814 research outputs found

    Embed and Conquer: Scalable Embeddings for Kernel k-Means on MapReduce

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    The kernel kk-means is an effective method for data clustering which extends the commonly-used kk-means algorithm to work on a similarity matrix over complex data structures. The kernel kk-means algorithm is however computationally very complex as it requires the complete data matrix to be calculated and stored. Further, the kernelized nature of the kernel kk-means algorithm hinders the parallelization of its computations on modern infrastructures for distributed computing. In this paper, we are defining a family of kernel-based low-dimensional embeddings that allows for scaling kernel kk-means on MapReduce via an efficient and unified parallelization strategy. Afterwards, we propose two methods for low-dimensional embedding that adhere to our definition of the embedding family. Exploiting the proposed parallelization strategy, we present two scalable MapReduce algorithms for kernel kk-means. We demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms through an empirical evaluation on benchmark data sets.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 201

    HST Detection of Extended Neutral Hydrogen in a Massive Elliptical at z = 0.4

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    We report the first detection of extended neutral hydrogen (HI) gas in the interstellar medium (ISM) of a massive elliptical galaxy beyond z~0. The observations utilize the doubly lensed images of QSO HE 0047-1756 at z_QSO = 1.676 as absorption-line probes of the ISM in the massive (M_star ~ 10^11 M_sun) elliptical lens at z = 0.408, detecting gas at projected distances of d = 3.3 and 4.6 kpc on opposite sides of the lens. Using the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), we obtain UV absorption spectra of the lensed QSO and identify a prominent flux discontinuity and associated absorption features matching the Lyman series transitions at z = 0.408 in both sightlines. The HI column density is log N(HI) = 19.6-19.7 at both locations across the lens, comparable to what is seen in 21 cm images of nearby ellipticals. The HI gas kinematics are well-matched with the kinematics of the FeII absorption complex revealed in ground-based echelle data, displaying a large velocity shear of 360 km/s across the galaxy. We estimate an ISM Fe abundance of 0.3-0.4 solar at both locations. Including likely dust depletions increases the estimated Fe abundances to solar or supersolar, similar to those of the hot ISM and stars of nearby ellipticals. Assuming 100% covering fraction of this Fe-enriched gas,we infer a total Fe mass of M_cool(Fe)~(5-8)x10^4 M_sun in the cool ISM of the massive elliptical lens, which is no more than 5% of the total Fe mass observed in the hot ISM.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Analisis pengaruh promosi dan kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan pada objek wisata puncak gundaling di Kabupaten Karo

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    Gundaling Peak is a tourist attraction located in the Karo highlands. To increase the number of visitors, customer satisfaction must be considered and improved, several variables that can affect customer satisfaction include promotion and service quality. This study aims to analyze the impact of promotion and service quality on customer satisfaction who visit the Puncak Gundaling tourist attraction. The method used in this research is a descriptive quantitative research method and the sampling technique is non-probability sampling with a total of 100 respondents. Data collection techniques are questionnaires and library data collection. The conclusion of this study is that promotion and service quality affect visitor satisfaction with a percentage of 65.77% and the remaining 34.23 is influenced by other variables not examined in this study

    Mutu Jagung yang Diperdagangkan di Kota Jambi Diukur Berdasarkan Nilai Bulk Density dan Kandungan Serat Kasar

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    Maize is being used as the main energy source in poultry feed in Indonesia. The authorities therefore, must guarantee that the maize available in markets must meet Indonesian quality standards. Determination of maize quality standards is still based on nutrient contents obtained through chemical analysis, which is very expensive and time consuming. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of maize based on the bulk density (BD) value and crude fiber (CF) content of maize, these two parameters were then correlated to obtain the prediction equation. Samples were taken from 17 poultry shops (PS) of Jambi City and were divided into 3 groups based on sales turnover scale (large, medium, small). Each scale represented by 6 PS. Pure maize was used as a control. A total of 3 kg of maize samples was randomly taken from each PS represented by 3 sacks of maize.Obtained samples were subjected to BD measurement and CF analysis. The results showed that BD and CF of maize were not affected by sales turnover scale. There was adulteration of maize cobs in a proportion of 6.78, 7.67 and 15.47% in granulated, crushed and ground maize, respectively. The quality of maize traded at Jambi City was not affected by sales turnover scale. The chemical quality of maize as reflected by CF content (Y, %) can be predicted from BD (g/ml) according to this equation Y= -0.0285X + 21.83, r2= 0.65.The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of maize based on physical characteristics. Samples were taken from 17 poultry shops (PS) in Jambi City and divided into 3 groups based on sales turnover (large, medium, small) and each turnover group consisted of 6 PS. Pure corn was used as a control. A total of 3 kg of corn samples were taken from each PS, each randomly taken from 3 sacks of corn. Corn samples were measured for bulk density (BD) and analyzed for crude fiber (CF). The results showed that BD and CF of corn were not affected by sales turnover scale. There was adulteration of corn cobs of 6.78, 7.67 and 15.47% in granulated, crushed and milled corn, respectively. The quality of corn circulating in Jambi City is not affected by sales turnover. The chemical quality of corn as reflected by CF (Y, %) can be predicted from BD (g/ml) using the equation Y= -0.0285X + 21.83, r2= 0.65.Maize is being used as the main energy source in poultry feed in Indonesia. The authorities therefore, must guarantee that the maize available in markets must meet Indonesian quality standards. Determination of maize quality standards is still based on nutrient contents obtained through chemical analysis, which is very expensive and time consuming. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of maize based on the bulk density (BD) value and crude fiber (CF) content of maize, these two parameters were then correlated to obtain the prediction equation. Samples were taken from 17 poultry shops (PS) of Jambi City and were divided into 3 groups based on sales turnover scale (large, medium, small). Each scale represented by 6 PS. Pure maize was used as a control. A total of 3 kg of maize samples was randomly taken from each PS represented by 3 sacks of maize.Obtained samples were subjected to BD measurement and CF analysis. The results showed that BD and CF of maize were not affected by sales turnover scale. There was adulteration of maize cobs in a proportion of 6.78, 7.67 and 15.47% in granulated, crushed and ground maize, respectively. The quality of maize traded at Jambi City was not affected by sales turnover scale. The chemical quality of maize as reflected by CF content (Y, %) can be predicted from BD (g/ml) according to this equation Y= -0.0285X + 21.83, r2= 0.65

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Lapangan Departemen Grasberg

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    The competition in business world demands a company to improve its performance. The work environment became a necessity for employees. The company’s eforts in fulflling the needs are the improvement of the physical work environment and the non-physical work environment in the company. PT. Freeport itself has realized that the company’s success depends on the contribution of each employee. In order to do so, Freeport is committed to achieving excellence which includes necessity and satisfaction of each employee.The purpose of this research is to understand the representation of work environment between physical work environment and non-physical work environment, job satisfaction, as well as the infuence of work environment on job satisfaction at Grasberg Power Distribution Department in PT. Freeport Indonesia Tembagapura Papua.Quantitative approach is used simultaneously with causal research method. Number of samples were 57 respondents, where the sampling technique used is saturated sample technique. Descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis are used as the technique of data analysis. The result of partial hypothesis test showed the physical work environment and the non-physical work environment had the most positive and signifcant infuence to the employees satisfaction with t > t and the signifcant test result was 0,000 smaller count table than 0,05. H was accepted. Based on the result of simultaneous hypothesis test, the work 0 environment (the physical work environment and the non-physical work environment) has the positive signifcant infuence to the employees satisfaction of Grasberg Power Distribution Department. It can be evidenced by F calculate > F table (40,086> 3,170) with the signifcancy at 0,000 < 0,05. According on the determination coefcient test, around 59,8% employees satisfaction variable was afected by the work environment. The residue which are 40,2% was afected by the other variables which is not investigated in this research

    A Study on the Ability of the First Year Students of Sman 2 Rumbio Jaya in Retelling Fairy Tales

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    This descriptive research was aimed to find out the ability of the first year students of SMA Negeri 2 Rumbio Jaya in retelling fairy tales. The research data were collected on July 2016. The subject of this research was class X1 consisted of 25 students. The data were collected by giving text to the students in term of fairy tales namely Putri Pandan Berduri, Keong Mas (The Golden Snail), Lutung Kasarung, Bunga Batu (The Stone Flower), and Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih (Onion and Garlic). The students were asked to retell fairy tales in front of the class. During the students retelling the story, three raters were listening and checking the students' performance. The students were given scores by three raters based on the five components of speaking namely pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Based on the research findings, it was found out thatthe ability of the first year students in retelling fairy tales is in mediocre level with the mean score 45.92. Then, the result showed that no student was in excellent level and 3 students (12%) reached good level. Furthermore, 15 students (60 %) were in mediocre level. Moreover, 7 students (28%) were in poor level and no student got the score in very poor level
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