108 research outputs found

    Low incidence of toxoplasma infection during pregnancy and in newborns in Sweden

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    To estimate the burden of disease due to congenital toxoplasmosis in Sweden the incidence of primary infections during pregnancy and birth prevalence of congenital toxoplasmosis in 40978 children born in two regions in Sweden was determined. Women possibly infected during pregnancy were identified based on: 1, detection of specific IgG based on neonatal screening of the phenylketonuria (PKU) card blood spot followed by retrospective testing of stored prenatal samples to detect women who acquired infection during pregnancy and follow up of their children to 12 months; 2, detection of specific IgM on the PKU blood spot. The birth prevalence of congenital toxoplasmosis was 0·73/10000 (95% CI 0·15–2·14) (3/40978). The incidence of primary infection during pregnancy was 5·1/10000 (95% CI 2·6–8·9) susceptible pregnant women. The seroprevalence in the southern part was 25·7% and in the Stockholm area 14·0%. The incidence of infection during pregnancy was low, as the birth prevalence of congenital toxoplasmosis. Neonatal screening warrants consideration in view of the low cost and feasibility

    Review and evaluation of the methodological quality of the existing guidelines and recommendations for inherited neurometabolic disorders

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    Different ways to reduce CO2 emissions in railway construction

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    The transportation sector is the biggest greenhouse gas emission source and accounts for approximately 22% of the global carbon dioxide (CO2) emission. The ongoing global warming caused by CO2 emissions has led to increased efforts to reduce these emissions. Studies from many parts of the world have identified railway as the most environmental friendly transportation mode why there is a significant incentive to expand the infrastructure of railway. There is, however, limited research regarding emissions and energy-efficiency tools applicable in the construction of the railway system. Therefore this report investigates which opportunities exist for decision makers to influence and to take actions that will reduce CO2 emissions during construction of a railway system. Furthermore it suggests methods for how CO2 savings and the related economic benefits and costs can be estimated. A case study on the Austrian railway company Österreischiche Bundesbahn (ÖBB) is conducted in order to investigate how and to what extent these suggestions can be implemented. The results reveal that carbon accounting, applying wooden material over concrete and steel, and exporting excavated material on rail instead of road are all actions that can be taken to reduce emissions.Transportsektorn Ă€r den största orsaken till vĂ€xthusgasutslĂ€pp och stĂ„r för cirka 22% av det globala utslĂ€ppet av koldioxid. Den globala vĂ€xthuseffekten och temperaturhöjningen som uppstĂ„tt i spĂ„ret av dessa utslĂ€pp har lett till ökade anstrĂ€ngningar för att minska utslĂ€ppen. MĂ„nga studier lyfter fram jĂ€rnvĂ€gsbunden trafik som det mest miljövĂ€nliga transportsĂ€ttet, och dĂ€rför finns ett ökat incitament att bygga ut jĂ€rnvĂ€gsbunden infrastruktur. FĂ„ studier undersöker dock vilka utslĂ€pp jĂ€rnvĂ€gstransport orsakar under sjĂ€lva byggnadsfasen och vilka hjĂ€lpmedel och verktyg som kan anvĂ€ndas för att minska dessa. I denna rapport undersöks vilka möjligheter det finns för beslutsfattare att pĂ„verka utslĂ€ppen under utbyggnation av jĂ€rnvĂ€g. I rapporten presenteras ocksĂ„ konkreta Ă„tgĂ€rder som kan leda till minskade utslĂ€pp. Dessutom diskuteras kostnadsaspekterna relaterade till minskning av koldioxidutslĂ€pp. En fallstudie pĂ„ österrikiska Österreischiche Bundesbahn (ÖBB) har gjorts för att undersöka hur och i vilken utstrĂ€ckning de olika koldioxidbesparande metoderna kan implementeras. Resultaten visar att kartlĂ€gga koldioxidutslĂ€pp, anvĂ€nda trĂ€ i större utstrĂ€ckning för att minska anvĂ€ndandet av stĂ„l och betong, och transportera utgrĂ€vt material pĂ„ jĂ€rnvĂ€g istĂ€llet för med lastbil Ă€r alla effektiva Ă„tgĂ€rder för att minska utslĂ€ppen

    Är svenska venture kapitalister fast i dĂ„tiden?

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    Currently, there are indications that Europe is facing an innovation deficit. The main explanation to the lack of innovation is considered to be that new technology-based firms are facing difficulties in receiving funding and consequently do not establish on the market. As new technology-based firms have an important role in technology development and overall growth, a consequence thereof could be a long- lasting negative effect on technological change and economic growth. The venture capital industry is frequently put forward as the actor that can provide financing for these types of firms. This study aimed to investigate the contemporary role that Swedish traditional venture capitalists and government supported venture capitalists have in the funding landscape of new technology-based firms. To fulfill this purpose, the study analyzed both the investors' preferences and the challenges with investing into new technology-based firms. The findings were acquired through performing eight semi- structured interviews with highly knowledgeable practitioners. In addition, literature was scrutinized. The study concluded that the preferences of the venture capital firms are heavily misaligned with investments into new technology and that digital companies present a better aligned investment alternative. More specifically, venture capitalists perceived the teams of new technology-based firms to be lacking, which is misaligned with the venture capitalists' strong emphasis on the team. New technology-based firms were also perceived to be associated with great risks, which is misaligned with the risk aversion of venture capitalists. The high risk was found to be related to the high degree of novelty, the perceived difficulties in finding syndication partners, the venture capitalists' lack of specific knowledge and experience, the long time to market and the large funding need in early stages. Further, the long time to market is ill-suited with the fund structure of traditional venture capital firms. On the other hand, digital companies were found to be well aligned with the venture capitalists' risk profile and preference for investing large amounts of capital at once. When it comes to government-supported venture capitalists, the study concluded that Industrifonden's preferences are similar to those of traditional venture capitalists and that Almi Invest, due to its structure, faces specific barriers for investing. Based on these findings, the conclusion was drawn that the likelihood is low that venture capitalists will invest in new technology-based firms. In order to be able to draw conclusions regarding the impacts on innovation and technological change, further research on the capabilities and preferences of informal venture capital is necessary. Further research could also attend to the demand of financing to increase the understanding of the innovation deficit.Idag finns indikationer pÄ innovationsbrist i Europa. En huvudsaklig orsak till innovationsbristen anses vara att bolag med ny teknologi har svÄrt att fÄ finansiering och dÀrmed etablera sig pÄ marknaden. Eftersom ny teknologi spelar en viktig roll i teknologisk utveckling och ekonomisk tillvÀxt, Àr en möjlig konsekvens av innovationsbristen lÄngtgÄende negativa effekter pÄ teknologisk utveckling och ekonomisk tillvÀxt. Venture capital industrin framhÄlls ofta som en aktör som kan finansiera denna typ av bolag. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka vilken roll svenska traditionella venture capital fonder och statliga venture capital fonder har i finansieringslandskapet av ny teknologi. För att uppnÄ detta syfte analyserade studien bÄde investerarnas preferenser och utmaningarna med att investera i ny teknologi. Resultaten nÄddes genom att genomföra semistrukturerade intervjuer med Ätta erfarna praktiserande i industrin. Intervjuobjekten hade antingen erfarenhet frÄn traditionellt eller statligt venture capital. Utöver detta granskades litteratur pÄ omrÄdet. Studien fann att venture capital industrins preferenser pÄ flera vis inte matchar investeringar i ny teknologi medan digitala bolag vÀl passar in i preferenserna. Mer specifikt ansÄg venture capitalisterna att teamen för ny teknologiska bolag saknar viktiga kvalitéer, nÄgot som missmatchar venture capitalisternas starka fokus pÄ teamet. Nyteknologiska bolag ansÄgs ocksÄ vara associerade med hög risk, vilket stÄr i stark kontrast till venture capitalisternas riskaversion. Den höga risken ansÄgs vara relaterad till investeringens nya natur, den upplevda svÄrigheten att hitta syndikteringspartners, venture capitalisters avsaknad av specifik erfarenhet, den lÄnga tiden till marknaden och de stora kapitalbehoven i tidiga skeden. Vidare fann studien att den lÄnga tiden till marknaden var misspassat till fondstrukturen hos traditionella venture capitalister. Och andra sidan visade studien att digitala bolag passar vÀl med venture capitalisters riskprofil och preferens för att investera stora belopp pÄ en gÄng. NÀr det kommer till statliga venture capital fonder fann studien att Industrifondens preferenser Àr mycket lika de traditionella venture capitalisternas preferenser och att Almi Invest stÄr inför sÀrskilda barriÀrer för att investera i ny teknologi. Baserat pÄ dessa resultat konkluderade studien att sannolikheten Àr lÄg att venture capitalister investerar i ny teknologi. Forskning pÄ kapaciteterna och preferenserna för informellt kapital Àr dock nödvÀndigt för att kunna dra slutsatser kring effekterna pÄ innovation och teknisk utveckling. Framtida forskning bör ocksÄ fokusera pÄ efterfrÄgan pÄ kapital för att förstÄ innovationsbristen

    Posterior ocular malformations in children : Teratological aspects

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    Posterior ocular malformations are common causes of visual impairment in Swedish children. The most frequent diagnoses within this group are optic nerve hypoplasia and optic nerve/chorioretinal coloboma. Genetic factors, teratogens like medical/addictive drugs or congenital infections and unknown factors may cause these malformations. The general aims of this work were to study the impact of various teratogens on ocular structures and visual function in children and to evaluate associated somatic disorders in children with posterior ocular malformations. Paper I describes 43 children exposed to anti-epileptic drugs during pregnancy, compared to 47 control children. Children exposed to low amounts of single therapy anti-epileptic drugs (predominately phenytoin or carbamazepine), where the mothers were carefully monitored during pregnancy did not develop severe ocular malformations. Papers II-IV are based on Swedish data from a prospective European multi-centre study on infections with Toxoplasma gondii. Among 40 978 newborn children screened neonatally, three had congenital toxoplasmosis. Two were asymptomatic at birth and would have escaped early detection and therapy without neonatal screening. They were treated for 12 months with anti-parasitic therapy. Seroprevalence in adults, incidence of primary infection during pregnancy with Toxoplasma gondii and prevalence of congenital toxoplasmosis were low in Sweden. In Papers V and VI, 40 visually impaired children with posterior ocular malformations from the whole of Sweden, referred to Tomteboda Resource Centre were assessed on a multi-disciplinary basis. Children with optic nerve hypoplasia more often had severe visual impairment, were diagnosed later and suffered to a greater extent from neonatal and endocrinological insufficiencies than children with coloboma/microphthalmus. Neuroradiologically, an abnormal pituitary region indicated endocrinological insufficiencies. Neonatal hypoglycaemia predicted for neurological, endocrinological and/or cognitive dysfunction. Exposure to Vitamin A, alcohol or anti-depressive drugs was found in five children. Dried blood spot cards, collected for routine metabolic screening, were retrospectively analysed with polymerase chain reaction to detect congenital cytomegalo- or herpes simplex virus infection. Herpes simplex virus type 1 DNA was identified in one child with optic nerve hypoplasia whereas cytomegalovirus DNA was not found in any child. In Paper VII, four children with hepatic disease presenting as neonatal cholestasis and visual impairment due to optic nerve hypoplasia are described. Common aetiological mechanisms are discussed and it is suggested that endocrine insufficiencies and cholestasis occur in variable clinical combinations in infants with optic nerve hypoplasia. In conclusion a multi-disciplinary approach is of great importance in children with posterior ocular malformations in order to accurately describe associated endocrinological insufficiencies, CNS abnormalities, neurological or neuro-psychiatric dysfunction and, with reference to young infants, accompanying cholestasis. Further evaluation is needed of the role of congenital infections and anti-depressive drugs and their association to posterior ocular malformations

    Är svenska venture kapitalister fast i dĂ„tiden?

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    Currently, there are indications that Europe is facing an innovation deficit. The main explanation to the lack of innovation is considered to be that new technology-based firms are facing difficulties in receiving funding and consequently do not establish on the market. As new technology-based firms have an important role in technology development and overall growth, a consequence thereof could be a long- lasting negative effect on technological change and economic growth. The venture capital industry is frequently put forward as the actor that can provide financing for these types of firms. This study aimed to investigate the contemporary role that Swedish traditional venture capitalists and government supported venture capitalists have in the funding landscape of new technology-based firms. To fulfill this purpose, the study analyzed both the investors' preferences and the challenges with investing into new technology-based firms. The findings were acquired through performing eight semi- structured interviews with highly knowledgeable practitioners. In addition, literature was scrutinized. The study concluded that the preferences of the venture capital firms are heavily misaligned with investments into new technology and that digital companies present a better aligned investment alternative. More specifically, venture capitalists perceived the teams of new technology-based firms to be lacking, which is misaligned with the venture capitalists' strong emphasis on the team. New technology-based firms were also perceived to be associated with great risks, which is misaligned with the risk aversion of venture capitalists. The high risk was found to be related to the high degree of novelty, the perceived difficulties in finding syndication partners, the venture capitalists' lack of specific knowledge and experience, the long time to market and the large funding need in early stages. Further, the long time to market is ill-suited with the fund structure of traditional venture capital firms. On the other hand, digital companies were found to be well aligned with the venture capitalists' risk profile and preference for investing large amounts of capital at once. When it comes to government-supported venture capitalists, the study concluded that Industrifonden's preferences are similar to those of traditional venture capitalists and that Almi Invest, due to its structure, faces specific barriers for investing. Based on these findings, the conclusion was drawn that the likelihood is low that venture capitalists will invest in new technology-based firms. In order to be able to draw conclusions regarding the impacts on innovation and technological change, further research on the capabilities and preferences of informal venture capital is necessary. Further research could also attend to the demand of financing to increase the understanding of the innovation deficit.Idag finns indikationer pÄ innovationsbrist i Europa. En huvudsaklig orsak till innovationsbristen anses vara att bolag med ny teknologi har svÄrt att fÄ finansiering och dÀrmed etablera sig pÄ marknaden. Eftersom ny teknologi spelar en viktig roll i teknologisk utveckling och ekonomisk tillvÀxt, Àr en möjlig konsekvens av innovationsbristen lÄngtgÄende negativa effekter pÄ teknologisk utveckling och ekonomisk tillvÀxt. Venture capital industrin framhÄlls ofta som en aktör som kan finansiera denna typ av bolag. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka vilken roll svenska traditionella venture capital fonder och statliga venture capital fonder har i finansieringslandskapet av ny teknologi. För att uppnÄ detta syfte analyserade studien bÄde investerarnas preferenser och utmaningarna med att investera i ny teknologi. Resultaten nÄddes genom att genomföra semistrukturerade intervjuer med Ätta erfarna praktiserande i industrin. Intervjuobjekten hade antingen erfarenhet frÄn traditionellt eller statligt venture capital. Utöver detta granskades litteratur pÄ omrÄdet. Studien fann att venture capital industrins preferenser pÄ flera vis inte matchar investeringar i ny teknologi medan digitala bolag vÀl passar in i preferenserna. Mer specifikt ansÄg venture capitalisterna att teamen för ny teknologiska bolag saknar viktiga kvalitéer, nÄgot som missmatchar venture capitalisternas starka fokus pÄ teamet. Nyteknologiska bolag ansÄgs ocksÄ vara associerade med hög risk, vilket stÄr i stark kontrast till venture capitalisternas riskaversion. Den höga risken ansÄgs vara relaterad till investeringens nya natur, den upplevda svÄrigheten att hitta syndikteringspartners, venture capitalisters avsaknad av specifik erfarenhet, den lÄnga tiden till marknaden och de stora kapitalbehoven i tidiga skeden. Vidare fann studien att den lÄnga tiden till marknaden var misspassat till fondstrukturen hos traditionella venture capitalister. Och andra sidan visade studien att digitala bolag passar vÀl med venture capitalisters riskprofil och preferens för att investera stora belopp pÄ en gÄng. NÀr det kommer till statliga venture capital fonder fann studien att Industrifondens preferenser Àr mycket lika de traditionella venture capitalisternas preferenser och att Almi Invest stÄr inför sÀrskilda barriÀrer för att investera i ny teknologi. Baserat pÄ dessa resultat konkluderade studien att sannolikheten Àr lÄg att venture capitalister investerar i ny teknologi. Forskning pÄ kapaciteterna och preferenserna för informellt kapital Àr dock nödvÀndigt för att kunna dra slutsatser kring effekterna pÄ innovation och teknisk utveckling. Framtida forskning bör ocksÄ fokusera pÄ efterfrÄgan pÄ kapital för att förstÄ innovationsbristen

    Formandet av strategiska allianser i en dynamisk miljö : AffÀrsekosystem applicerat pÄ strategiska allianser i digitala medieindustrin

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    The online media industry has undergone changes during the last decades. Driven by technology advancements, there has been an increasing number of actors that can enhance the value of service in the media industry. The fast changing environment calls for a dynamic lens when analyzing strategic alliances forming between actors in the industry, thus this study uses a Business Ecosystem perspective to analyze how alliances should be formed to enable competitive advantage. A xase study was performed on a world leading provider of broadcast and media services to analyze how the dynamic setting affects suitable strategic alliance forms, using a partner selection framework to identify possible alliances. The results showed most potential within alliance forms of lower intergration, such as Franchise, Licensing Agreement or  Arms-Lenght Market relation. Hurdels for the higher forms of integration were identified as mostly caused by requirements of low investments and implementation times in the fast moving dynamic environment.  Identified future work is presented as performing a similar study where these hurdels are nonexistent to further analyze which alliance forms are applicable in a dynamic industry.
