158 research outputs found

    The Investigation of the Effectiveness of the Application Super Why in Preschool Literacy Skills

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the application Super Why in preschool literacy skills. Adequate early childhood literacy skills are highly important for children entering Kindergarten to help ensure they are skilled in reading and writing. As many students still lack in literacy skills upon entering Kindergarten, this study was conducted to see if the use of tablets could help boost letter identification and letter sound skills in young learners. 14 preschool students participated in the study, all receiving normal literacy instruction. 7 of the students received an additional intervention of using the app Super Why on an iPad for 15 minutes per day for 4 weeks. The conclusion of the study gave some slightly positive effects on preschool literacy skills after using the app Super Why to help boost letter recognition and letter sound identification skills

    Stem Cell Therapy for Parkinson\u27s Disease

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    Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder of aging after Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). Pathologically, it is characterized by a degeneration of dopamine (DA) neurons in substantia nigra of middle brain, which causes the motor symptoms and nonmotor symptoms of PD. The dopamine replacement therapy using levodopa and surgical treatment of deep brain stimulation (DBS) can only improve the symptoms of PD, but cannot stop the disease progression. Because of the selective loss of DA neurons, cell transplantation provides an exciting potential for the treatment of Parkinson\u27s disease. The available cell sources include mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from bone marrow, neural stem cells (NSCs) from fetal brain tissues, embryonic stem cells (ESCs) from blastocysts, and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) reprogrammed from somatic cells transfected with stem cell transcription factors of OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, and c‐MYC. Here, we first review the research advance conducted in animal models and patients of PD with these cells, then moving forward to recent development of iPSCs as a future source for the treatment of PD, and highlight the current challenges to make good manufacturing practice (GMP) standard cells suitable for large‐scale production to move the cell‐based therapy from dish to clinic as soon as possible

    Prevalence of Anemia in Children-A Hospital-Based Study Conducted in Northern Kerala, India

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    Introduction: Anemia is defined as a reduced hemoglobin content leading to minimized oxygen carrying capacity of the cell. Children are commonly affected by anemia which causes impaired development and cognitive defects in them. Among all the causes, iron deficiency is one of the most important contributing factors to the development of anemia. The prevalence of anemia varies in different regions. This study aims to find the prevalence of anemia among children in an urban population of Kerala. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective observational study involving 192 children. The children were diagnosed as anemic if hemoglobin value was less than 11g/dl for those younger than 5 years and less than 11.4g/dl in those aged 5-11 years. The children were further diagnosed with mild, moderate or severe anemia based on their hemoglobin levels. Data were retrieved from the hematology reports and tabulated in Microsoft Excel. Analyses were done using SPSS software version 16.0. Results: This study showed the prevalence of anemia to be 54.7%. The majority of anemic children (48.6% ) were mildly anemic while 34.3% were moderately anemic, with 17.1% being severely anemic. Conclusion: In spite of active policy implementation for elimination of anemia, the prevalence of anemia continues to be high indicating the need for active intervention with early detection and treatment of anemia as a routine procedure

    Diagnóstico para mejorar los procesos de gestión de proyectos de la empresa A2 ARQUITECTURA S.A.S

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    Trabajo de gradoMediante la aplicación de los conocimientos adquiridos en la gerencia de obras, se realiza un diganóstico de la empresa en estudio con el fin de conocer el estado actual en cuanto a la gestión de proyectos y los benéficos que obtendría la empresa si se implementa una metodología para la gestión de proyecto como la de PMBOK 6ta Edición.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. LEVANTAMIENTO DE INFORMACIÓN 3. CONCLUSIONES 4. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de Obras Civile

    Viznotes – Visual Summaries for videos

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    This project presents a method of visually summarizing TED-like videos called Viznotes. The Viznotes interface provides a structured yet organic summarization of the contents of the video. Derived from the concepts of sketchnoting, this interface provides segments of video represented as a sketch like image with summary of the segments and keywords arranged in a pre-defined template, with certain elements showing chronology and relations. Viznote also provides an interface for navigation of the videos. Further it also enables the user to customize and make a more personal visual summary. Tools like sketching, sketch components, screen image representation etc. help users to leverage additional functionality in note taking


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    Background: Sleep disorders belong to the most common health problems in modern society. The aim of this study was to analyze and determine different factors, which have an impact on the occurrence of sleep abnormalities among people with mental illnesses. Subject and methods: An original questionnaire containing 23 questions was created. 49 respondents from an outpatient psychiatric clinic were recruited to the study. Results: The results indicate that the majority of respondents have the frequency of sleep disturbances more than 3 times per week. In 36% of them the length of sleep was not sufficient enough, and nearly half of the patients reported waking up at night. Sleep disturbances resulted in the appearance of several symptoms (tiredness – 66%, lower motivation and lack of energy – 51%, decreased mood - 45%, attention deficits and memory deterioration – 45%, irritability – 43%). Only 19% of them declare a deterioration of their social and vocational functioning. The majority of patients sleep more than 6 hours, but the patients consider this amount of sleep as not sufficient. The methods to cope with reported sleep problems are: most of respondents (68%) take hypnotics, 4% of respondents drink alcohol before going to sleep, 4% try to solve the problem with sex or masturbation. 9% reported talking about this problem with family member and/or friends. The other 13% of the respondents do not try to make any efforts to manage their sleep disturbances. Conclusion: The questionnaire confirmed that sleep disturbances are common in mental disorders and the problem of insomnia has a negative impact on mood and quality of life for the majority of the patients who we studied

    Herramienta didáctica centrada en actividades motrices para reforzar el desarrollo del pensamiento creativo motriz en los niños de 8 a 10 años de edad del grado cuarto de primaria del colegio Vista Bella

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    El Colegio Vista Bella es un colegio oficial, ubicado en la localidad de Suba ha facilitado la práctica docente en el área de Educación Física por parte de los docentes en formación, en este sentido se ha hecho un acercamiento al contexto para evidenciar las necesidades que se presentan para intervenir. La enseñanza de la Educación Física en la escuela debe enfocarse en el cumplimiento de la satisfacción de necesidades Psico- motrices de los educandos. Como se ha realizado por docentes en épocas anteriores, en nuestro caso el desarrollo del pensamiento creativo motriz es la prioridad. El Colegio Vista Bella en el área de Educación Física tiene una intensidad horaria de dos horas desde el grado primero de primaria a grado once de bachillerato en su malla curricular. Donde la problemática está centrada en los grados de primaria que al no tener profesor de Educación Física que desarrolle el proceso adecuado de esta área en los educandos, son los profesores, directores de curso los que realizan la clase sin llevar un proceso de desarrollo formativo como lo mencionan los estándares de Educación Física Recreación y Deportes del Ministerio de Educación en uno de sus propósitos “Contribuir al desarrollo de procesos formativos del ser humano la organización del tiempo y el espacio, la interacción social, la construcción de técnicas de movimiento y del cultivo y expresión del cuerpo, la experiencia lúdica y recreativa”. Para suplir un poco esta falencia se identifica elementos importantes que faltan en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje relacionando la construcción de pensamiento con el movimiento y la actividad física y se creará una herramienta que refuerce a los educandos. Partiendo desde la falta de elementos didácticos y las condiciones específicas que se requieren para suplir la necesidad del desarrollo del pensamiento creativo motriz, que a su vez pueda ser utilizado y aplicado por cualquier docente que no sea específicamente un Licenciado de Educación Física, teniendo en cuenta que en el colegio en mención no hay un docente encargado titulado para asignatura en los cursos de la primaria

    The Role of Vasospasm and Microcirculatory Dysfunction in Fluoropyrimidine-Induced Ischemic Heart Disease

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    Cardiovascular diseases and cancer are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally. Cardiotoxicity from chemotherapeutic agents results in substantial morbidity and mortality in cancer survivors and patients with active cancer. Cardiotoxicity induced by 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) has been well established, yet its incidence, mechanisms, and manifestation remain poorly defined. Ischemia secondary to coronary artery vasospasm is thought to be the most frequent cardiotoxic effect of 5-FU. The available evidence of 5-FU-induced epicardial coronary artery spasm and coronary microvascular dysfunction suggests that endothelial dysfunction or primary vascular smooth muscle dysfunction (an endothelial-independent mechanism) are the possible contributing factors to this form of cardiotoxicity. In patients with 5-FU-related coronary artery vasospasm, termination of chemotherapy and administration of nitrates or calcium channel blockers may improve ischemic symptoms. However, there are variable results after administration of nitrates or calcium channel blockers in patients treated with 5-FU presumed to have myocardial ischemia, suggesting mechanisms other than impaired vasodilatory response. Clinicians should investigate whether chest pain and ECG changes can reasonably be attributed to 5-FU-induced cardiotoxicity. More prospective data and clinical randomized trials are required to understand and mitigate potentially adverse outcomes from 5-FU-induced cardiotoxicity

    Enhanced class room learning

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    This thesis paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering , BRAC UniversityThis thesis report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering, 2006.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis report.Includes bibliographical references (page 42).Usually, in a classroom the number of students is quite large, so as a result classroom participation, which is a key factor for learning becomes very low. Only the interested students participate and due to time constraint, the teacher cannot evaluate each student individually in the class. To cope with this problem we are trying to introduce a system where the teacher can offer multiple-choice questions during class time. In the classroom, there will be a wireless device for each student. All students will answer a particular question with the help of those wireless devices. There will be a software running on a pc that will process the answers given by the students and show the results as a graph. With the help of the graph the teacher would know about the students’ performance in the class and will be able to evaluate the entire body of students. Moreover, by seeing the graph, students will get immediate feedback on their learning and this practice will in turn further motivate them to gain more knowledge about their subject.Fabin, Farhana MahbubRezwan-ul Haque BhuyanGolam Mohit BappyB. Computer Science and Engineerin