62 research outputs found

    First steps in the grape mechanization process in Brazil: quantitative features

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    Grape harvest is still fully manual in the majority of farms in Brazil (above 99%), yet the structure of the fields and the vine trellis are already prepared for it in a 24% of the cases. Besides, only the large-size farms are prepared for performing a detailed analysis of working capacity, product quality and losses; data of great value when trying to quantitatively address the incorporation of machinery. The fact that grape harvest in South America (and South Africa) be complementary in season compared to Europe, or North America, makes this potential market of Brazil an interesting option for European manufacturers. In this work, we have supervised a whole grape harvest season, in a 552ha farm, where both, mechanical (trailed) and manual harvest, are performed. Harvest performance is assessed by means of digital field notebooks and using georeferenced data (DGPS). A large variety of incidences have been found for the mechanized procedure due mainly to a deficient maintenance of the equipment, yet the increase in work capacity is clear. Also in this study an analysis of juice losses due to mechanized harvest is performed. The quantitative features are defined and have been compared to evaluate the difference among both procedures, together with a technical discussion in the prospective of the grape (harvest) mechanization in the near future in Brazil

    Valorização do magistério e plano de carreira: análise comparativa das carreiras da Rede Estadual de Ensino do Pará e da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Belém

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar comparativamente as carreiras docentes da Rede Estadual de Ensino do Pará e da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Belém, na perspectiva de dimensionar indícios da valorização docente. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho bibliográfico e documental, cuja abordagem é qualitativa. A análise baseou-se no que determina o arcabouço legal nacional e local sobre a carreira de professores aprovado no contexto recente da política de fundos, com base nos seguintes indicadores: Forma de Ingresso, Estrutura da Carreira e Formação mínima; critérios de movimentação na carreira; duração e composição da jornada de trabalho; vencimento e componentes da remuneração docente; incentivo à formação continuada. O estudo demonstrou que ambas as redes adotam o concurso público como principal modalidade de ingresso e preveem a possibilidade de progressão horizontal e vertical com alteração de remuneração. A despeito do que prevê a Lei nº 11.738/08 quanto à previsão de 1/3 da jornada de trabalho para atividades extraclasse, em nenhuma das duas redes tal dispositivo é cumprido. Observou-se ainda que o peso das gratificações como componente da remuneração dos professores nas duas redes em algumas situações chega a percentuais acima de 50%. O desafio é conseguir que se coloquem em prática as conquistas legislativas atuais, muitas delas existentes apenas na letra da lei

    Superação de dormência em sementes de Tachigali micropetala (Ducke) Zarucchi & Pipoly (Fabaceae – Caesalpinioideae)

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    The use of forest species for the production of seedlings has been intensified due to the need for recovery of deforested areas and biomass production. However, the domestication of native forest species is restricted due to a lack of studies related to the ecology, physiology, and morphology of its seeds. The species Tachigali micropetala (Ducke) Zarucchi & Pipoly, which belongs to the family Fabaceae, presents tegument dormancy that hinders the entry of water and consequently the germination. The objective of this work was to select the best treatments for breaking dormancy in T. micropetala seeds. The treatments were: control (without pre-germinative treatment), cut in the integument, scarification in sandpaper, immersion in sulfuric acid for 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes and immersion in water at 80 °C for 20 minutes. The sowing was done in germitest paper and the statistical design used was the completely randomized with eight treatments, five replicates of 25 seeds. For the sanity test, the seeds were submitted to two types of treatments: asepsis with 1.5% of sodium hypochlorite and control (seeds without asepsis). Each treatment contained 10 replicates, with 20 seeds each. The results obtained show that the treatments in acid for 15 and 10 minutes and mechanical scarification with sandpaper presented 90.4, 85.6 and 83.2% of germination, respectively, being these the most efficient for overcoming dormancy in T. micropetala seeds.O uso de espécies florestais na produção de mudas tem sido intensificado devido à necessidade de recuperação de áreas desmatadas e produção de biomassa. No entanto, a domesticação de espécies florestais nativas é restrita devido à falta de estudos relacionados à ecologia, fisiologia e morfologia de suas sementes. A espécie Tachigali micropetala (Ducke) Zarucchi & Pipoly, pertencente à família Fabaceae, apresenta dormência de tegumento que dificulta a entrada de água e, consequentemente, a germinação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar os melhores tratamentos para a quebra da dormência em sementes de T. micropetala. Os tratamentos foram: controle (sem tratamento pré-germinativo), desponte, escarificação em lixa, imersão em ácido sulfúrico por 5, 10, 15 e 20 minutos e imersão em água a 80 ° C por 20 minutos. A semeadura foi realizada em papel germiteste e o delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com oito tratamentos, cinco repetições de 25 sementes. Para o teste de sanidade, as sementes foram submetidas a dois tipos de tratamentos: assepsia com 1,5% de hipoclorito de sódio e controle (sementes sem assepsia). Cada tratamento continha 10 repetições, com 20 sementes cada. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os tratamentos em ácido por 15 e 10 minutos e a escarificação mecânica com lixa apresentaram 90,4%, 85,6% e 83,2% de germinação, respectivamente, sendo estes os mais eficientes para superar a dormência em sementes de T. micropetala.  

    Healing Effects of Formulations with Extract of Sonchus oleraceus

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    Introduction: Scar is defined as a process of tissue regeneration characterized by fibroblasts and a disorganized extracellular matrix, formed mainly by collagen. Thus it is understood that regeneration capacity is a phenomenon that occurs in order to repair an injured tissue. However, science has been looking for alternatives to assist in the repair process, and thus phytotherapy has been used as a therapeutic resource in medicine, and scientifically proven its efficiency. The plant Sonchus oleraceus is known, among other names, as “serralha” or sowthistle. It is a cosmopolitan species, found in several agricultural regions infesting crops. In Brazil, it is more frequent to grow in the winter and its seeds can be kept viable for eight years in the soil. This plant can be used as a popular drug for diuretic proposals, in cases of anemia, liver diseases and in cases of treatment of vitiligo in the eastern region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The objective of this research was to evaluate two different products (ointment and balsam) composed by S. oleraceus in the healing of surgical wounds in rats (Rattus novergicus).Materials, Methods & Results: Sonchus oleraceus specimens were obtained at the beginning of May, during the autumnwinter season, in which there is already a flowering of this plant. The leaves and stem of S. oleraceus were selected, cleaned and dried under study at 40°C of circulating air for four days for complete dehydration, and then ground in a knife mill. The constituents were prepared in 80% alcohol (v / v) and subjected to ultrasonic extraction for 60 min. The hydroalcoholic extract of S. oleraceus was concentrated on a rotary evaporator until all alcohol evaporated and the aqueous extract was obtained. The extracts were produced at concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15% and sent for manipulation of the pharmaceutical formulations of ointment and salve. Forty Wistar rats were divided into eight groups for evaluation of different products (salve and ointment). The wounds were created on the back of the animals and the products were applied daily; for analysis, clinical evaluations and wound measurement were performed daily. After 15 days, a biopsy was performed for histopathological analysis and quantification of type I and III collagen fibers. Measurement of the wound in rats treated with ointment containing 15% of extract presented better tissue retraction, with complete retraction observed after 10 days of treatment. Type I collagen was predominant in all samples; however, the healing properties of the balsam containing 5% extract and ointment containing 5% and 15% extract were significantly different.Discussion: As a conclusion, Sonchus oleraceus influenced the healing process of the skin. This pharmacological action is probably directly related to the amount of flavonoids present in its composition, that is, the higher the extract concentration, the better its efficacy. However, a better efficacy in the ointment is emphasized by better adhesion to the skin. Studies have shown that the flavonoids present in most plants have relevant healing activity, stimulating the proliferation of fibroblasts and the production of collagen, acting on the inhibition of metalloproteinase, thus increasing the rate of synthesized collagen. Other researchers reported a high concentration of flavonoids (anthocyanins and tannins) that act as mediators of inflammation, stimulating the production of inflammatory cytokines and tumor necrosis factor, observed in this species


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    Facial maxillofacial prosthesis (P.B.M.F) is a specialty of dentistry responsible for oral, facial and functional rehabilitation with extraoral and intraoralintraoral prostheses of patients with maxillofacial defects. The shortage of specialized professionals is critical, as during the treatment of a malignant neoplasm, loss of facial structure may occur, where the specialized professional has the possibility of prosthetically rehabilitating the lost part, be it the eyeball, oculopalpebral, auricular, nasal, palate obturator aimed at improving the patient's self-esteem and social reintegration. Contact with the discipline is important for the evolution of the specialty, as well as the interest of undergraduates and students. P.B.M.F plays an important role in the social reintegration of a patient mutilated by oral neoplasia today. The advancement of aesthetic dentistry came with the need to enhance a more beautiful, harmonious and younger appearance of a patient who meets beauty standards. On the other hand, the patient with the loss of part of the face he fought for, with a diagnosis that threatened his life, seeks to become inconspicuous in the crowd. The objective of this work is to carry out a literature review exposing the need for professionals and academics to contact the P.B.M.F. and the types of prostheses used. The methodology was based on data taken from the Scielo, Pubmed and Google Scholar platforms over the last 10 years, with articles found that were mostly case reports. Maxillofacial prosthesis is a branch of dental prosthesis associated with the restoration and/or replacement of stomatognathic and craniofacial structures with prostheses, which may or may not be removed regularly or electively.A prótese bucomaxilofacial (P.B.M.F,) facial é uma especialidade da odontologia responsável pela reabilitação oral, facial e funcional com próteses extraorais e intra-oraisintraorais de pacientes com defeitos maxilofaciais. A escassez de profissionais especializados é crítica, pois durante um tratamento de uma neoplasia maligna pode ocorrer a perda de estrutura da face, onde o profissional especializado tem a possibilidade de reabilitar proteticamente a parte perdida seja ela de globo ocular, oculopalpebral, auricular, nasal, obturadora de palato visando a melhora da auto estima e a reintegração social do paciente. O contato com a disciplina é importante para a evolução da especialidade, assim como interesse de graduandos e discentes. A P.B.M.F tem um papel importante na reintegração social de um paciente mutilado pela neoplasia bucal nos dias de hoje. O avanço da odontologia estética veio com a necessidade de se enaltecer uma aparência mais bela, harmoniosa e mais jovem de um paciente que se enquadra nos padrões de beleza. Em contrapartida, o paciente com perda de parte da face que lutou, com um diagnóstico que ameaçou sua vida, busca se tornar imperceptível no meio da multidão. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma revisão de literatura expondo a necessidade do contato dos profissionais e acadêmicos com a P.B.M.F.  e os tipos de próteses usadas. A metodologia se baseou em dados retirados das plataformas Scielo, Pubmed e Google Acadêmico dos últimos 10 anos, sendo encontrados artigos que na sua maioria eram relatos de caso. A prótese maxilofacial é um ramo da prótese dentária associada à restauração e/ou substituição de estruturas estomatognáticas e craniofaciais por próteses, que podem ou não ser removidas de forma regular ou eletiva