819 research outputs found

    Theory and Experiments on Supersonic Air-to-Air Ejectors.

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    A comparison of experiment with theory is made for air ejectors having cylindrical mixing sections and operating under conditions of supersonic primary flow and either mixed or supersonic regimes of mixing. The effect on ejector performance of such parameters as mixer length and cross section, terminating diffuser, primary Mach number, and primary nozzle position is presented in terms of mass flow and pressure ratio

    Dialogical Teaching: Promoting Intellectual and Emotional Learning

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    The teacher’s podium is commonly thought of as a place of monologue, where teachers tell students what to know. Certain social issues, however, are best examined through dialogical teaching that promotes learning and a deep sense of knowing by the student. Consistent with the teachings of Paulo Freire, dialogical learning allows students to match their understanding of the world with an empirical foundation. The teacher thus facilitates a learning experience that can blend feeling and knowing. A class entitled, “Torture Survivor Well-being” was developed as part of a clinical psychology trauma concentration and offered at the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago, Illinois USA. Clinical and community psychology perspectives were integrated to present an ecological model of understanding the impact of torture as a political tool. The first semester of this two semester class defined torture and presented multimedia material that exposed students to the use and effects of torture. The second semester involved a partnership with a torture treatment program and included three components: a group learning circle among students and torture survivors; group supervision with the class instructors; and a student-survivor partnership that involved activities outside the learning circle. The dialogical approach of the class engaged students personally and professionally to: examine their own beliefs about the use of torture; examine the global use, effects, and effectiveness of torture; learn empowerment approaches to client community education that promote a psychological sense of community. Students thus prepared themselves for constructive interaction with survivors who have sought political asylum in the United States. This presentation will share the syllabi for both semesters and describe the teaching process and student discourse as they intellectually were encouraged to examine the use of torture and experientially engage with survivors who have sought political asylum in the United States. Final papers written by the students provided a forum for personal accounts of the course’s impact on their beliefs. The presenters suggest that this teaching methodology could benefit educators in communities coming to terms with racial, ethnic, economic and other points of conflict and promote knowledge that is not only known, but felt

    Criminal Procedure: Recent Developments in the Seventh Circuit

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    Special Issue on Designing With and For Users on the Autism Spectrum

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    Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and to the world around them. It is estimated that around 1 in 68 people are autistic (Christensen et al., 2016 Christensen, D. L., Baio, J., Van Naarden Braun, K., Bilder, D., Charles, J., Constantino, J. N., … Yeargin-Allsopp, M. (2016). Prevalence and characteristics of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 8 years

    The Ecosystem of Competitive Employment for University Graduates with Autism

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    There is a growing population of young people with autism entering higher education and successfully completing qualifications, however, their postgraduate outcomes are often some of the poorest. This study responds to the gap in research regarding the transition out of higher education and into the labour market for this group. It outlines a two-phase qualitative research design to examine barriers and pathways to competitive employment for graduates with autism. Findings report the heterogenous experience of autism, the importance of natural supports such as family, universities, or supported employment for success, and the impact of attitudes regarding autism and inclusive practice expressed by employers and wider society. The study further analyses how people, practices and policies often interact contingently to open up or close down opportunities for graduates with autism within the ecosystem of competitive employment

    On the multisearching problem for hypercubes

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    We build on the work of Dehne and Rau-Chaplin and give improved bounds for the multisearch problem on a hypercube. This is a parallel search problem where the elements in the structure S to be searched are totally ordered, but where it is not possible to compare in constant time any two given queries q and q'. This problem is fundamental in computational geometry, for example it models planar point location in a slab. More precisely, we are given on a n-processor hypercube a sorted n-element sequence S and a set Q of n queries and we need to find for each query q [??]Q its location in the sorted S. Note that one cannot solve this problem by sorting S[??] Q, because every comparison- based parallel sorting algorithm needs to compare a pair q, q' [??]Q in constant time. We present an improved algorithm for the multisearch problem, one that takes 0(log n(log log n)3) time on a n-processor hypercube. This essentially replaces a logarithmic factor in the time complexities of previous schemes by a (log log n)3 factor. The hypercube model for which we claim our bounds is the standard one, with 0(1) memory registers per processor, and with one-port communication. Each register can store 0(log n) bits, so that a processor knows its ID
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