11 research outputs found
Soporte vital básico: evaluación del aprendizaje con uso de simulación y dispositivos de retroalimentación inmediata
Objetivo: avaliar o aprendizado de estudantes no curso online sobre suporte básico de vida com dispositivos de retroalimentação imediata, em simulação de atendimento em parada cardiorrespiratória. Método: pesquisa quase-experimental, do tipo antes-depois. Foi desenvolvido curso online sobre suporte básico e aplicado aos participantes, como intervenção educacional. O aprendizado teórico foi avaliado por meio de pré e pós-teste e, para verificar a prática, utilizou-se simulação com dispositivos de retroalimentação imediata. Resultados: 62 concluintes, sendo 87% mulheres, 90% do primeiro e segundo ano de faculdade, idade média de 21,47 (desvio-padrão 2,39). Com índice de confiabilidade de 95%, a média das notas no pré-teste foi 6,4 (desvio-padrão 1,61) e, no pós-teste, 9,3 (desvio-padrão 0,82), pObjetivo: evaluar el aprendizaje de estudiantes en curso online sobre soporte vital básico de vida con dispositivos de retroalimentación inmediata, en simulación de asistencia en paro cardiorrespiratorio. Método: investigación casi-experimental, del tipo antes-después. Se desarrolló un curso online sobre soporte básico y aplicado a los participantes, como intervención educacional. El aprendizaje teórico fue evaluado por medio de pre y pos-test y, para verificar la práctica, se utilizó una simulación con dispositivos de retroalimentación inmediata. Resultados: 62 graduados, el 87% mujeres, el 90% del primero y segundo año de facultad, edad media de 21.47 (desviación estándar 2.39). Con índice de confiabilidad del 95%, la media de las notas en pre-test fue de 6.4 (desviación estándar1.61) y, en pos-test, 9.3 (desviación estándar 0.82), pObjective: to evaluate students’ learning in an online course on basic life support with immediate feedback devices, during a simulation of care during cardiorespiratory arrest. Method: a quasi-experimental study, using a before-and-after design. An online course on basic life support was developed and administered to participants, as an educational intervention. Theoretical learning was evaluated by means of a pre- and post-test and, to verify the practice, simulation with immediate feedback devices was used. Results: there were 62 participants, 87% female, 90% in the first and second year of college, with a mean age of 21.47 (standard deviation 2.39). With a 95% confidence level, the mean scores in the pre-test were 6.4 (standard deviation 1.61), and 9.3 in the post-test (standard deviation 0.82,
The application of Borg scale in cardiopulmonary resuscitation: An integrative review
The study of human performance and perception of exertion constitutes a fundamental aspect for monitoring health implications and enhancing training outcomes such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It involves gaining insights into the varied responses and tolerance levels exhibited by individuals engaging in physical activities. To measure perception of exertion, many tools are available, including the Borg scale. In order to evaluate how the Borg scale is being used during CPR attempts, this integrative review was carried out between October/2020 and December/2023, with searches from PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science, Embase, PsycINFO and VHL. Full publications relevant to the PICO strategy were included and letters, editorials, abstracts, and unpublished studies were excluded. In total, 34 articles were selected and categorised into three themes: a) CPR performed in different contexts; b) CPR performed in different cycles, positions, and techniques; c) CPR performed with additional technological resources. Because CPR performance is considered a strenuous physical activity, the Borg scale was used in each study to evaluate perception of exertion. The results identified that the Borg scale has been used during CPR in different contexts. It is a quick, low-cost, and easy-to-apply tool that provides important indicators that may affect CPR quality, such as perception of exertion, likely improving performance and potentially increasing the chances of survival
Basic life support: evaluation of learning using simulation and immediate feedback devices
ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate students’ learning in an online course on basic life support with immediate feedback devices, during a simulation of care during cardiorespiratory arrest. Method: a quasi-experimental study, using a before-and-after design. An online course on basic life support was developed and administered to participants, as an educational intervention. Theoretical learning was evaluated by means of a pre- and post-test and, to verify the practice, simulation with immediate feedback devices was used. Results: there were 62 participants, 87% female, 90% in the first and second year of college, with a mean age of 21.47 (standard deviation 2.39). With a 95% confidence level, the mean scores in the pre-test were 6.4 (standard deviation 1.61), and 9.3 in the post-test (standard deviation 0.82, p <0.001); in practice, 9.1 (standard deviation 0.95) with performance equivalent to basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation, according to the feedback device; 43.7 (standard deviation 26.86) mean duration of the compression cycle by second of 20.5 (standard deviation 9.47); number of compressions 167.2 (standard deviation 57.06); depth of compressions of 48.1 millimeter (standard deviation 10.49); volume of ventilation 742.7 (standard deviation 301.12); flow fraction percentage of 40.3 (standard deviation 10.03). Conclusion: the online course contributed to learning of basic life support. In view of the need for technological innovations in teaching and systematization of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, simulation and feedback devices are resources that favor learning and performance awareness in performing the maneuvers
Efetividade de treinamento sobre ressuscitação cardiopulmonar na aprendizagem de familiares de pacientes cardiopatas*
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a cardiopulmonary resuscitation training in the skill acquisition of family members of heart disease patients. Method: A quasi-experimental study, conducted in a hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. The study participants were one or more relatives of patients with heart disease that were hospitalized at the institution. In the first phase, the participant’s skills and theoretical knowledge on cardiopulmonary resuscitation were evaluated before and immediately after the training. The second phase took place one month after the training, in which the same evaluations were applied. The McNemar’s and Stuart-Maxwell tests were adopted (5% significance level). Results: The theoretical knowledge of family members before and after training increased and a great retention of this knowledge after 30 days of training was observed. Immediately after training, the family members showed significant improvement of skills in the 15 analyzed actions and, after one month of training, they maintained most of the acquired practices on cardiopulmonary resuscitation, except for chest compressions frequency and the time between turning on the defibrillator and delivering the shock. Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training was effective in the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge of the family members.Objetivo: Avaliar a efetividade de um treinamento sobre ressuscitação cardiopulmonar na aprendizagem de familiares de pacientes cardiopatas. Método: Estudo quase experimental, realizado em hospital de São Paulo, Brasil. Participaram da pesquisa um ou mais familiares de pacientes cardiopatas internados na instituição. Na primeira fase foram avaliados o conhecimento teórico e as habilidades dos participantes sobre a ressuscitação cardiopulmonar antes e imediatamente após o treinamento. A segunda fase aconteceu um mês após o treinamento, com a aplicação das mesmas avaliações. Os testes McNemar e Stuart-Maxwell foram adotados (nível de significância de 5%). Resultados: Houve aumento do conhecimento teórico dos familiares antes e após o treinamento e elevada retenção desse conhecimento após 30 dias da capacitação. Os familiares apresentaram, após o treinamento, melhora significativa das habilidades nas 15 ações analisadas e, após um mês da capacitação, mantiveram a maioria das práticas assimiladas sobre ressuscitação cardiopulmonar, com exceção da frequência das compressões torácicas e do tempo entre ligar o desfibrilador e aplicar o choque. Conclusão: O treinamento sobre ressuscitação cardiopulmonar foi efetivo na aprendizagem teórica e prática dos familiares.Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del entrenamiento sobre resucitación cardiopulmonar en el aprendizaje de familiares de pacientes cardíacos. Método: Estudio cuasiexperimental, realizado en un hospital de São Paulo, Brasil. Participaron de la investigación uno o más familiares de pacientes cardíacos, hospitalizados en la institución. La primera fase evaluó los conocimientos teóricos y habilidades de los participantes sobre resucitación cardiopulmonar antes e inmediatamente después del entrenamiento. La segunda fase se realizó un mes después del entrenamiento, con la aplicación de las mismas evaluaciones. Se adoptaron las pruebas de McNemar y Stuart-Maxwell (nivel de significación del 5%). Resultados: Los familiares incrementaron sus conocimientos teóricos antes y después del entrenamiento, los cuales persistieron después de 30 días de la capacitación. Después del entrenamiento, los familiares mejoraron significativamente las habilidades en las 15 acciones analizadas y, después de un mes de capacitación, mantuvieron la mayoría de las prácticas asimiladas sobre reanimación cardiopulmonar, excepto la frecuencia de las compresiones torácicas y el tiempo entre encender el desfibrilador y aplicar la descarga. Conclusión: El entrenamiento de resucitación cardiopulmonar fue efectivo en el aprendizaje teórico y práctico de los familiares
Basic life support: evaluation of learning using simulation and immediate feedback devices
ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate students’ learning in an online course on basic life support with immediate feedback devices, during a simulation of care during cardiorespiratory arrest. Method: a quasi-experimental study, using a before-and-after design. An online course on basic life support was developed and administered to participants, as an educational intervention. Theoretical learning was evaluated by means of a pre- and post-test and, to verify the practice, simulation with immediate feedback devices was used. Results: there were 62 participants, 87% female, 90% in the first and second year of college, with a mean age of 21.47 (standard deviation 2.39). With a 95% confidence level, the mean scores in the pre-test were 6.4 (standard deviation 1.61), and 9.3 in the post-test (standard deviation 0.82, p <0.001); in practice, 9.1 (standard deviation 0.95) with performance equivalent to basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation, according to the feedback device; 43.7 (standard deviation 26.86) mean duration of the compression cycle by second of 20.5 (standard deviation 9.47); number of compressions 167.2 (standard deviation 57.06); depth of compressions of 48.1 millimeter (standard deviation 10.49); volume of ventilation 742.7 (standard deviation 301.12); flow fraction percentage of 40.3 (standard deviation 10.03). Conclusion: the online course contributed to learning of basic life support. In view of the need for technological innovations in teaching and systematization of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, simulation and feedback devices are resources that favor learning and performance awareness in performing the maneuvers
Instructional design in the development of an online course on Basic Life Support
ABSTRACT Objective To develop and evaluate an online course on Basic Life Support. Method Technological production research of online course guided by the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) instructional design model based on Andragogy and the Meaningful Learning Theory. The online course was constructed in the platform Moodle, previously assessed by a group of experts, and then presented to the students of the Nursing School of the University of São Paulo, who assessed it at the end of the course. Results The course was evaluated by the experts and obtained a mean score of 0.92 (SD 0.15), considered as good quality (between 0.90-0.94), and by the students, with a mean score of 0.95 (SD 0.03), considered as high quality (0.95-1.00). Conclusion The instructional design used was found to be appropriate to the development of the online course. As an active educational strategy, it contributed to the learning on Basic Life Support during cardiac arrest-related procedures in adults. In view of the need for technological innovations in education and systematization of care in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the online course allows the establishment of continuous improvement processes in the quality of resuscitation in the care provided by students and professionals
I diretriz de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar e cuidados cardiovasculares de emergência da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia: resumo executivo
Apesar de avanços nos últimos anos relacionados à prevenção e a tratamento, muitas são as vidas perdidas anualmente no Brasil relacionado à parada cardíaca e a eventos cardiovasculares em geral. O Suporte Básico de Vida envolve o atendimento às emergências cardiovasculares principalmente em ambiente pré-hospitalar, enfatizando reconhecimento e realização precoces das manobras de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar com foco na realização de compressões torácicas de boa qualidade, assim como na rápida desfibrilação, por meio da implementação dos programas de acesso público à desfibrilação. Esses aspectos são de fundamental importância e podem fazer diferença no desfecho dos casos como sobrevida hospitalar sem sequelas neurológicas. O início precoce do Suporte Avançado de Vida em Cardiologia também possui papel essencial, mantendo, durante todo o atendimento, a qualidade das compressões torácicas, adequado manejo da via aérea, tratamento específico dos diferentes ritmos de parada, desfibrilação, avaliação e tratamento das possíveis causas. Mais recentemente dá-se ênfase a cuidados pós-ressuscitação, visando reduzir a mortalidade por meio do reconhecimento precoce e tratamento da síndrome pós-parada cardíaca. A hipotermia terapêutica tem demonstrado melhora significativa da lesão neurológica e deve ser realizada em indivíduos comatosos pós-parada cardíaca. Para os médicos que trabalham na emergência ou unidade de terapia intensiva é de grande importância o aperfeiçoamento no tratamento desses pacientes por meio de treinamentos específicos, possibilitando maiores chances de sucesso e maior sobrevida
I diretriz de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar e cuidados cardiovasculares de emergência da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia: resumo executivo I guideline for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care - Brazilian Society of Cardiology: executive summary
Apesar de avanços nos últimos anos relacionados à prevenção e a tratamento, muitas são as vidas perdidas anualmente no Brasil relacionado à parada cardíaca e a eventos cardiovasculares em geral. O Suporte Básico de Vida envolve o atendimento às emergências cardiovasculares principalmente em ambiente pré-hospitalar, enfatizando reconhecimento e realização precoces das manobras de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar com foco na realização de compressões torácicas de boa qualidade, assim como na rápida desfibrilação, por meio da implementação dos programas de acesso público à desfibrilação. Esses aspectos são de fundamental importância e podem fazer diferença no desfecho dos casos como sobrevida hospitalar sem sequelas neurológicas. O início precoce do Suporte Avançado de Vida em Cardiologia também possui papel essencial, mantendo, durante todo o atendimento, a qualidade das compressões torácicas, adequado manejo da via aérea, tratamento específico dos diferentes ritmos de parada, desfibrilação, avaliação e tratamento das possíveis causas. Mais recentemente dá-se ênfase a cuidados pós-ressuscitação, visando reduzir a mortalidade por meio do reconhecimento precoce e tratamento da síndrome pós-parada cardíaca. A hipotermia terapêutica tem demonstrado melhora significativa da lesão neurológica e deve ser realizada em indivíduos comatosos pós-parada cardíaca. Para os médicos que trabalham na emergência ou unidade de terapia intensiva é de grande importância o aperfeiçoamento no tratamento desses pacientes por meio de treinamentos específicos, possibilitando maiores chances de sucesso e maior sobrevida.Despite advances related to the prevention and treatment in the past few years, many lives are lost to cardiac arrest and cardiovascular events in general in Brazil every year. Basic Life Support involves cardiovascular emergency treatment mainly in the pre-hospital environment, with emphasis on the early recognition and delivery of cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers focused on high-quality thoracic compressions and rapid defibrillation by means of the implementation of public access-to-defibrillation programs. These aspects are of the utmost importance and may make the difference on the patient's outcomes, such as on hospital survival with no permanent neurological damage. Early initiation of the Advanced Cardiology Life Support also plays an essential role by keeping the quality of thoracic compressions; adequate airway management; specific treatment for the different arrest rhythms; defibrillation; and assessment and treatment of the possible causes during all the assistance. More recently, emphasis has been given to post-resuscitation care, with the purpose of reducing mortality by means of early recognition and treatment of the post-cardiac arrest syndrome. Therapeutic hypothermia has provided significant improvement of neurological damage and should be performed in comatose individuals post-cardiac arrest. For physicians working in the emergency department or intensive care unit, it is extremely important to improve the treatment given to these patients by means of specific training, thus giving them the chance of higher success and of better survival rates