166 research outputs found

    Membrane protein remodeling in microglia exposed to amyloid peptides

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    Infection, neurodegeneration, and other conditions associated with loss of brain homeostasis, induce changes in microglial morphology, gene expression and function, generally referred to as “activation”. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common dementia and is characterized by neuroinfammatory changes, including alterations in the morphology and distribution of microglia and astrocytes, and deposition of complement and other infammatory mediators. Our previous observations show that microglial cells challenged in vitro with amyloid peptides clustered and rounded up, dramatically changing their morphology. Besides, in these cells we observed the early acetylation and then the phosphorylation of STAT3 which is required for the expression of the epsilon isoform of 14-3-3, a marker of Abeta-activated microglia (1, 2). We applied afnity partitioning approach combined with high throughput mass spectrometric analysis in order to identify variation of proteins on plasma membrane of BV2 immortalized microglia upon treatment with amyloid peptides. By this method several proteins up- or down-regulated by amyloid treatment were identifed in microglial plasma membrane. Among them annexins (5 and 7), IFITM3 and MARK3. These data have been confrmed in primary microglial cultures. In microglia, plasma membrane plays a relevant role in the cross-talking with the external neuronal environment and in the resulting trophic or infammatory response of these sentinel cells. As such, knowledge of the microglia responsiveness to beta amyloids in term of changes in its plasma membrane proteome is imperative for unveiling the molecular landscape in which AD occurs

    Impairment of the autophagic flux in astrocytes intoxicated by trimethyltin

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    Autophagy is a lysosomal catabolic route for protein aggregates and damaged organelles which in different stress conditions, such as starvation, generally improves cell survival. An impairment of this degradation pathway has been reported to occur in many neurodegenerative processes. Trimethyltin (TMT) is a potent neurotoxin present as an environmental contaminant causing tremors, seizures and learning impairment in intoxicated subjects. The present data show that in rat primary astrocytes autophagic vesicles (AVs) appeared after few hours of TMT treatment. The analysis of the autophagic flux in TMT-treated astrocytes was consistent with a block of the late stages of autophagy and was accompanied by a progressive accumulation of the microtubule associated protein light chain 3 (LC3) and of p62/SQSTM1. Interestingly, an increased immunoreactivity for p62/SQSTM1 was also observed in hippocampal astrocytes detected in brain slices of TMT-intoxicated rats. The time-lapse recordings of AVs in EGFP-mCherry-LC3B transfected astrocytes demonstrated a reduced mobility of autophagosomes after TMT exposure respect to control cells. The observed block of the autophagic flux cannot be overcome by known autophagy inducers such as rapamycin or 0.5mM lithium. Although ineffective when used at 0.5mM, lithium at higher concentrations (2mM) was able to protect astrocyte cultures from TMT toxicity. This effect correlated well with its ability to determine the phosphorylation/inactivation of glycogen kinase synthase-3β (GSK-3β)

    Lithium limits trimethyltin-induced cytotoxicity and proinflammatory response in microglia without affecting the concurrent autophagy impairment

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    Trimethyltin (TMT) is a highly toxic molecule present as an environmental contaminant causing neurodegeneration particularly of the limbic system both in humans and in rodents. We recently described the occurrence of impairment in the late stages of autophagy in TMT-intoxicated astrocytes. Here we show that similarly to astrocytes also in microglia, TMT induces the precocious block of autophagy indicated by the accumulation of the autophagosome marker, microtubule associated protein light chain 3. Consistent with autophagy impairment we observe in TMT-treated microglia the accumulation of p62/SQSTM1, a protein specifically degraded through this pathway. Lithium has been proved effective in limiting neurodegenerations and, in particular, in ameliorating symptoms of TMT intoxication in rodents. In our in vitro model, lithium displays a pro-survival and anti-inflammatory action reducing both cell death and the proinflammatory response of TMT-treated microglia. In particular, lithium exerts these activities without reducing TMT-induced accumulation of light chain 3 protein. In fact, the autophagic block imposed by TMT is unaffected by lithium administration. These results are of interest as defects in the execution of autophagy are frequently observed in neurodegenerative diseases and lithium is considered a promising therapeutic agent for these pathologies. Thus, it is relevant that this cation can still maintain its pro-survival and anti-inflammatory role in conditions of autophagy bloc

    Autophagy is differently regulated in astrocytes and microglia exposed to environmental toxic molecules

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    Autophagy is generally considered a degradation pathway involved in many neurodegenerative processes. It can be observed in different stress conditions such as starvation generally improving cell survival. Our previous results described the occurrence of autophagy in neuronal cultures exposed to the toxic compound trimethyltin (TMT) (1). TMT belongs to a family of organotin compounds with wide industrial and agricultural applications, especially as heat stabilizers in PVC production and as biocides. In the nervous system TMT determines the selective destruction of neurons in specific brain regions such as the olfactory bulb and the hippocampus. When this toxic molecule was administered to glial cells we observed in astrocytes a rapid block of the autophagic flux and a consequent increased expression of LC3 and p62 which can be observed both in cultured astrocytes and in the brain of intoxicated animals. Conversely, in microglia autophagy was not impaired in the same conditions and p62 accumulation was not observed neither in vitro primary cultures, nor in brain sections of TMT-treated rats. The protein p62 (also known as SQTM1) is known to be selectively degraded through autophagy and its accumulation activates the transcription factor Nrf2 by sequestering Keap1 (2). To note the block of autophagy has been reported to exert an immunosopressive effect in macrophages (3). Thus, the impairment of autophagy in astrocytes could be related to their limited production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide respect to microglia observed after TMT treatment. This work was supported by grant from Ricerca Scientifica 2013 to L.F

    Thrombin regulates the ability of Schwann cells to support neuritogenesis and to maintain the integrity of the nodes of Ranvier

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    Schwann cells (SC) are characterized by a remarkable plasticity that enables them to promptly respond to nerve injury promoting axonal regeneration. In peripheral nerves after damage SC convert to a repair-promoting phenotype activating a sequence of supportive functions that drive myelin clearance, prevent neuronal death, and help axon growth and guidance. Regeneration of peripheral nerves after damage correlates inversely with thrombin levels. Thrombin is not only the key regulator of the coagulation cascade but also a protease with hormone-like activities that affects various cells of the central and peripheral nervous system mainly through the protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1). Aim of the present study was to investigate if and how thrombin could affect the axon supportive functions of SC. In particular, our results show that the activation of PAR1 in rat SC cultures with low levels of thrombin or PAR1 agonist peptides induces the release of molecules, which favor neuronal survival and neurite elongation. Conversely, the stimulation of SC with high levels of thrombin or PAR1 agonist peptides drives an opposite effect inducing SC to release factors that inhibit the extension of neurites. Moreover, high levels of thrombin administered to sciatic nerve ex vivo explants induce a dramatic change in SC morphology causing disappearance of the Cajal bands, enlargement of the Schmidt-Lanterman incisures and calcium-mediated demyelination of the paranodes. Our results indicate thrombin as a novel modulator of SC plasticity potentially able to favor or inhibit SC pro-regenerative properties according to its level at the site of lesion

    Thrombin receptor PAR-1 is a glial cell receptor involved in the regeneration of peripheral nerves

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    Thrombin, a multifunctional serine protease, is a key enzyme in the coagulation cascade. Most of its actions are mediated by a G protein-coupled protease activated receptor (PAR-1) which is highly expressed in glial cells especially after injury (Pompili et al., 2006; Pompili et al., 2011) . In the peripheral nerves thrombin and PAR-1 specific agonist peptides produce changes in nerve conduction compatible with a conduction block. Aim of the present study is to determine if the activation of this receptor affects the neurotrophic properties of Schwann cells. In peripheral nerves PAR-1 was predominantly observed by immunofluorescence on non-compacted Schwann cell microvilli at the node of Ranvier. Moreover, PAR- 1 was highly expressed in Schwann cell cultures obtained from both neonatal and adult rat sciatic nerves. When PAR-1 specific peptides were added to these cultures an increased proliferation rate was observed. The synthesis and secretion of several growth factors by Schwann cells treated with PAR-1 agonist peptides were studied by RT-PCR, western blot and proteomics analyses

    Protease-activated receptor-1 in Schwann cells and its possible role in the regeneration of peripheral nerves

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    Protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1) is the prototypic member of a family of four G-protein-coupled receptors that signal in response to extracellular proteases. In the peripheral nervous system, the expression and/or the role of PARs are still poorly investigated. High PAR-1 mRNA expression was found in the rat dorsal root ganglia and the signal intensity of PAR-1 mRNA increased in response to sciatic nerve transection, both in the proximal and in the distal part of the lesioned nerve (1). Other authors revealed that functional PAR-1 receptor exists specifically in the non-compacted Schwann cell myelin microvilli at the nodes of Ranvier in the sciatic nerve (2). Schwann cells are the principal population of glial cells of the peripheral nervous system which myelinate axons playing an important role during axonal regeneration and remyelination (3). The present study was aimed to determine if the activation of PAR-1 affects the neurotrophic properties of Schwann cells. We observed a specific staining for PAR-1 in Schwann cells of rat sciatic nerve and also in primary Schwann cell cultures. To study the role of PAR-1 in Schwann cell cultures, we activated this receptor with a specific activating peptide (PAR-1 AP). Conditioned medium from PAR-1 AP-treated Schwann cells reduced the LDH release of PC12 cells respect to the medium of the untreated cells, suggesting that the stimulation of PAR-1 induces the production of pro-survival molecules. Also an increased neurite outgrowth on PC12 cells was observed using the conditioned medium from Schwann cells treated with PAR-1 AP respect to the control obtained from untreated cells. The synthesis and secretion of several factors produced by Schwann cells treated with PAR-1 AP were investigated by proteomics, western blot and RT-PCR analyses. By these experiments we identified as putative neurotrophic candidates some molecules, such as Macrophage migration inhibitory factor, Syndecan 4 and Annexin A2

    Widespread nociceptive maps in the human neonatal somatosensory cortex

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    Topographic cortical maps are essential for spatial localisation of sensory stimulation and generation of appropriate task-related motor responses. Somatosensation and nociception are finely mapped and aligned in the adult somatosensory (S1) cortex, but in infancy, when pain behaviour is disorganised and poorly directed, nociceptive maps may be less refined. We compared the topographic pattern of S1 activation following noxious (clinically required heel lance) and innocuous (touch) mechanical stimulation of the same skin region in newborn infants (n=32) using multi-optode functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Within S1 cortex, touch and lance of the heel elicit localised, partially overlapping increases in oxygenated haemoglobin concentration (D[HbO]), but while touch activation was restricted to the heel area, lance activation extended into cortical hand regions. The data reveals a widespread cortical nociceptive map in infant S1, consistent with their poorly directed pain behaviour

    Quantification of neonatal procedural pain severity: a platform for estimating total pain burden in individual infants

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    There is increasing evidence that long-term outcomes for infants born prematurely are adversely affected by repeated exposure to noxious procedures. These interventions vary widely, for example, in the extent of damage caused and duration. NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) procedures are therefore likely to each contribute differently to the overall pain burden of individual neonates, ultimately having a different impact on their development. In order for researchers to quantify the procedural pain burden experienced by infants on NICU, we aimed to estimate the pain severity of common NICU procedures using published pain scores. We extracted pain scores over the first minute (pain reactivity) from the literature, using 59 randomized controlled trials for 15 different procedures. Hierarchical cluster analysis of average pain scores resulted in five discrete severity groups; mild (n=1), mild to moderate (n=3), moderate (n=7), severe (n=3) and very severe (n=1). The estimate of the severity of individual procedures provided new insight into infant pain reactivity which is not always directly related to the invasiveness and duration of a procedure; thus both heel lance and skin tape removal are moderately painful procedures. This estimate of procedural pain severity, based on pain reactivity scores, provides a novel platform for retrospective quantification of an individual neonate's pain burden due to NICU procedures. The addition of measures that reflect the recovery from each procedure, such as brain activity and behavioural regulation, would further improve estimates of the pain burden of neonatal intensive care
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