3,085 research outputs found

    Correlation of Concepts of Intangible Property of the State, National Wealth and Intangible Heritage

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    AbstractIn the modern information society, the role of intangible values increases: knowledge, information, reputation and other intangible objects are able to provide a competitive advantage to individual companies and states as a whole. In the article such concepts as intangible national wealth, intangible heritage and intangible property of the state are considered. The purpose of this article is to differentiate the suggested concepts and to define their intrinsic characteristic. The intangible national wealth is understood as knowledge, level of culture and etc. Intangible heritage - the non-material benefits created by the previous generations and being of value in the modern society. To the objects of intangible heritage refer knowledge, traditions, customs, non-material objects of culture and etc. The intangible property of the state, in our opinion is a set of the relations concerning the non-material objects, which represent a certain value for society (knowledge, skills, culture, traditions, and customs)

    A formação da competência intercultural entre os alunos no processo de ensino do inglés

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    In the international level for modern journalist a linguistic and a cultural component have become increasingly important. In addition to knowledge in the professional field, future teacher needs to possess cultural, sociocultural knowledge and skills of intercultural communication. Nowadays this problem is widely discussed due to the active growth of theoretical and practical interest in issues of intercultural communication. The introduction of a two-level education system (bachelor's and master's degrees) in Russia entails a considerable number of changes, including creating courses of a foreign language. These programs must be compiled in accordance with the new federal state standards the main demand of which is to increase the level of intercultural competence of students in the process of teaching a foreign language at a university.This article touches upon an experiment on the formation of intercultural competence of students. The different technologies as: projects, discussions, brainstorming, and roles games were used for the formation of the intercultural competence. The results of the experiment proved the effectiveness of competence-based approach in the formation of intercultural competence of future journalist.El artículo trata del subsistema ontológico de los fundamentos filosóficos de la imagen correspondiente del mundo, definiendo la comprensión típica del mundo como una unidad en una variedad de propiedades y relaciones típicas de un período histórico particular sobre la base de la interpretación filosófica apropiada de categorías tales como la materia, el movimiento, el espacio y el tiempo, necesario y accidental, posible y real, y otras categorías, atraídos por el patrimonio filosófico clásico y las enseñanzas filosóficas no clásicas. El autor señala que un evento importante en el desarrollo del enfoque sistémico fue la publicación por Immanuel Kant en 1755 de la obra "Universal Natural History and Theory of the Sky". El artículo describe el logro fundamental que es el desarrollo de la llamada "física del surgimiento" que lee para expresar el principio ("De lo existente a lo emergente") de tal manera: el paradigma evolutivo se expande y se eleva al rango de la base de todos los procesos que ingresan según la segunda ley de la termodinámica. Se establece que el holismo moderno sintetiza el evolucionismo, llevado a la idea del autodesarrollo, con un enfoque sistémico, en el que la "zona de responsabilidad" no solo es aislada sino abierta los sistemas complejos caen en. Se afirma el apoyo de la nanotecnología y el tetraedro NBI 'en su conjunto, es decir, la iniciativa NBIC, también es un complejo de autoorganización y sistema de autodesarrollo.No nível internacional para o jornalista moderno, um componente linguístico e cultural tornou-se cada vez mais importante. Além do conhecimento no campo profissional, o futuro professor deve possuir habilidades de comunicação cultural, sociocultural e intercultural. Atualmente, este problema é amplamente debatido devido ao crescimento ativo do interesse teórico e prático em questões de comunicação intercultural. A introdução de um sistema de ensino de dois níveis (bacharel e mestrado) na Rússia envolve um número considerável de mudanças, incluindo a criação de cursos em uma língua estrangeira. Estes programas devem ser compilados de acordo com as novas normas federais do estado cuja principal demanda é aumentar o nível de competência intercultural dos estudantes no processo de ensino de uma língua estrangeira em uma universidade.Este artigo aborda um experimento sobre a formação da competência intercultural dos estudantes. As diferentes tecnologias, tais como: projetos, discussões, brainstorming e role plays foram utilizados para a formação da competência intercultural. Os resultados do experimento demonstraram a eficácia da abordagem baseada em competências na formação da competência intercultural do futuro jornalista


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    Purpose of the study: This article proposes a system for teaching English spelling as one of the aspects of mastering a word, i.e. mastering the acoustic, semantic, functional, and graphic-orthographic sides of a word. The task of the given research is considering the operational content of the process of re-encrypting audio signals into alphabetic, i.e. act of writing itself, as one of the components of writing. Methodology: The analysis of the process of replacing acoustic signals with letters in the act of writing in order to identify its structure is based on scientific ideas about the patterns of functioning of the speech mechanism, of which the act of writing itself is a part. The content of learning activities in mastering English spelling includes sets of actions for both teachers and students. The approximate stage in the activity of mastering English spelling begins with the presentation of a visual image of previously orally worked out words. Results: After identifying signs of learning difficulties in a graphic orthographic form of the words being acquired, a kind of problem situation is created, i.e. there is a need to choose actions that would most effectively overcome difficulties. The teacher helps and guides this choice. Teaching orientation in educational material, training individual actions and inclusion of acquired words in written speech activity are recognized as the main stages in such training. The authors actualize the need for specially organized didactic processes - learning steps that together form a learning activity, which is a way to form the mechanisms on which the act of writing is based. Applications of this study: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality of this study: In this research, the model of the Content and Organization of Teaching Orthography as one of the Components of Written Speech is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner


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    Abstract. The urgency of the problem under study is due to the role that the demographic factor, along with socio-economic and national, plays in society, and the need to turn now to Russiaт historical experience in the field of reproduction and population preservation, a necessary condition for its successful development. The paper is aimed at analyzing the dynamics of the civil status of the Russian Muslim community on the basis of the information potential of census records concerning residents of the village of Staryie Tinchali, Buinsk district, Simbirsk province, from 1795 to 1858. Mathematical-statistical and demographic (calculation of general and special demographic coefficients) methods became the leading methods for the study. The study shows the value of the census records for studying the history of population on the example of a particular Muslim Ummah. The indicators that reflect the demographic state of the Tatar village at the end of the XVIII - the first half of the XIX century are analyzed: sex and age composition, population growth, birth rate, mortality, marriage, childhood and family typology. It was found that by the middle of the XIX century, in the Tatar village there was an improvement in the situation with the reproduction of the population. The thesis on early marriage of Tatar Muslim women was rejected. Materials of the paper can be useful in the study of demographic, historical, geographical, and socio-cultural problems of the history of the multi-ethnic, multi-confessional Volga-Ural region of the Russian Empire in the new time.Key words: census records, socio-demographic image of the Tatar village, historical demography, fiscalaccounting of the population, Simbirsk province


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    Purpose: The article describes the view of the author to the actualization of national consciousness of students by means of humanitarian disciplines. The processes of globalization and integration of Tatarstan Republic into the world space exacerbate the problem of preserving the uniqueness and identity, national cultures in the conditions of cultural diversity. Methodology: To solve the problems, we used the following research methods: theoretical (study and analysis of philosophical, psychological, ethnological, sociological, pedagogical, cultural, linguistic, methodological and other literature on the research topic); empirical (pedagogical observation, group and individual conversations, oral and written surveys, testing, questioning, pedagogical experiment); mathematical methods (registration of obtained data, method of mathematical processing of experimental research results). Result: The analysis of the research showed that developed national self-consciousness promotes spiritual development and self-development of the individual. National self-consciousness is the recognition of belonging to a certain national community, along with a positive assessment of representatives of other national cultures, the individual's representation of language, culture, typical features of the community, the common historical past, religion, territory, and statehood. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of National Self-Consciousness of Students in Higher Educational Studies in the Republic of Tatarstan by Means of Humanitarian Disciplines is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner


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    Purpose of the Study: The urgency of the problem under investigation is due to the fact that the issue of gifted students’ education is one of the most difficult and interesting aspects of contemporary pedagogy. The purpose of the article is to identify the psychological characteristics of the gifted students’ development. In this article, the school difficulties of gifted students are revealed and the causes of internal and external nature are analyzed. The authors pay special attention to the social and emotional consequences, which can be rather destructive if appropriate assistance is not provided by teachers, psychologists, and parents. Methodology: The leading approach to the study of this problem is a method of theoretical analysis and synthesis of social, political and psycho-pedagogical literature. Results: The main result of the study is a theoretical analysis of the relationship between learning and the development of gifted children and their psychological characteristics. Application: The materials of the article can be useful for teachers, students and a wide range of readers interested in the problems of gifted students’ education


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    Purpose of the study: The problems of the self-education of the person, the organization of his/her self-directed activity have deep historical roots and considered to be one of those pedagogical problems that have remained relevant regardless of certain historical conditions, being the focus of researchers for almost a century and a half. The authors have analyzed the concept of self-directed learning in Russian and foreign pedagogy, introduced the formation of self-education in domestic and foreign pedagogical science and identified the essential characteristics of self-education in different historical periods. Methodology: Our study is based on the theoretical research method – the analysis of foreign and national philosophical, historical, pedagogical literature on a problem; analysis and generalization of modern pedagogical experience; the method of the unity of historical and logical consideration of pedagogical phenomena. Results: The historical retrospective of processes of formation of self-education presented in the context of social development shows that essential characteristics of self-education are caused by a set of historical, economic, political and social factors including the entire logic of development of education in general. The author defines the essence of self-education in the context of a new paradigm of development of education – Life-Long Learning. Applications of this study: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality of this study: In this research, the model of the Formation of the Concept of Self-Education in the History of Russian and Foreign Pedagogy is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner


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    Purpose of the Study: The urgency of the problem under investigation is because, the issue of gifted students’ education is one of the most difficult and interesting aspects of contemporary pedagogy. The purpose of the article is to identify the psychological characteristics of the gifted students’ development. In this article, the school difficulties of gifted students are revealed and the causes of internal and external nature are analyzed. Methodology: The leading approach to the study of this problem is a method of a theoretical analysis and synthesis of social, political, and psycho-pedagogical literature. Results: The main result of the study is a theoretical analysis of the relationship between learning and the development of gifted children and their psychological characteristics. Application:The materials of the article can be useful for teachers, students, and a wide range of readers interested in the problems of gifted students’ education. The authors pay special attention to the social and emotional consequences, which can be rather destructive if appropriate assistance is not provided by teachers, psychologists, and parents

    The Influence of Islam on the Musical Culture of the Volga Bulgaria of the Domngol Period

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    The article presents current issues of the influence of early feudal statehood and Islam on the development of the musical culture of the Volga Bulgaria of the pre-Mongol period. The Tatar people have a long history, writing, literature, and distinctive musical culture. The musical culture of the Tatar people is a unique form of artistic thinking of the people. It reflected historical destinies, living and working conditions, dreams and innermost thoughts of the Tatar people. The music of the Tatar people has changed over various historical periods. She absorbed the layers of new eras. At the same time, the music of the Tatar people has preserved traditions, despite modifications or the creation of a new one.Tatar original musical culture as a stylistic feature had a significant impact on the development of the spiritual culture of a number of peoples of the Middle Volga and Ural regions. Without knowledge of the spiritual culture of the Kazan Tatars and their ancestors, it is impossible to fully comprehend and appreciate the cultural achievements of the modern peoples of the Volga-Ural region