456 research outputs found

    Simulation and ananlysis of quantum phase estimation algorithm in the presence of incoherent quantum noise channels

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    The quantum phase estimation (QPE) is one of the fundamental algorithms based on the quantum Fourier transform (QFT). It has applications in order-finding, factoring, and finding the eigenvalues of unitary operators. The major challenge in running QPE and other quantum algorithms is the noise in quantum computers. This noise is due to the interactions of qubits with the environment and due to the faulty gate operations. In the present work, we study the impact of incoherent noise on QPE, modeled as trace-preserving and completely positive quantum channels. Different noise models such as depolarizing, phase flip, bit flip, and bit-phase flip are taken to understand the performance of the QPE in the presence of noise. The simulation results indicate that the standard deviation of the eigenvalue of the unitary operator has strong exponential dependence upon the error probability of individual qubits. Furthermore, the standard deviation increases with the number of qubits for fixed error probability.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Credit Agreement and Notary-PPAT Responsibilities for Deed of Mortgage

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    Banks are one financial institution that has an important role in the economy of a country. The problems in this study are (1) What are the factors that hamper the credit agreement and the responsibility of the Notary-PPAT in making the Deed of Granting Mortgage to the BPD Bank of Central Java?, 2) What is the legal consequence if the Notary-PPAT is late in making the Deed of Granting Mortgage to Bank BPD Central Java?, 3) How is the settlement if the Notary-PPAT is late in making the Deed of Granting Mortgage to the Bank BPD Central Java? The method used is the sociological juridical approach, the research specification is analytical descriptive. The results of this study are (1) The cost of increasing SKMHT to APHT because the process of certification of SKMHT objects that have not been registered requires expensive costs. 2) Based on that, SKMHT needs to be regenerated if APHT is to be made. 3) By making a new Power of Attorney Charge (SKMHT), which of course must be with the approval of creditors and debtors

    Design and Fabrication of Multilayer Piezoelectric NEMS Resonators

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    We have successfully demonstrated the fabrication of self-actuating multilayer NEMS resonators including cantilevers and double clamped beams. Resonant sensors are widely used as precision mass sensors for the detection and quantification of small concentration of analyte molecules in a gaseous solution or bacteria from biological sample which requires extremely high mass sensitivity and responsivity of the resonant sensor. Nanofabrication techniques have enabled the use of ultrathin layers for the fabrication of resonant sensors to significantly enhance sensitivity by reducing the mass of the sensor. Aluminum nitride (AIN) as an ultra-thin PZE layer has significant advantages over other transduction techniques due to its high PZE efficiency, good mechanical and thermal stability and compatibility with CMOS processing. 50nm ultra-thin layer of AIN was deposited over 25nm thin layer of platinum (Pt) in order to get well textured columnar growth of AIN crystals. AIN deposition parameters were carefully optimized to enhance piezoelectric response. The residual stress and piezoelectric properties of AIN film were studied as a function of deposition conditions. Short circuiting of electrodes was the most critical problem which was solved after implementing two different process flows. Oxide bridges were fabricated in order to avoid unwanted electrical contact between different metallic layers. At the end, suspended cantilevers and beams were suffering from bending due to high compressive stress in the active layer. Residual stress of -169.80 MPa was calculated using Stoney formula by measuring the curvature of wafer before and after the deposition of individual layers. Numerous studies have already been done on shifting of the resonance frequency due to the variations in attached mass on the surface of a resonator but there is still room for the investigation of surface stress changes on the resonance frequency. Application of surface stress induces a change in beam stiffness and dimensions which alter the resonance frequency of the cantilevers and doubly clamped beams. The motivation of this project was to carried out different experiments to study the effect of surface stress on the resonance frequency by using an active piezoelectric layer for the actuation of resonant structures. Application of voltage across PZE layer generates a longitudinal stress across the beam which leads to a shift in resonance frequency. Vibrometer was used to find the resonance frequency of the released devices

    Improving Power Quality Using D-STATCOM with Capacitor as Energy Storage System

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    Power electronics are used more frequently to raise awareness of power quality which must be considered when designing modern power systems for effective operation and continuous power supply to various load centers. Otherwise, it will be hazardous for residential and commercial customers, reducing the production of their work due to faults and equipment damage. Electronic technology known as Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) may improve power stability to make the electric power system efficient. Oscillation damping in the Power system is still a big concern for operating a safe and dependable power system. The static synchronous compressor (STATCOM) is connected to assist power networks with poor power quality and voltage regulation. Although there are several uses, voltage stability is the most frequently used. An average model of the D-STATCOM control approach is presented in this work to improve the transmission of power quality flow and voltage stability in electric power systems. An increase in system voltage stability, reactive power flow control for different loads, and dynamic response of STATCOM are the primary goals of this research work

    Production Response of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) on the Application of Phosphorus Fertilizer and Oil Palm Bunch Ash

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    Mung bean need phosphate in seed formation and accelerate pod maturity. In acidic soil the P element is difficult to be available because it is bound by metal metals in the soil, it is given a palm bunch ash containing a lot of organic nutrients to release P from the metal and also increase soil pH. The study aims to determine the effect of P fertilization and palm bunch ash on the growth and production of mung bean. The study was conducted on community land in Medan Selayang from October to December 2019. The study used a factorial randomized block design, with 2 factors. The first factor is P fertilizer (0; 37.5; 112.5 kg SP-36/ha). The second factor is oil palm bunch ash consisting of 0; 2; 4 t/ha. The variables observed were a number of pods, weight of 100 seeds, weight of seed per plots, weight of seed per plant. The results showed that the application of P the applications of P fertilizer 112.5 kg SP-36/ha tended to produce the highest pod number and seed weight per plot. The applications of oil palm bunch ash 2 t/ha significantly increased seed weight per plant, seed weight per plot and pod number

    Evolving Migration Trends from Afghanistan: Management andHonourable Repatriation of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan

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    Since 1979, Pakistan has been a key player in the management of Afghan refugees despite challenging economic and security conditions. The repatriation efforts in the past could not bring conclusive results as a significant population still live in Pakistan. The outbreak of COVID 19 has increased their vulnerability due to inadequate quarantine and health facilities. The positive political developments by way of new elections and a political settlement with the Taliban provide an opportunity for honourable repatriation of Afghan refugees. This article investigates the dilemma in the management of Afghan refugees in Pakistan and suggests a viable course of action for their honourable repatriation to Afghanistan

    A need to climb high to integration ladder

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    Uji akurasi kompas arah kiblat dalam aplikasi Quran Kemenag

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    Di masa modern sekarang ini, sudah banyak aplikasi Ilmu Falak berbasis android yang rilis di Play Store yang dikembangkan oleh pegiat-pegiat ilmu falak khususnya seperti yang penulis teliti tentang arah kiblat berbasis android. Disini penulis meneliti tentang aplikasi milik Kementerian Agama yaitu aplikasi Qur’an Kemenag, yang mana aplikasi tersebut diluncurkan oleh Lajnah Pentashihan Mushaf Al-Qur’an (LPMQ). Sebenarnya aplikasi tersebut merupakan aplikasi Mushaf Al-qur’an yang berbasis android, akan tetapi di dalam aplikasi tersebut terdapat fitur kompas arah kiblat yang membuat penulis tertarik untuk menelti aplikasi milik Kemenag tersebut. Aplikasi Qur’an Kemenag merupakan aplikasi yang dibuat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat terutama dalam hal keagamaan yang mana Kementrian Agama sebagai rujukan umat Islam di Indonesia. Aplikasi ini tersedia dalam format Android, Web, dan iOS. Aplikasi tersebut di rilis pada 25 Agustus 2016 dan dibuat oleh Tim Pengembang aplikasi Qur’an Kemenag, adapun leader tim pengembang tersebut adalah Pramuko Aji, beliau seorang Dosen di Universitas Telkom. Dalam aplikasi Qur’an Kemenag fitur arah kiblat menggunakan acuan kompas arah kiblat, yang mengacu pada magnet bumi sehingga apabila suatu tempat terdapat medan magnet yang cukup kuat, maka akan sangat berpengaruh tehadap tingkat keakurasiannya yang berkurang karena tekanan magnet yang ada di sekitar smartphone kita. Jumlah pengunduh aplikasi Qur’an kemenag per 5 April 2022 mencapai 100.000+ unduhan dan mempunyai rating aplikasi sebesar 4,6+ Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui algoritma kompas arah kiblat dalam aplikasi Qur’an Kemenag, dan meneliti sejauh mana tingkat keakuasian aplikasi kompas arah kiblat dalam aplikasi Qur’an Kemenag. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian lapangan (field research). Sumber data yang di ambil dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Penggalian data dalam penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan cara wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan untuk analisi datanya menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif yaitu penulis melakukan pendekatan deskriptif analistik karena data diperoleh secara kualitatif, data didapatkan dari Pramuko Aji dengan metode penulis mengungkap dan memahami algoritma arah kiblat, waktu sholat dalam fitur aplikasi Quran Kemenag. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 1. Terdapat beberapa perbedaan yang terdapat pada aplikasi Qur’an Kemenag dengan merujuk pada data GPS, Google Earth, dan buku Ilmu Falak Praktis. Adanya perbedaan tersebut diantaranya di dalam data koordinat ka’bah, tempat serta rumus arah kiblat yang digunakan dalam Bahasa pemrograman aplikasi Qur’an Kemenag memiliki sajian yang berbeda dengan rumus arah kiblat yang terdapat dalam buku-buku ilmu falak yang mana terdapat rumus delta bujur, term 1, term 2, dan term 3, serta Atan. Selain itu terdapat pebedaan yang terletak pada data koordinat ka’bah. 2. Tingkat akurasi dari aplikasi Qur’an kemenag fitur kompas arah kiblat tergolong akurat, dimana selisih hasil yang di dapatkan hanya berkisar menit hingga 1 derajat. Adapun selisih tesebut masih bisa di toleransi sehingga kompas arah kiblat dalam aplikasi Qur’an Kemenag dapat digunakan dala keadaan darurat tentunya dengan memperhatikan cara penggunaan yang tepat
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