12 research outputs found

    Policy Analysis of Healthy Community Movement (Germas) during Pandemi COVID-19 in Yogyakarta

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    The social environment, including policies, is one of the instruments to encourage health promotion toward a healthy life, preventing and controlling COVID-19. This was to analyze the content, process, content and policy actors related toThe Healthy Community Movement (Germas) and the prevention of COVID-19 in Yogyakarta.We apply a-qualitative research of policy. We apply rapid assessment procedures (RAP) using focus group discussion (FGD) and desk review to observe various of policy from the government website. Research conducted in Yogyakarta from March to May 2021. Data was analysis by qualitative content analysis based on content, process, context, and actor categories. Results showed that policies related to Germas already exist at all levels, both national, provincial and district/city locally. According to policy content, Germas was movement to promote the culture/behavior of healthy living based on community empowerment, that were 7 points were physical activity, consuming fruits and vegetables, not smoking, not consuming alcoholic beverages, early detection and medical examination routine, clean healthy and lifestyle, and using toilet. Base on process, there were national, provincial, and local policy level. At the national level there was presidential instructions, regulations of the minister of national development planning, while governor's, regent’s policy at level province and region respectively. Locally, some policy regulate special context on COVID-19 preventing and controlling to increase awareness of the risk of transmission of COVID-19 infection in Yogyakarta. The policy actors were all of local government organizations, universities, CSR, and community. The conclusion is The Special Region of Yogyakarta already has many policies covering various sectors of life to support the implementation of Germas in the pandemic era and has been carried out by stakeholders, CSR, universities, and all of governmen

    Eksplorasi peringatan kesehatan bergambar pada kemasan rokok

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    Exploration of pictorial health warnings in cigarette packagesPurposeThis study conducted to examine effectiveness of pictorial health warnings in cigarette packages to reduce smoking intention.MethodA population-based, qualitative study, were used in this study. 20 partisipants were observed and indept-interviewed. ResultsThreats after seeing a picture warnings on cigarette packs is the perception of the dangers of images and feelings of fear, disgust, pity, worry, mediocre. Efficacy after seeing a picture warnings on cigarette packs is the belief of the image and the impact on individuals after viewing images.ConclusionThreat of pictorial warnings are not only affected by the warning image itself but also the experience of the viewer and aspects of the warning image such as color, clarity of image, and message content.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas peringatan kesehatan bergambar di kemasan rokok untuk mengurangi intensi merokok.Metode: Penelitian kualitatif berbasis populasi digunakan dalam penelitian ini. 20 partisipan diobservasi dan diwawancara secara mendalam.Hasil: Ancaman yang muncul setelah melihat gambar peringatan pada kemasan rokok muncul karena adanya perasaan takut, jijik, kasihan, khawatir, biasa saja. Selain itu, terdapat pengalaman dan aspek gambar yang mempengaruhi munculnya ancaman dan keyakinan ancaman. Munculnya ancaman tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh gambar peringatan tetapi juga pengalaman dan aspek gambar peringatan.Kesimpulan: Gambar peringatan yang lebih menakutkan dan memunculkan keparahan lebih cenderung memberikan efek ancaman

    Peer Review : The role of social media in optimizing the healthy lifestyle movement “GERMAS” during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Abstract The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) need community participation to overcome. The social movement such as the healthy lifestyle movement “GERMAS” plays an important role to break the chain of COVID-19 transmission. On the other hand, the infodemic was caused misinformation and disinformation. The high health literacy will lead people to participate in the GERMAS social movement. This study was aimed to explore the use of social media to improve health literacy on the healthy lifestyle social movement “GERMAS”. This research was conducted in Yogyakarta. It was conducted by reviewing documents, reviewing literature, and collecting primary data. Primary data collection was carried out through online surveys, focus group discussions, and indepth interviews. The number of respondents were 461 respondents, 449 filled out online surveys, 11 focus group discussions, and 1 in-depth interview. The study showed that WhatsApp was the most widely accessed source of information about COVID-19 (83%) and health protocols (82%) after television. In addition, WhatsApp had become the main source of information about GERMAS (73%). The results of the FGD and in-depth interviews showed that there was already a communication network through WhatsApp groups from the provincial to subdistrict/village levels that were used to share information on a regular basis to the public. Lack of “think tanks”, and bureaucratic ties make this network unable to function optimally. Social media had an important role in optimizing the GERMAS program during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social media management and good cooperation between government and private agencies were important keys for optimizing GERMAS in the pandemic er

    Who are the actual beneficiaries of health promotion? An evaluation of health promotion scope in Yogyakarta

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    Healthy lifestyle media campaign is one of health promotion method that offers a challenge in evaluation. Healthy lifestyle media campaign doesn’t usually result in behaviour change because the changing needs times and provision of other interventions. This study was trying to evaluate a healthy lifestyle media campaign developed by District Health Office of Yogyakarta using the RE-AIM framework. The mixed method study consists of a quantitative approach to describe the reach of media campaigns and the qualitative approach to describe public perception of media campaign effectiveness. This study’s total sample is 288 respondents (32+ 11 y.o; 57.56 % women) consists of community, cadres, and students. The data were collected through survey, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Healthy lifestyle media have not been able to reach all respondents. Nine from 11 produced media were not known by more than 60 % respondents. Respondents describe media distribution, media placement, media competition and channel suitability as the factors that affect their familiarity with healthy lifestyle media campaign. Not all media could reach enough target in the community. Health promoter should take notice on the media’s ability to reach specific targets when developing the media campaign

    Community engagement strategy for healthy diet in urban community: A phenomenological study

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    Unhealthy diet is the risk factors for non-communicable diseases with limited intervention in Indonesia. Environmental change interventions are known to be effective in encouraging changes in healthy diet. However, community engagement is needed to ensure the adoption of the behaviour. This study seeks to identify the strategy to engage urban community in healthy diet intervention. Qualitative research with phenomenological approach was conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Samples were selected among citizens of Yogyakarta city with the age range from 19 yr old to 65 yr old. The informants consist of lay persons, cadres and stakeholders. Data from 87 respondents were collected through 7 focus group discussions and 2 in-depth interviews. Strategies to engage community in healthy eating interventions consists of 3 main themes: i) intervention’s characteristics, ii) information characteristics and iii) the information channel. The intervention’s expected characteristics are aimed at various ages, using family approach through stakeholder support and collaboration and by increasing cadre’s capacity and providing opportunity to manage funding. Information characteristics are accessible, valid, up to date and personal. Information can be disseminated through virtual and non-virtual media. Community engagement strategies in healthy eating interventions should be segmented, strengthening the role of family and easily accessible


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    Terbatasnya pilihan pengobatan dalam mengatasi Covid-19 mendorong masyarakat mencari alternatif pencegahan secara mandiri. Satu diantaranya dengan menggunakan obat tradisional untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Jamu merupakan obat tradisional Indonesia yang telah digunakan sejak jaman dulu. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik penggunaan jamu oleh masyarakat untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh selama pandemi. Studi ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan secara consecutive sampling, dengan kriteria inklusi warga negara Indonesia yang berumur lebih dari 18 tahun. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara survei daring yang melibatkan 1.524 responden. Uji chi square dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap, dan demografi dengan praktik. Regresi logistik dilakukan untuk menguji variabel independen yang memiliki hubungan dengan variabel dependen secara bersamaan. Hasil uji chi square menunjukkan bahwa semua variabel kecuali jenis kelamin dan pengetahuan mempunyai nilai p<0,05 (95% CI). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa usia (p=0,000), tempat tinggal (p=0,000), pekerjaan (p=0,003), pendidikan (p=0,041) dan sikap (p=0,000) memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan praktik penggunaan jamu. Berdasarkan analisis regresi logistik, tempat tinggal (OR:0,58; CI:0,46-0,74), usia (OR:1,68; CI:1,34-2,11) dan sikap (OR=0,30; CI:0,24-0,38) responden berhubungan secara bermakna dengan praktik penggunakan jamu untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh selama pandemi Covid-19.  Sementara itu pekerjaan dan pendidikan tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna. Secara umum responden telah memiliki pengetahuan, sikap dan praktik penggunaan jamu yang baik. Namun demikian, edukasi dan promosi yang mempertimbangkan karakteristik demografi masih diperlukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan praktik masyarakat