly and participates in strengthening the rights of human rights. This is drawn directly from the nature of the understanding that the constitution itself as a political document that protects the rights of human rights of every citizen and people who live in the country. The constitutional functions are the first, limiting the powers contained in the constitutional scheme of a nation, and second, to formulate protection constitutional rights of the citizens and the rights of human as a whole. That is why the role of the Constitutional Court directly correlated with the significance of the role of enforcement agencies of human rights in terms of “norms control”. Embodiment of constitutional and judicial review is examining through compliance with the norms of the constitution messages that cannot be separated from the universality of normative messages of human rights

    Perkawinan bagi penghayat kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa: Studi di Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Jawa Tengah = Marriage Among the Believers without A Religious Affiliation: Study in the Province of Central Java

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    This research on implementation of marriage among the believers without a religious affiliation is a normative study of law, covering research into the legal norms and principles. It is classified as research on legal norms and principles bermise it will study the legal and principles in marital law, the various legal definitions of marriage andjurisprudence related to marriage among the believers without a religious affiliation. The results of this research indicated that, before the enactment of Marriage Act, 1, 1974 in the Province of Central Java, marriage among believers without a religious affiliation who do not adhere themselves to certain religious was made possible by having their marriage registered at the Civil Registration Office. The legal basis for such a marriage was Regulation of Civil Registration for Non-Christian Indonesian in Java and Madura of S.1920-751. Upon the enactment of Marriage Act, 1, 1974 up to 1987 such a marriage among believers without a religious affiliation was still possible by having their marriage registered at the Civil Registration Office. The legal basis for such a marriage was the Decision of the Minister of Home Affairs number 221 a of 1975 and endorsed by the Letter of the Governor of Central Java number SPG/1018/4/1/1979. The procedures of marriage must be followed in accordance -with customary law (Javanese customary law) and subsequently the parties involved have their marriage registered at Civil Registration Office. Since December, 1987, the Civil Registration Office throughout the Province of Central Java no longer deals with the registration of marriage among believers without a religious affiliation not adhering to any religion because they shall formally process their marriage in accordance with religious law. Such a requirement has been staled in the Lc:lter of the Governor number 477/33311/1987 which, among other things, have confirmed that \u27the recording of marriage among believers without a religious affiliation shall proceed in accordance with the religion to which they adhere" In addition, there has been lack of uniformity in the requirements for the recording of marriage among believers without a religious affiliation, Le: I. TheLetler of the Minister of Religion number MA/650/1979 and the Letter of the Attorney General number R-489/D.1/6/1983 have respectively declared that such a marriage is unacceptable and prohibited . 2. The Letter of the Supreme Court number KMA/72fiV/1981 and the Letter of the Minister of Home Affairs number 477/74054/1978 have respectively declared that a marriage among believers without a religious affiliation is permitted. Furthermore, there have been differences of opinions between Religious Scholars, Judges, Attorneys and Officials of Civil Registration Office regarding the legality of a marriage among believers without a religious affiliation who registered at the Civiivil Registration Office only. On the one hand, some authorities regarded a marriage which is only registered at the Civil Registration Office without have been followed by procedures in accordance with religious law as illegal because such a marriage failed to meet the requirements of Article 2, sub-article (1) of the Marriage Act, 1, 1974. On the other hand, some authorities regarded such a marriage is legal. Such circumstances have been regarded by the believers without religious affiliation who do not adhere to any religion as an attempt to hinder marriage proceedings because they felt that such a marriage has already adequately followed proper procedures. For the time being, the efforts taken by believers without religious affiliation who do not adhere to any religion to process their marriage are: 1. Abiding by a religion in order that they may have their marriage registered. 2. Submitting a request to the District Court (Pengadilan Negeri). When the request to proceed with the marriage in accordance with the non-religion-affiliated belief is given consent by the Court, the Court will order the Civil Registration Office to registered the marriage. In order to assure legal security and to overcome problems in the proceedings and the recording of a marriage among believers without religious affiliation, it is necessary to have a special regulation established in the form of a law regulating the proceedings and the recording of a marriage among the believers without religious affiliation. Key words: marriage among believers without religious affiliation -procedures -- legality -- marriage regulation

    Slow Tourism: A Possible Solution to Indigenous Communities’ Invisibility in San Cristobal de las Casas

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    Tourism is Mexico’s second largest service industry and makes up a significant amount of the country’s revenue. Scholars have considered and described the impact of Indigenous exploitation on the tourism industry; however, researchers have generally limited their investigation to the social conflict between Indigenous communities, mestizos, and tourists, instead of providing sustainable solutions to an issue that has worsened with time. Parallelly, even though recent studies have suggested Slow Tourism as a development tool to the economy, their proposal does not consider Indigenous communities as active agents. We report the results of descriptive research design, considered from a transactionalist framework, from which we draw potential steps towards a sustainable and fair industry; this methodology allows accurate description of the Fast Tourism phenomenon. Through field work in non-participant observation and field notes gathered in the span of four weeks, the observation process develops in a three-stage funnel system, manifested in the appendix. This study aims to shift the current international and capitalist touristic models to fit Indigenous communities’ necessities and values through the implementation of Slow Tourism practices

    Designing Guidelines to Discover Causes of Delays in Construction Projects: The Case of Lebanon

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    Construction projects in developing countries have the priority among other projects as they are considered safe investments in an unpredictable market. Due to this prioritization, it has become increasingly important that such projects are managed in accordance with internationally accepted management best practice. Project managers of construction projects in developing countries face difficulties in effectively monitoring the progress of projects they are responsible for due to many variables. The purpose of this study is to investigate the causes of delays in the construction projects that were covered in the considered literature and conduct qualitative research to investigate their relevance by interviewing project managers of actual projects in Lebanon. Based on the literature review and from the recommendations recorded during interviews, the researcher aims to create a set of guidelines that will improve the manner in which project managers can adapt to, discover and deal with project delays. These guidelines can be utilized as an early warning system concerning delays in construction projects

    Identifikasi Kandungan Rhodamin B, Methanyl Yellow dan Escherichia coli pada Manisan Mangga Basah di Daerah Cirebon

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    Manisan mangga merupakan salah satu produk olahan khas daerah yang terkenal di daerah Cirebon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keamanan pangan manisan mangga basah yang dijual di daerah Cirebon. Uji kualitatif rhodamin B dan methanyl yellow menggunakan test kit, sedangkan uji kuantitatif Escherichia coli menggunakan most probable number (MPN). Sampel penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling yang berjumlah 10 sampel manisan mangga basah yang berasal dari 7 lokasi yang berbeda di daerah Cirebon. Data yang didapatkan berdasarkan hasil identifikasi rhodamin B dan methanyl yellow dianalisis secara kualitatif deskriptif, sedangkan hasil identifikasi kandungan Escherichia coli dianalisis secara kuantitatif. Hasilnya seluruh sampel tidak mengandung rhodamin B dan methanyl yellow, tetapi sebanyak 90% sampel mengandung Escherichia coli yang melebihi batas maksimal yang ditetapkan oleh SNI 7338:2009. Pada penelitian ini, hampir seluruh sampel mengandung Escherichia coli yang melebihi batas maksimum

    Hear my voice: a community-based participatory study gathering the lived experiences of people with disabilities and older people in Tanzania

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the URL in this record.This study provides evidence on the specific nature and experiences of people with disabilities and older people from their own perspectives in rural and urban settings in Tanzania. Its aim was to better inform efforts to provide services for and improve the lives of people living in those regions. A community-based participatory approach was used, involving collaboration with the community. Peer researchers and research partners collected and analysed interviews with people with disabilities and older people, leading to policy and advocacy recommendations and early stage plans. Findings were framed in terms of experiences of participation and inclusion as impacted by physical, social and attitudinal factors, as well presented at individual, interpersonal and societal levels. They demonstrate how lack of access to healthcare and education, social limitations and powerful community attitudes were interwoven and exacerbated poverty in these contexts. Policy recommendations cover issues such as halting persecution and killings of people with albinism, support and guidance for families of children with disabilities, national policy on ageing legislation, and implementing and monitoring the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

    Sistem Pakar Identifikasi Penyakit Tanaman Padi di Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian Sepatan Tangerang

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    Berbagai penyakit yang menyerang tanaman padi dapat menyebabkan tidak maksimalnya panen. Petani harus mengetahui cara mencegah dan mengobati tiap penyakit yang menyerang tanaman padi dengan cara mengetahui faktor-faktor atau gejala-gejala yang timbul sedini mungkin, sedangkan untuk mengetahui secara tepat jenis penyakit yang menyerang memerlukan seorang ahli atau pakar pertanian yang mampu mengidentifikasi penyakit secara detail dan menyeluruh. Di Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian Sepatan permasalahan pertanian yang dialami petani sering mengakibatkan tidak maksimalnya hasil pertanian padi oleh petani. Perlu dilakukan terobosan untuk menyiasati dengan adanya sistem dengan kemampuan melakukan analisa dan layaknya seorang pakar dan dapat menghasilkan rekomendasi secara cepat. Sistem pakar ini menggunakan pendekatan penalaran certainly factor dan mesin inferensi forward chaining yang direpresentasikan dalam kaidah IF-THEN yang diimplementasikan dalam bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan basis data MySQL. Dengan adanya sistem pakar ini diharapkan dapat membantu penyuluh pertanian untuk mengatasi terbatasnya ahli atau pakar pertanian tanaman padi
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