63 research outputs found

    Detecting semantic social engineering attacks with the weakest link: Implementation and empirical evaluation of a human-as-a-security-sensor framework

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    The notion that the human user is the weakest link in information security has been strongly, and, we argue, rightly contested in recent years. Here, we take a step further showing that the human user can in fact be the strongest link for detecting attacks that involve deception, such as application masquerading, spearphishing, WiFi evil twin and other types of semantic social engineering. Towards this direction, we have developed a human-as-a-security-sensor framework and a practical implementation in the form of Cogni-Sense, a Microsoft Windows prototype application, designed to allow and encourage users to actively detect and report semantic social engineering attacks against them. Experimental evaluation with 26 users of different profiles running Cogni-Sense on their personal computers for a period of 45 days has shown that human sensors can consistently outperform technical security systems. Making use of a machine learning based approach, we also show that the reliability of each report, and consequently the performance of each human sensor, can be predicted in a meaningful and practical manner. In an organisation that employs a human-as-a-security-sensor implementation, such as Cogni-Sense, an attack is considered to have been detected if at least one user has reported it. In our evaluation, a small organisation consisting only of the 26 participants of the experiment would have exhibited a missed detection rate below 10%, down from 81% if only technical security systems had been used. The results strongly point towards the need to actively involve the user not only in prevention through cyber hygiene and user-centric security design, but also in active cyber threat detection and reporting

    Tracing compilation by abstract interpretation

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    Tracing just-in-time compilation is a popular compilation schema for the efficient implementation of dynamic languages, which is commonly used for JavaScript, Python, and PHP. It relies on two key ideas. First, it monitors the execution of the program to detect so-called hot paths, i.e., the most frequently executed paths. Then, it uses some store information available at runtime to optimize hot paths. The result is a residual program where the optimized hot paths are guarded by sufficient conditions ensuring the equivalence of the optimized path and the original program. The residual program is persistently mutated during its execution, e.g., to add new optimized paths or to merge existing paths. Tracing compilation is thus fundamentally different than traditional static compilation. Nevertheless, despite the remarkable practical success of tracing compilation, very little is known about its theoretical foundations. We formalize tracing compilation of programs using abstract interpretation. The monitoring (viz., hot path detection) phase corresponds to an abstraction of the trace semantics that captures the most frequent occurrences of sequences of program points together with an abstraction of their corresponding stores, e.g., a type environment. The optimization (viz., residual program generation) phase corresponds to a transform of the original program that preserves its trace semantics up to a given observation as modeled by some abstraction. We provide a generic framework to express dynamic optimizations and to prove them correct. We instantiate it to prove the correctness of dynamic type specialization. We show that our framework is more general than a recent model of tracing compilation introduced in POPL 2011 by Guo and Palsberg (based on operational bisimulations). In our model we can naturally express hot path reentrance and common optimizations like dead-store elimination, which are either excluded or unsound in Guo and Palsberg's framework