13 research outputs found

    Subversion of early innate antiviral responses during antibody-dependent enhancement of Dengue virus infection induces severe disease in immunocompetent mice

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    Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease caused by one of four serotypes of Dengue virus (DENV-1–4). Epidemiologic and observational studies demonstrate that the majority of severe dengue cases, dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS), occurs predominantly in either individuals with cross-reactive immunity following a secondary heterologous infection or in infants with primary DENV infections born from dengue-immune mothers, suggesting that B-cell-mediated and antibody responses impact on disease evolution. We demonstrate here that B cells play a pivotal role in host responses against primary DENV infection in mice. After infection, μMT[superscript −/−] mice showed increased viral loads followed by severe disease manifestation characterized by intense thrombocytopenia, hemoconcentration, cytokine production and massive liver damage that culminated in death. In addition, we show that poly and monoclonal anti-DENV-specific antibodies can sufficiently increase viral replication through a suppression of early innate antiviral responses and enhance disease manifestation, so that a mostly non-lethal illness becomes a fatal disease resembling human DHF/DSS. Finally, treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin containing anti-DENV antibodies confirmed the potential enhancing capacity of subneutralizing antibodies to mediate virus infection and replication and induce severe disease manifestation of DENV-infected mice. Thus, our results show that humoral responses unleashed during DENV infections can exert protective or pathological outcomes and provide insight into the pathogenesis of this important human pathogen

    Relação teoria-prática no ensino de educação nutricional Theory-practice relationship in nutrition education teaching

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    OBJETIVO: Apresentar e analisar criticamente as diversas concepções que professores da disciplina educação nutricional têm de atividade prática e como entendem a relação teoria-prática. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi desenvolvido nas Instituições de Ensino Superior do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, que apresentaram reconhecimento pelo Ministério da Educação até o ano de 1999. A partir dessa informação foram realizadas entrevistas com os docentes da disciplina Educação Nutricional de cada uma dessas Instituições, totalizando 11 sujeitos. Os resultados foram analisados qualitativamente, na perspectiva da hermenêutica-dialética, considerada como um caminho do pensamento. RESULTADOS: As docentes apresentaram pensamentos similares em relação à importância da prática, porém concepções variadas de atividade prática em educação nutricional. Algumas consideram que atividades práticas são suficientes para a formação do aluno e não buscam fundamentação teórica em ciências humanas e sociais. Observou-se ainda hipervalorização da prática em detrimento da teoria. Esses aspectos contribuem para comprometer a efetivação da relação teoria-prática. CONCLUSÃO: Cabe aos cursos de graduação e aos órgãos fiscalizadores do ensino, a discussão a respeito da formação dos docentes, da concepção de atividade prática e de formas mais eficazes para que se efetive o movimento dialético da prática com a teoria. É necessário estimular, desde o início da graduação, a articulação entre teoria e prática, a fim de possibilitar aos alunos a contextualização na construção de conhecimentos e formação de compromissos sociais e éticos.<br>OBJECTIVE: The objective of this paper is to critically identify and analyze the many concepts that professors of the subject nutrition education have of practice and how they understand the theory-practice relationship. METHODS: The study was done in universities and colleges of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, that have been registered at the Ministry of Education since 1999. With this information, professors of the subject nutrition education were interviewed in all these institutions totaling 11 individuals. The results were analyzed qualitatively, using the hermeneutic-dialectic method. RESULTS: The professors had similar opinions regarding the importance of practice; however what practice meant in nutrition education varied. Some consider that practical activities are enough for the formation of the student and do not search theoretical fundamentals in social and human sciences. We also observed that practice was overvalued in relation to theory. All these aspects contribute to compromise the effectiveness of the theory-practice relationship. CONCLUSION: It is up to the graduation courses and the government departments that surveil education to discuss the education of the professors, the concepts behind practical activities and more effective ways to work the dialectics between practice and theory. It is necessary to stimulate, from the beginning of the graduation course, the articulation between theory and practice in order to allow the students to contextualize the acquisition of knowledge and form social and ethical compromises

    Preditores de mudanças nos regimes terapêuticos para o tratamento de Aids em crianças Predictors of changes in drug regimens for treating AIDS in children

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    Identificar as causas de mudanças de esquemas terapêuticos no tratamento de Aids em crianças contaminadas por transmissão vertical. Estudo caso-controle, sendo o grupo controle constituído de 49 crianças que não efetuaram troca de esquema antirretroviral, e o grupo caso, de 62 crianças que já efetuaram troca de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2005. Foram utilizados dados do prontuário e roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturada. A análise dos dados foi pelo programa SPSS, usado teste qui-quadrado e regressão logística. As principais causas para mudança do tratamento foram: piora virológica (48,4%), imunológica (46,6%) e clínica (35,5%) dos pacientes. O ajuste dos dados através de análise da regressão logística demonstrou que a intolerância medicamentosa foi a variável que mais contribui para a mudança da medicação (OR ajustado:79,94; IC95%:6,28-1034,55) A adesão não foi apontada como responsável pela troca de tratamento antirretroviral, esse fato foi atribuído à organização do serviço e a atuação da equipe interdisciplinar.<br>To identify the causes of changes in therapeutic regimens for treating AIDS in children infected through vertical transmission. This was a case-control study in which the control group consisted of 49 children who had not had any changes to their antiretroviral regimen and the case group consisted of 62 children who had had changes between January 2000 and December 2005. Data from the patients' medical files and a semistructured interview were used. The data analysis was carried out using the SPSS software, and the chi-square test and logistic regression were applied. The main causes of changes in treatment were: increased viral load (48.4%), poor immunological response (46.6%) and clinical worsening (35.5%) of the patients. The adjustment of the data through logistic regression analysis showed that drug intolerance was the variable that contributed most to the change in medication (adjusted OR: 79.94; 95% CI: 6.28 -1034.55). Adherence was not shown to be responsible for changes in the anti-retroviral therapy, and this was attributable to the organization of the service and actions of the interdisciplinary team