12 research outputs found

    Environmental-Based Disease Prevention Model Based on Disease Vulnerability Index in Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia

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    Environmental-based diseases in Kepahiang Regency tend to increase annually which will cause death if it is not handled quickly and appropriately. The incidence of the disease becomes the standard of measurement for the Community Health Development Index and Human Development Index. The purpose of this study was to determine the dimensions and indicators of environmental-based disease causes, calculate the disease susceptibility index and create a prevention model based on the disease susceptibility index obtained. The method used in this study is the modified Village Development Index (IPD) method. The environmental-based disease susceptibility index is structured into 7 dimensions, namely health services, health workers, environmental health, population, community behavior, disease control and governance which are arranged into 23 indicators. The highest disease susceptibility index in Kepahiang Regency is the pulmonary TB disease susceptibility index, which is 2.830. The DHF susceptibility index is 2.746 and the lowest is the susceptibility index to diarrhea at 2.456. The susceptibility index of the three diseases is included in the category of potentially vulnerable. If viewed from the index per dimension, the highest index is found in the community behavior dimension. The susceptibility index at the district level,  it was found that Seberang Musi and Muara Kemumu districts had high susceptibility index. The strategy to increase the budget in improving health services, outreach to change people's behavior to be aware of health are potential steps to reduce the status of environmental-based disease vulnerability in Kepahiang Regency

    Isolation and Identification of Serum Gamma Immunoglobulin (IgG) of Native and Imported Chickens By Ion Exchange Chromatography and Immunochernistry Methods

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    The study was designed to isolate and identify serum IgG of native and imported chickens, after being immunized with Newcastle Disease Vaccine. The isolation method used was the DEAE-Cellulose ion exchange chromatography using 0.01 M Tris-HCl buffer, at pH 8.0, with linear gradient NaCl from 0.01 M to 0.30 M after salting out with anhydrous Na2SO4. Identification of IgG characteristics carried out using the Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion, immuno-electrophoresis and SDS-PAGE 8% methods. Serum fractionation of native and imported chickens using the DEAE-Cellulose chromatography, after salting out with anhydrous Na2So4 of 18,14 and 14% resulted in four peaks of protein fractions

    Kajian patogenisitas bakteri Edwardsiella ictaluri pada ikan patin Pangasionodon hypophthalmus

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    ABSTRACT One of major problem of striped catfish Pangasionodon hypophthalmus culture is enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC), bacterial disease of Edwardsiella ictaluri, caused of more than 50% of mortalities. This reaserch was aimed to determine pathogenicity of local isolate E. ictaluri. Thirty individu of five group fishes, 6–10 g in body weight, injected intraperitoneally with 0,1 mL of bacteria suspension of 102 cfu/mL; 104 cfu/mL; 106 cfu/mL; 108 cfu/mL; 1010 cfu/mL; and PBS as control, were culture in 18 of 60×40×45 cm3 aquarium for seven days. External organs of fish (skin and abdomen) and internal organs (liver, kidney, and brain) were examined macroscopicly and microscopicly. Internal organ sample were taken on the 5th day for histopatologic test while blood sample was on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th day after infection. Mortality rate was count to reach LD50. Clinical signs and pathology anatomy of co-infection fish showed vertical swim, petechial hemorrhage in the skin, dropsy, ascites in the abdominal cavity, pale liver and the kidney was dark red. Histopathology showed hydropic degeneration, fatty degeneration, hemorrhage and necrosis in the liver, melano macrophage center (MMC) and necrosis in the kidneys, hemorrhage, and inflammatory cell infiltrates were also found in the kidneys and brain. Decreased of hematocrit and hemoglobin values of all tread group were statistically significant different (P<0,05) compared to controls. LD50 dose was 2,8×104 cfu/mL. The result indicated that E. ictaluri was very pathogenic on striped catfish P. hypophthalmus.  Keywords: Edwardsiella ictaluri, enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC), pathogenicity, striped catfish  ABSTRAK Salah satu kendala yang dijumpai pada budidaya ikan patin Pangasionodon hypophthalmus yaitu serangan penyakit bakterial. Enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC) adalah penyakit infeksi bakteri Edwardsiella ictaluri yang dapat menyebabkan kematian ikan patin sampai >50%. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui patogenisitas E. ictaluri isolat lokal pada ikan patin. Masing-masing 30 ekor ikan patin ukuran 6–10 g/ekor diinjeksi secara intraperitoneal dengan 0,1 mL larutan bakteri kepadatan 102 cfu/mL; 104 cfu/mL; 106 cfu/mL; 108 cfu/mL; 1010 cfu/mL; dan PBS sebagai kontrol. Ikan dipelihara selama tujuh hari pada akuarium berukuran 60×40×45 cm3. Pemeriksaan makroskopis dan mikroskopis dilakukan terhadap organ eksternal (kulit dan abdomen) dan internal (hati, ginjal, dan otak). Pengambilan sampel organ internal untuk uji histopatologi pada hari kelima dan sampel darah untuk uji gambaran darah pada hari pertama, ketiga, dan kelima pascainfeksi. Jumlah kematian ikan dihitung untuk mendapat nilai LD50. Pengamatan gejala klinis dan patologi anatomi ditemukan ikan berenang vertikal, adanya bercak merah pada kulit, pembengkakan abdomen, asites, hati pucat, dan ginjal berwarna merah kehitaman. Hasil histopatologi terlihat terjadinya degenerasi hidropik, degenerasi lemak, melano macrophage center (MMC), nekrosa, hemoragi, dan infiltrasi sel radang pada hati, ginjal, dan otak. Penurunan nilai hematokrit dan hemoglobin pada perlakuan secara statistik berbeda nyata (P<0,05) dengan kontrol. Dosis LD50 didapat 2,8×104 cfu/mL. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa E. ictaluri pada ikan patin bersifat sangat patogen. Kata kunci: Edwardsiella ictaluri, enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC), patogenisitas, pati

    Isolation and Characterization of Endophytic Bacteria from Tembelekan (Lantana camara L.) as Antibacterial Compounds Producer

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    Endophytic bacteria are microorganisms that live in the internal tissues of plants and have symbiotic mutualism with their host plants. Endophytic bacteria may produce secondary metabolites that can be developed for medical, agricultural, and industrial purposes. Lantana camara is a medicinal plant that has therapeutic potential to treat a variety of diseases such as fever, tuberculosis, rheumatism, asthma, and skin disease. The purpose of this study was to isolate and characterize endophytic bacteria from Lantana camara which has potential to produce antibacterial compounds. The method of this research include isolation of endophytic bacteria of Lantana camara. Antibacterial activity assay was done against four types of pathogenic bacteria i.e. Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella enteritidis. Characterization of endophytic bacteria was by 16S rRNA gene analysis and identification of antibacterial compounds by GC-MS analysis. Isolation of endophytic bacteria from Lantana camara resulted in BT22 as a potential isolate. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene showed that the BT22 isolate was similar to Bacillus amyloliquefaciens YB-1402 with 99% identity. The results of GC-MS analysis showed some antibacterial compounds such as: Cyclohexanone, 2-[2-(1,3-dithiolan-2-yl)propyl]-6-methyl-3-(1-methylethyl), Octadecane (CAS) n-Octadecane and Tetracosane (CAS) n-Tetracosane

    Production of IgY Specific Antibody Against Entero Pathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) in Egg Yolk

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    Antibody to Enteropathogenic Eschericia coli (EPEC) K1.1. can be produced in egg yolk by the application of inactivated bacterial cells intravenously in layer chicken. The presence of specific antibody in sera and egg can bedetected with immunodiffusion techniques (Agar Gel Precipitation Test/AGPT), expressed by the occurrence of specific precipitation reaction between antibody and homolog antigen and no cross reaction of this antibody with antigen of Salmonella sp. and Klebsiella sp. The presence of specific antibody previously can be detected in sera, then 1 week after this the antibody start to be able be detected in egg yolk. The antibody is still present in sera as well as in egg yolk in large amount for 7 weeks and decrease significantly in the 8th week. This results indicated that theegg can be used in the producing specific antibody in the large quantity

    Antimicrobial activity and identification of bioactive compounds of Söfö-söfö (Acmella cf) leaf extract using GC-MS

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    Söfö-söfö is a traditional medicinal plant from Nias Island that can cure fever, cough, diarrhea and fungal infections on the skin. However, the scientific basis of these plants is unknown. The aim of this research was to extract the Söfö-söfö leaf by maceration method using two solvents that were 70 % ethanol and ethyl acetate, to test the antimicrobial activity of the extract by Agar diffusion method against Staphylococcus aureus, Eschercia coli, and Candida albican, and analyze secondary metabolite compounds by fitochemistry test and to determine the components of bioactive compounds by GC-MS. The results showed that the best solvent for making Söfö-söfö extract as antimicrobial is ethyl acetate with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 4000 ppm to S. aureus (1.25 ± 0.35 mm), E. coli (1 mm) and C. albican 6000 ppm (1.5 mm). The secondary metabolite compounds of ethyl acetate extract were alkaloids, flavonoids and steroids. Bioactive compounds found in the Söfö-söfö ethyl acetate extract with potential antimicrobial activity were hexadecanoic acid, stigmasterol, neophytadiene, methyl ester, squalene and phytol

    L3 Populations in Laying Hens Infected with 6,000 L2 of Ascaridia galli

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the survival of L3 populations in intestine ofchickens exposed to experimental Ascaridia galli infection. Nature female adult worm were obtained fromlumen of village chickens in a comercial abattoir in Bogor. The eggs (L1) obtained from uteri female adultworms were incubated in sterile aquadestilata at room temperature for 10-20 days developed embrionatedeggs (L2). Five groups (A-D) of 80 head chickens were infected with, 6000 L2 A. galli respectively. Thechickens of group A were infected six times with dose of each 1,000 L2 with an interval of one hour. Thechickens of group B were infected three times with dose of each 2,000 L2 with an interval of two hours.The chickens of group C were infected six times with dose of each 3,000 L2 with an interval of three hours. The chickens of group D were infected one time with single dose 6,000 L2. A. galli L3 were recovered from intestines of 80 heads chickens seven days after oesophagus inoculation with 6,000 L2.The result showed that total 702,000 L1 and 628,000 L2 collected from 124 A. galli female adult worms.The percentage of L1 developed L2 is 89.46% and L2 developed L3 is 11.27%. Significant survival of L3higher populations in intestine of chickens observed only in the group D. The results indicated thatchickens infected high dose of A. galli caused the decrease of host defence against ascaridiosis. Keywords: Ascaridia galli, embrionated eggs, larva


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan konsentrasi dan berat molekul protein  ekskretori/sekretori larva (L3) Ascaridia galli (A. galli). Larva L3 diperoleh dari usus halus 100  ayam tujuh hari setelah pemberian dosis 6000 L2 melalui esofagus ayam. Sebanyak 5–10  L3 dikultur secara in vitro  dalam setiap ml medium Rosswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI 1640), pH 6,8, tanpa merah fenol dalam inkubator pada temperatur 37 0C dan 5% CO2 selama 3 hari. Ke dalam medium ditambahkan 100 unit ml-1 penisilin G, 100 µg ml-1 streptomisin, 5 µg ml-1 gentamisin dan 0,25 µg ml-1 kanamisin. Ekskretori/sekretori dipreparasi dari produk metabolisme L3 yang dilepaskan ke dalam medium kultur. Untuk mendapatkan protein ekskretori/sekretori, medium kultur dipekatkan dengan vivaspin 30.000 MWCO, dan kuantitas protein dihitung dengan metode Bradford. Berat molekul protein ekskretori/sekretori divisualisasikan dengan sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi protein ekskretori/sekretori adalah 0,595 mg/ml dengan berat molekul 28 kDa

    Identifikasi Avibacterium paragallinarum Menggunakan Metode Multiplex PCR

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    Latar Belakang : Infeksi koryza merupakan infeksi saluran pernafasan bagian atas pada ayam yang disebabkan oleh Avibacterium paragallinarum. Bakteri Av. paragallinarum memiliki beberapa serotipe diantaranya A, B dan C yang memiliki perbedaan pada sifat antigenesitas dan imunogenesitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan serotipe dari beberapa isolat Av. paragallinarum asal ayam petelur yang menunjukan gejala klinis koryza.Metode : Menggunakan metode Multiplex PCR (mPCR).Hasil : Lima belas sampel usapan sinus asal ayam petelur komersil di daerah Jawa Tengah yang diisolat pada tahun 2013-2014, digunakan di dalam penelitian ini. Hasil mPCR menunjukan bahwa enam isolat merupakan Av. paragallinarum serotipe A, tujuh isolat merupakan serotipe C-4 serta dua isolat gabungan serotipe A dan C-4.Kesimpulan : Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa serotipe Av. paragallinarum yang menyebabkan infeksi koryza pada ayam petelur di Jawa Tengah adalah serotipe A dan C-4

    Isolation and Identification of Serum Gamma Immunoglobulin (IgG) of Native and Imported Chickens by Ion Exchange Chromatography and Immunochernistry Methods

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    The study was designed to isolate and identify serum IgG of native and imported chickens, after being immunized with Newcastle Disease Vaccine. The isolation method used was the DEAE-Cellulose ion exchange chromatography using 0.01 M Tris-HCl buffer, at pH 8.0, with linear gradient NaCl from 0.01 M to 0.30 M after salting out with anhydrous Na2SO4. Identification of IgG characteristics carried out using the Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion, immuno-electrophoresis and SDS-PAGE 8% methods. Serum fractionation of native and imported chickens using the DEAE-Cellulose chromatography, after salting out with anhydrous Na2So4 of 18,14 and 14% resulted in four peaks of protein fractions