20 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Karakteristik Lingkungan Peneluran Penyu Dikaji dari Aspek Geomorfologi Pesisir (Studi Kasus pada Pantai Pelang dan Pantai Kili-kili di Kecamatan Panggul, Kabupaten Trenggalek)

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    Penelitian dilakukan di kepesisiran Desa Wonocoyo, Kecamatan Panggul, Kabupaten Trenggalek. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan dan perbandingan karakteristik geomorfik Pantai Pelang dan Pantai Kaili-kili, serta untuk mengetahui karakteristik pantai yang sesuai untuk habitat peneluran penyu. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei lapangan dengan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan baik dari karakteristik morfologi dan proses geomorfiknya. Data morfologi meliputi panjang, lebar, dan kemiringan pantai. Pantai Kili-kili memiliki panjang dan lebar pantai lebih besar dibandingkan dengan Pantai Pelang. Pantai Pelang memiliki kemiringan landai (2,20 – 2,90 %) dan Pantai Kili-kili (10 – 12,50 %). Hasil pengujian material pasir Pantai Pelang berjenis pasir halus dan Pantai Kili-kili berpasir sedang. Hasil perhitungan proses geomorfik Pantai Kili-kili periode gelombangnya 12 detik, Pantai Pelang periode gelombangnya 10 detik. Perbedaan periode gelombang tesebut berdampak pada perhitungan tinggi gelombang dan panjang gelombang yang berbeda antara kedua pantai. Hasil penelitain Pantai Kili-kili lebih sesuai untuk habitat peneluran penyu

    Penggunaan H-Zeolit Dan Tawas Dalam Pemurnian Crude Glycerol Dengan Proses Adsorpsi Dan Koagulasi

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    Production of biodiesel from used cooking oil byproducts such as crude glycerol with low purity. The crude glycerol containing compounds impurities such as free fatty acids, alcohol, soap, catalyst and water. Compound adsorption of impurities can be done with the H-zeolite as adsorbent, but the resulting quality is still not good. To improve its quality, this research was added alum (coagulation) process so that the adsorption of colloidal-sized compound impurities which can be separated from the glycerol. The purpose of this research is determine optimal condition of adsorption and coagulation impurity compounds of crude glycerol by using H-zeolite and alum and also determine quality of glycerol was obtained. First, crude glycerol acidified by phosphoric acid 85% (pure analysis) until desired pH ±2.5. It was obtained purity of glycerol 72.797%. The next process is adsorption with activated H-zeolite and it obtained purity of glycerol 77.079%. The last process in this research is adsorption and coagulation by using H-zeolite and alum. The highest purity glycerol 93.803% was obtained from condition of adsorption and coagulation for 75 minutes; alum's concentration 80 ppm; and temperature 60 ºC. The glycerol discharged from adsorption and coagulation process by using H-zeolite and alum is qualify Indonesia National Standard number 06-1564-1995 with 3.512% water content; 2.438% ash content; 0.247% MONG content; has no sugar; 1.259 g/mL density of glycerol; 0.2356% potassium content and 0.0410% aluminium content; and brighter color.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/jkv.v0i0.514

    Analisis Pengaruh Komposisi dan Ukuran Nanokomposit Lifepo4

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    Lithium ion batteries was currently used as an energy source for portable electronic devices and more promising than others. But the conventional LiFePO4 has low ionic diffusivity. Flame spray pyrolysis method was developed as a particle synthesis method. This research reports the effect of LiFePO4 particle size and composition in lithium batteryperformance. As free variables of this research are the carrier gas flow rate and concentration of glucose. From the results obtained, the higher the flow rate of carrier gas so that decrease diffusivity and the higher the glucose concentration so that increase diffusivity

    Studi Komparasi Sifat Fotokatalis Dan Aglomeritas Nanopartikel Tio2 Sebagai Pengaruh Dispersant Etilen Glikol Dan Triton X 100 Dalam Dirt-free Paint

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi dispersant terhadap stabilitas fotokatalis dan aglomeritas nanopartikel TiO2 sebagai optimasi dirt-free paint, yaitu bahan komposit cat yang mempunyai sifat anti noda dan mampu membersihkan dirinya sendiri (self-cleaning) dengan bantuan cahaya dan air. Dispersant yang digunakan Etilen Glikol dan Triton X 100. Komposisi massa TiO2 2% massa cat, dengan perbandingan anatase : rutile sebesar 90:10. Pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi uji DSC, XRD, FTIR, uji self-cleaning, dan SEM-EDX. Dari uji self-cleaning dengan dua macam pengotor, diperoleh hasil bahwa untuk pengotor lumpur, sampel terbaik adalah sampel dengan dispersant Etilen Glikol, dengan selisih luas pengotor 35,77%. Untuk pengotor pewarna makanan, sampel TiO2 dengan dispersant Triton X 100 memiliki selisih luas pengotor 17,64%. Hasil uji SEM-EDX menunjukkan ukuran partikel TiO2 rata-rata untuk cat tanpa dispersant adalah 132.02 nm, dan dengan dispersant Etilen Glikol menjadi 118.54 nm. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa bahan dispersant dapat menimbulkan sifat self cleaning, serta mampu mendispersikan TiO2 di dalam cat dengan baik

    Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan dan Sosial Ekonomi Rumahtangga Petani Terdampak Gempa Bumi, Likuifaksi, dan Tsunami di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    Changes in agricultural land after the earthquake, soil liquefaction, and tsunami in Central Sulawesi Province affected the socio-economic conditions of the community. This research aimed to analyze changes in paddy land use and socio-economic conditions after the earthquake, soil liquefaction, and tsunami. The research was conducted purposively in Sigi and Donggala districts by using cross-section data of 503 farmer groups. The method used was descriptive and economic analysis. The results showed that there was a decrease in the area of agricultural land from 30 363.3 hectares to 7 356.08 hectares. Before the earthquake, the land was used for rice, corn and horticultural farming, while after the disaster, the land was only used for horticultural and cocoa farming activities. The socioeconomic changes in households affected by the disaster were the decrease in farming activities (on-farm to off-farm) and the average monthly income in the non-agricultural sector became higher than the agricultural sector. Nonetheless, the government needs to support the improvement of infrastructure and capital to increase farming performance. Keywords: land, soil liquefaction, post-earthquake, socio-economy, and tsunam