376 research outputs found

    Proses Penyusunan Anggaran Berbasis Kinerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Ketapang

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    The proposition of work plans and budgets of Health Departemen in allocating cost based on the amount of budget in the current or previous year added with certain percentage is not based on the standart expenditure and standart costs and it still has a program which overlaps resulting in waste costs.. This study aims to determine the process of performance-based budgeting at Health Departemen of Ketapang Regency This a qualitative study using case design. The staudy was conducted at analysis unit of Health Departemen of Ketapang regency. The variables of this study are service planning team,,executive and legislative budget team, the compentence of budget planners, the duties and function, the strategic plan, the annual working plan,public policy, interim budget priorities and funding ceilings of local government budget or PPAS APBD , standart analysis of expenditure, and work plans and budget or RKA/ Budget implementation document or DPA . This stady used in depeth interview, open questioner and triangulation techniques for collecting data The proposition of plan and budgets has not involved the entire budget planners yet due to lack of the competence of human resources,particularly in terms of technical matter. The compostion of work plans and budget in relation to determining the amount of costs has not been based on standard expenditure analysis resulting in the remains of 2007 budget. The component of duties and function are not entirely included in annual strategic plans/work plans. The program/actinities in strategic plans/ work plans are not in accordance with RKA/DPA of 2008. The quality of public policy and PPAS APBD is consistent to program/acivities in RKA/DPA of year 2008. The time realization of the use of 2008 budget is accurate and it is accordance with the regulation of home affair minister or Permandagri number 13 year 2006 The proposition of RKA has not involved the entire budget planners. There is lack of competence of human resources, particularly in terms of technical side. The component of the duties and functions has not entirely been included in annual strategic plans/ work plans are not in accordance with RKA/ DPA year 2008. The qualityof public policy and PPAS APBD in health is accordance with RKA/DPA year 2008. The time reazlization of the use of 2008 budget is accurate and it is accordance with the regulation of home affair minister or permendagri Number 13 year 200

    Direct probing of band-structure Berry phase in diluted magnetic semiconductors

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    We report on experimental evidence of the Berry phase accumulated by the charge carrier wave function in single-domain nanowires made from a (Ga,Mn)(As,P) diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor layer. Its signature on the mesoscopic transport measurements is revealed as unusual patterns in the magnetoconductance, that are clearly distinguished from the universal conductance fluctuations. We show that these patterns appear in a magnetic field region where the magnetization rotates coherently and are related to a change in the band-structure Berry phase as the magnetization direction changes. They should be thus considered as a band structure Berry phase fingerprint of the effective magnetic monopoles in the momentum space. We argue that this is an efficient method to vary the band structure in a controlled way and to probe it directly. Hence, (Ga,Mn)As appears to be a very interesting test bench for new concepts based on this geometrical phase.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Improving HTc Josephson Junctions (HTc JJ) by annealing: the role of vacancy-interstitial annihilation

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    We have studied the annealing effect in transport properties of High temperature Josephson Junctions (HTc JJ) made by ion irradiation. Low temperature annealing (80 degrees Celsius) increases the JJ transition temperature (TJ) and the Ic.Rn product, where Ic is the critical current and Rn the normal resistance. We found that the spread in JJ characteristics can be lowered by sufficient long annealing times. Using random walk numerical simulations, we showed that the characteristic annealing time and the evolution of the spread in JJ characteristics can be explained by a vacancy-interstitial annihilation process rather than by an oxygen diffusion one.Comment: 7 pages and 3 figures submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Study and optimization of ion-irradiated High-Tc Josephson nanoJunctions by Monte Carlo simulations

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    High Tc Josephson nanoJunctions (HTc JnJ) made by ion irradiation have remarkable properties for technological applications. However, the spread in their electrical characteristics increases with the ion dose. We present a simple model to explain the JnJ inhomogeneities, which accounts quantitatively for experimental data. The spread in the slit's width of the irradiation mask is the limiting factor.Monte Carlo simulations have been performed using different irradiation conditions to study their influence on the spread of the JnJ charcateristics. A "universal" behavior has been evidenced, which allows to propose new strategies to optimize JnJ reproducibility.Comment: 14 pages, 6 Figures. accepted in Journal of Applied Physic

    Coupling efficiency for phase locking of a spin transfer oscillator to a microwave current

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    The phase locking behavior of spin transfer nano-oscillators (STNOs) to an external microwave signal is experimentally studied as a function of the STNO intrinsic parameters. We extract the coupling strength from our data using the derived phase dynamics of a forced STNO. The predicted trends on the coupling strength for phase locking as a function of intrinsic features of the oscillators i.e. power, linewidth, agility in current, are central to optimize the emitted power in arrays of mutually coupled STNOs

    Unusual magneto-transport of YBa2Cu3O7-d films due to the interplay of anisotropy, random disorder and nanoscale periodic pinning

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    We study the general problem of a manifold of interacting elastic lines whose spatial correlations are strongly affected by the competition between random and ordered pinning. This is done through magneto-transport experiments with YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films that contain a periodic vortex pinning array created via masked ion irradiation, in addition to the native random pinning. The strong field-matching effects we observe suggest the prevalence of periodic pinning, and indicate that at the matching field each vortex line is bound to an artificial pinning site. However, the vortex-glass transition dimensionality, quasi-2D instead of the usual 3D, evidences reduced vortex-glass correlations along the vortex line. This is also supported by an unusual angular dependence of the magneto-resistance, which greatly differs from that of Bose-glass systems. A quantitative analysis of the angular magnetoresistance allows us to link this behaviour to the enhancement of the system anisotropy, a collateral effect of the ion irradiation

    Multi-wavelength SPAD photoplethysmography for cardio-respiratory monitoring

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    There is a growing interest in photoplethysmography (PPG) for the continuous monitoring of cardio-respiratory signals by portable instrumentation aimed at the early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. In this context, it is conceivable that PPG sensors working at different wavelengths simultaneously can optimize the identification of apneas and the quantification of the associated heart-rate changes or other parameters that depend on the PPG shape (e.g., systematic vascular resistance and pressure), when evaluating the severity of breathing disorders during sleep and in general for health monitoring. Therefore, the objective of this work is to present a novel pulse oximeter that provides synchronous data logging related to three light wavelengths (green, red, and infrared) in transmission mode to optimize both heart rate measurements and a reliable and continuous assessment of oxygen saturation. The transmission mode is considered more robust over motion artifacts than reflection mode, but current pulse oximeters cannot employ green light in transmission mode due to the high absorbance of body tissues at this wavelength. For this reason, our device is based on a Single-Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) with very short deadtime (less than 1 ns) to have, at the same time, the single photon sensitivity and high-count rate that allows acquiring all the wavelengths of interest on the same site and in transmission mode. Previous studies have shown that SPAD cameras can be used for measuring the heart rate through remote PPG, but oxygen saturation and heart-rate measures through contact SPAD-based PPG sensors have never been addressed so far. The results of the preliminary validation on six healthy volunteers reflect the expected physiological phenomena, providing rms errors in the Inter Beat Interval estimation smaller than 70 ms (with green light) and a maximum error in the oxygen saturation smaller than 1% during the apneas. Our prototype demonstrates the reliability of SPAD-based devices for continuous long-term monitoring of cardio-respiratory variables as an alternative to photodiodes especially when minimal area and optical power are required

    Direct observation of domain-wall configurations transformed by spin currents

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    Direct observations of current-induced domain-wall propagation by spin-polarized scanning electron microscopy are reported. Current pulses move head-to-head as well as tail-to-tail walls in sub-micrometer Fe_{20}Ni_{80} wires in the direction of the electron flow, and a decay of the wall velocity with the number of injected current pulses is observed. High-resolution images of the domain walls reveal that the wall spin structure is transformed from a vortex to a transverse configuration with subsequent pulse injections. The change in spin structure is directly correlated with the decay of the velocity.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure