165 research outputs found

    Constitutional Implications on Block Pricing in the California Water Market

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    Due to the severity of the recent drought, those residing in California have realized the devastating effects of climate change. As California continues to experience amplified weather conditions and diminished water supply, the state must adapt to drought conditions and mitigate the impacts of droughts. In order to do so, municipal water pricing mechanisms that send price signals to consumers to conserve water should be enforced to ensure the longevity of California\u27s water supply. In particular, increasing block-pricing structures are a favorable market-based solution that disincentivizes heavy water consumption while allowing essential water use to remain affordable. The California Constitution limits conservation water pricing to the at-cost requirement where municipalities must prove that rates reflect the actual cost of service. This Note looks at the constitutional and judicial limitations on municipal block-pricing structures in light of the recent Fourth District Court of Appeals decision, Capistrano Taxpayers Association, Inc. v. City of San Juan Capistrano, and concludes that the case casts constitutional doubt on tiered price structures because the opinion: (1) embarked on a lengthy and unnecessary discussion on the nexus of Proposition 218 and Article X, section 2 of the California Constitution; (2) relies on incomparable precedent in analyzing conservation prices and the at-cost requirement; (3) inconsistently uses the term true cost; (4) fundamentally fails to understand the nature and scope of the duties of water service providers; and (5) did not limit its discussion of penalty rates to the facts of the case. Despite these shortcomings, block water pricing structures remain constitutional so long as the municipality proves this at-cost requirement at each corresponding level of usage. This Note looks at Capistrano\u27s implications on municipal block-pricing structures, and explains how municipalities can continue to implement these pricing mechanisms within the judicial limitations set forth in Capistrano


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    Timun Mas is one of Indonesian’s folklore originating from Central Java and Until now the preservation of folktale just stopped at phase children. To keep existence folktale this to not just stop, then needs to be done innovation and refreshment. One of them is comic that carries the “Fantasia Jawa Tengah” concept. This concept not only tells the story of Cucumber Mas sequence but also brings the elements or symbols related from Central Java as once traditional culture, setting of the place and eviromental to creating imagination of fantasy world. Concept in this comics were aimed at keeping the existence and popularity of the Timun Mas among Indonesians in particular


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    Timun Mas is one of Indonesian’s folklore originating from Central Java and Until now the preservation of folktale just stopped at phase children. To keep existence folktale this to not just stop, then needs to be done innovation and refreshment. One of th em is comic that carries the “Fantasia Jawa Tengah” concept. This concept not only tells the story of Cucumber Mas sequence but also brings the elements or symbols related from Central Java as once traditional culture, setting of the place and eviromental to creating imagination of fantasy world. Concept in this comics were aimed at keeping the existence and popularity of the Timun Mas among Indonesians in particular. Keywords : Comic, Folklore, Timun Mas, Fantasy Jawa Tenga


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    This article studied the phenomenon of contestation between orang Sunnah and orang Yasin in Sidodadi, Aceh Tamiang, to gain the recognition of being the most pious Muslim adherent. The research zoomed in on exploring the shape of the contestation and the socio-religious changes that may occur due to the existence of the mentioned contest. The researchers interviewed a dozens of informant, observed their religious practices and the strategy that they launch to propagate their belief and recruit new members. The study showed that the contestation between the two community take place in almost all religious practices. Some of the worth mentions are ritual practices, broadening and enhancing the religiosity of respective community members, or the approach they used in approaching Islam. Apart from that, the contestation between these two groups also triggered the negotiation and reconciliation of Islamic practices of both groups. The reconciliation of religious practice is in accordance with the "culture in between " theory as proposed by Homi K Bhabha in which he believes that truly there are always no clear boundaries between two groups of different credentials. In Sidodadi, the credentials difference of each group to actualize the ideal of Islam in managing the house of God for instance, triggers the struggle of both groups for the control of the mosques and mushollas in one hand, and in other hand it brings out the empathy of each community to revive the religious activities in worship places, though adapted with the credential feature of their respective groups. Keywords: Piety, Orang Sunnah, Orang Yasin, Aceh Tamian

    Nikah Siri dan Implikasinya terhadap Pembagian Harta Bersama menurut Enakmen Keluarga Islam Negeri Kedah

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    Salah satu polemik yang tetap menarik untuk diteliti adalah nikah siri dan implikasinya. Setiap peristiwa nikah hendaknya harus dicatat di depan pegawai pencatat nikah. Nikah yang tidak dicatat masuk dalam nikah siri, sehingga memiliki implikasi yang cukup besar, salah satunya sulitnya pembagian harta bersama dalam pernikahan. Dalam penelitian ini, akan dibahas bagaimana pengaturan harta bersama pasangan nikah siri setelah perceraian menurut Enakmen Keluarga Islam Negeri Kedah. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu ingin mengetahui pengaturan harta bersama setelah perceraian bagi pasangan nikah siri menurut hukum Islam, serta ingin mengetahui pengaturan harta bersama setelah perceraian bagi pasangan nikah siri menurut enakmen keluarga Islam Negeri Kedah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan studi pustaka, di mana datanya dianalisis dengan cara analisis-normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hukum Islam tidak mengatur tentang pembagian harta bersama dalam pernikahan. Namun, dari sudut penemuan hukumnya, harta bersama masuk dalam ‘urf yang tidak bertentangan dengan hukum Islam. Harta bersama juga mengandung kemaslahatan dan kemanfaatan bagi suami dan isteri. Menurut hukum Islam yang mengacu pada metode urf dan maṣlaḥah mursalah, harta bersama harus dibagi setelah terjadi perceraian, meskipun perceraian dari nikah siri. Pengaturan pembagiannya mengikuti hukum adat (urf) dalam satu daerah tertentu. Menurut Enakmen Keluarga Islam Negeri Kedah, khususnya dalam Enakmen 7 Tahun 2008 Enakmen Undang­Undang Keluarga Islam (Kedah Darul Aman) 2008, harta bersama pasangan nikah siri dapat dibagi setelah terjadi perceraian. Namun, pengaturan pembagian harta tersebut harus melalui prosedur, yaitu: Pertama, pasangan nikah sirri yang sudah bercerai (cerai hidup) harus memohon isbat nikah terlebih dahulu. Kedua, setelah permohonan dikabulkan dan mendapatkan akta nikah, maka pasangan tersebut harus memohon akta talak melalui jalur Mahkamah. Ketiga, setelah ada penetapan talak antara keduanya, baru kedua pasangan dapat menyelesaikan harta bersama, dan pembagiannya yaitu sama rata. Bagi pasangan nikah siri yang bercerai sebab kematian, belum ada aturan yang tegas mengenai prosedur dan cara pembagian harta bersama pasangan nikah siri

    The virtual force feedback for torque estimation and control in a vechicle Steer by Wire (SBW) system

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    This study presents the method to generates and control a force feedback with torque control for a driver steering feel in a vehicle steer by wire (SBW) system. The control algorithm of force feedback was developed by simulation and validated through experimental to investigated the steering and control performance. This is done by constructed a steering wheel rig hardware in the loop (HIL) and interfaced to Matlab XPC target software. Two method are proposed to generate and control a force feedback whereby the current measurement is a main element used to estimates the steering torque . For the first control algorithm, the torque at the front axle system and self aligning are used to generate a force feedback and the PID controller with fuzzy system (PID+Fuzzy) are used to control a feedback torque. Meanwhile, the reference model was used to improves the centering steering wheel position. For a second control algorithm, the torque map and torque of steering wheel and front axle system are used to generate the force feedback. Meanwhile, the LQR control with gain scheduling (LQR+GS) are used to control the torque. Furthermore, the compensation torque is used to improves the steering feel and to stabilize the system by varying a compensation gains. The results demonstrate shown, that the torque control using a LQR+GS method is improves against a torque map and 90% similar to Electric Power Steering (EPS) system. This is because there are multiple gains varying that able to improve a steering control performance. On the others hand, the hyperbolic tangent and linear equation proposed improves a vehicle maneuverability at low and high speed