35 research outputs found

    Competencia y capacidad. M谩s que una cuesti贸n terminol贸gica

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    The article analyzes the terms competence and capacity from the legal, philosophical, psychological and clinical view to demonstrate they are not synonymous concepts.El art铆culo analiza los t茅rminos competencia y capacidad desde la visi贸n legal, filos贸fica, psicol贸gica y cl铆nica, para demostrar que no son conceptos sin贸nimos

    Interleukin-6 is the major regulator of acute phase protein synthesis in adult human hepatocytes

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    AbstractThe three monokines interleukin-1尾 (IL-1尾), tumor necrosis factor 伪 (TNF伪), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) modulate acute phase plasma protein synthesis in adult human hepatocytes. Only IL-6 stimulates the synthesis of the full spectrum of acute phase proteins as seen in inflammatory states in humans, i.e. synthesis and secretion of C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A, fibrinogen, 伪1-antitrypsin, 伪1-antichymotrypsin and haptoglobin are increased while albumin, transferrin and fibronectin are decreased. IL-1尾 as well as TNF伪, although having a moderate effect on the positive acute phase proteins and inhibiting the synthesis of fibrinogen, albumin and transferrin, fail to induce serum amyloid A and C-reactive protein. These data suggest that IL-6 plays the key role in the regulation of acute phase protein synthesis in human hepatocytes

    Simulaci贸n de la c谩mara de combusti贸n de una caldera pitotubular utilizando la herramienta computacional ansys

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    This article analyzes the combustion reaction between the fuel (ACPM) and combustion (AIR) that occurs inside the combustion chamber of a pyrotubular boiler using Ansys庐 software and selecting the fluent method (CFD), being the indicated one To simulate fluids. A study of the behavior of the temperature and pressure through the total length of the combustion chamber and in turn the molar and mass fractions of the products resulting from the combustion. The results of the variables were compared with the approach of a mathematical model implemented in the simulink tool, taking into account the same conditions and the ACPM fuel.En este art铆culo se analiza la reacci贸n de combusti贸n entre el combustible (ACPM) y comburente (AIRE) que ocurre al interior de la c谩mara de combusti贸n de una caldera piro tubular empleando el software Ansys庐 y seleccionando el m茅todo fluent (CFD) [2], siendo el indicado para simular fluidos en procesos de combusti贸n. Se realiz贸 un estudio del comportamiento de la temperatura y presi贸n a trav茅s de la longitud total de la c谩mara de combusti贸n y a su vez las fracciones molares y m谩sicas de los productos resultantes de la combusti贸n ,, 聽Y . Los resultados de las variables fueron comparados con el desarrollo de un modelo matem谩tico implementado en la herramienta Simulink庐, teniendo en cuenta las mismas condiciones y el combustible ACPM.

    Modelo matem谩tico de una c谩mara de combusti贸n de una caldera pirotubular utilizando la herramienta matlab-simulink

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    En este art铆culo se presenta la implementaci贸n del modelo matem谩tico de la c谩mara de combusti贸n de una caldera piro-tubular, por medio del planteamiento de los balances de masa, energ铆a y estequiom茅trico. Estos balances fueron descritos por los componentes de entrada (aire y combustible) que se presentan en la zona de combusti贸n, basados en el concepto de mantener la relaci贸n estequiom茅trica entre ellos, los cuales, fueron simulados a trav茅s de las herramientas computacionales como el ESS y Matlab庐, con el fin de determinar el comportamiento de los gases de combusti贸n dependiendo del tipo de reacci贸n qu铆mica presentada. As铆 mismo, fue determinado la cantidad de carbonos e hidr贸genos que componen los combustibles de estudio (ACMP y Keroseno), igualmente los kmol/s que componen al aire, con el objetivo de analizar su oxidaci贸n y determinar la producci贸n de y . Finalmente, se realiz贸 la respectiva comparaci贸n analizando los valores de presi贸n y temperatura en los tres tipos de combusti贸n, estequiom茅trica, con presencia de inquemados y con exceso de aire. El planteamiento del modelo matem谩tico fue aplicado para los dos tipos de combustibles de estudio.Palabras clave: modelo matem谩tico, relaci贸n aire combustible, Simulink庐. c谩mara de combusti贸n, sistem

    Identification of germline cancer predisposition variants in pediatric sarcoma patients from somatic tumor testing

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    Genetic predisposition is an important risk factor for cancer in children and adolescents but detailed associations of individual genetic mutations to childhood cancer are still under intense investigation. Among pediatric cancers, sarcomas can arise in the setting of cancer predisposition syndromes. The association of sarcomas with these syndromes is often missed, due to the rarity and heterogeneity of sarcomas and the limited search of cancer genetic syndromes. This study included 43 pediatric and young adult patients with different sarcoma subtypes. Tumor profiling was undertaken using the Oncomine Childhood Cancer Research Assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Sequencing results were reviewed for potential germline alterations in clinically relevant genes associated with cancer predisposition syndromes. Jongmans驴 criteria were taken into consideration for the patient selection. Fifteen patients were selected as having potential pathogenic germline variants due to tumor sequencing that identified variants in the following genes: CDKN2A, NF1, NF2, RB1, SMARCA4, SMARCB1 and TP53. The variants found in NF1 and CDKN2A in two different patients were detected in the germline, confirming the diagnosis of a cancer predisposition syndrome. We have shown that the results of somatic testing can be used to identify those at risk of an underlying cancer predisposition syndrome

    Confirmaci贸n endosc贸pica de la gastritis por Helicobacter pilory en un centro m茅dico venezolano de diagn贸stico integral Endoscopy confirmation of gastritis due to Helicobacter pilory at a medical center of comprehensive diagnosis in Venezuela

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    Se efectu贸 un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo para diagnosticar, mediante endoscopia, la gastritis producida por Helicobacter pilory en 50 de 215 pacientes que acudieron a la consulta de gastroenterolog铆a del Centro M茅dico de Diagn贸stico Integral del municipio de Achaguas, en el estado venezolano de Apure, desde enero de 2008 hasta igual mes de 2009, a quienes se les indic贸 un examen serol贸gico para caracterizarles seg煤n clasificaci贸n endosc贸pica y topogr谩fica de ese tipo de inflamaci贸n estomacal. En la serie se encontr贸 un predominio del trastorno gastroduodenal por la citada bacteria en el sexo femenino y personas j贸venes de 15 a 34 a帽os.A descriptive and retrospective study was carried out from January, 2008 to January, 2009 to diagnose, through endoscopy, gastritis condition caused by Helicobacter pilory in 50 subjects out of 215 individuals who attended Gastroenterology Department at the Medical Center of Comprehensive Diagnosis from Achaguas municipality, located in Apure state, Venezuela. Those subjects underwent a serological test to characterize them according to endoscopic and topographic classification of that kind of stomach inflammation. A prevalence of that gastroduodenal condition caused by the aforementioned bacteria in female and young persons aged 15-34 years was found in the series

    Spray Characterization of Direct Hydrogen Injection as a Green Fuel with Lower Emissions

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    A viable green energy source for heavy industries and transportation is hydrogen. The internal combustion engine (ICE), when powered by hydrogen, offers an economical and adaptable way to quickly decarbonize the transportation industry. In general, two techniques are used to inject hydrogen into the ICE combustion chamber: port injection and direct injection. The present work examined direct injection technology, highlighting the need to understand and manage hydrogen mixing within an ICE鈥檚 combustion chamber. Before combusting hydrogen, it is critical to study its propagation and mixture behavior just immediately before burning. For this purpose, the DI-CHG.2 direct injector model by BorgWarner was used. This injector operated at 35 barG and 20 barG as maximum and minimum upstream pressures, respectively; a 5.8 g/s flow rate; and a maximum tip nozzle temperature of 250 掳C. Experiments were performed using a high-pressure and high-temperature visualization vessel available at our facility. The combustion mixture prior to burning (spray) was visually controlled by the single-pass high-speed Schlieren technique. Images were used to study the spray penetration (S) and spray volume (V). Several parameters were considered to perform the experiments, such as the injection pressure (Pinj), chamber temperature (Tch), and the injection energizing time (Tinj). With pressure ratio and injection time being the parameters commonly used in jet characterization, the addition of temperature formed a more comprehensive group of parameters that should generally aid in the characterization of this type of gas jets as well as the understanding of the combined effect of the rate of injection on the overall outcome. It was observed that the increase in injection pressure (Pinj) increased the spray penetration depth and its calculated volume, as well as the amount of mass injected inside the chamber according to the ROI results; furthermore, it was also observed that with a pressure difference of 20 bar (the minimum required for the proper functioning of the injector used), cyclic variability increased. The variation in temperature inside the chamber had less of an impact on the spray shape and its penetration; instead, it determined the velocity at which the spray reached its maximum length. In addition, the injection energizing time had no effect on the spray penetration