335 research outputs found

    Non visual effects of light: an overview and an Italian experience

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    Since the discovery of non-visual effect of light, consequences on human psychology and physiology have been investigated; however, effects on cognition of exposure to different spectral composition have been partially explored. Aim of this paper is an overview on researches developed in this field to compare general approaches and measurements protocols: the scarce knowledge of the physiological mechanisms, as well as the lack of shared methods, techniques, tools and procedures represent the weak point of this research. The impact of different procedures and experimental settings on results is shown, evidencing the need for scientifically consistent and internationally agreed procedures

    Prolonged abstinence from developmental cocaine exposure dysregulates BDNF and its signaling network in the medial prefrontal cortex of adult rats.

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    Although evidence exists that chronic cocaine exposure during adulthood is associated with changes in BDNF expression, whether and how cocaine exposure during adolescence modulates BDNF is still unknown. To address this issue, we exposed rats to repeated cocaine injections from post-natal day (PD) 28 to PD 42, a period that roughly approximates adolescence in humans, and we carried out a detailed analysis of the BDNF system in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of rats sacrificed 3 d (PD 45) and 48 d (PD 90) after the last cocaine treatment. We found that developmental exposure to cocaine altered transcriptional and translational mechanisms governing neurotrophin expression. Total BDNF mRNA levels, in fact, were enhanced in the mPFC of PD 90 rats exposed to cocaine in adolescence, an effect sustained by changes in BDNF exon IV through the transcription factors CaRF and NF-kB. While a profound reduction of specific BDNF-related miRNAs (let7d, miR124 and miR132) may contribute to explaining the increased proBDNF levels, the up-regulation of the extracellular proteases tPA is indicative of increased processing leading to higher levels of released mBDNF. These changes were associated with increased activation of the trkB-Akt pathway resulting in enhanced pmTOR and pS6 kinase, which ultimately produced an up-regulation of Arc and a consequent reduction of GluA1 expression in the mPFC of PD 90 cocaine-treated rats. These findings demonstrate that developmental exposure to cocaine dynamically dysregulates BDNF and its signaling network in the mPFC of adult rats, providing novel mechanisms that may contribute to cocaine-induced changes in synaptic plasticity

    Cerebellar haemorrhages and pons development in extremely low birth weight infants.

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    UNLABELLED Neuropathological and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) studies showed a high frequency of posterior fossa abnormalities in preterms. To assess whether cerebellar haemorrhages (CH) diagnosed with ultrasound and/or MRI affect pons development in ELBW infants. The anteroposterior diameter of the pons was measured manually on the midline sagittal T1 MR image in 75 ELBW babies consecutively scanned at term postmenstrual age. Subjects with CH were identified and compared to babies with no posterior fossa bleeding. Nine ELBW infants with CH (CH-Group: median gestational age -GA- 26 wks, range 23-27; birth weight -BW- 680 g, 425-980) were compared with 66 babies with normal cerebellum (Control-Group: GA 28 wks, 23-33; BW 815 g, 430-1000). The two groups were comparable for BW (p=0.088) while GA was significantly shorter in CH babies (p=0.005). The pontine diameter was significantly lower in CH-Group compared to Control-Group (12.8 +/- 2.2 vs 14.8 +/- 1.2 mm; p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS Cerebellar haemorrhages seem to affect the development of the pons in ELBW with the youngest GA

    Chronic treatment with fluoxetine up-regulates cellular BDNF mRNA expression in rat dopaminergic regions.

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    During the last few years several studies have highlighted the possibility that major depression can be characterized by a general reduction in brain plasticity and an increased vulnerability under challenging situations. Such dysfunction may be the consequence of reduced expression and function of proteins important for neuroplasticity such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). On this basis, by using a sensitive non-radioactive in-situ hybridization, we evaluated the effects of a chronic treatment with fluoxetine on BDNF expression within rat dopaminergic regions. In fact, besides the well-established role of the hippocampus, increasing evidence indicates that other brain regions may be involved in the pathophysiology of depression and consequently be relevant for the therapeutic action of antidepressant drugs. Our results indicate that 3 wk of fluoxetine administration up-regulates BDNF mRNA levels selectively within structures belonging to the meso-cortico-limbic pathway. The expression of the neurotrophin is significantly increased in the ventral tegmental area, prefrontal cortex, and shell region of the nucleus accumbens, whereas no changes were detected in the substantia nigra and striatum. Moreover, in agreement with previous studies, fluoxetine increased BDNF mRNA levels in the hippocampus, an effect that was limited to the cell bodies without any change in its dendritic targeting. These data show that chronic treatment with fluoxetine increases BDNF gene expression not only in limbic areas but also in dopaminergic regions, suggesting that such an effect may contribute to improve the function of the dopaminergic system in depressed subjects

    Promotion of manual drilling in Guinea Bissau: mapping suitable zones and estimating the potential

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    Guinea Bissau has made large strides in water supply, but still 35% of villages have no access to safe water. UNICEF is promoting alternative solutions to ensure a proper water supply in these small communities, for example manual drilling. For these reason a mapping study to identify suitable zones for these techniques has been carried out in 2016, using existing groundwater data and the experience from local experts. 88% of Guinea Bissau is considered with feasible hydrologeogical conditions for manual drilling. In 63% of the regions where this technique is applicable, it is adequate for villages of small-medium size. Taking into consideration the results of this study, it seems evident that the promotion of manual drilling could be a valid alternative to improve the situation of access to safe water especially in rural areas

    Withdrawal from cocaine self-administration and yoked cocaine delivery dysregulates glutamatergic mGlu_{5} and NMDA receptors in the rat brain

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    In human addicts and in animal models, chronic cocaine use leads to numerous alterations in glutamatergic transmission, including its receptors. The present study focused on metabotropic glutamatergic receptors type 5 (mGluR(5)) and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunits (NMDAR: GluN1, GluN2A, GluN2B) proteins during cocaine self-administration and after 10-day of extinction training in rats. To discriminate the contingent from the non-contingent cocaine delivery, we employed the “yoked”-triad control procedure. Protein expression in rat prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, hippocampus, and dorsal striatum was determined. We also examined the Homer1b/c protein, a member of the postsynaptic density protein family that links NMDAR to mGluR(5). Our results revealed that cocaine self-administration selectively increased GluN1 and GluN2A subunit in the rat hippocampus and dorsal striatum, respectively, while mGluR(5) protein expression was similarly increased in the dorsal striatum of both experimental groups. Withdrawal from both contingent and non-contingent cocaine delivery induced parallel increases in prefrontal cortical GluN2A protein expression, hippocampal mGluR(5), and GluN1 protein expression as well as in accumbal GluN1 subunit expression, while the mGluR(5) expression was reduced in the prefrontal cortex. Extinction training in animals with a history of cocaine self-administration resulted in an elevation of the hippocampal GluN2A/GluN2B subunits and accumbal mGluR(5), and in a 50 % decrease of mGluR(5) protein expression in the dorsal striatum. The latter reduction was associated with Homer1b/1c protein level decrease. Our results showed that both contingent and non-contingent cocaine administration produces numerous, brain region specific, alterations in the mGluR(5), NMDA, and Homer1b/1c protein expression which are dependent on the modality of cocaine administration

    Long-lasting BDNF signaling alterations in the amygdala of adolescent female rats exposed to the activity-based anorexia model

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    Introduction: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric disorder characterized by a pathological fear of gaining weight, excessive physical exercise, and emotional instability. Since the amygdala is a key region for emotion processing and BDNF has been shown to play a critical role in this process, we hypothesized that alteration in the amygdalar BDNF system might underline vulnerability traits typical of AN patients.Methods: To this end, adolescent female rats have been exposed to the Activity-Based Anorexia (ABA) protocol, characterized by the combination of caloric restriction and intense physical exercise.Results: The induction of the anorexic phenotype caused hyperactivity and body weight loss in ABA animals. These changes were paralleled by amygdalar hyperactivation, as measured by the up-regulation of cfos mRNA levels. In the acute phase of the pathology, we observed reduced Bdnf exon IX, exon IV, and exon VI gene expression, while mBDNF protein levels were enhanced, an increase that was, instead, uncoupled from its downstream signaling as the phosphorylation of TrkB, Akt, and S6 in ABA rats were reduced. Despite the body weight recovery observed 7 days later, the BDNF-mediated signaling was still downregulated at this time point.Discussion: Our findings indicate that the BDNF system is downregulated in the amygdala of adolescent female rats under these experimental conditions, which mimic the anorexic phenotype in humans, pointing to such dysregulation as a potential contributor to the altered emotional processing observed in AN patients. In addition, since the modulation of BDNF levels is observed in other psychiatric conditions, the persistent AN-induced changes of the BDNF system in the amygdala might contribute to explaining the onset of comorbid psychiatric disorders that persist in patients even beyond recovery from AN

    Short-term abstinence from cocaine self-administration, but not passive cocaine infusion, elevates αCaMKII autophosphorylation in the rat nucleus accumbens and medial prefrontal cortex

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    Increases in alpha calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II ( α CaMKII) activity in the nucleus accumbens shell has been proposed as a core component in the motivation to self-administer cocaine and in priming-induced drug-seeking. Since cocaine withdrawal promotes drug-seeking, we hypothesized that abstinence from cocaine self-administration should enhance α CaMKII as well. We found that short-term abstinence from contingent, but not non-contingent, cocaine i.v. self-administration (2 h/d for 14 d; 0.25 mg/0.1 ml, 6s infusion) elevates α CaMKII autophosphorylation, but not the kinase expression, in a dynamic, time- and brain region-dependent manner. Increased α CaMKII autophosphorylation in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), but not dorsolateral striatum (dlS), was found 24 h, but not immediately, after the last cocaine self-administration session. Notably, in the mPFC, but not NAc and dlS, α CaMKII autophosphorylation was still enhanced 7 d later. The persistent enhancement in the mPFC of abstinent rats may represent a previously unappreciated contribution to initial incubation of cocaine-seeking

    Exposure to Organophosphates Reduces the Expression of Neurotrophic Factors in Neonatal Rat Brain Regions: Similarities and Differences in the Effects of Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon on the Fibroblast Growth Factor Superfamily

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    BACKGROUND: The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) superfamily of neurotrophic factors plays critical roles in neural cell development, brain assembly, and recovery from neuronal injury. OBJECTIVES: We administered two organophosphate pesticides, chlorpyrifos and diazinon, to neonatal rats on postnatal days 1-4, using doses below the threshold for systemic toxicity or growth impairment, and spanning the threshold for barely detectable cholinesterase inhibition: 1 mg/kg/day chlorpyrifos and 1 or 2 mg/kg/day diazinon. METHODS: Using microarrays, we then examined the regional expression of mRNAs encoding the FGFs and their receptors (FGFRs) in the forebrain and brain stem. RESULTS: Chlorpyrifios and diazinon both markedly suppressed fgf20 expression in the forebrain and fgf2 in the brain stem, while elevating brain stem fgfr4 and evoking a small deficit in brain stem fgfr22. However, they differed in that the effects on fgf2 and f4 were significantly larger for diazinon, and the two agents also showed dissimilar, smaller effects on fgf11, fgf14, and fgfr1. CONCLUSIONS: The fact that there are similarities but also notable disparities in the responses to chlorpyrifos and diazinon, and that robust effects were seen even at doses that do not inhibit cholinesterase, supports the idea that organophosphates differ in their propensity to elicit developmental neurotoyicity, unrelated to their anticholinesterase activity. Effects on neurotrophic factors provide a mechanistic link between organophosphate injury to developing neurons and the eventual, adverse neurodevelopmental outcome