10 research outputs found

    Kajian Perilaku Kuat Geser Tanah Terhadap Penambahan Serat Karung Goni

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    Soil improvement is a method to improve the physical and mechanical properties of soil that are not good. Soil improvement methods include chemical, mechanical, hydraulic, and reinforcement methods for example by adding geosynthetic sheets/fibers or steel rods. However, the use of these methods is relatively quite expensive from the aspect of the materials used when applied to small-scale volume work. This research tries to examine the behavior of the soil that is given the addition of jute sack fiber, especially to changes in shear strength/soil shear strength parameters. Jute sacks are an alternative material as a substitute for fiber of the Geosynthetic type, jute sacks have a rough texture made of jute fiber, where jute fiber is the second most used natural fiber after cotton. Jute fiber itself can be taken from the bark of the bast fiber tree. Jute itself is an environmentally friendly fabric because it is made from bio-degradable fibers and is included in fabrics made of 100% plant fibers. The percentage of jute fiber used was 0.25%, 0.50% and 0.75% of the dry weight of the soil with variations in length of 1.5 cm, 2.0 cm and 2.5 cm. The sample of soil tested is sandy type  from the permanent residential area of Tondo, Mantikulore sub-district, Palu, Central Sulawesi. The addition of fiber has more effect on changes in the value of the soil friction angle than the value of cohesion. Jute fibers with lengths of 1.5 cm and 2.5 cm at percentages between 0.25% and 0.75% tend to increase, but at 2 cm length tend to decrease the value of shear strength. Fiber length and burlap percentage influence each other in increasing and decreasing the value of soil shear strengt

    Pengaruh Tinggi Muka Air Terhadap Deformasi Tanah Terlikuefaksi

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    Liquefaction occurs in saturated loose sandy soils that experience an increase in pore water pressure due to the propagation of earthquake waves to the ground surface. This phenomenon raises various questions such as how the groundwater level can affect the occurrence of liquefaction events at different earthquake strengths. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of groundwater level on liquefaction-prone soils at different seismic peak acceleration values and the effect of relative density (Dr) values on liquefaction-prone soils with variations in groundwater level and earthquake acceleration. In this study, a sample of Jono Oge sand soil was used from the occurrence of liquefaction that met the gradation criteria. The soil was separated through the #8 sieve and retained #100. The modeling technique is carried out with several variables such as the ratio of groundwater level (Hw/Hs) of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 90%, relative density (Dr) 30%-40% and 40%-50%, and at different peak accelerations of 0.3g and 0.4g. The modeling test uses a sieve shaker for earthquake vibrations.. The results of the study show that the difference in groundwater level affects the subsidence of liquefied soil where the settlement will be accure greater in the ratio of the groundwater level (Hw/Hs) and the peak acceleration is greater and vice versa, the difference in relative density (Dr) also affects the magnitude of the the settlement where the lower the Dr value for Hw/Hs and the greater the peak acceleration, the greater the settlement will be occure

    Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Etawa Crossbred Goat Colostrum in Bogor

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    Goat milk colostrum possess nutritional compounds essential for health, so that its quality needs to be considered by producers and consumers in order to be utilized safely and healthy. However, the information about Etawa crossbred goat colostrum quality especially in Bogor is limited. The aims of this study were to determine the physical and chemical qualities of Etawa crossbred goat colostrum in Bogor. Colostrum samples were taken from two different dairy goat farms namely Bangun Karso Farm, Cijeruk, Bogor (P1) and Yulianto Farm, Cibeteung Udik, Bogor (P2). Fat, protein and lactose contents, solid non fat (SNF), freezing point, pH and aw values were analyzed by different test of Mann-Whitney U test through SPSS statistics program. The results showed that there were significant differences (P <0.05) in fat, protein and lactose contents, SNF, freezing point, pH value and aw of colostrum between two farms. Based on the exiting data on the composition of dairy goat colostrum, fat, protein and lactose contents, SNF, pH value and aw of Etawa crossbred goat colostrum from bogor were in the range of these data

    Kualitas Fisik, Mikrobiologis, dan Organoleptik Daging Ayam Broiler pada Pasar Tradisional di Bogor

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    In Indonesia, broiler meat is available abundant mainly in traditional market. Unfortunately, this kind of meat is perishable most physical, organoleptic, and microbiological deterioration. To conserve consumers from low quality of meat, this study was conducted to evaluate the physical, organoleptic, and microbiological quality of meat. Meat evaluated was obtained from three traditional markets determined purposively, namely A market, B market, and C market. The physical quality measured were pH and aw; the microbiological quality were total plate count and E. coli number; the organoleptic were meat color, texture, aroma that value in hedonic and hedonic rank test. This study showed that physically the meat was not really decrease although it had pH higher than normal pH of meat. The value of aw reached was 0.84-0.85. The microbial contaminant was higher than the number of microbial allowed. However, organoleptic value indicated that meat were acceptable for panelists

    Biogrouting stabilization on marine sandy clay soil

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    Bio-grouting technology is a technology that simulates the process of diagenesis which shows the\ud transformation of sand into sand stone (calcarinite/sandcone), calcite (CaCo3) which is formed from bio-grouting\ud process. They will function to bind the grains of sand which is causing the cementation process and transformation of\ud sand into stone. This research aims to determine the optimum composition of the bacillus subtilis bacteria solution for\ud soil stabilization and evaluate the mechanical characteristic of the soil that is stabilized with variations bacillus subtilis\ud bacteria solution and cementation solution, combined with variety of curing time. The soil testing for sandy clay soil\ud employed standard from SNI and ASTM. Method of experimental development testing was performed in an\ud experimental model with test the design of each size 7.2cm x 3.6cm, 6cm x 6,6cm, and 2cm x 6,4cm with grouting\ud method. The kinds of examinations conducted to analyze the result are test of unconfined compressive strength,\ud permeability, and direct shear. The volume of bacillus subtilis bacteria which are injected into the soil are 2cc to 32cc\ud with curing time 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. The results of unconfined compressive strength test on laboratory scale\ud shows that testing without injection of bacteria is at 0.13 kg/cm2, for the sample injected with bacteria is at 0.35\ud kg/cm2. Permeability experiments without bacteria has coefficient value of 2.49.10-4cm/sec and the sample with the\ud injection of bacteria has coefficient value of 4.91.10-6cm/sec. Direct shear experiments without bacteria injected has\ud angle of internal friction 4.46 ?? and for the results with the injection of bacteria is 35.07??. It can be concluded that the\ud addition of bacteria for stabilization of sandy clay soil with bio-grouting method manages to increase the soil???s bearing\ud capacity. This has proven with increasing strength of the soil and decrease of permeability in the soil

    Uji Organoleptik Susu Pasteurisasi Kombinasi Ekstrak Bunga Telang (Clitoria ternatea L) dengan Persentase Berbeda

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    Indonesian people'sinterest in milkconsumptionis minimal compared to several developed countries. One of the factors causing minimal milk consumptionis the unattractive base color of the milk. The solutionis by diversifying dairy products with a combination of butterfly pea flower extract (Clitoria ternatea) as a natural coloring. Butterfly pea flowers (Clitoria ternatea) contain flavonoids as natural dyes and anthocyanins, which are bioactive components that have functional value as antioxidants. Besides being anantioxidant, butterfly pea flowers (Clitoriater natea) also function as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, and anti-histamine. This research aims to determine the percentage of butterfly pea flower extract (Clitoria ternatea L) in making pasteurized milk, which has the best hedonic quality in termsof color, aroma, taste, and level of preference. The research design applied was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatmentsand 4 replications. Treatment P0: Milk (control), P1: Milk + 10% butterfly pea flower extract, P2: Milk + 15% butterfly pea flower extract, P3: Milk + 20% butterfly pea flower extract and P4: Milk + 25% butterfly pea flower extract. The variables observed are hedonic quality, including color, aroma, taste, and level of liking. The research showed that pasteurized milk with a combination of butterfly pea flower extract, namely the P3 treatment (Milk + 20% butterfly pea flower extract), was the best color and taste. Mean while, the highest level of liking was P4 (Milk + 25% butterfly pea flower extract) in terms of aroma

    Edukasi Penggunaan Masker dan Pembagian Masker Kain dalam Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 di Kota Palu

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    Ketika pandemi Covid-19 berkembang di seluruh dunia, pemerintah, lembaga internasional, pembuat kebijakan dan pejabat kesehatan masyarakat mulai merekomendasikan penggunaan masker kain nonmedis secara luas untuk mengurangi penularan SARS-CoV-2. Selama pandemi Covid-19, penggunaan masker kain meningkat drastis karena kelangkaan masker medis. Oleh karena meningkatnya kebutuhan akan penggunaan masker dan pentingnya edukasi penggunaan masker kepada masyarakat melatarbelakangi kegiatan edukasi penggunaan masker dan pembagian masker kain untuk pencegahan penularan Covid-19 di Kota Palu. Pembagian masker kain sebanyak ±1000 masker kain dan edukasi penggunaan masker kain kepada pada pembeli dan pedagang di Pasar Tua Bambaru Kota Palu. Educator dari Dosen dan Staf Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu sebanyak 30 Orang. Masker kain yang dibagikan merupakan bantuan dari Badan PPSDM Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 03 September 2020 di Kota Palu. Penggunaan masker secara langsung dipraktikkan educator dan diikuti oleh (pembeli dan pedagang) masyarakat di Kota Palu. Pelaksanaan edukasi pengunaan masker dan pembagian masker kain dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Masyarakat menerima edukasi pengunaan masker serta menggunakan langsung masker kain yang dibagika