12 research outputs found

    The Effect of Using Multimedia Application in Language Issues to Increase Vocability of Deaf Children Class III SLB B YRTRW Surakarta 2018-2019

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    This research aims to the effective use of application multimedia sign language to enhancement vocabulary deaf children class III SLB B YRTRW Surakarta in year 2018/2019. This research use pre-experimental design has the form of one group pretest-posttest design.  A subject in this research such as 7 children deaf class III in SLB B YRTRW Surakarta 2018/2019 that determined use by surfeited sampling. The instrument research use guide oral test with answer the direct question from the question that given by the  researcher. Data of research analyzed use by Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test.Based on data analysis that was done, the value of Zhitung = -2,366 with asymp.sig.(2-tailed) is 0,018 that under significance level (p < 0,05). That result shows that application multimedia sign language takes effect to increase vocabulary deaf children class III in SLB B YRTRW Surakarta in year 2018/2019

    Analisa Kerusakan Pada Undercarriage Excavator XGMA tipe XG822EL

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    The undercarriage is the lower part of a crawler tracktor that functions to support the load, direct, and support the unit. Undercarriage has a very important role in excavators where all excavator operations require an undercarriage as a unit stabilizer. Another function of the undercarriage is to support and transmit the load of the excavator unit to the ground, as an excavator propulsion component and to support the unit. The damage that occurs to the Undercarriage on the XCMG XG822EL Excavator unit is the Track adjuster component where the piston rod cylinder is rusted and the seal is brittle resulting in fluid leakage. This is known when an inspection is carried out after the disassembly of the Track adjuster is carried out. Damage that occurs to the piston rod cylinder and seal interferes with the work of the Track adjuster due to lack of lubrication. Repairs made to the piston rod cylinder were to clean the rust using sandpaper until it was clean again, while the brittle track adjuster seal could not be repaired so it had to be replaced with a new seal kit


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    The Covid-19 pandemic has had a considerable impact on the world of education. Online learning is an alternative to reduce the spread of the virus. This study aims to design a company profile and website-based e-learning system at SMA Negeri 1 Weru, so that it can make it easier for teachers and students in online learning. The method used is the waterfall method with the following stages: requirements (needs analysis), system design (system design), coding & testing, program implementation, and maintenance. This system uses black-box testing and a System Usability Scale (SUS) for its manufacture. The results of this study are a company profile information system and website-based e-learning that can be implemented at SMA Negeri 1 Weru. Students can download material and do practice questions and exams. Teachers can upload material, practice questions and exams, and view summary answers

    Development of Demonstration-Assisted Audio Visual Media to Improve Students' Critical Thinking

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    Based on the needs analysis that was carried out in Class V SD Al-Islam Gresik, there is an obstacle that teachers have limitations in teaching, one of which is influenced by the availability of educational media that can help teachers use simple media that are located around the classroom area and have never used media. audio visual in the form of 3D in education. Based on data analysis and discussion of research results, then associated with the formulation of the problem and research objectives, the conclusion was obtained, namely media validation from the results of media experts with very good grades. The validator gives a score of 96%, meaning that audio-visual media with validation from experts is very feasible to use, material validation from the results of material experts with very good grades. The validator gives an assessment reaching 93%, meaning that audio-visual media with validation from experts is very feasible to use, the practicality of the media gets grades from the teacher in a very practical category, the teacher gives an assessment that reaches 95%, meaning that the media developed is feasible to use and very practical on a small scale because it does not require a lot of time, the practicality of the media gets value from student responses in the very practical category, students give an assessment with a 90% percentage mode, meaning that the developed media is feasible to use and is very practical on a small scale (n = 5 children) because it does not require much time. a lot, the effectiveness of the media gets a score from student responses in the very effective category, students give an assessment with a 90% percentage mode meaning that the media developed is feasible to use and very effective on a large scale (n = 10 children) because the efficiency of critical thinking in students has increased


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    Pada dasarnya mesin giling cetak cumi-cumi terdiri dari penggiling, pencetak I dan pencetak II yang digerakkan oleh motor listrik dengan melalui perantaraan sabuk dan puli. Fungsi dasar dari alat ini adalah mempersingkat waktu produksi dan menghasilkan produksi yang relatif lebih baik.                Adapun cara kerjanya adalah sebagai berikut : mula-mula adonan tepung bahan cumi-cumi dimasukkan ke dalam alat penggiling untuk digiling sampai ketebalan atau ketipisan yang diinginkan. Kemudian setelah digiling adonan akan turun ke pisau pencetak I yang terletak tepat di bawah dari rol penggiling

    Gangguan Fungsi Jantung pada Thalassemia Mayor

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    Penimbunan besi akibat tranfusi darah berulang pada thalassemia dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya komplikasi pada jantung. Gangguan kontraktilitas otot jantung dan irama jantung menunjukkan banyaknya besi yang tertimbun di serabut otot. Toksisitas besi terhadap jantung akan menyebabkan reaksi katalisis dalam sel miokardium dan jaringan parenkim sehingga membentuk hidroksi radikal bebas yang akan mengakibatkan kerusakan sel. Kelainan fungsi jantung pada thalassemia‚ mayor terutama berhubungan dengan gangguan fungsi ventrikel, septum intraventrikular serta diikuti dilatasi atrium kiri dan ventrikel kanan. Pemeriksaan elektrokardiografi (EKG) dapat mencerminkan adanya gangguan fungsi hantaran jantung yaitu antara lain adanya perlambatan konduksi atrioventrikular. Pemeriksaan ekokardiografi jantung dapat lebih tepat menilai kelainan anatomis dan penurunan fungsi kontraksi jantung antara lain dengan pengukuran fraksi ejeksi ventrikel

    Pubertas Terlambat pada Anak Thalassemia di RSAB Harapan Kita Jakarta

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    Latar belakang. Thalassemia adalah salah satu penyakit kelainan darah yang cukup banyak diderita oleh anak-anak di Indonesia.Dengan penanganan thalassemia yang baik maka angka harapan hidup anak thalassemia meningkat. Transfusi darah terus-menerus menimbulkan masalah timbunan besi dalam tubuh, dan paling sering menyebabkan pubertas terlambat pada anak thalassemia. Tujuan.Melihat angka kejadian keterlambatan pubertas pada anak thalassemia, kadar serum ferritin dan hubungannya dengan terapi kelasi besi yang didapat di RSAB Harapan Kita Jakarta. Metode. Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif pada 14 anak thalassemia yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Anak Bunda (RSAB) Harapan Kita dari 1 Januari 2008 – 31 Maret 2011. Data diambil dari rekam medis dan dianalisis dengan SPSS 17.0 Hasil. Pasien thalassemia anak dan berada dalam usia pubertas adalah 28,6% laki-laki dan 71,4% perempuan. Anak yang mengalami keterlambatan pubertas 5 anak (35,7%), yaitu 2 anak (14,3%) perempuan dan 3 anak (21,4%) laki-laki. Kadar serum ferritin di atas 10000 ng/mL dijumpai pada 2 anak (14,3%) dan 13 anak (92,9%) memiliki status gizi kurang. Loss to follow up4 anak (28,6%) dan yang meninggal 2 anak (14,3%). Rata-rata jumlah transfusi 108,6±42,3 cc/kgBB/tahun dan rata-rata kadar serum ferritin adalah 7130,1±3621,4 ng/mL. Kesimpulan. Angka kejadian pubertas terlambat pada thalassemia di RSAB Harapan Kita Jakarta adalah 35,7%. Keterlambatan pubertas itu dapat karena deposit besi yang tinggi dalam tubuh dan terapi besi yang tidak adekuat. Selain itu pubertas juga dipengaruhi oleh status gizi dari anak tersebut. Anak thalassemia di RSAB Harapan Kita 92,9% memiliki status gizi yang kurang. Untuk itu deteksi dini untuk melihat tanda-tanda pubertas pada anak thalassemia sangat diperlukan untuk anak perempuan yang sudah menginjak usia 8 tahun dan anak laki-laki 9 tahun sehingga penanganan dari keterlambatan pubertas dapat dimulai sejak awal. Dengan terapi kelasi besi yang adekuat diharapkan anak thalassemia mengalami perkembangan pubertas yang sama dengan anak normal

    The correlation between ferritin level and cardiac dysfunction in patients with thalassemia

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    Background Patients with b-thalassemia major, long-term trans- fusion, extravasal hemolytic, and increased intestinal absorption of iron result in systemic iron overload, which may accumulate in myocardium causing cardiac dysfunctions. Congestive heart fail- ure usually develops in adolescence or early adult years, and pa- tient usually dies within 1 year after the onset of symptoms. There- fore, it is important to detect early signs of cardiac dysfunction in patient with thalassemia. Objective This study aimed to assess the correlation between ferritin level and cardiac dysfunction in patients with thalassemia. Methods A cross sectional study was conducted on 62 b-thalas- semic patients (34 males and 28 females) with age ranging from 3.5 to 23 years. They received 3,150 – 94,985 mL of blood; with the serum ferritin level of 812.2 – 12,175 ng/mL. Each patient un- derwent laboratory examinations and clinical cardiac evaluation with ECG and echocardiography. Results Cumulative blood transfusions correlated well with the serum ferritin values (p=0.001). The serum ferritin level did not show correlation with deferoxamine (DFO) treatment. ECG exami- nation revealed 5 patients (8.1%) with dysrhythmia, LVH, and heart block grade II and I. Echocardiography examination showed 18 patients (29%) with systolic or diastolic dysfunction. There was no correlation between the serum ferritin level and cardiac dysfunc- tions (p=0.640). The serum ferritin prediction value against car- diac dysfunctions could not be established. Conclusion There was no correlation between serum ferritin lev- els with cardiac dysfunctions. In detecting cardiac dysfunctions in thalassemic patients, echocardiography was more sensitive than EC

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Efektif pada Kepuasan Pasien Di Instalasi Fisioterapi RSUD dr. H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas.

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    Fisioterapi adalah salah satu metode penyembuhan yang digunakan untuk mengembalikan peran atau tugas dari sesuatu organ badan atau tubuh manusia dengan memakai tenaga alam. Di dalam bidang ilmu fisioterapi, tenaga alam yang dipakai antara lain seperti tenaga listrik, pancaran sinar, air, dingin, massage atau pijatan dan latihan yang pemakaiannya disesuaikan dengan batasan toleransi bagi pasien sehingga didapatkan dampak dari penyembuhan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari komunikasi efektif apabila ditinjau dari aspek REACH (respect, emphaty, audible, clarity, dan humble) pada kepuasan pasien di dalam pelayanan kesehatan terutama fisioterapi di RSUD dr. H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional serta metode accidental sampling. Kuisioner diedarkan kepada 40 responden yang terpilih dan sudah mendapatkan pelayanan di Instalasi Fisioterapi RSUD dr. H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas. Dalam uji statistik yang digunakan memakai uji Somers dan Gamma dengan menggunakan SPSS IBM 26. Dari seluruh penghitungan aspek REACH yang dilakukan dimana didapatkan hasil frekuensi ‘selalu dilakukan’ atau ‘sering dilakukan’. Sebagian besar dari responden merasa puas (70%), dan cukup puas (30%). Adanya hubungan antara komunikasi efektif pada kepuasan efektif pada kepuasan pasien Instalasi Fisioterapi secara signifikan secara statistik (p&lt;0,05)