2 research outputs found

    Copper Recovery of E-Waste Disposal (SIMCARD) by Using Electro-Generated Chlorine

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    One method for dissolving Cu from e-waste is to use electro-leaching. The waste used is Simcard and NaCl as electrolytes. Simcard contains copper metal and several other valuable metals such as silver (Ag), gold (Au) and palladium (Pa). The electro-leaching process is carried out in an electrolytic cell reactor where chlorine gas will be produced from the electrolysis process, then chlorine gas will extract the copper contained in the Simcard. This research was conducted by varying the electrode potential (voltage)/electric current (amperes), salt concentration and time. From this research, Simcard contains copper (Cu) by 40.53% and can be separated by electro-leaching method in a stirred acrylic reactor with the best results under operating conditions; a temperature of 30⁰ C, a pressure of 1 atm, a concentration of 10% salt solution, a potential difference of 10 Volts, a leaching time of 60 minutes, and a stirring speed of 600 rpm resulted in a Simcard metal alloy yield of 98.59%


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    Abstrak: Kopi merupakan komoditas andalan perkebunan di Indonesia, utamanya bagi Kabupaten Bondowoso, Jawa Timur. Salah satu pemasok kopi utama di Bondowoso adalah Desa Tanah Wulan, Kecamatan Maesan dimana mata pencaharian utama penduduknya adalah sebagai petani. Mayoritas perempuan berprofesi sebagai ibu rumah tangga sehingga mempunyai banyak waktu luang untuk memproduksi kopi mentah menjadi kopi olahan, sehingga hal ini menjadi obyek pendampingan bagi tim pengabdian untuk melakukan pelatihan pengolahan kopi rempah (KORE) pada tahun 2019. Namun dampak pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan pengolahan kopi rempah masih belum maksimal, sehingga sejak tahun 2020 hingga kini Tim Pengabdian berinisiatif melakukan strategi pengurusan sertifikasi industri rumah tangga melalui Produk Industri Rumah Tangga (PIRT) dan mendampingi dalam manajemen kaderisasi perempuan di desa Tanah Wulan. Solusi yang ditawarkan pada kegiatan ini berupa pemberdayaan perempuan melalui manajemen kaderisasi perempuan di Desa Tanah Wulan. Manajemen kaderisasi berguna untuk menciptakan orang-orang yang akan berperan penting dalam kegiatan produksi hingga pemasaran produk KORE sehingga produk KORE mampu berjalan secara berkelanjutan. Kegiatan inti program ini adalah pengurusan PIRT produk KORE dan pendampingan perempuan di desa Tanah Wulan melalui manajemen kaderisasi. Peningkatan nilai ekonomi kopi rempah melalui pengurusan PIRT dan manajemen kaderisasi petani perempuan Desa Tanah Wulan memberikan peluang yang menjanjikan. Selama pelaksanaan program, perempuan petani kopi menunjukkan antusiasme yang tinggi dalam membentuk kader dan melaksanakan usaha KORE yang berkelanjutan.Abstract:  Coffee is a plantation commodity in Indonesia, especially for Bondowoso Regency, East Java. One of the main coffee suppliers in Bondowoso is Tanah Wulan Village, Maesan District where the main livelihood of the residents is as a farmer. Women work as housewives so they have a lot of free time to produce raw coffee into processed coffee, so this has become an object of assistance for the team to conduct spice coffee processing (KORE) training in 2019. However, the impact of the implementation of the spice coffee processing training is still not maximum, so that since 2020 until now the Team has taken the initiative to carry out a strategy for managing home industry certification through Home Industry Products (PIRT) and assisting in the management of women's regeneration in Tanah Wulan village. The solution offered in this activity is in the form of empowering women through the management of women's regeneration in Tanah Wulan Village. The regeneration management is useful for creating people who will play an important role in production activities to market KORE products so that KORE products can run sustainably. The core activities of this program are the management of KORE product PIRT and women's assistance in Tanah Wulan village through cadre management. The economic value of spiced coffee through improving the management of PIRT and the management of the regeneration of women farmers in Tanah Wulan Village provides the promised opportunities. During program implementation, female coffee farmers showed high enthusiasm in forming cadres and implementing sustainable KORE businesses