126 research outputs found
Analysis of Jet Fire on Intumescent Coating Applied on Steel Substrate
The use of intumescent coatings is one of the easiest, economical and most efficient
ways to protect steel component from heat generated in fire. By insulated the steel
substrates, the rate of temperature increase experienced by component from fire are
substantially reduced. Thus, this insulation imparts additional time for the application of
fire suppression and cooling the coated steel component reduces the potential for a
material failure of the component or structure. The purpose of this report written was to
discuss the progress job done; basic understanding, methodology and result obtain
regarding the final year project about the analysis of jet fire on intumescent coating
applied on steel substrate. The main objective of this project was to investigate and
study the interface bonding between intumescent and the steel substrate before and after
the jet fire burning. The investigation revealed the achievement performance
intumescent coating as fire retardant. The project was focused on the durability of
intumescent coating applied on the steel. The project also includes the characteristic
study of the intumescent material, the coating method that been applied on the steel, and
also to investigate the interface bonding between the intumescent and steel, before and
after exposed to the hea
Abstract: The coaching of converts to Islam has been an important aspect in the border areas of Aceh Province. This program is conducted considering that the region is prone to silting of faith, drug abuse and negative influence of foreign culture, which could affect the faith and aqidah (creed) of Muslim residing in the border area. This issue becomes the background of this study in an attempt to figure out the approaches of dakwa wasathiyyah (moderate) carried out by the organization of Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP) in implementing its coaching programs for the converts to Islam in the border area. This study employed qualitative approach, in which interview and document analysis were used for collecting the data. The result of this study shows that Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP) has performed the Dakwa fundamentally and consistently within the framework of Islam Wasathiyyah to the Muslim society in the border and remote areas of Aceh. The da’i (callers to Islam) of FDP performed the dakwa in accordance with their vision, that Islamic dakwa should be developed based on the tenets of Islam Wasathiyyah. Among the tenets of Dakwa Wasathiyyah conducted by the FDP are; tawazzun, tawasshut, i’tidal, tasamuh, musawah, syura ishlah, aulawiyah, and tathawwur wa ibtikar. While in implementing those dakwa programs, the FDP performed dakwa by using various approaches as follows: dakwa tauhid, social dakwa, transformative dakwa, and humanist dakwa. This study concluded that the FDP has greatly contributed and assisted in strengthening and coaching the aqidah of the converts to Islam in Aceh.Keywords: Dakwa Wasathiyyah; Forum Dakwah Perbatasan; Converts to Islam.Abstrak: Pembinaan saudara baru menjadi aspek penting di wilayah perbatasan Aceh. Mengingat kawasan tersebut rawan terjadinya pendangkalan akidah, peredaran narkoba dan pengaruh budaya asing yang dapat mempengaruhi keyakinan dan akidah umat Islam di perbatasan. Hal inilah yang menjadi latar belakang penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji tentang gambaran pendekatan dakwah Wasathiyyah yang dilaksanakan oleh Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP) dalam pembinaan berbagai program terhadap saudara baru di perbatasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara prinsipil dan komitmen Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP) telah melakukan dakwah dalam kerangka Islam Wasathiyyah di kalangan umat Islam di perbatasan dan pedalaman Aceh. Para da'i Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP) menjalankan dakwah sesuai dengan visinya di mana dakwah Islam selayaknya dikembangkan dengan konsep Islam Wasathiyyah.Adapun prinsip -prinsip Dakwah Wasathiyyah yang dilakukan Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP), sebagai berikut: tawazzun, tawasshut, i'tidal, tasamuh, musawah, syura ishlah, aulawiyah, dan tathawwur wa ibtikar. Dalam mengimplementasi program dakwah tersebut, Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP) melakukan dakwah dalam berbagai pendekatan, di antaranya: dakwah tauhid, dakwah sosial, dakwah transformatif dan dakwah humanis. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP) telah memberikan kontribusi dan andil besar terhadap penguatan dan pembinaan akidah saudara baru di perbatasan Aceh.Kata Kunci: Dakwah Wasathiyyah; Forum Dakwah Perbatasan; Saudara Baru
Analysis of Jet Fire on IntumescentCoating Applied on SteelSubstrate
The use of intumescent coatings is one of the easiest, economical and most efficient
ways to protect steel component from heat generated in fire. By insulated the steel
substrates, the rate of temperature increase experienced by component from fire are
substantially reduced. Thus, this insulation imparts additional time for the application of
fire suppression and cooling the coated steel component reduces the potential for a
material failure of the component or structure. The purpose of this report written was to
discuss the progress job done; basic understanding, methodology and result obtain
regarding the final year project about the analysis of jet fire on intumescent coating
applied on steel substrate. The main objective of this project was to investigate and
study the interface bonding between intumescent and the steel substrate before and after
the jet fire burning. The investigation revealed the achievement performance
intumescent coating as fire retardant. The project was focused on the durability of
intumescent coating applied on the steel. The project also includes the characteristic
study ofthe intumescent material, the coating method that been applied on the steel, and
also to investigate the interface bonding between the intumescent and steel, before and
after exposed to the heat
Peranan Badan Bukan Kerajaan berkaitan Homoseksual dari Perspektif Kumpulan Sasaran
Badan bukan kerajaan diwujudkan dengan tujuan dan gerak kerja yang difokuskan berdasarkan matlamat penubuhannya. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktiviti dan kegiatan yang dijalankan oleh PT Foundation terhadap kumpulan sasarannya iaitu golongan homoseksual. Subjek penelitian kajian ini adalah kumpulan homoseksual dan peranan badan bukan kerajaan yang berkaitan iaitu PT Foundation. Objektif kajian ini, pertama untuk mengenalpasti peranan PT Foundation dengan melihat kepada program yang dilaksanakan untuk kumpulan homoseksual dan kedua untuk melihat dari perspektif kumpulan sasaran iaitu kumpulan homoseksual terhadap peranan PT Foundation ini. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti keberkesanan pelaksanaan program yang dijalankan oleh pihak PT Foundation terhadap kumpulan sasarannya. Metodologi yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data bagi kajian ini ialah metode penentuan subjek, seterusnya pengumpulan data dan analisis data. Hasil kajian ini, menunjukkan PT Foundation melaksanakan program-program yang dapat membantu kumpulan homosekual ini secara positif serta dilihat dapat membantu kumpulan sasaran yang memerlukan perkhidmatannya dengan keperluan kaunseling dan bimbingan, dan pendidikan dan kesedaran HIV dan AIDS. Perspektif kumpulan homoseksual juga menunjukkan terdapat segelintir yang menolak dengan alasan tidak bersetuju dengan melihat peranan PT Foundation sebagai pihak yang memperjuangkan dan menyokong hak asasi manusia bagi kumpulan homoseksual
We often find traffic problems in big cities, and even small cities such as Pamekasan. The problem of congestion and traffic congestion often occurs at crossroads, especially the intersection of Jl. Mandala – Jl. Raya Tlanakan, Pamekasan City. The reduced performance of the intersection will cause losses due to a decrease in speed, an increase in delays and vehicle queues and a decrease in environmental quality. Parameters of an unsignalized intersection include capacity, degree of saturation, delay and queuing opportunity. From the analysis, the maximum C (capacity) value of 2257.83 smp/hour does not exceed the basic capacity (Co = 2700 smp/hour). The low capacity classification occurring on Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 18.00 – 21.00 WIB. The highest DS (Degree of Saturation) value is 0.63, and the largest D (Intersection Delay) value is 19.17 sec/smp occurred on Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 06.00 – 10.00 WIB. Then the capacity obtained at the intersection of Jl. Mandala – Jl. Raya Tlanakan, Pamekasan City is still feasible to accommodate the traffic volume because it does not exceed the basic capacity of the intersection. However, to overcome congestion at intersections, especially during rush hour/working hours, it is necessary to supervise and secure from related parties
Identiti Visual Seni Catan Moden Malaysia Melalui Media Campuran Dalam Konteks Kebudayaan
Kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji berkaitan dengan identiti visual dan penggunaan media campuran dalam catan seni moden Malaysia. Ia bertujuan untuk memperhalusi peranan bahan dalam konteks media campuran yang dipengaruhi atau dibentuk atas kebudayaan persekitaran. Kertas kerja ini akan membicarakan aspek identiti visual karya-karya seni catan moden Malaysia oleh beberapa orang pelukis tempatan dalam konteks kebudayaan. Kupasan akan dibuat daripada karya-karya seni visual yang menggunakan media campuran sebagai kajian perbincangan dengan menjelaskan diskripsi bentuk fizikalnya, menganalisis aspek formalistik serta menginterpretasikan kedua-dua aspek. Akhir sekali perbincangan ini akan melihat kepada persoalan idea visual keseluruhan karya-karya seni catan moden Malaysia. Didalam kertas kerja ini juga akan menjelaskan berkenaan tentang beberapa karya visual pelukis tempatan, berpandukan imajan dan bahan yang dihasilkan. Mereka merupakan pengkarya yang telah mengetengahkan media campuran dalam bentuk budaya tempatan ke dalam ruang seni semasa. Terdapat empat elemen utama yang diutarakan dalam pembentukan seni visual antaranya berkaitan dengan bahan yang digunakan oleh pelukis seperti teknik, unsur formalistik dan idea keseluruhan pada karya
The Peltong-Artodung Highway, Pamekasan Regency has a high accident rate, a length of ± 2 km, and an effective road width of ± 6 m which is an area that has enough potential for the movement of traffic flow because it is a connecting road between Pamekasan City and Sumenep City, along the way there are also offices, schools, markets, shops, and residential areas. This analysis was conducted to determine the causal factors that influence the occurrence of traffic accidents. The data needed in this analysis consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data consists of street names, number of lanes, lane widths, and LHR obtained from direct survey results in the field. The secondary data needed is a map of the research location, and data on traffic accidents. The data obtained is then analyzed by classifying accidents based on the factors that cause traffic accidents. The main factor in traffic accidents on Jalan Raya Pelting-Artodung (Jl. Lintas Pamekasan-Sumenep) is human beings, the age of the most traffic accident victims is 16-30 years old, the largest number of accidents occur at 06.00 to 20.00 as many as 63 .44% which is rush hour and the work of the accident perpetrators is dominated by men. Efforts that can be made to reduce the number of accidents on Jalan Raya Peltong-Artodung (Jl. Lintas Pamekasan-Sumenep), namely: providing traffic education and strict sanctions for road users who violate traffic rules and the installation of signs must be by Decree of the Minister of Transportation No. 61 of 1993 concerning Traffic Signs.
Keywords: Peltong-Artodung Highway; Accident Characteristics; Victims
Identiti visual seni catan moden Malaysia melalui media campuran dalam konteks kebudayaan / Fairus Ahmad Yusof...[et.al]
Kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji berkaitan dengan identiti visual dan penggunaan media campuran dalam catan seni moden Malaysia. Ia bertujuan untuk memperhalusi peranan bahan dalam konteks media campuran yang dipengaruhi atau dibentuk atas kebudayaan persekitaran. Kertas kerja ini akan membicarakan aspek identiti visual karya-karya seni catan moden Malaysia oleh beberapa orang pelukis tempatan dalam konteks kebudayaan. Kupasan akan dibuat daripada karya-karya seni visual yang menggunakan media campuran sebagai kajian perbincangan dengan menjelaskan diskripsi bentuk fizikalnya, menganalisis aspek formalistik serta menginterpretasikan kedua-dua aspek. Akhir sekali perbincangan ini akan melihat kepada persoalan idea visual keseluruhan karya-karya seni catan moden Malaysia. Didalam kertas kerja ini juga akan menjelaskan berkenaan tentang beberapa karya visual pelukis tempatan, berpandukan imajan dan bahan yang dihasilkan. Mereka merupakan pengkarya yang telah mengetengahkan media campuran dalam bentuk budaya tempatan ke dalam ruang seni semasa. Terdapat empat elemen utama yang diutarakan dalam pembentukan seni visual antaranya berkaitan dengan bahan yang digunakan oleh pelukis seperti teknik, unsur formalistik dan idea keseluruhan pada karya. Keseluruhan kajian berhubung dengan imej dalam seni catan moden Malaysia berpandukan kepada konsep nilai, institusi sosial, keperluan, dan persekitaran yang menjadi asas kepada perhubungkaitan dengan nilai kebudayaan
Empowering smart customer to participate in electricity supply system
In the current discussion towards a more energy efficient supply and demand in
household settings, nations such as smart grid, smart meters and smart appliances are of
main importance. Malaysia, developing country plan to implement Smart Grid in order
to improve their power system in this country at the same time control electricity
demand for the next 20 years. The successes of smart grid placement rely on
consumers’ acceptance of smart grid products and services. This study use technology
acceptance model (TAM) as a model of research in order to test consumer’s acceptance
of smart grid technologies. The results suggest that it is important increase the
perceived usefulness and ease of use in order to increase intention to use smart grid by
Modified of UTAUT theory in adoption of technology for Malaysia Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in food industry
A small and medium enterprise is a backbone of local and world economy including Malaysia as developing country. It is estimated that over 90 percent of all enterprises
are SMEs and the contribution from SMEs is more than 70 percent of goods and services sold worldwide. Food industry is mainly dominated by SMEs, even though SMEs of food industry is huge contribution towards economies. Moreover, Malaysian SMEs are still rely on imported food and use of technology adoption has been spike issues among SMEs as they require a big outlay which lacking resources to SMEs.
However, SMEs of food industry in Malaysia could be improve their competitive advantage through the increasing level of use technology and provide training to enhance more skills of employees. Moreover, the introducing of Unified theory of
acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) is one option for SMEs to increase quality of products and simultaneously enhance the contribution of good domestic product and
export activity. This study will attempt to analyze the acceptance and use of technology in SMEs of food industry in order to understand the SMEs behavior towards acceptance
and use of higher level of technology. A model developed and empirically tested through survey data obtained from 135 organizations. This model was analyzed using SPSS and test exploratory factor analysis. The result indicates effort expectancy has been removing and this study decides to replace this construct resistance to use. Thus,
this study contributes to existing literature by incorporating resistance of use of new construct UTAUT theory as a proposed model
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