
本研究の目的は、歯磨きにおいて利き手交換訓練により歯垢除去効果がどの程度有効か否かを検討することである. 対象は健常者44名(男性14名、女性30名)とし、利き手交換訓練実施の有無および非利き手か否かを組み合わせ、各11名4群とした. 歯磨きの実施期間は3週間42回とし、1週間ごとに計4回の判定を行った. 判定は歯科衛生士によるO\u27Learyのプラークコントロールレコードの実施により、口腔内の磨き残しを算出し、3週間の訓練経過を追った. その結果、利き手交換訓練として実施した群で、訓練期間中70%以上の実施者において歯垢除去効果を得ることができた. つまり、歯磨きにおける利き手交換訓練は有効であることが示唆された.It is for a purpose of this study to consider how effective a plaque on a tooth removal effect is by changing hand dominance training in toothpaste. A subject assumes it 44 physically unimpaired people (14 men, woman 30), we put it together whether it is in presence of changing hand dominance training enforcement and non-handedness, we assumed it for each 11 people 4. Duration of toothpaste assumes it 42 rounds of three weeks, we judged four times in total to be it every one week. A judgment; by enforcement of plaque control record of O\u27Leary by dental hygienist, we leave polishing in the oral cavity and calculate, we chased the training course of three weeks. As a result, in the group that we carried out as changing hand dominance training, we were able to get a plaque on a tooth removal effect in a person of enforcement more than 70% during a training period. In other words it was suggested that changing hand dominance training in toothpaste was effective

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