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    This study has the objective 1). Knowing Practice Improvement Learning Outcomes Through Use of Computer Assembling Assembling Module Personal Computer Student Class X TKJ 1 and 2 vocational Batik TKJ Perbaik Purworejo Academic Year 2011/2012 2).Students know the response to the Use of Learning Media Module Personal Computer Assembling TKJ Students in Grades 1 and X 2 TKJ Batik Perbaik Purworejo SMK School Year 2011/2012. This study uses a Class Action Research (PTK) with the implementation phase includes the Planning, Implementation Measures, Observation / Evaluation, and Reflection. Data collection methods used in this study were participant observation and questionnaire (questionnaire). For the instrument in this study is the module assembly of personal computers and questionnaires. Data analysis methods used are qualitative analysis. Qualitative methods carried out by Data Reduction, Data Display and Conclusion. Based on the research results can be concluded that 1). Computer Assembling Practice Learning Outcomes Students in general have increased in cycles I and II, namely it happen increase in the number of students who exceed the KMM than 25 students in cycle I to 33 students in Cycle II to class 1 and X TKJ students exceed the number of 23 students KKM in Cycle I to 31 students in Cycle II, or in other words all class X 1 and X TKJ TKJ 2 KKM has met the minimum grades of at least 75. 2). There is a positive response by 90% and a negative response by 10% of students TKJ X 1 and X 2 of the application module TKJ Practice Personal Computer Assembly on learning basic competencies or Installing Computer Peripherals Connecting Physical and peripherals using the Software Settings. Negative response arises because there are several factors: the lack of preparation of students in learning the material practices that sometimes have difficulty in following instructions, the application of constraints in the assembly sequence of steps that inhibit the activity a little practice, the lack of independence of the student in learning the material and the condition of students in participating practical activities for some students. Overall the students are better able to understand the material and improve their skills in personal computer assembly activity, thereby increasing Student Result


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    Tanah merupakan sumberdaya alam yang selalu dapat diperbaharui melalui siklus hidrologi akan tetapi rentan terhadap kerusakan dan degradasi. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kerusakan tanah yaitu iklim, erosi, alih fungsi lahan, aktifitas manusia. Hal ini menunjukkan erosi dapat menjadi salah satu tolak ukur kerusakan tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat erosi yang terjadi Di Daerah Rehabilitasi. Sumber Data yang dimbil yaitu Data Primer dan Data Sekunder. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Lahan Rehabilitasi Gunung Pucung bulan Januari sampai Februari tahun 2023. Sampel tanah diambil berdasarkan overlay peta kelerengan, tanah, administrasi dan penggunaan lahan, Teknik pengambilan sampel tanah menggunakan 2 cara yaitu terusik dan tidak terusik, Parameter yang diuamati yaitu erosivitas, erodibilitas, kelerengan, tutupan lahan dan perlakuan konservasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan menggunakan USLE (Universal Soil Lost Equation). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa erosi yang terjadi paling besar ada pada SPL 4 dengan nilai yaitu 374.9 ton/ha/tahu. Sedangkan nilai total erosi yang rendah terjadi pada SPL 3 memiliki nilai yaitu 34.20 ton/ha/tahun. Berdasarkan Analisis Tingkat Bahaya erosi pada lahan penelitian diketahui pada SPL 1 dan 4 mendapat TBE yang berat sedangkan pada SPL 2,5 dan 6 diketahui mendapat TBE sedang kemudian SPL 3 mendapat TBE ringan

    The Indonesian digital library network is born to struggle with the digital divide

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    IndonesiaDLN ā€“The Indonesian Digital Library Networkā€“ is a distributed collection of digital library networks, digital library servers, full local contents, metadata, and people for the development of the Indonesian knowledge-based society. Beside the general issues of digital library such as publishing, quality control, authentication, networking, and information retrieval, we also face other issue ā€“namely digital divideā€“ in designing and implementing the Network. This paper describes basic design of the Network that able to handle the typical problems in developing digital library network in Indonesia as a developing country, such as internet accessibility, bandwidth capacity, and network delays. We also will describe our experiences in implementing the Network that currently has 14 successfully connected partners and more than 15 partners are in progress of developing their digital library servers

    Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) Berbasis Komunikasi Pembangunan Digital (Studi pada Balai Standardisasi dan Pelayanan Jasa Industri (BSPJI) Kota Banjarbaru)

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    Industri kecil di kota Banjarbaru faktanya masih terdapat keterbatasan pada masyarakat yang menghambat pengembangan, Dalam perencanaan pengembangannya, ada kesenjangan dalam menyampaikan ide dan program pembangunan agar masyarakat memahami latar belakang, tujuan, dan tindakan yang mereka perlukan sesuai dengan perencanaan pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengembangan industri kecil menengah (IKM) berbasis komunikasi pembangunan digital yang dilakukan oleh BSPJI Kota Banjarbaru.Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivis, paradigma konstruktivis, deskriptif analitis, Dasar penelitian studi kasus, Penelitian ini dikerjakan 1 bulan pada bulan April ā€“ Mei 2022, Tempat penelitian di kantor BSPJI Banjarbaru Utara, Kalimantan Selatan, menggunakan teknik Non Probability Sampling dengan model purposive sampling, Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi, teknik analisis data model interaktif oleh Miles, Huberman, dan SaldanaPada fase pengetahuan, penyebaran informasi telah mencapai tingkat yang memadai di wilayah Kota Banjarbaru dan berhasil menggunakan media massa dan online secara optimal Pada fase persuasi, pengelola IKM yang sudah pernah mengikuti program layanan pengembangan digital sebelumnya yang dimana terdapat berbagai macam inovasi terhadap calon pengadopsi Dalam fase pengambilan keputusan, responden mempertimbangkan manfaat yang relatif, kompleksitas, dan kesesuaian dalam menerima inovasi. Kemudahan dan fleksibilitas inovasi Pada tahap konfirmasi, mayoritas responden memutuskan untuk mengadopsi inovasi ini karena mereka memiliki tujuan dan kemauan berkembang. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk mengadopsi pengembangan IKM berbasis komunikasi pembangunan digital, proses difusi inovasi tidak dapat terjadi secara mendadak atau dipaksakan untuk mengikuti perubahan secara besar-besaran. Sebaliknya, diperlukan sebuah tahap transisi yang terencana dengan baik, yang didukung oleh peran pengembangan

    Indonesian Higher Education: The Chronicle, Recent Development and The New Legal Entity Universities

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    This paper reviews and presents the concise history of higher education Indonesia from pra-colonial period to the latest era when the Government of Republic Indonesia proposed the Educational Legal Entity Bill and the Law on National Education System.higher education; Indonesia; history, legal entity

    The Evaluation of the implementation of WebCT in the Principle of Macroeconomics Class

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    This paper describes the review of implementation of Blended Learning with WebCT in Principle of Macroeconomics class. The course is conducted at the University of Padjadjaran at second semester in 2005. A questioner and a quantitative data are used to support the importance of those kinds of learning method.Economics education, learning method

    The Effectiveness of Private Versus Public Schools in Indonesia: Comment

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    I reestimate Bedi and Garg estimation of differential earnings of public-private junior secondary school in Indonesia. I replicate Bedi and Garg method by using Bedi and Gargā€™s sample data and creating a new sample data base on the original updated IFLS1 data (Indonesia Family Life Survey 1 codename IFLS1-RR). I use the same methodology as Bedi and Garg with the latest Stata command to confirm Bedi and Gargā€™s major conclusion. Using selmlog and decompose Stata techniques, I find the evidence that contradictive with Bedi and Gargā€™s conclusion as the public schools graduated earn higher than other graduates from private schools.School effectiveness, earnings, Indonesia
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