8 research outputs found

    Malaria parasitaemia among blood donors in Ilorin, Nigeria

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    Background: The prevalence of malaria parasitaemia among blood donors in Ilorin has not been documented. In this study, we determined the prevalence of malaria parasitaemia among blood donors in Ilorin, as well as, the sociodemographic and other factors associated with it.Method: This was a hospital- based cross sectional study involving 308 consenting blood donors. The sociodemographic characteristics of participants as well as blood donation history were obtained using structured questionnaires specifically designed for this purpose. Giemsastained thick and thin blood films to identify malaria parasites were performed using standard method. ABO blood grouping and haemoglobin electrophoresis tests were also done using standard methods.Results: The prevalence of malaria parasitaemia among blood donors in Ilorin was 27.3%. The parasite species found were more of Plasmodium falciparum(85.7%) than Plasmodium malariae(14.3%) . There was no age or sex difference in malaria parasitaemia. (p-value of 0.8 and 0.32 respectively). A greater proportion of blood group O individuals had malaria parasitaemia than groups A and B but this difference was not significant (p-value = 0.13). There was also no significant difference among haemoglobin genotypes.Conclusion: The prevalence of malaria parasites among blood donors in Ilorin is considerably high and lack of routine screening of blood puts recipients at risk. We recommend that routine screening for malaria parasites be commenced in our blood banks. Treatment of donor blood with riboflavin and UV light to inactivate malaria parasites and other infectious pathogens before they are transfused to patients may also be considered in our blood banks.Key words: malaria, parasitaemia, blood donors, Nigeri

    Seroprevalence of syphilis among blood donors in Ilorin

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    Background: One of the greatest values of serological test for syphilis is as a surrogate marker for lifestyle known to be associated with high risk of HIV and HCV infections. This study was designed to determine the prevalence of syphilis among blood donors in Ilorin and also the relationship between seropositivity and lifestyle known to be associated with high risk for HIV and Hepatitis infection.Method: This was a hospital based cross sectional study involving 350 consenting blood donors. The socio-demographic details (e.g., age, sex, occupation, risk behavior etc) were obtained using a structured questionnaire designed for the study. Screening for syphilis was carried out using the DiaSpot Rapid Diagnostic Test kit (DS 401- Syphilis test strips; lot: SYP2070028) according to the manufacturer's (Sam Tech Diagnostics) instructions.Result: The seroprevalence of syphilis among the blood donors was 1.1%. None of the seropositive donors was a homosexual, commercial sex worker or intravenous drug user. None of them had history of blood transfusion. Only one out of the 4 seropositive donors engaged in extramarital sex.Conclusion: The seroprevalence of syphilis among blood donors in Ilorin was low and therefore the relationship between syphilis seropositivity and high risk lifestyle could not be determined. A prospective study design where cases and controls are appropriately matched to exclude confounders would be more appropriate. The relationship of syphilis seropositivity and high risk lifestyle can therefore be better studied among patients attending Sexually Transmitted Infection clinic and using seronegative patients as controls.Keywords: syphilis, blood donors, risky lifestyl

    Reference values of haematological parameters of healthy adults in the north central zone of Nigeria

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    Background: Haematological parameters differ from one population to another due to several factors. To determine the clinical implication of the blood parameters of an individual in the state of health or disease, we need to have the knowledge of the normal reference range for that locality.Objectives: To determine the reference values of haematological parameters of apparently healthy adults in Ilorin.Design: A descriptive cross sectional study.Setting: Ilorin, North Central zone of NigeriaSubjects: Nine hundred and ten (443 males and 467 females) randomly selected normal, HIV negative individuals aged 18-65 yearsResults: The red blood cell count, Haemoglobin concentration, PCV and MCHC were significantly higher among males than females while the platelet count, total WBC count and absolute neutrophil count were significantly higher in females than in males. There was however no significant gender difference in the values of MCV, MCH and absolute lymphocyte count. The normal reference values obtained in this study were notably different from those that are used currently in the hospital.Conclusion: The normal reference value obtained in this study was notable different from those that are currently used in the hospital. These findings will have clinical implications regarding the adjustment of our current reference values and definitely add value to the management of patients in this part of the country


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    Background: The prevalence of malaria parasitaemia among blood donors in Ilorin has not been documented. In this study, we determined the prevalence of malaria parasitaemia among blood donors in Ilorin, as well as, the sociodemographic and other factors associated with it. Method: This was a hospital- based cross sectional study involving 308 consenting blood donors. The sociodemographic characteristics of participants as well as blood donation history were obtained using structured questionnaires specifically designed for this purpose. Giemsa-stained thick and thin blood films to identify malaria parasites were performed using standard method. ABO blood grouping and haemoglobin electrophoresis tests were also done using standard methods. Results: The prevalence of malaria parasitaemia among blood donors in Ilorin was 27.3%. The parasite species found were more of Plasmodium falciparum(85.7%) than Plasmodium malariae(14.3%) . There was no age or sex difference in malaria parasitaemia. (p-value of 0.8 and 0.32 respectively). A greater proportion of blood group O individuals had malaria parasitaemia than groups A and B but this difference was not significant (p-value = 0.13). There was also no significant difference among haemoglobin genotypes. Conclusion: The prevalence of malaria parasites among blood donors in Ilorin is considerably high and lack of routine screening of blood puts recipients at risk. We recommend that routine screening for malaria parasites be commenced in our blood banks. Treatment of donor blood with riboflavin and UV light to inactivate malaria parasites and other infectious pathogens before they are transfused to patients may also be considered in our blood banks

    Screening for Syphilis Among Blood Donors in Nigeria: Application of General Quality Principles

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    Background: Safety of blood for transfusion is a global concern. WHO and Africa Society for Blood Transfusion require a minimum of antibodies to Treponema pallidum or VDRL or RPR test on all donated blood units before transfusion. Application of general quality principle in screening for Transfusion Transmissible Infections, syphilis inclusive is a major  determinant of safety of blood transfusion.Methods: Forty-eight health care facilities were recruited for the study between January and June 2018. A self-administered structured questionnaire, physical interactions and telephone calls were employed to collect all relevant data on quality measures, types of blood donors, total number of blood units screened and reactivity to syphilis screening tests.Results: Venereal Disease Research Laboratory method was used to screen all donations for syphilis at 81.3% of the facilities screened. Twenty seven of the 39 facilities that screened for syphilis validated their test kits, 24 facilities had written SOPs and quality control system while 33 and 6 facilities procured syphilis screening reagents through Hospital  Managements and Departments. A total of 98 478 blood units were collected and screened for syphilis. Of the 831 samples found reactive, 405, 408 and 18 were obtained from tertiary, secondary and private hospitals and 384, 381 and 66 of the samples were from family replacement, paid and voluntary non-remunerated blood donors respectively.Conclusion: Majority of the facilities studied screened for syphilis using non-specific method and most employed general quality principles that conform to National and Africa Society for Blood Transfusion guidelines. Syphilis sero-prevalence of 0.84% was recorded in this study.French Title: Dépistage de la Syphilis chez les Donneurs de Sang au Nigéria: Application des Principes Généraux de QualitéContexte: La sécurité transfusionnelle est une préoccupation mondiale. L'OMS et la Société Africaine de Transfusion Sanguine recommandent au minimum le dépistage d'anticorps anti-Treponema palladium par le VDRL ou RPR sur toutes les unités de sang provenant de dons avant la transfusion. La mise en oeuvre du principe général de la qualité dans le dépistage des infections tranmissibles par tsransfusion, y compris la syphilis, est un facteur déterminant de la sécurité des transfusions sanguines.Méthodes: Quarante-huit établissements de santé ont été recrutés pour l'étude entre Janvier et Juin 2018. Un questionnaire structuré auto-administré, des interactions physiques et des appels téléphoniquesont été utilisés pour recueillir toutes les données pertinentes sur le système de la qualité, les types de donneurs de sang, le nombre total d’unités de sang dépistées et le taux de réactivité aux tests de dépistage de la syphilis.Résultats: Une méthode de laboratoire de recherche sur les maladies vénériennes a été utilisée pour dépister tous les dons pour la syphilis dans 81,3% des installations dépistées.Vingt-sept des 39 établissements qui dépistaient la syphilis ont validé leurs kits ; 24 disposaient de procédures opératoires standardisées et d'un système de contrôle de la qualité, tandis que 33 et 6 établissements avaient acheté des réactifs pour le dépistage de la syphilis par l'intermédiaire des directions et des services hospitaliers. Au total, 98 478 unités de sang ont été collectées et testées pour la syphilis.  Sur les 831 échantillons trouvés réactifs, 405, 408 et 18 provenaient d'hôpitaux tertiaires, secondaires et privés respectivement, et 384, 381 et 66 des échantillons provenaient respectivement  de donneurs de remplacement familial, de donneurs de sang payés et de donneurs volontaires.Conclusion La majorité des établissements dépistaient la syphilisen utilisant une méthode non spécifique et la plupart des principesde qualité généraux employés étaient conformes aux directives dela AfSBT. Une prévalence de 0.84% pour la syphilis a été enregistréedans cette étude