10 research outputs found


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    Prarancangan pabrik gliserol menggunakan minyak jarak dan air sebagai bahan baku utama. Proses produksi secara keseluruhan menggunakan proses hidrolisa kontinyu (continuous fat splitting) dengan konversi reaksi 99%. Kapasitas produksi sebesar 10.000 ton/tahun dengan waktu operasi 330 hari/tahun dan waktu 24 jam/hari. Pabrik ini direncanakan didirikan di daerah Tarahan, Lampung Selatan, Indonesia dengan luas area pabrik 34.000 m2. Bentuk perusahaan yang direncanakan adalah Perseroan Terbatas (PT) dengan menggunakan metode struktur organisasi garis dan staf (tenaga kerja sebanyak 125 orang). Kebutuhan air untuk pabrik berasal dari Sungai Katibung dengan laju alir 30.862 kg/jam, dan untuk kebutuhan listrik diperoleh dari Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) dan generator dengan daya 853,75 kW. Hasil analisis ekonomi diperoleh sebagai berikut:1.Fixed Capital Investment (FCI)= Rp.,892.Working Capital Investment (WCI)= Rp. 40.357.482.903,243.Total Capital Investment (TCI)= Rp. 299.475.731.099,134.Total Production Cost (TPC)= Rp. 1.228.457.785.693,155.Sales Cost (SC)= Rp. 1.300.000.000.000,006.Pay Out Time (POT)= 7 tahun 10 bulan 24 hari7.Break Event Point (BEP)= 75%8.Internal Rate of Return (IRR)= 10


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    Penggunaan katalis heterogen non-magnetik dan magnetik K2O/AC-RH, K2O/Fe3O4 dan K2O/AC-RH-Fe3O4 untuk sintesis biodiesel melalui reaksi transesterifikasi minyak sawit dan metanol telah dilakukan. Sampel katalis dikarakterisasi dengan metode XRD dan SEM-EDX. Hasil analisis XRD menunjukkan eksistensi senyawa K2O dan Fe3O4 yang berperan aktif dalam meningkatkan aktivitas katalitik dan kristalinitas dari katalis. Analisis SEM pada katalis K2O/AC-RH dan K2O/AC-RH-Fe3O4 menunjukkan struktur morfologi yang berbentuk tidak seragam dengan ukuran partikel secara berturut antara 595,8-618,7 nm dan 275,0-618,7 nm, sedangkan katalis K2O/Fe3O4 menunjukkan struktur morfologi yang lebih seragam dengan ukuran partikel antara 126,0-389,6 nm. Hasil analisis EDX menunjukkan keberadaan unsur penyusun katalis seperti karbon, oksigen, kalium dan besi. Reaksi transesterifikasi dilangsungkan di dalam reaktor batch dengan variasi variabel proses: massa impregnasi K2CO3 (10, 20, 30, 40 dan 50)%, massa katalis (2, 4, 6, 8 dan 10)% dan rasio mol metanol:minyak (4:1, 6:1, 8:1, 10:1 dan 12:1) pada suhu 65oC selama 1,5 jam. Yield biodiesel terbaik dengan menggunakan katalis K2O/AC-RH, K2O/Fe3O4 dan K2O/AC-RH-Fe3O4 diperoleh secara berturut sebesar 97,30%, 92,53% dan 96,10% dengan variasi massa impregnasi 50%, massa katalis 4% dan rasio mol metanol:minyak 8:1, 10:1 dan 8:1. Analisis GC-MS menunjukkan produk dengan susunan hidrokarbon C12-C20 yang terdiri dari metil laurat (1,09%), metil miristat (2,58%), metil palmitat (5,07%), metil arakhidonat (36,15%), metil stearat (0,25%), metil linoleat (25,48%) dan metil oleat (29,39%). Reusabilitas dari katalis K2O/AC-RH, K2O/Fe3O4, K2O/AC-RH-Fe3O4 yang didapatkan setelah empat kali penggunaan diperoleh dengan persentase penurunan yield produk sebesar 5,83%, 4,43% dan 3,33%. Karakteristik produk biodiesel menunjukkan hasil yang sesuai dengan SNI 7182:2015


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    Beton serat adalah beton yang cara pembuatannya ditambah serat. Tujuan penambahan serat tersebut adalahuntukmeningkatkankekuatantarikbeton. Penambahan beton pada serat buah pinang keringkan atau di oven dengan suhu 0 C, lalu dipisahkan kulit dan bijinya kemudian serat buah pinang diberai agar tidak bergumpal pada saat terjadi pencampuran lalu serat buah pinang dipotong sepanjang 2 cm, lalu serat buah pinang dicampur sedikit demi sedikit ke campuran beton.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kuat tarik belah beton optimum setelah dicampur Serat kulit pinang dan Epoxy Resinpada umur beton 7 hari dan 28 hari. Persentase serat kulit pinang yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebesar 0%, 1%, 1,25% 1,50% dengan penambahan Epoxy Resin sebesar 0,8%. Penelitian menggunakan benda uji yang berupa silinder dengan ukuran diameter 15 cm dan tinggi 30 cm, dengan sampel 16 buah beton dan 3 (tiga) variasi yang masing-masing variasi berjumlah 2 sampel. Pengujian yang dilakukan pada campuran beton adalah kuat tarik belah beton. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh, kuat tarik belah rata - rata beton umur 7 hari dengan serat kulit pinang BN (0%)= 2,86 MPa, BSKP (1%) = 4,56 MPa, BSKP (1,25%) = 3,71 MPa, BSKP (1,50%) = 2,43 MPa. Sedangkan kuat tarik belah rata - rata beton umur 28 hari dengan serat kulit pinang BN (0%)= 2,43 MPa, BSKP (1%) = 2,76 MPa, BSKP (1,25%) = 2,86 MPa, BSKP (1,50%) = 2,54 MPa

    Efficient hydrogen production by microwave-assisted catalysis for glycerol-water solutions via NiO/zeolite-CaO catalyst

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    Hydrogen from glycerol is one of the most potent green energy sources to replace fossil fuels. Thus, converting a glycerol solution to hydrogen through microwave-assisted catalysis is continuously gaining interest from researchers worldwide. The research aim was to combine NiO/zeolite and CaO for efficient hydrogen production from glycerol-water solution via microwave-assisted. The BET, XRD, and TEM were applied to characterize the properties of the NiO/zeolite-CaO catalyst. The influence of CaO content on NiO/zeolite (NiO/zeolite-CaO) catalyst, and microwave power on glycerol-water decomposition into hydrogen were investigated systematically. The catalytic performance for hydrogen production from glycerol-water solution was conducted in a fixed bed quartz-tube flow reactor via microwave irradiation a fed flow-rate (FFR) of 0.5 ml/min. Several characteristics, such as heating rate of 300–600 W, have been studied, CaO content of 10 wt.%, 30 wt.%, 40 wt.%, 50 wt.%, 60 wt.%, and 100 wt.%, respectively. The combined utilization of NiO/zeolite and CaO was efficient in obtaining more hydrogen production. Furthermore, the maximum conversion was found to be around 98.8%, while the highest hydrogen purity was found to be up to 96.6% when 20 wt.% NiO was used as an active site on natural zeolite and 50 wt.% CaO was used

    Optimization Study of CO<sub>2</sub> Gas Absorption with NaOH Absorbent Continuous System in Raschig Ring Packing Column Using Box–Behnken Design

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    Increasing CO2 gas emissions results in climate change by increasing air temperature and worsening environmental problems. It is necessary to control CO2 gas in the air to overcome this. This research aims to optimize the absorption of CO2 gas in the air with 0.1 M NaOH absorbent in the column of the Raschig ring stuffing material using the response surface methodology (RSM). This research was conducted using a continuous system of three independent variables by varying the contact time (10–80 min), the flow rate of NaOH absorbent (2–5 L/min), and the flow rate of CO2 gas (1–5 L/min). The response variables in this study were the absorption rate (L/min) and mass transfer coefficient, while the air flow rate was constant at 20 L/min. Air and CO2 gas mix before absorption occurs and flow into the Raschig ring packing column so that contact occurs with the NaOH absorbent. Mass transfer of CO2 gas occurs into the NaOH absorbent, resulting in absorption. The results showed that the effect of contact time (min), the flow rate of NaOH absorbent (L/min), and CO2 gas flow rate individually and the interaction on CO2 absorption rate and mass transfer coefficient were very significant at a p-value of 0.05. Chemical absorption of CO2 also occurred due to the reaction between CO2 and OH- to form CO32− and HCO3−, so the pH decreased, and the reaction was a function of pH. Optimization using Design Expert 13 RSM Box–Behnken Design (BBD) yielded optimal conditions at an absorption time of 80 min, NaOH absorbent flow rate of 5 L/min, CO2 gas flow rate of 5 L/min, absorption rate of CO2 gas of 3.97 L/min, and CO2 gas mass transfer coefficient of 1.443 mol/min m2 atm, with the desirability of 0.999 (≈100%)

    The Experimental Study of Pangium Edule Biodiesel in a High-Speed Diesel Generator for Biopower Electricity

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    Despite the rapid development of electric vehicles, the shrinking number of fossil fuels that are the source of electricity remains conventional. The availability of energy sources and technology is sometimes naturally limited, high-priced, and might be politically circumscribed. This leads to an increased desirability of biodiesel due to its modest and economically higher energy density in comparison to batteries. The palm oil industry accounts for 23% of total deforestation in Indonesia. Contrary to palm oil, pangium edule (PE) is considered more sustainable and it intercrops with most of the forest&rsquo;s vegetation while supplying biodiesel feedstock. A relatively higher pangium edule methyl ester (PEME) was delivered through PE feedstock, provided that it was processed with a heterogeneous catalyst, K2O/PKS-AC. This feedstock consumed a lower alcohol ratio and had a reasonably swift production process without sacrificing biodiesel quality. Therefore, this study aims to assess the performance of the PE biodiesel blend in a power generator. Furthermore, PEME was blended with diesel fuel in the variation of B0, B20, B30, B40, and B100. It was also tested with four-stroke single-cylinder diesel power generators to produce electricity. The B30 blend stands out in this experiment, achieving the highest engine power of 0.845 kW at a low load and dominating at a higher load with a minimum fuel consumption of 1.33 kg/h, the lowest BSFC of 0.243 kg/kWh, and second in BTE values at 21.16%. The result revealed that the main parameters, which include actual and specific fuel consumption, and the thermal efficiency of PE biodiesel performed satisfactorily. Although there was a slight decrease in the total power delivered, the overall performance was comparable to petroleum diesel

    The Experimental Study of Pangium Edule Biodiesel in a High-Speed Diesel Generator for Biopower Electricity

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    Despite the rapid development of electric vehicles, the shrinking number of fossil fuels that are the source of electricity remains conventional. The availability of energy sources and technology is sometimes naturally limited, high-priced, and might be politically circumscribed. This leads to an increased desirability of biodiesel due to its modest and economically higher energy density in comparison to batteries. The palm oil industry accounts for 23% of total deforestation in Indonesia. Contrary to palm oil, pangium edule (PE) is considered more sustainable and it intercrops with most of the forest’s vegetation while supplying biodiesel feedstock. A relatively higher pangium edule methyl ester (PEME) was delivered through PE feedstock, provided that it was processed with a heterogeneous catalyst, K2O/PKS-AC. This feedstock consumed a lower alcohol ratio and had a reasonably swift production process without sacrificing biodiesel quality. Therefore, this study aims to assess the performance of the PE biodiesel blend in a power generator. Furthermore, PEME was blended with diesel fuel in the variation of B0, B20, B30, B40, and B100. It was also tested with four-stroke single-cylinder diesel power generators to produce electricity. The B30 blend stands out in this experiment, achieving the highest engine power of 0.845 kW at a low load and dominating at a higher load with a minimum fuel consumption of 1.33 kg/h, the lowest BSFC of 0.243 kg/kWh, and second in BTE values at 21.16%. The result revealed that the main parameters, which include actual and specific fuel consumption, and the thermal efficiency of PE biodiesel performed satisfactorily. Although there was a slight decrease in the total power delivered, the overall performance was comparable to petroleum diesel

    The Influence of Pyrolysis Time and Temperature on the Composition and Properties of Bio-Oil Prepared from Tanjong Leaves (<i>Mimusops elengi</i>)

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    This research aims to evaluate the influence of pyrolysis time and temperature on the composition and properties of bio-oil derived from Mimusops elengi. Experiments were conducted by varying the pyrolysis temperature and time from 400 to 600 °C and 30 to 120 min, respectively. Both pyrolysis temperature and time were found to significantly influence the bio-oil composition. At enhanced pyrolysis temperatures, the bio-oil yield increased while the ash and gas yields decreased. In addition, extended pyrolysis time produced a greater bio-oil yield, indicating that higher temperatures and longer durations promote additional decomposition of biomass. Functional groupings, including alcohols, phenols, ketones, esters, and aromatic compounds in the bio-oil, were identified via FT-IR analysis, indicating that the bio-oil’s diversified chemical properties make it a potential alternative feedstock. GC-MS analysis identified 26 chemical compounds in the bio-oil, of which phenol was the most abundant. However, a high phenol content can diminish bio-oil quality by enhancing acidity, decreasing heating value, and encouraging engine corrosion. Temperature and pyrolysis time are crucial factors in producing bio-oil with the desired chemical composition and physical properties. The maximum yield, 34.13%, was attained after 90 min of operation at 500 °C. The characteristics of the Mimusops elengi bio-oil produced, namely density, viscosity, pH, and HHV were 1.15 g/cm3, 1.60 cSt, 4.41, and 19.91 MJ/kg, respectively, in accordance with ASTM D7544. Using Mimusops elengi as a pyrolysis feedstock demonstrates its potential as an environmentally friendly energy source for a variety of industrial and environmental applications. The yield of bio-oil produced is not optimal due to the formation of tar, which results in the blockage of the output flow during the pyrolysis process

    Conversion of polypropylene-derived crude pyrolytic oils using hydrothermal autoclave reactor and ni/aceh natural zeolite as catalysts

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    The accumulation of plastic waste has urged researchers to develop methods of waste conversion into valuable products, which is fuel. This study aimed to synthesize Ni embedded onto Aceh natural zeolite (Ni/Aceh-zeolite) as a cheap catalyst which could be used in the reforming process to improve the quality of oil produced from polypropylene (PP) pyrolysis. Ni/Aceh-zeolite was synthesized from Ni(NO3)2·6H2O and acid-activated natural zeolite through impregnation and calcination. The catalyst was found to have particle sizes ranging from 100 to 200 nm of 20 wt% Ni content. The reforming process using Ni/Aceh natural zeolite with Ni loading of 15 wt% yielded the highest amounts of liquid product (yield = 65%) and gasoline fractions (C5–C12, 96.71%). However, the highest high heating value of 45.467 MJ/kg was found in the liquid product obtained with 20% Ni/Aceh-zeolite. In conclusion, Ni/Aceh-zeolite could be used in the reforming process of PP pyrolysis-derived oil, which could reach a quality similar to that of commercial gasoline

    Effects of temperature and times on the product distribution of bio-oils derived from Typha latifolia pyrolysis as renewable energy

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    Typha latifolia is one of the abundant biomass in nature, which has a high cellulose compound that can potentially be used as a bioenergy source. This study aims to characterize the product distribution of bio-oils and their composition via the pyrolysis process under various temperatures and reaction times, as well as to get better hindsight of the pyrolysis mechanism that occurs. The pyrolysis process was performed at; temperature (300–700 °C), times (30–120 min), and N2 gas flow at 40 mL/min. The best results (in yield of bio-oils) were achieved at T = 400 °C and t = 60 min, about 31.41% (density = 1.27 ± 0.0047 g/cm3; viscosity = 2.26 ± 0.041 cSt; pH = 3.31 ± 0.016; and HHV = 19.57 ± 0142 MJ/kg) with the decreasing of oxygenated-compound peaks since the temperature increased. According to the FT-IR analyses, phenolic functional groups contributed the most to bio-oil composition, which altered the quality of bio-oils resulting in higher calorific values. GC-MS analysis confirmed that the main bio-oils composition were oxygenated-compounds, including phenols (2,6 dimethoxy-; 4-ethyl-, 2-methoxy-; 4-methyl); 1,3-benzenediol; 1,2 ethanediol; 1-hexanol-2ethyl; 1,2-butanediol, 1-phenyl-; and benzoic acids. Overall, these findings could provide critical information and a promising approach for the industry in developing pyrolysis technology as an alternative method to produce bio-oil from Typha latifolia (lignocellulosic-based plants)