21 research outputs found

    Immune responses to birch in young children during their first 7 years of life

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    Background The character of immune responses to allergens during the first years of life may decide whether the individual will become tolerant or develop allergy later in life. Objective To study the development of immune responses to the seasonal inhalant allergen birch over the first 7 years of life. Methods Blood samples were obtained from 21 children who were followed prospectively from the second to the seventh pollen season of life. Birch-induced cytokine production and IgG subclass antibodies to rBet v 1 were analysed with ELISA, mRNA expression with real time PCR, IgE antibodies to birch with Magic LiteTM and birch-induced mononuclear cell proliferation with 3H-thymidine incorporation. Results Birch-induced IFN-Ī³ and IL-10 production increased with age, both in atopic and non-atopic children, while birch-induced IL-13 production decreased. The two children who were sensitized and developed clinical allergy to birch showed persistent IL-4 and IL-5 production and IL-9 mRNA expression, as well as Th2-associated IgG4 responses. Transient Th2-like responses were observed among the other children. Proliferative responses and IgG1 antibodies were seen in all children. Conclusions Immune responses to birch can be demonstrated in all children, during the first 7 years of life, regardless of atopic status. A transient early Th2-like response is down-regulated after the fourth pollen season, except in children who develop clinical allergy to the particular allergen

    The value of clinical and histopathological characteristics for the prognosis of malignant laryngeal tumours

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    Balsenes ļaundabÄ«gs audzējs ir otrais biežāk sastopams elpoÅ”anas sistēmas audzējs pēc plauÅ”u audzēja. Tā ir viena no onkoloÄ£iskām slimÄ«bām, pie kuras pacientu kopējā dzÄ«vildze pēdējo 20 gadu laikā ir samazinājusies no 66% lÄ«dz 63%. HistopatoloÄ£iskam slēdzienam ir bÅ«tiska nozÄ«me balsenes ļaundabÄ«gā audzēja ārstÄ“Å”anas stratēģijas izvēlē un prognozes izvērtÄ“Å”anā.PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is ir novērtēt balsenes ļaundabÄ«gā audzēja klÄ«nisko un histopatoloÄ£isko rādÄ«tāju ietekmi uz recidÄ«va attÄ«stÄ«bu, pacienta kopējo un bezrecidÄ«va dzÄ«vildzi.PētÄ«jumā tika iekļauti 105 pacienti, kuriem histoloÄ£iski tika apstiprināta balsenes ļaundabÄ«gā audzēja diagnoze. Tika analizēti histopatoloÄ£iskie slēdzieni no RAKUS PatoloÄ£ijas Centra arhÄ«va datubāzes un klÄ«niskā informācija no ā€œÄ€rsta birojaā€ datiem par 2011.gadu.Datu apstrāde tika veikta ar Microsoft Office Excel 2013 un IBM SPSS Statistics 22 versiju. PētÄ«jumā iegÅ«tie rezultāti parādÄ«ja, ka balsenes ļaundabÄ«gā audzēja biežāka histoloÄ£iskā forma bija plakanŔūnu karcinoma (n=104; 90,05%), kas pamatā bija vidēji diferencēta (n=65; 62,5%). Biežāk tā bija sastopama vÄ«rieÅ”iem (n=101; 96,19%). Pacientu vidējais vecums bija 62,04 Ā± 10,02 gadi. Biežāka lokalizācija bija glottis apvidÅ« (n=63; 60%). Galvenais no pirmajiem simptomiem pacientiem ar balsenes ļaundabÄ«go audzēju bija balss piesmakums (n=66; 62,86%). Lielākai daļai pacientu balsenes ļaundabÄ«gs audzējs bija diagnosticēts vēlÄ«ni, III stadijā (n=53; 53,54%). No mÅ«su pētÄ«jumā iekļautiem pacientiem recidÄ«vs attÄ«stÄ«jās 25 (24,04%) pacientiem, biežāk tas bija novērojams pirmajos trijos gados kopÅ” diagnozes noteikÅ”anas brīža. Tika konstatēts, ka recidÄ«va attÄ«stÄ«ba biežāk raksturÄ«ga gados jaunākiem pacientiem (lÄ«dz 60 gadiem) (Rho=0.207; p=0.034) un pacientiem ar lielāku T apakÅ”stadiju (Rho= -0.233; p=0.022). MÅ«su pētÄ«jumā tika konstatēti pacientu bezrecidÄ«va dzÄ«vildzi un kopējo dzÄ«vildzi ietekmējoÅ”ie faktori. Galvenie bezrecidÄ«va dzÄ«vildzi ietekmējoÅ”ie faktori ir audzēja stadija (p=0.032), Ä«paÅ”i T apakÅ”stadija (p=0.010) atbilstoÅ”i TNM klasifikācijai un audzēja izplatÄ«ba uz hipofarinksu (p=0.009). Sliktāka bezrecidÄ«va dzÄ«vildze novērojama pacientiem ar III stadiju un lielāku T apakÅ”stadiju. Kopējo dzÄ«vildzi pacientiem ar balsenes ļaundabÄ«go audzēju ietekmē pacientu dzimums (p=0.042), audzēja diferenciācijas pakāpe (p=0.010), audzēja izplatÄ«ba uz hipofarinksu (p=0.009), metastāžu esamÄ«ba (p=0.039) un T apakÅ”stadija (p=0.003). Sliktāka kopējā dzÄ«vildze novērojama vÄ«rieÅ”iem, pacientiem ar zemu vai vidēji diferencētiem audzējiem, audzējiem ar izplatÄ«bu uz hipofarinksu, pacientiem ar reÄ£ionālām un distālām metastāzēm un lielaku T apakÅ”stadiju. Secinājumi. KlÄ«nisko un histopatoloÄ£isko rādÄ«tāju novērtÄ“Å”ana ir bÅ«tiska balsenes ļaundabÄ«gā audzēja prognozes izvērtÄ“Å”anai un recidÄ«va riska stratifikācijai.Malignant laryngeal tumour is the second most common tumour of the respiratory system after lung cancer.It is one of the oncological diseases, to which patientsā€™ overall survival rate during last 20 years has decreased from 66% to 63%.Histopathological findings have an important role deciding treatment strategy and in evaluation of prognosis.The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of clinical and histopathological characteristics on tumour relapse, patients overall and relapse-free survival.105 patients with a histologically confirmed diagnosis of malignant laryngeal tumour were enrolled into the study. Histopathological data were analysed from the Riga East university Hospital Centre of Pathology database and clinical information database ā€œÄ€rsta birojsā€. The results were statistically analysed by Microsoft Office Excel 2013 and IBM SPSS Statistics 22.Our results showed, that the most frequent histological type of laryngeal cancer was squamous cell carcinoma (n=104; 90,05%), which was mostly moderately differentiated (n=65; 62,5%). It was more common in men (n=101; 96,19%). Patientsā€™ mean age was 62,04 Ā± 10,02 years. The most frequent location was glottis (n=63; 60%). One of the main symptoms was hoarseness (n=66; 62,86%). In most patients, tumour was diagnosed at stage III (n=53; 53,54%). Relapse developed in 25 (24,04%) patients from our group, more often in first three years from date of diagnosis. It was found that tumour relapse is associated with relatively younger patient age (below 60 years) (Rho=0.207; p=0.034) and higher T substage (Rho= -0.233; p=0.022). The histopathological and clinical characteristics which influence relapse-free and overall survival rate was observed. The main factors that influence relapse-free survival rate was tumour stage (p=0.032), especially T substage (p=0.010) according to TNM classification, and tumour spread to hypopharynx (p=0.009). Worse relapse-free survival was found to patients with stage III, high T substage. Overall survival rate was influenced by gender (p=0.042), the degree of differentiation (p=0.010), tumour spread to hypopharynx (p=0.009), presence of metastasis (p=0.039) and T substage (p=0.003). Worse overall survival rate was observed in males, patients with poorly and moderately differentiated tumours, tumours with spread to hypopharynx, patients with regional and distal metastasis and high T substage. Conclusions. Clinical and histopathological characteristics have an important role in the evaluation of prognosis and stratification of tumour relapse risk

    Effectivity of Mepilex Lite dressing in limitating skin side effects in vulvar cancer radiotherapy

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ā€žMepilex Lite plākstera efektivitāte vulvas vēža staru terapijas ādas blakņu ierobežoÅ”anāā€. Darba ietvaros tika pētÄ«ts plākstera Mepilex Lite pielietojums jonizējoŔā starojuma izraisÄ«tā ādas bojājuma ierobežoÅ”anā. Darbs veikts balstoties uz kvalitatÄ«vās pētniecÄ«bas modeļa, kā pētniecÄ«bas instruments tika izmantots novēroÅ”anas protokols. PētÄ«jumā izvirzÄ«tais jautājums ā€“ kāda ir jonizējoŔā starojuma izraisÄ«to ādas bojājumu atŔķirÄ«ba grupā, kur staru terapijas laikā tika lietots Mepilex Lite plāksteris raduÅ”os komplikāciju ārstÄ“Å”anas nolÅ«kā un grupu, kas plāksteri lieto profilakses nolÅ«kā. PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is ā€“ novērtēt plākstera Mepilex Lite efektivitāti jonizējoŔā starojuma radÄ«tā ādas bojājuma profilaksē pacientiem pie vulvas vēža staru terapijas. Apkopojot pētÄ«juma rezultātus, var secināt, ka Mepilex Lite plākstera pielietoÅ”ana profilaktiskā nolÅ«kā pacientēm, kurām tiek veikta vulvas vēža staru terapija, attālina jonizējoŔā starojuma izraisÄ«to ādas bojājumu.The topic of the present Bachelorā€™s thesis - ā€™ā€™ Effectivity of Mepilex Lite dressing in limitating skin side effects in vulvar cancer radiotherapyā€. Within the framework of practical for research Lite silicone dressing use in ionasing induced skin damage restriction was inquired. The research was carried out qualitative and research instrument was observation protocol. The study raises a question of difference in ionising radiation treatment induced skin damage outcomes between groups, where one of them was using Mepilex Lite dressing for assasment of accuring compications and the other, controul group, where Mepilex Lite dressing was used for prophilaxis. Objective: evaluate Mepilex Lite effectivity regarding ionising radiation induced skin damage in prophylaxis for patients who are undergoing vulvar cancer radiation therapy. Summarization of the results of the study revieled, that while using Mepilex Lite silicone dressing for prophilactic purpose for patients, who undergo a vulvar cancer radiation therapy, ionazing induced skin damage is significally delayed

    High salivary secretory IgA antibody levels are associated with less late-onset wheezing in IgE-sensitized infants

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    Low levels of secretory IgA (SIgA) and transient IgA deficiency have been associated with an increased risk for allergy, but data are conflicting. The aim was to assess the relationship between salivary SIgA antibody levels at 1 yr and wheezing at age four in a birth cohort, in particular the possible protective role of salivary SIgA in sensitized children. Saliva samples were obtained from all children (n = 67) with a positive skin prick test (SPT) at 1 yr and 212 children with a negative SPT. In all, 200 of these children responded to questionnaires at 4 yrs and 183 were skin prick tested at that age. The levels of salivary SIgA and salivary IgA antibodies to the most common food allergen egg and inhalant allergen cat were analyzed by ELISA. Serum was analyzed for IgE antibodies to egg and cat. Development of late-onset wheezing was associated with low SIgA levels in children with positive SPT to at least one allergen both at 1 and 4 yrs of age (p = 0.04), as well as in children with circulating IgE antibodies to egg or cat at 1 yr (p = 0.02). None of nine persistently sensitized children with SIgA levels in the upper quartile developed wheezing, when compared to 10/20 children with lower levels (p = 0.01). Older siblings, more than three infections during infancy, at least one smoking parent, and male gender, were all associated with SIgA in the upper quartile. In conclusion, high levels of SIgA antibodies in sensitized infants were associated with significantly less late-onset wheezing, supporting a protective role against development of asthmatic symptoms. Recurrent infections and other factors supporting an increased microbial pressure during infancy were associated with high levels of salivary SIgA.This is the authorsā€™ version of:Anna Sandin, Bengt Bjorksten, Malin FagerĆ„s Bƶttcher, Erling Englund, Maria Jenmalm and Lennart Braback, High salivary secretory IgA antibody levels are associated with less late-onset wheezing in IgE-sensitized infants, 2011, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, (22), 5, 477-481.http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1399-3038.2010.01106.xCopyright: John Wiley and Sonshttp://www.wiley.com