176 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Kesehatan Reproduksi Bagi Mahasiswi Program Studi D.iii Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak

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    This thesis is about the result of the research on teaching reproductive health for female students of Midwifery Studies 3-year Diploma Program Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak. The problem in this research was “how is the design, process, evaluations made by the lecturers on lecturing reproductive health in the class of Midwifery Program in Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak in 2015?” This research aimed to describe the design, processes and evaluations made by the lecturers on lecturing reproductive health in the class of Midwifery Program in Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak in 2015. The method used in this research was qualitative descriptive. The data was obtained by observation, interviews, field notes and documents analysis, and documentation in the learning process. The data were analyzed using the data validity in order to obtain the accurate and valid data. The results of the research are: (1) The teaching learning plan made by lecturers are generally qualified in making the lesson plan as contained in GBMK; (2) Learning reproductive health is done according to the syllabus and lesson plan and conducted by using varied methods giving the positive impact on improvement of knowledge and skills of the students; (3) The evaluation of learning uses several assessment instruments to make the lecturers have better understanding about the characteristics and abilities of the students

    Pengaruh Penempatan Pegawai Terhadap Kinerja (Studi Pada Pegawai Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Gresik)

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    : Effect of Employee Placement on Performance (Studies in Employee of District Secretariat of Gresik Regency officials). Employee has a major role in any organization\u27s activities, as employees become planners, perpetrators, and determining the realization of organizational goals system. Organizational goals will be more easily achieved if the employee is placed at a position corresponding to its competence. But the competence and ability alone is not enough to improve the performance of the employee, is also required accuracy in placing the employee in accordance with its competence and capabilities. This research uses explanatory research with quantitative approach.The independent variables used in this study is the suitability of knowledge (X1) with indicators of knowledge of formal and non-formal, fitness ability (X2) with indicators of physical and intellectual abilities, and suitability of expertise (X3) with indicators of technical expertise, social relationships and conceptual. The dependent variable in this study is the performance indicator of the quantity, quality, and time. This study has also found that of the three independent variables, the most influential variable is the compliance capabilities significantly, whereas the smallest effect is given by the compliance expertise


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    This study aims to find out how the application of the Indonesian Essential House Marketing Communication Strategy in Increasing the Number of Visitors. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with a case study method. The paradigm used is the constructivism paradigm in which social processes are obtained through actions and interactions created by individuals continuously so as to produce a reality that is owned and experienced individually. Data collection was obtained through observation and in-depth interviews. The results of this study indicate that the promotion strategy used by Rumah Essential Indonesia is by utilizing marketing communications with the concept of an integrated marketing communication strategy and promotion through social media. Social media plays an important role in promoting services at Rumah Atsiri IndonesiaPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Rumah Atsiri Indonesia Dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Pengunjung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Paradigma yang digunakan adalah paradigma kontruktivisme di mana proses sosial didapatkan melalui aksi dan interaksi yang diciptakan oleh individu secara terus menerus sehingga menghasilkan suatu realitas yang dimiliki dan dialami secara perorangan. Pengumpulan data didapatkan melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi promosi yang digunakan oleh Rumah Atsiri Indonesia yaitu dengan memanfaatkan komunikasi pemasaran dengan konsep strategi integrated marketing communication dan promosi melalui media sosial. Media sosial berperan penting dalam melakukan promosi jasa di Rumah Atsiri Indonesia

    Persepsi Tentang Gelar Karaeng dan Perilaku Keagamaan Di Desa Tolo Kecamatan Kelara Kabupaten Jeneponto

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    This study aims to examine and analyze and verify how people are bound by religion and culture, as well as a social position that is sometimes given to the ancestral status, and how religious experiences are carried out by the community in Tolo Village, Jeneponto Regency. The data was obtained through field searches using research methods and instruments which were then collected. As well as, reviewing related references regarding the focus of this research. The description of the results of the research conducted provides information regarding the existence of various public perceptions regarding the awarding of the title of karaeng to someone. Based on that, by looking at history, there has been a transformation of this understanding. Furthermore, matters related to the religious behavior of the community in Tolo Village, Tolo Sub-District, Jeneponto Regency run as is commonplace for religious activities in general in society. However, one thing that is interesting is the permission from the descendants of the karaeng at Masigi'Lompoa (Great Mosque) when routine religious activities are to be carried out. The routine of religious behavior cannot be separated from Islamic teachings as the religion that the majority of the people in Tolo Village adhere to is Islam. Religious behavior that exists in the community is study, recitation, assemblies of taklim, tahsin al qira'ah, although in fact from the results of research, these activities do not really attract the attention of other communities to strengthen their understanding of religion

    Dampak Economic Freedom Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Negara Asia

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    : This study aimed to examine the effect of variable FDI, exchange rate and economic freedom and its constituent components in influencing economic growth in Asian countries, which are grouped into two groups: the group of developing countries that consists of 7 countries including Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and the Philippines, while for developed countries group consisting of four countries, namely Japan, South Korea, China and Singapore in the period 2001-2012. Analysis method used is the analysis of panel data. Variable FDI and exchange rate as a classical variable proved significantly positive effect on economic growth in both developed and developing countries . Components of economic freedom are shown to have a significant effect on economic growth in developing countries in Asia is a variable property rights, business freedom, trade freedom and freedom fmancial While the components of economic freedom are shown to have a significant effect on economic growth in developed countries in Asia is a variable property right, freedom froin corruption, government spendin, monetary freedom, business freedom, and freedom fmancial .In developing countries the best model is the model of the pillars of an open market in which there is a component Trade Freedom, Investment Freedom and the Financial Freedom

    A Contrastive Study of Walk Verb in English and Makassarese Language

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    This paper aims to contrast sentences and interpretations of the meaning and the grammatical constructions of the verb walk in English under Dixon’s principle and Makassarese languages.The data from this study were taken from two sources. The English data was taken from the Corpus of Contemporary America English (COCA) while the Makassar language data was taken from the Mangkasara Dictionary. The data were collected and analyzed using a descriptive qualitative method design. The results of this study indicate that: 1) There is one walk verb in English and there are thirteen verbs in Makassaeese; 2) both of the language has similarities that can be implemented in intransitive and transitive verbs 3) The verb walk found in both languages has some similarities and differences in terms of sentence construction and interpretation of meaning. 4) Walk verb in Makassarese language produce seven pattern of the structure that are VP+ADV+NP, ADV+ADJ+NP+VP, ADV+NP+VP+NP, VP+NP+ADV+NP, ADJ.P+NP+ADV VP+NP, VP+NP+NP, VP+NP


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    Guava is a kind of fruit wich can be founded in almost region of Indonesia. So do not surprised if its amount is very abundance in Indonesia. However it is exactly become constraint to all guava farmer, its amount is exceeding society consume ability can be cause the happening of fruit deterioriation. Therefore it need the existence of furthermore processing to avoid the fruit deterioration. One of processing to avoid the fruit deterioration is drying. In this case using foamat drying method which yielding product in form powder. This research aim to know influence of type of foaming agent and dextrin concntration in guava drying with foamat drying method. Pursuant to research result, type foaming agent and the dextrin concentration is very having an effect on guava drying. In usage of different type of foaming agent will be got the different accelerate drying. Dextrin concntration have an effect in viscocity of foam. Progressively jell of guava foam viscocity, the water concentration is slimest, so the avaporation will be faster or the acceleration of srying will be larger
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