53 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity of rose germplasm in Pakistan characterized by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers

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    Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers have been found to be very useful in studying the genetic variability of different species, including Rosa. Present studies were undertaken for the identification and  analysis of genetic variation within a collection of 4 species and 30 accessions of rose using RAPD analysis  technique. The results showed the molecular distinctions among the genotypes when analysed using 25 RAPD primers. Total amplified bands were 146, out of which 110 were polymorphic, with an average of seven bands per primer. Maximum number of bands (10) was produced by primer GLD-20, while GLC-02 produced the  minimum number of bands (2). Maximum polymorphism in the present study was obtained by primer GLA-03, GLA-05, GLA-07, GLA-10, GLC-02, GLC-06, GLC-08, GLC-10, OPG-11 and OPE-19 which produced 100%  polymorphic bands, while primer GLB-11 produced only 42.85% polymorphic bands. This study demonstrated the potential of RAPD technique for the characterization of genetic variation within the rose germplasm.Key words: Random amplified polymorphic DNA, polymorphism, rose germplasm, primer

    A Technique for Better Energy Management of Single-Stage Topology of Stand-Alone Photovoltaic System

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    This paper proposes a technique for energy managing of a stand-alone photovoltaic system. The proposed system employs a power processing inverter, which contains high PV voltage at the input to mitigate the magnitude of AC signal at the output, eliminating use of DC-DC converter and reduces the input capacitor size of PV array. To meet the power requirement of load and to maintain the maximum power point operation of PV array, battery bank is utilized with a bi-directional converter. An impedance model of the complete system is executed. Based on the model, the control architecture is designed which works in four modes: 1)  if load demands >  MPP of PV, additional current is extracted from the battery; 2) if load demands <  MPP of PV array, extra current is given to the battery; 3) only load management is utilized since the battery bank is not available because of over-charging or under-charging; 4) if irradiation varies then first mode is used for load requirement. The technique is designed which guarantees the maximum power point tracking of PV system even without using any intermediate stage of DC-DC converter, hence making it single-stage, MPPT is achieved by effectively controlling bi-directional converter used for battery charging and discharging purpose. To ensure better utilization of dc voltage enhanced efficiency and low less harmonic distortion, sinusoidal PWM technique is used to drive the inverter. Simulation results are carried out for ensuring better energy management along with MPPT operation demonstrated under uniform operating conditions

    The comparative study of resolving parameters for a family of ladder networks

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    For a simple connected graph G=(V,E) G = (V, E) , a vertex xV x\in V distinguishes two elements (vertices or edges) x1V,y1E x_1\in V, y_1 \in E if d(x,x1)d(x,y1). d(x, x_1)\neq d(x, y_1). A subset QmV Q_m\subset V is a mixed metric generator for G, G, if every two distinct elements (vertices or edges) of G G are distinguished by some vertex of Qm. Q_m. The minimum cardinality of a mixed metric generator for G G is called the mixed metric dimension and denoted by dimm(G). dim_m(G). In this paper, we investigate the mixed metric dimension for different families of ladder networks. Among these families, we consider Möbius ladder, hexagonal Möbius ladder, triangular Möbius ladder network and conclude that all these families have constant-metric, edge metric and mixed metric dimension

    How Psychosocial Safety Climate Helped Alleviate Work Intensification Effects on Presenteeism during the COVID-19 Crisis? A Moderated Mediation Model

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    Healthcare sector organizations have long been facing the issue of productivity loss due to presenteeism which is affected by psychosocial safety climate (PSC) and work intensification. Presenteeism has visibly increased among nurses during COVID-19 pandemic period. Grounded in COR theory and sensemaking theory, the current study aimed to examine the role PSC plays as driver or moderator to reduce presenteeism by lessening work intensification over time and the impact of work intensification over time on presenteeism during the COVID-19 pandemic. Adopting a time-lagged research design, this study gathered data from randomly selected registered nurses, practicing in Québec, Canada in two phases, i.e., 800 at Time 1 and 344 at Time 2 through email surveys. The study results showed that (1) PSC reduces presenteeism over time by reducing work intensification at time 1; (2) PSC moderates the relationship between work intensification at time 1 and work intensification at time 2; and (3) PSC as moderator also lessens the detrimental effect of work intensification at time 2 on presenteeism at time 2. Presenteeism among nurses affects their health and psychological well-being. We find that PSC is likely an effective organizational tool particularly in crises situations, by providing an organizational mechanism to assist nurses cope (through a resource caravan, management support) with managing intensified work

    The Impact of Military Expenditures on Economic Growth of Pakistan

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    The purpose of this research paper is to examine the long run relationship between military expenditure, number of persons in military and economic growth. To fulfill this, the study used ARDL approach for annual time series data from 1990 to 2015. The results show that Pakistan military expenditures are insignificant (military burden for the country is statically insignificant) and number of persons in military are positively and significantly related with GDP growth in long run. The error correction term is negative and significant which shows that short run relationship exists among economic growth, military expenditures and number of army persons. In short run military expenditure and number of persons in military are positively and significantly related with GDP growth but in long run only number of military persons affects economic growth positively and significantly

    Cryptanalysis for Secure and Efficient Smart-Card-Based Remote User Authentication Scheme for Multi-server Environment

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    Multi-server authentication is going to be an integral part of remote authentication with the passage of time. The remote authentication has been part and parcel of internet based communication. In the last decade several multi-server authentication techniques has been presented. However there is still a need of more efficient and robust techniques. Lately, Saraswathi et al., presented a multi-server authentication scheme that has been found under much vulnerability like stolen card attack, misrepresentation attack, and forward secrecy attacks. This paper presents the cryptanalysis for Saraswathi et al. scheme and shows the review analysis

    Effect of alkali treatment of lower concentrations on the structure and tensile properties of Pakistan’s coarse cotton fibre

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    Cotton fibres of high Micronaire values are known to have inferior spinning performance. Either reduction of fibres’ fineness or increase in tensile strength is generally expected to improve the spinnability of fibres. In this piece of research, the effects of alkali treatment at lower concentrations (0.75–2.25M) and higher temperatures (70–100 °C) on the cross-section of cotton fibre and on the tensile strength have been investigated. Observations were made using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and single fibre tensile strength testing. It was found that the roundness of the fibre cross section was improved and the tensile strength of the fibres also increased after treatment with alkali at lower concentration (0.75 M) and relatively lower temperature (70 °C). It is proposed that such changes occurred due to possible cellulose dissolution/transformations. It was thus concluded that the alkali treatment of cotton fibres at lower concentrations (0.75 M) and 70 °C for a shorter period of time (45 mins) could lead to improvement in tensile strength and roundness of fibre cross-section, thereby improving micronaire

    A novel automated demand response control using fuzzy logic for islanded battery‐operated rural microgrids

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    Islanded rural microgrid require continuous resource monitoring. Demand response schemes have been phenomenal in managing loads. However, urban demand response schemes are well equipped with market prices and peak time penalties to control deferrable loads. In rural microrids, regular loads such as fans, lights and water pumps are normally used that do not fall under category of deferrable loads. In addition, full liberty of utilizing regular load at any time, lack of awareness and no information of storage reserves make task of load management more complex. In this research fully automated two layered demand response scheme is designed for regular operating loads. The first layer control is load mode control. The mode of operation is decided on the state of charge (SoC) of battery. In second layer, fuzzy controller is designed on the consumer's routines, SoC and ambient temperature as membership function. Results are assessed in terms of consumers comfort and availablity of SoC. The load operation in automated demand response remained indentical to actual rutine operation as per consumer's desire with 5 to 7% deviation. In all modes of operation SoC levels remained 15% higher and heavy load operated 13.5% more compare to relevant study