144 research outputs found


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    注意の制御能力の低下から作業活動の持続が困難な対象者には、作業活動の一部の工程の反復練習をおこなうことも治療的に意味がある. 注意の制御能力の低下の一因に、ワーキングメモリを要する機能が不活発な影響も関与しているのではないかと推察した. 本研究では、作業活動の一部の工程を反復した作業課題よりも幾つかの工程を積み重ねて作業遂行することでワーキングメモリに関与する機能の活発化を仮定した. 健常成人10名を対象に4工程からなる箱つくりと、工程の一部を反復した箱の展開図を繰り返し作成する作業課題をおこない、作業後のワーキングメモリ機能に着目した認知機能検査を比較検討した. 4工程を順番に実施する箱つくりにおいて、対象者自身で効率の良い動作を制御する機会が増え、記憶の保持と処理が並列的におこなわれたことからワーキングメモリの機能に着目した認知機能検査に影響を与えた.It is therapeutic to practice some processes of occupation action repeatedly to the subject that persistence of working action is difficult from degradation of ability for control of care, and there is a meaning. We speculated whether the mechanism which needed working memory in a cause of degradation of ability for control of care did not contribute to inanimate influence either. We supposed functional activation to contribute to working memory by we piled up some processes than the occupation problem that repeated some processes of working action by this study, and accomplishing occupation. We did an occupation problem we repeated development of the box which repeated a box structure comprising four processes and a portion of a process for ten normal adults, and to make, and comparison reviewed the cognitive function examination that paid its attention to working memory mechanism after occupation. The opportunities that controlled good movement of the efficiency of we increased by, subject oneself in a box structure to carry out four processes in turn, and mnemonic containment and disposal affected the cognitive function examination that paid its attention to mechanism of working memory from what was done multiply

    介護老人保健施設入所高齢者の作業提示方法の違い : 逆唱検査結果と作業効率の違いについて

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    本研究では、介護老人保健施設に6ケ月以上入所している高齢者に、作業提示方法による作業効率の違いを検討した. 作業の遂行に一時的必要となる作業記憶にも着眼した. 作業記憶を簡便に評価できる数字の逆唱を対象者におこない、対象者を逆唱の良好群と不良群の2群に分けた. 各群の対象者に4種類の作業構成の作業と、1種類の作業を繰り返しおこなう、2つの作業を提示し期間をあけて実施した. 2つの作業の作業効率の違いを検討するために、作業実施後にTMT-A、TMT-B、作業の実施前後にフリッカー検査をおこなって分析した. 不良群は2つの作業間でのTMT-Bに有意な正の相関を認めず、2つの作業提示方法において作業効率に違いがあると推察した. 逆唱が不良な高齢者に作業活動を提示する場合、組織だった行為を要する、簡単な複数の作業を一貫して順番に提示することが作業効率に違いがあることが示唆された.In the present study, the difference of the work efficiency according to the method of presenting work to senior citizen who had been the be imprisoned for six months or more to the geriatric health service facility was examined. It aimed it also at the working memory that became temporary necessary for accomplishing work. Reverse-backward of the figure that was handily appreciable of the working memory was done to the object person. The object person was divided into two crowds an excellent group and a defective group of reverse-backward. Two work done to each crowd\u27s object person repeating the work of four kinds of work compositions and one kind of work was presented, and the period was opened and executed. After work is executed, TMT-A, TMT-B to examine the difference of the work efficiency of two work. It analyzed it inspecting the flicker before and after the execution of work. A defective group is TMT-B between two work. It was guessed that a significant, positive correlation was not admitted in TMT-B, and there was a difference in the work efficiency in the method of presenting two work

    歯磨きに対する利き手交換訓練 : 訓練効果を得るための実施期間

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    本研究の目的は、歯磨きにおいて利き手交換訓練により歯垢除去効果がどの程度有効か否かを検討することである. 対象は健常者44名(男性14名、女性30名)とし、利き手交換訓練実施の有無および非利き手か否かを組み合わせ、各11名4群とした. 歯磨きの実施期間は3週間42回とし、1週間ごとに計4回の判定を行った. 判定は歯科衛生士によるO\u27Learyのプラークコントロールレコードの実施により、口腔内の磨き残しを算出し、3週間の訓練経過を追った. その結果、利き手交換訓練として実施した群で、訓練期間中70%以上の実施者において歯垢除去効果を得ることができた. つまり、歯磨きにおける利き手交換訓練は有効であることが示唆された.It is for a purpose of this study to consider how effective a plaque on a tooth removal effect is by changing hand dominance training in toothpaste. A subject assumes it 44 physically unimpaired people (14 men, woman 30), we put it together whether it is in presence of changing hand dominance training enforcement and non-handedness, we assumed it for each 11 people 4. Duration of toothpaste assumes it 42 rounds of three weeks, we judged four times in total to be it every one week. A judgment; by enforcement of plaque control record of O\u27Leary by dental hygienist, we leave polishing in the oral cavity and calculate, we chased the training course of three weeks. As a result, in the group that we carried out as changing hand dominance training, we were able to get a plaque on a tooth removal effect in a person of enforcement more than 70% during a training period. In other words it was suggested that changing hand dominance training in toothpaste was effective


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    理学療法臨床実習における見学、検査測定体験、治療体験の量が、実習終了時の自覚的な検査測定技術、治療技術の水準に及ぼす影響を検証するために、臨床実習を終了した本学理学療法学専攻4年次学生36名を対象にアンケートを行った. 質問内容は、一日あたりに見学した患者数とその時間、検査測定した患者数とその時間、指導を受けたセラピスト数とした. 理学療法技術水準は、実習終了時の自己の検査測定技術、治療技術水準が考えうる最高の水準であれば100点、最低の水準であれば0点として自己採点させた. 検査測定技術点、治療技術点は治療時間と有意な正の相関関係、見学人数と有意な負の相関関係にあった. 以上より、実習中の治療体験量の増大は、実習終了時の自覚的な理学療法技術水準を増大させるが、見学では増大しない可能性が示唆された.Purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the volume of observation of physical therapy,experiment of measurement and therapy on skill of measurement and therapy by self-evaluation. The thirty six student of physical therapy after clinical internship of physical therapy were asked about the internship by questionnaire distributed after the internship. The items in the questionnaire were the number of patient and time in observation per day, the number of the patient and time in evaluation and therapy, and number of therapist who teach the student of physiotherapy per day. The ability of evaluation and therapy were scored by self-estimation after the internship. There were significantly positive correlation between the score of ability of evaluation and therapy and the time of therapy. In the other, there was significantly negative correlation between the score and number of patient in observation. These finding indicate that increasing of the volume of experiment of physical therapy can increase the ability of evaluation and therapy but increasing of observation cannot increase the ability


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    理学療法士を養成する大学で実施される短期間の理学療法評価臨床実習の実態を明らかにすることを目的に、3年次大学生を対象にアンケート調査を実施した. 実習で学生が担当した症例の約80%が典型的な運動器疾患であり、約87%の学生が実習開始3日目以内に理学療法評価を開始していた. 1日の検査測定実施時間は約40分、治療実施時間は約17分、見学の時間は約340分であった. 帰宅後、デイリーノートや課題に費やす時間は約4時間、睡眠時間は約3時間であった. 以上より、実習期間が短いことと、初めての臨床実習であることを考慮し、計画的に実習が進行されていたと考えられた. その一方、見学や課題レポート作成の時間に比べて、評価・治療実施時間が極めて短いことがわかったが、現行の診療報酬制度下による病院運営の観点から、実習生に評価・治療体験のための時間を増加することは困難であると推測される. 効果的な理学療法実習を実現するための臨床実習体制の提案が必要である.The aim of this study was to investigate the actual situation of the clinical internship of physical therapy evaluation in 3 weeks. The inventory survey was conducted for the third grader student belonging to the university which trains a physical therapist. Approximately 80% of disease of the case of what student was in charge were the patients after a typical fracture. Approximately 87% of students started a physical therapy evaluation within third day. The time of evaluation was approximately 40 minutes, the time of therapy was approximately 17 minutes and the time of study by observation was 340 minutes per one day. Approximately 4 hours were spent for homework and the time of sleep was approximately 3 hours per day. Thus, in consideration of very short period of the clinical internship of physical therapy evaluation, the internship could be premeditatedly conducted by supervisor. On the other hand, it was found that the time of evaluation and therapy was extremely shorter than the time of study by observation and homework. From the viewpoint of hospital management under current fee-for-service system, it could be difficult to make a time to evaluation and therapy by student. The new proposal of the clinical internship of physical therapy system for effective training is necessary

    Pathogenesis of retinoic acid-induced spina bifida in rat embryos

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    In a previous study, we showed that the intrauterine exposure of rat embryos to retinoic acid (RA) in the organogenesis period (8-11 days of gestation) induced various malformations according to the dose and timing of RA administration. Analysis of the characteristics of RA-induced malformation showed that many of them arose from the lumbosacrocaudal region of the axial skeleton. Based on these results, the present study was focused on the elucidation of the pathogenesis of spina bifida. All-trans RA was administered at dose of 60 mg/kg to pregnant DA rats at 10 days of gestation, and its influence on the posterior neuropore of embryos was examined serially by morphological methods. As a result, neural plate elevation was impaired at 6-9 h after RA administration, and neuroepithelial eversion occurred 12 h after administration. Thereafter, neuroepithelial eversion due to neuroepithelial overgrowth occurred, presumbly leading to the development of spina bifida

    最重度認知症におけるQOLとは : 感覚刺激療法を通して

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    近年,認知症を対象とした非薬物療法が盛んに実施されているが,運動機能が低下し,言語機能が崩壊し,意思疎通が困難となる最重度期の認知症に対しては,各種の非薬物療法の適応は難しくなる.今回,最重度認知症に対しての有効性が示唆される感覚刺激の効果を検討するため,介護老人福祉施設入所中の最重度認知症高齢者10名に複数の感覚刺激を与える介入実験を実施し,認知症用に開発されたQOL尺度を用いて感覚刺激の有効性を検討した.その結果,感覚刺激による有効性は認められなかったが,認知症の重症度とQOLについて有意な相関を認め,認知症の重症度が高いほど,陽性感情の表出あるいは表情の変化がQOLの要素として重要であることが示唆された.また,最重度認知症では,失われていく機能そのものがQOLの要素に反映されることが示され,最重度認知症においては,行動面に変化がなくても,発話や反応,表情の変化を示すことが重要な意味を持つと思われた.Non-pharmacological therapies have been widely used in the treatment of dementia in recent years, but the application of such therapies becomes difficult for the most serious cases involving impaired motor function, loss of speech function, and communication difficulties. In this study, we examined the effectiveness of sensory stimulation, which has been shown to be effective in the most serious cases of dementia. Specifically, we administered multiple sensory intervention examinations to 10 aged profoundly dementia patients, and measured the effectiveness of sensory stimulation using QOL benchmarks developed for dementia. The current study did not find that sensory stimulation was effective. However, a significant correlation was found between QOL and the seriousness of dementia, suggesting that the more serious a patient\u27s dementia, the more important the expression of positive feelings or changes in facial expression become as an important QOL factor. Additionally, the study has shown that, in severe dementia, lost functions themselves become reflected in QOL factors. Therefore, talking, reacting, and changes in facial expression appear to have significant meaning even if there are no external changes in the patient\u27s activities

    特別支援教育における発達障害の理解 : 自閉症児の表情認識について

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    特別支援教育での教育相談や教科教育の活用と見直しを行う場合、発達障害についての特性を知る必要がある. 本研究では他者とのコミュニケーション時に必要とされる表情認識について表情別で行った. 対象は、自閉症群および統制群である. 自閉症児群はDSM-IVの診断基準に該当する高機能自閉症児17名(男性15名、女性2名), 統制群として定型発達児・者12名(男性7名、女性5名)である. 結果は、自閉症の表情認知では全体的な相対的配置よりも顔のそれぞれのパーツにより依存した認知の方法を取っているという結果であった. 表情の主要なパーツ(目・鼻・口)に関して統制群は目を中心に視線を移動しているのに対して、自閉症群は平均した視線移動をしている. これは、Schultzらの報告を支持するものであり、自閉症者・児は顔または表情を1つの物体として捉えていることを示唆している.A purpose of this study went by expression distinction about recognition of facial expression needed at the time of communication with autistic another person. An object is autism group and a group of control. 17 high-performance autism falling under diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV in the autism group(is the fixed form development child / 12 people as control group.) The result was a result to take the method of the recognition dependent on by each part of the face than the general relative placement by the autistic expression recognition. In the control group, the autism group does the eyes movement that I averaged about the main part (eyes/nose/mouth) of the expression whereas I move eyes mainly on eyes. This supports a report of Schultz, and a person of autism / the child suggests that I catch a face or an expression as one object

    聴覚障がいトップアスリート強化合宿でのフィジカルサポート : 第17回冬季デフリンピック日本選手団員としての関わり

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    2010年12月27日から2011年1月2日まで北海道の朝里川温泉スキー場で行われたデフリンピックアルペンスキー日本選手の強化合宿にメディカルスタッフとして帯同した. 先天性聴覚障がい者には前庭三半規管にも障害を伴う者が多く存在するが、視覚や体性感覚が代償して働き、バランスが正常範囲に回復する為、日常生活面では問題にならない事が多い. 今回の代表選手にバランス検査で前庭機能低下を疑う選手が含まれており、健常スキー選手が行う筋力強化や滑走姿勢の改善だけでなく、バランス低下を考慮した筋力強化や滑走姿勢へのアプローチが必要であった.My occupational duties requirement to train top Japanese Deaf athletes in a training camp in Asarigawa Onsen Ski Area as medical staff during the period between 27th of December in 2010 to 2nd of January in 2011. Many deaf people exhibit balance issues because of the vestibule osseous semicircular canals. In general, there are not a serious problems encountered in their daily life because their sight and bodily sensations provide a compensating mechanism and therefore balance is restored to a normal level. However, athletes need other approaches to overcome the balance issues they encounter while training which may be training schedules aimed at improving muscular power or exercises to maintain the slide posture to accommodate those patients experiencing vestibule depression problems