470 research outputs found

    Graphene encapsulating process: A road map for manufacturing aluminium matrix composites with superior mechanical properties

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    Manufacturing aluminium matrix composites with a uniform distribution of the nanoparticles using liquid fabrication methods is a rigorous task, attributed to the high propensity of these nanoparticles to agglomerate. novel method was proposed in this study for the first time to diminish the agglomeration propensity of SiC nanoparticles using graphene encapsulation process (Chapters 3 and 4). This method was invented based upon two different processing routes, encompassing ball milling and solvo-thermal assisted methods (Chapter 5) to wrap graphene sheets around SiC nanoparticles. As-received and graphene encapsulated SiC nanoparticles were then incorporated into A357 aluminium alloy using semi-solid stir-casting method under high purity (99.999%) argon gas. To delineate the mechanism by which graphene encapsulating method diminishes the agglomeration of SiC nanoparticles during the liquid processing, a novel theoretical approach based on the van der Waals-Casimir interaction free energy (Chapter 6) was implemented to show the unprecedented capacity of graphene sheets in manipulating the Hamaker constant of SiC nanoparticles. This manipulated Hamaker constant, in turn, stimulates deagglomeration and engulfment of these particles within solidifying matrix..

    The Effect of Rearrangement of the Most Incompatible Particle on Increase of Convergence Speed of PSO

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    This article presents a new method for increasing the speed of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. The particle swarm is an optimization method that was inspired by collective movement of birds and fish looking for food. This method is composed of a group of particles: each particle tries to move in one direction that the best individual and best group of particles occur in that direction. Different articles tried to expand PSO so that global optimization is gained in less time. One of the problems of this model that occurs in most cases is falling of particles in local optimum. By finding the most incompatible particle and its rearrangement in the searching space, we increase convergence speed in some considered methods. Different tests of this method in standard searching space demonstrated that this method takes account of suitable function of increasing the convergece speed of particles.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i2.202

    Soft power e seus efeitos nos desenvolvimentos geopolíticos da República Islâmica do Irã

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    One of the factors shaping and continuing the relationship between nations on the international stage is power. Power can be defined as the use of various facilities, ways and means to influence the mind and behavior of others in order to achieve the goals. The nations and, consequently, the states seek their own interests and desires in the international area, and the achievement of these interests is a function of the level and degree of national power, especially in comparison with other countries. If a country has a high national power, it can meet its demands unhindered. Governments seek to pursue and achieve their interests through cooperation, competition and conflict. But it is clear that national interests are not achieved on their own and in a vacuum, in order to achieve it, it is necessary for governments to enjoy national power at an acceptable level. The more a country can increase its power, the more it can ensure its survival and security and, on the other hand, the more it can pursue and fulfil its goals at the regional and international levels.There are several ways to influence the behavior of others: they can be forced into an action by threats or by the use of force; the use of economic resources may force others to follow; or they can be attracted and made to accompany by taking advantage of the software components of power (Harsij and Tuyserkani, 2009: 172). The formation of relations between countries and the social order at the regional and international levels and the continuity of relations, as well as the role of each country in the international events are under the influence of power. Therefore, some consider the power as the most important component of the relationships and status of countries in the field of international relations (Pishgahifard et al., 2011: 192).During the last decades, especially with the start of the 21st century, and the rule of globalization in international relations, the sources of exercising power have also been altered, and the governing equations of societies have been undergoing profound transformations, so that the intangible forms of power have become important. So that the means of power and achievement of interests and goals in international politics have changed, and the origins and methods of exercising power have changed from hard power to soft power. In other words, however the military and economic power that may have been formed on the basis of a lure or threat, often forces others to change positions, is called hard power. On the other hand, societies and governments peruse their powerfulness, not depending on the merely material resources of power, but also on the ability to change the behavior of other states, and this aspect of power is called soft power which is the product and outcome of an international credit gain and indirect effect coupled with satisfaction on others. Currently, most of countries have made significant investments, even at regional levels, to improve their soft power resources. Undoubtedly, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been not immune from the effects of this spin to the manifestations of soft power globally. With its geopolitical position, ideology, Islamic religious culture, the Islamic Republic of Iran has considerable resources for exercising the soft power, which are well achievable in the case of accurate knowledge and appropriate investment. In this paper, we first attempt to identify the sources of soft power from different perspectives, and will further examine the effects of soft power on the sources of power for the Islamic Republic of Iran and the developments of these resources.Uno de los factores que configura y continúa la relación entre las naciones en el escenario internacional es poder. El poder se puede definir como el uso de varias instalaciones, formas y medios para influir en la mente y el comportamiento de los demás a fin de lograr los objetivos. Las naciones y, en consecuencia, los estados buscan sus propios intereses y deseos en el área internacional, y el logro de estos intereses es una función del nivel y el grado de poder nacional, especialmente en comparación con otros países. Si un país tiene un alto poder nacional, puede satisfacer sus demandas sin obstáculos. Los gobiernos buscan perseguir y alcanzar sus intereses a través de la cooperación, la competencia y el conflicto. Pero está claro que los intereses nacionales no se alcanzan por sí mismos y, en el vacío, para lograrlo, es necesario que los gobiernos disfruten del poder nacional a un nivel aceptable. Cuanto más pueda un país aumentar su poder, más podrá garantizar su supervivencia y seguridad y, por otro lado, podrá perseguir y cumplir sus objetivos a nivel regional e internacional.Hay varias formas de influir en el comportamiento de los demás: pueden verse forzados a una acción mediante amenazas o mediante el uso de la fuerza; el uso de recursos económicos puede obligar a otros a seguir; o pueden ser atraídos y hechos para que los acompañen aprovechando los componentes de software del poder (Harsij y Tuyserkani, 2009: 172). La formación de relaciones entre los países y el orden social a nivel regional e internacional y la continuidad de las relaciones, así como el papel de cada país en los eventos internacionales, están bajo la influencia del poder. Por lo tanto, algunos consideran el poder como el componente más importante de las relaciones y el estatus de los países en el campo de las relaciones internacionales (Pishgahifard et al., 2011: 192).Durante las últimas décadas, especialmente con el comienzo del siglo XXI, y la regla de la globalización en las relaciones internacionales, las fuentes de ejercicio del poder también han sido alteradas, y las ecuaciones gobernantes de las sociedades han experimentado profundas transformaciones, de modo que las formas intangibles del poder se han vuelto importantes. De modo que los medios de poder y el logro de los intereses y metas en la política internacional han cambiado, y los orígenes y los métodos del ejercicio del poder han cambiado del poder duro al poder blando. En otras palabras, sin embargo, el poder militar y económico que puede haberse formado sobre la base de un atractivo o amenaza, a menudo obliga a otros a cambiar de posición, se l lama poder duro. Por otro lado, las sociedades y los gobiernos analizan detenidamente su poder, no dependiendo de los recursos meramente materiales del poder, sino también de la capacidad de cambiar el comportamiento de otros estados, y este aspecto del poder se llama poder blando, que es el producto y resultado de una ganancia de crédito internacional y efecto indirecto junto con la satisfacción de los demás.Actualmente, la mayoría de los países han realizado importantes inversiones, incluso a nivel regional, para mejorar sus recursos de poder blando. Sin lugar a dudas, la República Islámica de Irán no ha sido inmune a los efectos de este giro en las manifestaciones del poder blando a nivel mundial. Con su posición geopolítica, ideología, cultura religiosa islámica, la República Islámica de Irán tiene considerables recursos para ejercer el poder blando, que son muy alcanzables en el caso del conocimiento preciso y la inversión adecuada. En este documento, primero intentamos identificar las fuentes de poder blando desde diferentes perspectivas, y examinaremos más a fondo los efectos del poder blando en las fuentes de poder para la República Islámica de Irán y el desarrollo de estos recursos.Um dos fatores que moldam e dão continuidade à relação entre as nações no palco internacional é poder. O poder pode ser definido como o uso de várias facilidades, maneiras e meios para influenciar a mente e o comportamento dos outros, a fim de alcançar os objetivos. As nações e, conseqüentemente, os estados buscam seus próprios interesses e desejos na área internacional, e a conquista desses interesses é função do nível e do grau de poder nacional, especialmente em comparação com outros países. Se um país tem um alto poder nacional, ele pode atender suas demandas sem obstáculos. Os governos buscam perseguir e alcançar seus interesses através da cooperação, competição e conflito. Mas é claro que os interesses nacionais não são alcançados sozinhos e no vácuo; para alcançá-lo, é necessário que os governos desfrutem do poder nacional em um nível aceitável. Quanto mais um país pode aumentar seu poder, mais ele pode garantir sua sobrevivência e segurança e, por outro lado, mais ele pode perseguir e cumprir suas metas nos níveis regional e internacional.Existem várias maneiras de influenciar o comportamento dos outros: elas podem ser forçadas a uma ação por ameaças ou pelo uso da força; o uso de recursos econômicos pode forçar outros a seguir; ou podem ser atraídos e acompanhados aproveitando os componentes de software do poder (Harsij e Tuyserkani, 2009: 172). A formação das relações entre os países e a ordem social nos níveis regional e internacional e a continuidade das relações, bem como o papel de cada país nos eventos internacionais estão sob a influência do poder. Portanto, alguns consideram o poder como o componente mais importante das relações e status dos países no campo das relações internacionais (Pishgahifard et al., 2011: 192).Durante as últimas décadas, especialmente com o início do século XXI e a regra da globalização nas relações internacionais, as fontes de exercício do poder também foram alteradas, e as equações governantes das sociedades vêm passando por profundas transformações, de modo que as formas intangíveis de poder tornaram-se importantes. De modo que os meios de poder e realização de interesses e objetivos na política internacional mudaram, e as origens e métodos de exercer o poder mudaram do poder duro para o poder brando. Em outras palavras, no entanto, o poder militar e econômico que pode ter sido formado com base em uma atração ou ameaça, muitas vezes força outros a mudar de posição, é chamado de poder duro. Por outro lado, as sociedades e os governos examinam seu poder, não dependendo dos recursos meramente materiais do poder, mas também da capacidade de mudar o comportamento de outros estados, e esse aspecto do poder é chamado poder brando, que é o produto e o resultado. de um ganho de crédito internacional e efeito indireto, juntamente com a satisfação de outros.Atualmente, a maioria dos países fez investimentos significativos, mesmo em níveis regionais, para melhorar seus recursos de energia branda. Sem dúvida, a República Islâmica do Irã não está imune aos efeitos desse giro para as manifestações do soft power globalmente. Com sua posição geopolítica, ideologia, cultura religiosa islâmica, a República Islâmica do Irã possui recursos consideráveis para exercer o poder brando, que são bem alcançáveis no caso de conhecimento preciso e investimento apropriado. Neste artigo, primeiro tentamos identificar as fontes de soft power sob diferentes perspectivas e examinaremos mais detalhadamente os efeitos do soft power nas fontes de energia da República Islâmica do Irã e os desenvolvimentos desses recursos

    Adenocarcinoma of small bowel

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    Small bowel cancer is one of the rarest cancers in the gastrointestinal tract. The diagnosis is usually late and most patients presented with the advanced stage. Because of this rarity, there is limited data when making decisions for treatment and biological behavior. Most forms of the cancer occur in the duodenum with surgery being the treatment of choice if the cancer is operable. Chemotherapy has an accepted role in duodenal cancer, with the best form being regimen, which yields the best result in combination with capecitabin and oxaliplatin. Our case patient was present with liver metastasis and a huge mass in her first duodenal region so we were required to use chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Like other duodenal cancers, the metastasis decreased her survival and she died about 13 months after diagnosis. © 2015 P. Fadavi and M. Zare

    Mechanical processing and temperature effect on lime shrinkage

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    Low shrinkage is an important parameter in marketing of dried lime fruits.  An experiment conducted in order to evaluate affective factors on shrinkage coefficient of a dried lime fruit.  Factors are defined as position of rest (vertical and horizontal), mechanical processing (length needling, width needling, slotting and intact or no processing), and temperature (shadow dried, sun dried, 40oC, 105oC and 200oC).  Measured characters on a fruit were initial volume, final volume, and shrinkage coefficient.  The average initial moisture content of limes was 476 % kg (kg db)-1.  The position factor had no significant effect on shrinkage coefficient, but mechanical processing and temperature affected the final volume and consequently the shrinkage coefficient of samples.  Also different influence of temperature in various mechanical processing was observed.  The best treatment was drying in 40oC and with width needling because low shrinkage was obtained moreover nutritive value of fruits can be conserved with low energy consuming.   Keywords: Lime, shrinkage, drying, mechanical processing and temperatur

    Offine/online Optimum Routing of a UAV using Auxiliary Points

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    This paper presents a method to determine the route of a three-dimensional UAV. Three criteria; the height, the length of flight path and the unauthorized areas are used as the constraints and combined in a fuzzy function as the evaluation function. The article aimed to discover a minimum cost route from source to destination considering the constrains. In this paper a new searching method is proposed, with use of auxiliary points. The auxiliary point method iteratively divides a straight line to two shorter lines with less cost of evaluation function. Implementation results show that the proposed method dramatically decreases the calculations; meanwhile the ight route is sub-optimum

    An empirical investigation on relationship between social capital and organizational commitment

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    This paper presents an empirical investigation to study the relationship between social capital and organizational commitment. The study considers the relationship between social capital with three components of organizational commitment; namely, affective commitment, continuous and normative commitment. The study has been applied among a sample of 292 regular employees who worked for an Iranian bank located in city of Tehran, Iran. The implementation of Pearson correlation has indicated that there were positive and meaningful relationships between social capital and affective commitment (r = 0.197, Sig. = 0.01), continuous (r = 0.308, Sig. = 0.01) and normative commitment (r = 0.423, Sig. = 0.01). In addition, the study has detected that women had more commitment on their organization than men did. The proposed study of this paper has also considered a regression model where organizational commitment is dependent variable and trust and communication are considered as independent variables. According to the results of regression analysis, an increase of one unit in trust and social capital communication will increase organizational commitment by 0.189 and 0.204, respectively

    Adaptive Adjustment of PSO Coefficients Taking the Notion from the Bee Behavior in Collecting Nectar

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    In particle swarm optimization, a set of particles move towards the global optimum point according to their experience and experience of other particles. Parameters such as particle rate, particle best experience, the best experience of all the particles and particle current position are used to determine the next position of each particle. Certain relationships received the input parameters and determined the next position of each particle. In this article, the relationships are accurately assessed and the amount of the effect of input parameters is horizontally set. To set coefficients adaptively, the notion is taken from bee behavior in collecting nectar. This method was implemented on software and examined in the standard search environments. The obtained results indicate the efficiency of this method in increasing the rate of convergence of particles towards the global optimum

    UFSD Test with Proton Beam and Signal Analysis by Using CFD Method

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    Detecting the charge particles at Giga hertz rate is one of the applications of UFSD (Ultra- Fast Silicon Detectors). The UFSD test in front of the proton beam to count the beam particles and use it for more precise in Dose Delivery System for treatment the cancerous tumor by charge particles can become an effective step for development of cancer treatment. After choosing the best time measurement method which was constant fraction discriminator (CFD) method, by our previous experience, we used MATLAB software to analyze the UFSD signals. The results of many different runs of programs in MATLAB for many registered signals shows: 1- These sensors are reliable to count the proton particles in giga hertz rate. 2-The CFD devices could be used to record the UFSD output signals