30 research outputs found


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    Rochdale, England, is known by millions for one reason: a handful of labourers established a co-operative there in 1844 known as the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers. That co-operative was adopted as the inspiration and model for a movement that now includes nearly 700 million people around the world. As this paper is being written, co-operators around the world are preparing to celebrate the 150th anniversary of its birth. But what did Rochdale mean? Why is it considered so important?Agribusiness,

    The Limits of Nationalist Politics: Electoral Culture and Mobilization in Germany, 1890-1903

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    With Germany's unification, nationalism became an entrenched part of the political culture, until its role was challenged by the rise of social “fairness” issues in the 1890s. In the first decades of the Reich, campaigns against minorities like Catholics, Poles, and Social Democrats helped cement the progovernmental forces, especially in intense “national” elections. The Kartell elections of 1887, in particular, created a patriotic coalition that remained a significant factor in electoral politics for over twenty years. But in the 1890s, nationalist coalition-building became increasingly difficult as the Kartell parties lost support, drifted apart, and competed more and more with one another. The government made efforts to shore up its allies, but these efforts failed to halt the disintegration. Significantly, while some argued the government should use the naval issue or the tariff issue (Sammlungspolitik) to influence the elections of 1898 and 1903, the government was unable to do so. Instead, increasing electoral support went to the parties that were perceived as '“mass” parties, especially the Catholic Centre and Social Democrats. These parties organized social-interest constituencies by appealing to “fairness” issues like suffrage, civil liberties, and fair taxation.Avec l'unification de l'Allemagne, le nationalisme devient une partie intégrante de la vie politique jusqu’à ce que son rôle soit remis en cause par les revendications sociales dans les années 1890. Durant les premières décennies du Reich, les campagnes de harcèlement contre les minorités, comme les catholiques, les Polonais et les socio-démocrates aident à resserrer les liens des forces gouvernementales, particulièrement lors des élections nationales. Le cartel électoral de 1887, en particulier, a créé une coalition patriotique qui saura jouer un rôle important dans la vie politique durant plus de vingt ans. Cependant, l'union de la coalition nationaliste devient de plus en plus difficile à maintenir durant les années 1890, alors que les partis du cartel perdent leur soutien, se dispersent et se font concurrence. Le gouvernement tente de soutenir ses alliés, mais ses efforts ne peuvent empêcher la désintégration du cartel. Fait révélateur, il est incapable de se servir des questions navale et tarifaire (Sammlungspolitik) lors des campagnes électorales de 1898 et de 1903. Le soutien électoral du peuple va aux partis de masse, notamment le Centre et le parti social-démocrate. Ces partis font vibrer Ia conscience sociale de leur clientèle électorale en faisant porter leurs revendications sur le suffrage, les libertés civiques et sur des impôts équitables

    Multi-stakeholder Governance in Cooperative Organizations: Toward a New Framework for Research?

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    ABSTRACTDespite the increasing popularity of multi-stakeholder cooperatives, social-economy researchers largely predict that these organizations will fail. Using a “cost of decision-making” approach, these researchers conclude that the governance structure of multi-stakeholder cooperatives makes this organizational model fundamentally untenable. In this paper, we review the empirical evidence available on multi-stakeholder cooperatives, which suggests that different groups of actors are able to govern themselves successfully. Consequently, we argue that the literature that has focused on the management of common pool resources by self-organized groups may be an appropriate body of literature in which to root a research program on these social-economy organizations.RÉSUMÉMalgré la popularité grandissante des coopératives à multiples intervenants, les chercheurs en économie sociale prédisent que ces organisations essuieront un échec. Grâce à une méthode des coûts pour la prise de décisions, ces chercheurs en viennent à la conclusion que la structure de gouvernance des coopératives à multiples intervenants, par sa nature, en fait un modèle organisationnel indéfendable. Dans cet article, nous examinons les éléments de preuve empiriques disponibles sur les coopératives à multiples intervenants, qui suggèrent que différents groups d’actants peuvent réussir à s’autogérer. Par conséquent, nous discutons du fait que la documentation qui porte sur la gestion des ressources communes par les groupes autogérés pourrait constituer un corpus approprié pour établir un programme de recherche sur ces organisations d’économie sociale.&nbsp

    «Canada´s Co-operative Province»:individualism and Mutualism in a Settler Society, 1905-2005

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    PresentaciónArtículosA economia solidária no Brasil e o sentido das novas formas de produção não capitalistas.La economía solidaria en Brasil y el sentido de las nuevas formas de producción no capitalistas.The economy of solidarity in Brazil and the sense of the new forms of non capitalistic production.L´économie solidaire au Brésil et le sens des nouvelles formes de production no capitalistes.Gaiger, Luiz InácioÉ caminhando que se faz o caminho - diferentes metodologias das incubadoras tecnológicas de cooperativas populares no BrasilCaminando se hace el camino - diferentes metodologías de las incubadoras tecnológicas de cooperativas populares en BrasilWe make the road by walking - different methodologies of popular co-operatives technological incubators in BrasilC´Est en marchant qu´on fait le chemin- différentes méthodologies pour les incubateurs technologiques de coopératives populaires au BrésilCruz, AntônioLas empresas recuperadas por los trabajadores.The Enterprises Taken Over by the Workers.Les enterprises récupérées par les travailleurs.García Müller, Alberto«La Provincia cooperativa de Canadá»: individualismo y mutualismo en una sociedad de colonos, 1905-2005.«Canada´s Co-operative Province»:individualism and Mutualism in a Settler Society, 1905-2005.«La province coopérative du Canada»: indidualisme et mutualisme dans une société de colons, 1902-2005.Fairbairn, BrettInteligencia emocional: instrumento clave en las organizaciones asociativas del siglo XXI.Emocional Intelligence: a Key Instrument in the Associative Organizations of the XXI Century.L´intelligence émotionnelle: instrument clé dans les organizations associatives du vingt-et-unième siècle.Figueroa Manns, María de la LuzExperienciasLas Cooperativas Jóvenes de Servicios en Canadá.Documento¿Cómo la economía social puede mejorar el acceso de los usuarios al sistema de salud y su información? El ejemplo de Japón.ReseñaCECOSESOLA Pasaje a medio, orgullo de Barquisimeto CD ROM, Barquisimeto, 2004.Reseñado por: Richer, [email protected] analíticosemestra


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    Rochdale, England, is known by millions for one reason: a handful of labourers established a co-operative there in 1844 known as the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers. That co-operative was adopted as the inspiration and model for a movement that now includes nearly 700 million people around the world. As this paper is being written, co-operators around the world are preparing to celebrate the 150th anniversary of its birth. But what did Rochdale mean? Why is it considered so important