5 research outputs found

    Seed quality and fatty acid composition of oil raw material from sort trials

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti kvalitetu novih kultivara suncokreta, soje i uljane repice. Istraživanje je provedeno na 16 uzoraka suncokreta, od kojih su 2 označena kao oleinski suncokret, 4 uzorka soje, te 18 uzoraka uljane repice iz sortnih pokusa 2014. godine. Određeni su tehničko-tehnoloÅ”ki parametri, osnovni parametri kvalitete sjemena te je izračunat indeks kvalitete za svaki kultivar. Za karakterizaciju ispitivanih kultivara određen je sastav masnih kiselina. Tehničko-tehnoloÅ”ki parametri kultivara te osnovni parametri kvalitete (udjel nečistoća, vode, ulja i proteina) su u skladu s do sada objavljenim podacima za pojedinu vrstu sjemena. Zbog relativno niskih udjela nečistoća u sjemenu te manje vode i većeg udjela ulja nego kod sjemena standardne kvalitete, kultivari pokazuju indeks kvalitete jednak 1 ili neÅ”to viÅ”i od 1. Od svih analiziranih kultivara, 2 kultivara suncokreta (SU 11 i 12) odstupaju sastavom masnih kiselina od Pravilnika. Sastav masnih kiselina svih ostalih proizvedenih ulja u skladu je s važećim legislativom i analizirani kultivari mogu se koristiti za proizvodnju ulja.The purpose of this thesis has been to determine the quality of sunflower, soybean and rapeseed sorts. Research was conducted on 16 samples of sunflower seeds, from which 2 were marked as oleic, 4 soybean sorts, and 18 samples of rapeseed, all derived from sort trials in the crop season of 2014. The technical and technological, basic parameters of seed quality and index of quality were determined. For the characterization of cultivars, fatty acid composition was determined. Technical and technological parameters of the cultivars and the basic quality parameters (proportion of impurities, water, oil and protein) are consistent with the published data for each type of seed. Due to the relatively low share of impurities in the seeds and less water and a larger share of oil than in the seeds of standard quality, variety show quality index equal to 1 or slightly higher than 1. Among the analyzed cultivars, 2 cultivars of sunflower (SU 11 and 12) deviate from standard regulations with their fatty acid composition. Fatty acid composition of all other oils produced is in accordance with applicable legislation and analyzed cultivars can be used to produce oil

    Seed quality and fatty acid composition of oil raw material from sort trials

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti kvalitetu novih kultivara suncokreta, soje i uljane repice. Istraživanje je provedeno na 16 uzoraka suncokreta, od kojih su 2 označena kao oleinski suncokret, 4 uzorka soje, te 18 uzoraka uljane repice iz sortnih pokusa 2014. godine. Određeni su tehničko-tehnoloÅ”ki parametri, osnovni parametri kvalitete sjemena te je izračunat indeks kvalitete za svaki kultivar. Za karakterizaciju ispitivanih kultivara određen je sastav masnih kiselina. Tehničko-tehnoloÅ”ki parametri kultivara te osnovni parametri kvalitete (udjel nečistoća, vode, ulja i proteina) su u skladu s do sada objavljenim podacima za pojedinu vrstu sjemena. Zbog relativno niskih udjela nečistoća u sjemenu te manje vode i većeg udjela ulja nego kod sjemena standardne kvalitete, kultivari pokazuju indeks kvalitete jednak 1 ili neÅ”to viÅ”i od 1. Od svih analiziranih kultivara, 2 kultivara suncokreta (SU 11 i 12) odstupaju sastavom masnih kiselina od Pravilnika. Sastav masnih kiselina svih ostalih proizvedenih ulja u skladu je s važećim legislativom i analizirani kultivari mogu se koristiti za proizvodnju ulja.The purpose of this thesis has been to determine the quality of sunflower, soybean and rapeseed sorts. Research was conducted on 16 samples of sunflower seeds, from which 2 were marked as oleic, 4 soybean sorts, and 18 samples of rapeseed, all derived from sort trials in the crop season of 2014. The technical and technological, basic parameters of seed quality and index of quality were determined. For the characterization of cultivars, fatty acid composition was determined. Technical and technological parameters of the cultivars and the basic quality parameters (proportion of impurities, water, oil and protein) are consistent with the published data for each type of seed. Due to the relatively low share of impurities in the seeds and less water and a larger share of oil than in the seeds of standard quality, variety show quality index equal to 1 or slightly higher than 1. Among the analyzed cultivars, 2 cultivars of sunflower (SU 11 and 12) deviate from standard regulations with their fatty acid composition. Fatty acid composition of all other oils produced is in accordance with applicable legislation and analyzed cultivars can be used to produce oil

    The effectiveness of vitamins as antioxidants

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    Vitamini su organske tvari koje unosimo hranom, a djeluju kao biokatalizatori odnosno supstancije koje pomažu aktivirati druge reakcije u organizmu. Danas postoje najmanje tri zanimljiva znanstvena područja istraživanja učinaka vitamina, rezultati kojih se pokuÅ”avaju iskoristiti i u kliničkoj medicini. To su ispitivanja učinkovitosti nekih vitamina u oksidacijskom stresu, odnosno u prevenciji kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Treće područje važno za opću populaciju određivanje je dnevnog unosa vitamina i kvalitete prehrane u odnosu na očuvanje zdravlja. Za suvremenog čovjeka ipak su najzanimljiviji antioksidacijski učinci pojedinih vitamina. Reaktivni radikali kisika (ROS) stvaraju se tijekom različitih patoloÅ”kih procesa u povećanim koncentracijama. Oni su uzrok peroksidacije lipida i oksidacije DNA i proteina zbog svoje visoke kemijske reaktivnosti. Međutim, mehanizmi antioksidacijske zaÅ”tite, uključujući različite antioksidacijske enzime i vitamine, sprječavaju oÅ”tećenja tkiva i druge komplikacije povezane s ROS. Usprkos često kontroverznim podacima epidemioloÅ”kih i kliničkih studija, shvaćeno je kako dodatni unos pojedinih vitamina i minerala u dnevnim količinama jednakim ili iznad RDA nije koristan samo za sprečavanje bolesti povezanih s njihovim deficitom nego i za optimalni razvoj i održavanje fizioloÅ”kih funkcija i/ili prevenciju nekih degenerativnih bolesti.Vitamins are organic substances that we intake with our foods, and that act as biocatalysts, substances that help to trigger other reactions in the body. There are today at least three interesting scientific areas investigating the effects of vitamins and their results being implemented into the clinical medicine. They include trials of some vitamins' effects in treating antioxidant stress and in prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Another aspect important to general population is determination of daily intake of vitamins and the quality of nutrition (diet) regarding the health preservation. However, the antioxidant effects of vitamins are the most interesting for the contemporary human. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced during different pathological processes in increased concentrations. They cause lipid peroxidation and oxidation of DNA and proteins due to their high chemical reactivity. However, antioxidative defense mechanisms, including different antioxidant enzymes and vitamins, prevent tissue damages and other ROS-related complications. In spite of often-controversial data of epidemiological and clinical studies, it seems that vitamin and mineral intake in doses equal or even higher than RDA not only benefits prevention of diseases related to their deficiency but also helps optimal development and upkeep of physiologic function and/or prevention of some degenerative diseases

    The effectiveness of vitamins as antioxidants

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    Vitamini su organske tvari koje unosimo hranom, a djeluju kao biokatalizatori odnosno supstancije koje pomažu aktivirati druge reakcije u organizmu. Danas postoje najmanje tri zanimljiva znanstvena područja istraživanja učinaka vitamina, rezultati kojih se pokuÅ”avaju iskoristiti i u kliničkoj medicini. To su ispitivanja učinkovitosti nekih vitamina u oksidacijskom stresu, odnosno u prevenciji kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Treće područje važno za opću populaciju određivanje je dnevnog unosa vitamina i kvalitete prehrane u odnosu na očuvanje zdravlja. Za suvremenog čovjeka ipak su najzanimljiviji antioksidacijski učinci pojedinih vitamina. Reaktivni radikali kisika (ROS) stvaraju se tijekom različitih patoloÅ”kih procesa u povećanim koncentracijama. Oni su uzrok peroksidacije lipida i oksidacije DNA i proteina zbog svoje visoke kemijske reaktivnosti. Međutim, mehanizmi antioksidacijske zaÅ”tite, uključujući različite antioksidacijske enzime i vitamine, sprječavaju oÅ”tećenja tkiva i druge komplikacije povezane s ROS. Usprkos često kontroverznim podacima epidemioloÅ”kih i kliničkih studija, shvaćeno je kako dodatni unos pojedinih vitamina i minerala u dnevnim količinama jednakim ili iznad RDA nije koristan samo za sprečavanje bolesti povezanih s njihovim deficitom nego i za optimalni razvoj i održavanje fizioloÅ”kih funkcija i/ili prevenciju nekih degenerativnih bolesti.Vitamins are organic substances that we intake with our foods, and that act as biocatalysts, substances that help to trigger other reactions in the body. There are today at least three interesting scientific areas investigating the effects of vitamins and their results being implemented into the clinical medicine. They include trials of some vitamins' effects in treating antioxidant stress and in prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Another aspect important to general population is determination of daily intake of vitamins and the quality of nutrition (diet) regarding the health preservation. However, the antioxidant effects of vitamins are the most interesting for the contemporary human. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced during different pathological processes in increased concentrations. They cause lipid peroxidation and oxidation of DNA and proteins due to their high chemical reactivity. However, antioxidative defense mechanisms, including different antioxidant enzymes and vitamins, prevent tissue damages and other ROS-related complications. In spite of often-controversial data of epidemiological and clinical studies, it seems that vitamin and mineral intake in doses equal or even higher than RDA not only benefits prevention of diseases related to their deficiency but also helps optimal development and upkeep of physiologic function and/or prevention of some degenerative diseases

    Ružička days : International conference 17th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    In front of you are the Proceedings of the International Conference 17th Ružička days: ā€žToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€œ that was held in Vukovar, Croatia at September 19-21, 2018. The main goal of this interdisciplinary conference is to promote excellence in science and engineering as well as application of up-to-date research results and technological achievements in industry. In its fifth issue (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019) the Proceedings continues with publishing of quality scientific and professional full papers in sections Chemical Analysis and Synthesis (2), Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (3), Food Technology and Biotechnology (4), Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy (2), Environmental Protection (9) and Meeting of Young Chemists (4). All the papers were thoroughly reviewed from respectable evaluators, to whom we express our gratitude. We are also thankful to all the authors and participants of the Ružička days, and to all that support and contribute in its organization; especially our international coorganizers EuCheMS, EFFoST and EHEDG, the members of organizing and scientific committee, plenary and invited lecturers, sponsors, and of course our highly skilled and committed associates, which put a lot of effort in preparation of this book