114 research outputs found

    The Process Of Macroeconomic Decision Making In Democratic And Dictatorial Countries

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    Real-world problems are usually complicated by many interrelated factors. It is, however, difficult to distinguish between symptoms and problems. To facilitate approaches to problem solving, we must study the organization’s input, processes, and outputs. Measuring of productivity, as well as the construction of models, is based upon data and government information. The questions we would like to address in this paper is how the decision making process might take place in developed countries versus how it might take place in underdeveloped countries, and how it might take place in democratic countries versus how it might take place in dictatorial countries

    Investigation the mortality rate of children (infants) in west area of Isfahan province from 2006 to 2012

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    Background and aims: The study investigated mortality rates of children in west area of Isfahan province in 2006-2012. Methods: This cross- sectional study performed in a seven- years period by using information received from Isfahan Health center on neonatal mortality rate, infant mortality rate,under 5 years mortality rate in the west of Isfahan province. Results: The results showed that the NMR in rural areas was 13.5 and in urban areas was 9.5, IMR in rural areas was 18.6 and in urban areas was 13.5, and also U5MR in rural areas was 21.8 and in urban areas was 15.3, Results showed significant relation between indicators of NMR and IMR and U5MR with their life area showing? Conclusion: The results showed that the family physician design has been effective in reducing child mortality, but child mortality rates are still higher in rural areas than urban areas. Therefore, it can be concluded that with implementation family physician design only couldn’t change healthy indications in different areas by itself. Other social and economic factors such as income and health education should be improved along with it

    Investigating the normal dimensions and sizes of human eye orbit by MRI in Labafinejad Hospital patients in 2016 in Tehran

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    Background: Anthropometry is one of the principal researches in. The eye orbit is involved in most cranial abnormalities. Concerning the lack of adequate information in Iranian populations and the effect of factors including gender, age, and geographical region, the aim of this study was to investigate the normal dimensions and sizes of human eye orbit through MRI.Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive, analytical, and prospective study which was performed on 120 patients referring to the MRI center of Labafinejad and Torfeh hospitals. In fact, 20 patients were excluded due to eye-associated disorders. The longitudinal and transversal axes, as well as the eye orbit volume were measured, and the age, gender, and the sidedness of eye were reported and evaluated.Results: The mean age was 38, and the eye orbit volume, longitudinal axis, and transversal axes were measured as 5593 mm3, 22 mm, and 21.9 mm, respectively. The minimum average measured value was related to the distance between the posterior edge of the frontal processes of the upper jaw bones (21 mm in females and 23 mm in males), while the maximum average was measured across the posterior poles of the two eye orbits (26 mm in females and 29 mm in males) (P<0.4).Conclusion: The data suggestd that the longitudinal and transversal axes, as well as the volume of right and left eyes are larger in men than in women. The difference in the eye orbit volume of men, as compared to women can be attributed to a large body mass in men

    Influence of dietary prebiotic mixture (α-mune) on growth performance, haematology and innate immunity of Beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) juvenile

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    The present study investigated the effects of prebiotic (α-mune), a mixture of mannan oligosaccharide, β-1,3 and β-1,6 glucan, on the growth performance, haematology and innate immunity of beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) juvenile. Fish (46±3 g) were allocated into 12 tanks (15 fish per tank) and triplicate groups were fed a control diet or diets containing 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 g kg-1 prebiotic for 46 days. Fish fed 1.5 g kg-1 prebiotic displayed significantly higher final weight, specific growth rate and feed conversion ratio. WBC, RBC, MCV, MCH, haemoglobin, haematocrit and lymphocyte levels were also significantly higher in the fish fed 1.5 g kg-1 prebiotic. Furthermore, the highest haematocrit content and lymphocyte level were found in the fish fed a diet containing 1.5 g kg-1 prebiotic. Alternative complement activity (ACH50), lysozyme activity and Ig concentration were significantly higher in the fed 1.5 g kg-1 prebiotic. These results indicate that α-mune can be considered as a beneficial dietary supplement for improving the growth performance, haematological and immunological parameters of beluga sturgeon juvenile

    Investigating Neurocranial Sizes And Cephalic Indices Of Male Newborns In North of Tehran Using Millimetric Cephalometry

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    Background: Anthropometric studies have been introduced as the second priority of research in the field of medical sciences in Iran. Information obtained from such studies are used in industry and medical sciences, including the manufacturing of prostheses, gas masks, and surgical instruments. Considering the effect of genetic, age, sexual, climatic, and geographical factors and their high importance on anthropometric sizes, the aim of the present project is to investigate the neurocranial sizes of the cephalic indices of one-day-old male newborns in north of Tehran.Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on 100 neurocranial sizes of one-day-old male newborns in Shohada-e-Tajrish Hospital in Tehran using millimetric cephalometry. Measurements were performed according to the protocol and by a ruler, cephalometer, and tape meter (0.5mm precision rate). The data were collected and recorded in the relevant forms and then processed and analyzed by a biostatistics software. Results: The present research showed that the mean head length, head width, ear height, head circumference, brain volume, brain weight, cephalic index, and the brain index was 118.2 mm, 94.3 mm, 71.3 mm, 348.5 mm, 415.1 ml, 429.2 g, 78.1%, and 12.8%, respectively. Frequency of different head phenotypes has been reported according to the cephalic index as follows: round head (65%), long head (20%), broad head (12%), and super-broad head (3%).Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the cephalic index of one-day-old male newborns in Tehran was lower than those born in Kermanshah, Sistan and Baluchestan, and Qazvin, which can be explained by the impact of gender, climate, and geographical area on neurocranial dimensions and sizes

    A Randomized Trial to Compare Topical MJ1 with Routine Care for the Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

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    The objective of this study was to assess the relative efficacy and tolerability of topical MJ1 compared to routine care in the treatment of histologically proven CL. A total of 150 patients with 297 lesions were randomly allocated to receive either topical MJ1 agent as a paste to applied to the lesions without cover three times a day for 20 days or routine care (intramuscular injection of meglumine antimonate 20 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks or intralesional 0.5-1 cc for a total of four injection with one week interval). The primary end point of this study was the clinical cure of the lesion. Response to treatment was assessed at 1, 2, 3 and 8 weeks after start of therapy. Of the 132 lesions treated with MJ1, the mean size of lesions decreased from 423.9 to 30.4 mm2, 111 (84.1%) were reduced in size and 21 (15.9%) not responded. Correspondingly, in the 165 lesions treated with routine care, the mean size of lesions slightly increased from 295.8 to 330.5 mm2, 82 (49.7%) were reduced in size and 83 (50.3%) not responded. The differences were statistically significant (

    miR-342-5p Expression Levels in Coronary Artery Disease Patients and its Association with Inflammatory Cytokines

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    Background: Atherosclerosis is a progressive inflammatory disease and is the main underlying mechanism of coronary artery disease (CAD). Immune system cells and cytokines play pivotal roles in the development of atherosclerosis. Several studies have shown the role of microRNA in the inflammatory processes of atherosclerosis, and miR-342-5p has been shown to be involved in macrophage activation during atherosclerosis and cytokine secretion. But until now, there has been no data regarding the association of miR-342-5p with CAD and inflammatory cytokines. Methods: This case control study was conducted on 82 CAD patients and 80 controls. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) miR-342-5p expression and gene expression of IL-6 and TNF-alpha were evaluated using real time-PCR. Also, the serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-alpha were measured using ELISA kits. Results: The results demonstrated a higher expression of miR-342-5p in CAD patients compared to controls (p < 0.001). Moreover, logistic regression revealed an increased risk of CAD according to the expression of miR342-5p after adjusting for CAD risk factors (OR [CI] =6.1 [1.0 - 37.2], p = 0.048). Also, serum IL-6 and TNF-alpha showed higher levels in CAD patients (p = 0.003 and p = 0.004, respectively). Furthermore, there were positive correlations of miR-342-5p with gene expressions and serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-alpha. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated higher levels of miR-342-5p in CAD patients and showed positive correlation with inflammatory cytokines. This result is in accordance with a previous study, and suggested a regulatory role for miR-342-5p in atherosclerosis and cytokine secretion, although more studies are required in this direction

    Numerical investigation of bed-load changes on sediment flushing cavity

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    The tanks' useful life will be reduced if their sediments are not discharged with a suitable method. Various hydraulic and mechanical methods can be used in many countries to discharge sediments from reservoirs. Pressure hydraulic sediment flushing is a method of sediment flushing without lowering the water level. In the present study, using the CFD based Flow-3D software, a model has been applied to investigate the pressure hydraulic sediment flushing, and evaluate the effect of blockage phenomenon on sediment flushing efficiency. Results were compared with the available laboratory model. The dimensions of the simulated tank were 2.5 x 1.3 x 1.5 m in length, width and height, respectively, the height of the bed load was 0.4 m, and the diameter of the sediment particles was 0.3 mm according to the laboratory conditions. The average relative error for the sediment flushing cone depth was about 3%. In addition, to investigate the blocking phenomenon, the height of the bed load was considered to be 0.41, 0.45 and 0.5 meters for each simulation. The simulation results showed that when the height of the bed load increases, there is the highest sediment flushing efficiency and more sediment can be removed from the bottom outlet