3 research outputs found

    Demonstrasi Sel Volta Buah Nanas (Ananas Comosus L. Merr)

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    When two conductors, namely Cu and Zn are connectedvia an electrolyte solution forminga circuitof cell voltaic, a potential difference arises as a result of chemical reactions in both electrodes. Because reduction reaction performs at a positive electrodeandoxidation reaction occurs at a negative electrode (Zn), electrons flow from Zn to Cu. This research clarifies performance of pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr) as an electrolyte solution. Cell voltaic design modificationis carried out by varying an area of plate electrodes, electrode distance and volume of electrolyte solution. The experimental results showed the voltage is independent on the variables. This is an opportunity to reduce the dimension of the cell voltaic. Observation of cell voltaic performance showedthat the current decrease as a polynomial function of time for the filtered or notfiltered of electrolytesolution. Finally a resistance value will be defined by an atreatment of electrolyte solution. Keyword: potential difference, cell voltaic, pineapple, Cu, Z

    Pengaruh Uji Kelistrikan Sel Volta Buah Belimbing (Averrhoa carambola) Dengan Luasan Elektroda 6 Cm2 Sebagai Solusi Energi Alternatif Ramah Lingkungan

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    Pada beberapa jenis buah-buahan seperti buah belimbing memiliki kandungan zat kimia aktif yang dapat diubah menjadi energi listrik. Proses yang dapat dilakukan yakni melalui reaksi reduksi dan oksidasi yang terjadi pada kedua elektroda. Tujuan dari dua konduktor, ketika Cu dan Zn dihubungkan melalui larutan elektrolit dapat membentuk rangkaian menjadi sel volta. Tegangan muncul sebagai akibat reaksi kimia di kedua elektroda. Sedangkan elektroda positif (Cu) mengalami reaksi reduksi, selanjutnya elektroda negatif (Zn) akan mengalami reaksi oksidasi, sehingga elektron mengalir dari seng ke tembaga. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada pengujian buah belimbing (Averrhoa carambola) sebagai larutan elektrolit. Jenis rangkaian seri pararel digunakan sebagai variasi dalam penelitian ini. Sel volta digunakan sebanyak 10 sel untuk menghasilkan tegangan dan arus maksimal. Sel volta buah belimbing dibuat dengan cara merangkai kerangka sel volta dengan kabel dan LED serta diuji dengan voltmeter dan amperemeter. Telah didapatkan pada sel volta belimbing matang dirangkai secara seri menghasilkan tegangan sebesar 4,2 V dan arus 0,2 mA sedangkan jika dirangkai secara pararel menghasilkan tegangan 0,6 V dan arus 1,05 mA. Pada uji ketahanan dengan rangkaian seri, sel volta buah belimbing mampu menyalakan lampu LED hingga 9 hari. Sel volta ini dapat menghasilkan listrik dengan elektroda Cu dan Zn yang tergantung pada kondisi elektroli

    Identification and Characterisation of “Black Sticky Rice” (Oriza Sativa Glutinosa) as Photosensitizer in Development of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC)

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    It has successfully conducted a research to identify and characterize extract of black sticky rice  (Oryza Sativa Glutinosa) as photosensitizers in making of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC). Samples were made in the sandwich structure of couple of working electrode and counter electrode. The extraction process of dye in the black sticky rice was stirred for 1 hour and then allowed to stand for 24 hours. Identification of samples using FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra-Red) to determine the chemical bond formed in the sample. Test the absorbance of the sample using UV-Visible Spectrophotometer Lambda 25 test and characterization of current and voltage (I-V) using a Keithley 2602A. The results showed maximum absorbance black rice extract appears in two peaks namely at = 324 nm and = 477 nm. While the I-V curve measurements indicate the efficiency of the resulting large black rice extract was 0.028% on a 12-hour soaking period and 0,032% in 24 hours soaking time. These results indicate that longer soaking could increase the efficiency of the resulting value.Keywords: Ketan Hitam (Oriza Sativa Glutinosa), DSSC,FTIR, UV-Vis, Keithle