1,596 research outputs found

    Efficient multi-standard cognitive radios on FPGAs

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    Cognitive radios that support multiple standards and modify operation depending on environmental conditions are becoming more important as the demand for higher bandwidth and efficient spectrum use increases. Traditional implementations in custom ASICs cannot support such flexibility, with standards changing at a faster pace, while software baseband implementations fail to achieve the performance required. Hence, FPGAs offer an ideal platform bringing together flexibility, performance, and efficiency. This work explores the possible techniques for designing multi-standard radios on FPGAs, and explores how partial reconfiguration can be leveraged in a way that is amenable for domain experts with minimal FPGA knowledge

    Shaping spectral leakage for IEEE 802.11 p vehicular communications

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    IEEE 802.11p is a recently defined standard for the physical (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) layers for Dedicated Short-Range Communications. Four Spectrum Emission Masks (SEMs) are specified in 802.11p that are much more stringent than those for current 802.11 systems. In addition, the guard interval in 802.11p has been lengthened by reducing the bandwidth to support vehicular communication (VC) channels, and this results in a narrowing of the frequency guard. This raises a significant challenge for filtering the spectrum of 802.11p signals to meet the specifications of the SEMs. We investigate state of the art pulse shaping and filtering techniques for 802.11p, before proposing a new method of shaping the 802.11p spectral leakage to meet the most stringent, class D, SEM specification. The proposed method, performed at baseband to relax the strict constraints of the radio frequency (RF) front-end, allows 802.11p systems to be implemented using commercial off-the- shelf (COTS) 802.11a RF hardware, resulting in reduced total system cost

    The accumulative effect of Finnsheep breeding in crossbreeding schemes

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    Finnsheep (F) was used in a crossbreeding project to improve overall productivity of the DLS breed. Productive and reproductive traits of seven crossbred combinations ranging from 1/8F to 7/8F breeding were compared to those of the two parental breeds. Suffolk rams were used to mate all ewes (361) for five parturitions (1312 records). Ovulation rate (OR) and litter size (LS) at birth for all the groups increased progressively as F breeding increased. The 4/8F ewes weaned the heaviest litters. Percentage of ova lost per ewe mated ranged from 18 % to 29 %. Preweaning mortality rate was highest in F ewes. Total kg of lambs weaned per ewe exposed was highest in 4/8F followed by F whereas that of DLS was lowest. The 4/8F exhibited 25 % heterosis (H) in kg of lambs weaned per ewe exposed. The linear regressions of OR (b = .24), of LS at birth (b = .14) and at weaning (b = .08) on proportion of F breeding in crosses were significant. The regressions were quadratic for percent ova lost and lamb mortality at weaning. The crosses showed positive H in grease fleece weight (GFW), the highest being expressed by the 4/8F and 5/8F crosses. Significant linear relationships were observed between F breeding and GFW (2nd shearing), fiber thickness and variability in both fiber length and fiber thickness, whereas the relationships of F breeding with GFW (3rd and later shearings), clean wool percentage and fiber length were quadratic. Most of the crosses exhibited positive H particularly in clean wool percentage and in staple and fiber length. H was often highest in the 4/8F cross. Genetic group of dam had a significant effect on age at slaughter, leg, loin and kidney fat as a percent of the carcass, lean, fat and bone percent of the 12th rib and fat thickness over loin-eye muscle. A significant linear relationship existed between most of these carcass measurements and the proportion of F breeding in the lambs’ dam

    Will cool roofs improve the thermal performance of our built environment? A study assessing roof systems in Bahrain

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    A number of international campaigns have recently proposed the use of cool roofs worldwide in order to cope with the summer urban heat island (UHI) effect. This work investigates cool roof strategy and examines the potential of such a strategy for Bahrain. Full-scale measurement, meteorological modelling and thermal simulation of five standard roofs were performed during particular summer days due to the high intensity levels of solar irradiation. This work shows that the light tile roof and metal decking are relatively cooler and more comfortable than others and that the maximum reduction in heat gain occurs for a light tile roof with thermal insulation materials. Nevertheless, without insulation the cooling load is increased by only 1.3%. This percentage seems not to be cost-effective where economics and building construction are concerned. In contrast, the reduction percentage due to the use of thermal insulation in the case of dark tile roof, felt bitumen roof and screed roof increases to 5–7%, which is more cost effective. This work concludes that the cool roof strategy is the most cost-effective for the hot climate of Bahrain, which has a long cooling season. With the current levels of urban development in Bahrain, cool roofs can reduce UHI intensity and building cooling loads, lowering demand for electricity and greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. To avoid any negative consequences from using this strategy, however, trade-offs between urban mitigation and adoptation strategies and complementary technologies should be accounted for in future urban development plans

    Acceleration of Amphibian Forelimb Regeneration By Polypeptide Growth Factors

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    Growth factors are potentially important modulators of epimorphic regeneration. This study examined effects of intraperitoneal administration of selected growth factors on limb regeneration of adult newts, Notophthalmus viridescens. These agents stimulated regeneration, producing overlapping but nonidentical effects. Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) stimulated bud emergence (8.3 ± 0.6 and 8.3 ± 0.7 days, respectively, vs 11.4 ± 1.1 days for controls). Progression to the cone stage was enhanced by both FGF-2 and transforming growth factor beta 5 ( TGF-~ 5) ; 14.6 ± 0.5 and 15.4 ± 0.4 days with FGF-2 and TGF-~5 , respectively, vs 16.5 ± 0.5 days in controls. Insulin accelerated attainment of the palette stage, 17.0 ± 0.7 days vs 19.0 ± 0.4 days for controls. No treatments affected attaining the digital stage; means between 22.4 and 23.4 days. Histological analysis revealed changes consistent with gross observations. In addition, regenerates from newts treated with FGF-2, TGF-~5. and insulin displayed signs of greater (or earlier) histogenesis than did control animals. These results are consistent with the notion that FGF-2, TGF-~5. and possibly lGF-I stimulate proliferation of blastema cells and that insulin, FGF-2, and TGF-~5 promote differentiation and histogenesis during forelimb regeneration. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that several polypeptide growth factors positively affect the progress of forelimb regeneration, that different growth factors influence the same or similar events of epimorphic regeneration, and that diverse growth factors have nonidentical effects on regeneration

    Multi-Core CPU Air Cooling

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    ABSTRACT: Where renewable energy sources, solar, hydro, wind are available the remote communities and businesses can be provided with the most reliable and affordable source of electrical energy. This paper presents a model of safari rest contains all the necessary services for the interested tourists who visit the safari Sinai desert. The PV energy system provides the rural energy needs of remote communities. A photovoltaic renewable energy system is designed to feed the global Ac and Dc electrical required load of this safari rest. The benefits of photovoltaic renewable energy at rural applications are its versatility and convenience. This model of safari rest must be taken in consideration by Egyptian Government as it will provide the tourism plane by new interested tourism field which put a big spot on Red sea area: El Ghordaka


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    This study entitled “Reconstruction name of Jember in Babad Jember Play Ludruk Surya Utama”, is a study of ludruk play that are suspected of having participated in producing or distributing the origins name of Jember, through babad Jember play which performed with Madura, Java and Indonesia language. The reconstruction was based on a structural review; plot, theme, character and toponymy in babad Jember play by Surya Utama group. Examine the mixed use of language based on texture; the dialogue of the Jember babad play which consists of (a) external dialogue in the form of communication between actors, especially in conflicts between characters, (b) internal dialogue in the form of monologues, (c) dialogue that contains elements of humor. The objectives of this study are to find out the pattern name of Jember and the occurrence of language mixing in the ludruk babad Jember play. The study results, the use of Madura, Java, Indonesia languages-which change and mix-that occurs consciously or unconsciously because of the interlocutor factors, message form, situation, topic. Mutual dialogue with different languages is known not to disrupt the storyline. In this case because the actors or performances are held in areas where the people speak Javanese, Madurese and Indonesian. The mixed language that occurs in this case is another form of oral-written Jember chronicle telling using a single language. The overall results can be concluded; (1) name of Jember is given by the character based on the condition of the area and the character's death. (2) Changing and mixing of languages occurs affected by the interlocutors, message form, topic, and situation in which the actor or the performance takes place in the midst of a multilingual society

    Impact of Designed Teaching Program for Pregnant Women with Gestational Diabetes on Maternal outcomes

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    Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) was deïŹned as any degree of glucose intolerance with an onset or ïŹrst recognition during pregnancy. Aim of this research: was to examine the impact of designed teaching program for pregnant women with gestational diabetes on maternal outcomes. Subjects & Methods:- Design: quasi experimental pre-post one group design was utilized for the current study. Setting: The study was carried out at Antenatal outpatient clinic at El-Manial Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital. Sample: A convenient sample of 100 gestational diabetic women was recruited for the study. Data collection: different tools were used to collect the data; (1) Structured Interviewing Schedule; (2) Physical assessment sheet; (3) Pretest for assessing knowledge; (4) Follow up tool to asses women's compliance to the given instructions; (5) Post test for assessing knowledge, and Post partum questionnaire. Results: revealed that, the mean post-test knowledge score (18.45) was significantly higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score, there was weak positive relationship between the mean post-test knowledge score and maternal compliance to the given instructions (r = 0.304), no statistically significant relationship were found in relation to post test knowledge score and blood glucose level in the current pregnancy (P=0.37), Moreover, there was high statistically significant relationship between the mean posttest knowledge score and mode of the current delivery (P =0.016). All over there was high statistically significant relationship between post-test knowledge score and maternal outcomes  (P < 0.001). In conclusion:  participating of designed teaching program for gestational diabetic women lead to increase knowledge score about the disease and increase women's awareness of how to decrease its complications. This research recommended that: Raise pregnant mother's awareness regarding Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, definition, diagnosis, symptoms and signs , frequency of antenatal visits, and ways to adopting healthy life style as follow dietary program and practice exercises. Keywords: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Women compliance, , Postpartum questionnair
