20 research outputs found

    Dynamiques paysagères et interactions homme/milieu. Cas du petit bassin-versant d’Abdeladim

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    Situé à l’extrémité sud-ouest de la Dorsale tunisienne, le paysage d’Abdeladim, aménagé en un petit bassin-versant depuis 1993, subit des changements continuels dus à l’action de la variabilité climatique et à l’effet anthropique. Pour l’étude de la dynamique de ce paysage, le recueil des données est effectué, par entretien semi-directif, auprès d’un échantillon hétérogène de paysans. Les critères de sélection dépendent des caractéristiques physiques – nature et occupation du sol – et socio-économiques. D’autres variables, qualifiées de « séquentielles » structurées dans le temps (rotation, labour, pâturage…), sont prises en considération. Les résultats des analyses multidimensionnelles peuvent nous permettre d’estimer la dynamique de ce paysage et de retracer son évolution, et ce à partir de l’étude des changements d’états pluriannuels. Toutefois, l’analyse des futurs projets d’exploitation agricole nous permettra de prévoir sa dynamique future.Khebour Allouche Faiza. Dynamiques paysagères et interactions homme/milieu. Cas du petit bassin-versant d’Abdeladim. In: Le paysage d’aujourd’hui à hier, d’hier à aujourd’hui. Actes du 135e Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, « Paysages », Neuchâtel, 2010. Paris : Editions du CTHS, 2011. pp. 81-95. (Actes des congrès nationaux des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, 135-1

    Trade-offs between resource exploitation and biodiversity conservation in North Africa. Case study of Hammamet Protected Area (Tunisia)

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    Tunisian natural environments have allowed the development of a remarkable both continental and marine biological diversity. This diversity is explained by the effect of several environmental variation factors such as geographical location, climatic zonation, soil properties, etc. However, these environments are obstacled by significant degradation as a result of climate change effects and human activities. This is the case of the Jbel Hammamet, a nature reserve located at the extreme north-east of Tunisian ridge. It is a natural forest of Tetraclinis articulata which was overexploited by the local population and overgrazing since ancient times. However, in order to evaluate its biodiversity, different methodological approaches have been used. The physical diagnosis was based on mapping of different natural components of study area, using GIS tools and field validation. The anthropogenic diagnosis was supported by a socio-economic survey of the local population, a total of 27 questions were asked to 100 selected residents. The analysis, of elaborated survey, resulted in obtaining different thematic maps that helped to identify the potentiality and constraints of the protected area. The resident population, at the Hammamet Nature Reserve, may be involved in the creation of income-generating activities, while preserving the natural heritage. In this way, projects enhancing the Jbel Hammamet reserve potentiality may benefit from the know-how and participatory approaches. In addition, with a view to conservation and participatory management, of the protected area. The obtained results lead to propose has confirmed that the development of ecotourism circus composed of a nine stopping stations to develop an ecotourim circus. Key words : biodiversity, GIS, ecotourismpeerReviewe

    Mapping and monitoring of Large-Sfax wetlands (center-east of Tunisia) using radiometric indexes and GIS tools

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    Wetlands are characterized by temporary alterations in their structure and composition, and by multifunctionality. Therefore, identifying the boundaries of these zones is essential for appropriate characterization. In this context, this applied research work focuses on the wetlands of Large Sfax in the eastern center of Tunisia. The adopted methodology is based on a combined approach based on multivariate analysis and multi-dates analysis for the identification and the spatial delimitation of wetlands in the study area. The radiometric indexes of humidity NDWI, vegetation NDVI and brightness IB were calculated for the years 2003 and 2015 by using satellite imagery coming from Landsat ETM+7 and Landsat OLI 8. The classification maps of the calculated indexes enabled the identification and spectral delimitation of the wetlands of the study area. The multi-dates analysis was based on the visual interpretation of the panchromatic aerial photographs and the Google Earth snippets for the update of the results. This allowed the spatial delineation and the monitoring of marine, inland, and artificial wetlands in the study area. The importance of using the combined approach is that it allows a better characterization of wetlands

    Mapping and monitoring of Large-Sfax wetlands (center-east of Tunisia) using radiometric indexes and GIS tools

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    Wetlands are characterized by temporary alterations in their structure and composition, and by multifunctionality. Therefore, identifying the boundaries of these zones is essential for appropriate characterization. In this context, this applied research work focuses on the wetlands of Large Sfax in the eastern center of Tunisia. The adopted methodology is based on a combined approach based on multivariate analysis and multi-dates analysis for the identification and the spatial delimitation of wetlands in the study area. The radiometric indexes of humidity NDWI, vegetation NDVI and brightness IB were calculated for the years 2003 and 2015 by using satellite imagery coming from Landsat ETM+7 and Landsat OLI 8. The classification maps of the calculated indexes enabled the identification and spectral delimitation of the wetlands of the study area. The multi-dates analysis was based on the visual interpretation of the panchromatic aerial photographs and the Google Earth snippets for the update of the results. This allowed the spatial delineation and the monitoring of marine, inland, and artificial wetlands in the study area. The importance of using the combined approach is that it allows a better characterization of wetlands. &nbsp

    Mapping South Tunisian Landscapes Using Remote Sensing and GIS Applications

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    Oases of South Tunisia, plays an important role in environmental, social and economic aspects of this region. This research was conducted in ten regions located on the south which are affected by changes in conditions and composition of land cover change. For each study area, Landsat imagery, thematic maps and training data were acquired. These images were georeferenced and radiometrically corrected and landscapes product were generated using Decision Tree Classification. The landscapes typology were then evaluated using the extract oases. This study aimed to assess the potential of NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) to determine oasis cover using medium spatial resolution remote sensing imagery in the south of Tunisia. It explores the possibility of identifying and mapping oasis landscape types by using remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems and statistical analysis. The superposition of environment types map obtained with oasis extracted from NDVI map has shown six oasis landscapes in southern Tunisia : Gafsa-ElGuettar, El Hamma de Gabes, Douz-Kebili, Rjim Maatoug, Tozeur-Nafta and Tamerza Chebika oases. This research paper allowed to define a methodology for the construction of landscape types, in a computerized way, based on remote sensing and GIS and its result can be a draft work to make an Atlas of the landscapes of our site of study or, it can be used as a basic document to monitor the spatial extension of agricultural perimeters in order to ensure the sustainable development of these particular agro-systems


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    This study focuses on the cultural heritage of Zaghouan and explores the relationship between preservation and development through the establishment of a guest house. Located in a region rich in history and heritage, the guest house is designed to offer visitors an authentic and immersive experience. The planning strategy adopted takes into account traditional architectural elements and integrates them into the surrounding urban and suburban landscape. By preserving cultural features and promoting local traditions, the project aims to stimulate socio-economic development while preserving Zaghouan's cultural identity and its urban and peri-urban landscapes. Indeed, the guest house creates a synergy between heritage preservation and sustainable tourism development that will contribute to the cultural and economic dynamics of the region.La présente étude se concentre sur le patrimoine culturel de Zaghouan et explore la relation entre la préservation et le développement de ses paysages urbain et périurbain en établissant une maison d’hôte. Située dans une région riche en histoire et en patrimoine, la maison d’hôte est conçue pour offrir aux visiteurs une expérience authentique et immersive. La stratégie d’aménagement adoptée tient compte des éléments architecturaux traditionnels et les intègre dans le paysage urbain et périurbain environnant. En préservant les caractéristiques culturelles et en promouvant les traditions locales, le projet vise à stimuler le développement socio-économique tout en préservant l’identité culturelle de Zaghouan et de ses paysages urbain et périurbain. En effet, la maison d’hôte crée une synergie entre la préservation du patrimoine et le développement touristique durable, chose qui contribue à la dynamique culturelle et économique de la région.  