31 research outputs found

    Characterization of Fatty Acids as Biobased Organic Materials for Latent Heat Storage

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    This work aims to characterize phase change materials (PCM) for thermal energy storage in buildings (thermal comfort). Fatty acids, biobased organic PCM, are attractive candidates for integration into active or passive storage systems for targeted application. Three pure fatty acids (capric, myristic and palmitic acids) and two eutectic mixtures (capric-myristic and capric-palmitic acids) are studied in this paper. Although the main storage properties of pure fatty acids have already been investigated and reported in the literature, the information available on the eutectic mixtures is very limited (only melting temperature and enthalpy). This paper presents a complete experimental characterization of these pure and mixed fatty acids, including measurements of their main thermophysical properties (melting temperature and enthalpy, specific heats and densities in solid and liquid states, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity as well as viscosity) and the properties of interest regarding the system integrating the PCM (energy density, volume expansion). The storage performances of the studied mixtures are also compared to those of most commonly used PCM (salt hydrates and paraffins).This research work was developed in the framework of SUDOKET project (Interreg Sudoe SOE2/P1/E0677). The authors are grateful to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to co-fund the project through the Interreg Sudoe Programme and the Region Nouvelle Aquitaine for subsidizing BioMCP project (Project-2017-1R10209-13023). The authors would also like to extend their thanks to CNRS for promoting the I2M Bordeaux-CICenergiGUNE exchanges in the framework of the IEA PHASE-IR project

    Genomic Characterization of the Taylorella Genus

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    The Taylorella genus comprises two species: Taylorella equigenitalis, which causes contagious equine metritis, and Taylorella asinigenitalis, a closely-related species mainly found in donkeys. We herein report on the first genome sequence of T. asinigenitalis, analyzing and comparing it with the recently-sequenced T. equigenitalis genome. The T. asinigenitalis genome contains a single circular chromosome of 1,638,559 bp with a 38.3% GC content and 1,534 coding sequences (CDS). While 212 CDSs were T. asinigenitalis-specific, 1,322 had orthologs in T. equigenitalis. Two hundred and thirty-four T. equigenitalis CDSs had no orthologs in T. asinigenitalis. Analysis of the basic nutrition metabolism of both Taylorella species showed that malate, glutamate and alpha-ketoglutarate may be their main carbon and energy sources. For both species, we identified four different secretion systems and several proteins potentially involved in binding and colonization of host cells, suggesting a strong potential for interaction with their host. T. equigenitalis seems better-equipped than T. asinigenitalis in terms of virulence since we identified numerous proteins potentially involved in pathogenicity, including hemagluttinin-related proteins, a type IV secretion system, TonB-dependent lactoferrin and transferrin receptors, and YadA and Hep_Hag domains containing proteins. This is the first molecular characterization of Taylorella genus members, and the first molecular identification of factors potentially involved in T. asinigenitalis and T. equigenitalis pathogenicity and host colonization. This study facilitates a genetic understanding of growth phenotypes, animal host preference and pathogenic capacity, paving the way for future functional investigations into this largely unknown genus

    Scalar Multiplication on Kummer Surface Revisited

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    Identification of Taylorella equigenitalis responsible for contagious equine metritis in equine genital swabs by direct polymerase chain reaction

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    International audienceA direct-PCR assay was developed for the rapid detection of Taylorella equigenitalis, a Gram-negative bacterium responsible for contagious equine metritis (CEM) in Equidae. The bacteria may be detected in equine genital swabs without need for a preliminary step of DNA extraction or bacterial isolation. Specificity was determined with 125 isolates of T. equigenitalis, 24 isolates of Taylorella asinigenitalis, five commensal bacteria of the genital tract and a facultative intracellular pathogen of foals found in large concentration in soil. Our PCR is specific and amplified a 413-bp 16S ribosomal DNA product only in all T. equigenitalis

    Qualité du milieu marin littoral. Bulletin de la surveillance 2023. Laboratoire Environnement Ressources Boulogne-sur-Mer. Départements du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme

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    L’Ifremer coordonne, sur l’ensemble du littoral mĂ©tropolitain, la mise en Ɠuvre des rĂ©seaux d’observation et de surveillance de la mer cĂŽtiĂšre. Ce bulletin contient une synthĂšse et une analyse des donnĂ©es collectĂ©es par l’ensemble des rĂ©seaux pour les dĂ©partements du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme. Des reprĂ©sentations graphiques homogĂšnes (comparables Ă  ceux des bulletins prĂ©cĂ©dents comme Ă  ceux des bulletins des autres dĂ©partements français), assorties de commentaires, donnent des indications sur les niveaux et les tendances des paramĂštres mesurĂ©s

    Qualité du Milieu Marin Littoral. Bulletin de la surveillance bilan 2022. Départements du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme

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    L’Ifremer coordonne, sur l’ensemble du littoral mĂ©tropolitain, la mise en Ɠuvre des rĂ©seaux d’observation et de surveillance de la mer cĂŽtiĂšre. Ce bulletin contient une synthĂšse et une analyse des donnĂ©es collectĂ©es par l’ensemble des rĂ©seaux pour les dĂ©partements du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme. Des reprĂ©sentations graphiques homogĂšnes, assorties de commentaires, donnent des indications sur les niveaux et les tendances des paramĂštres mesurĂ©s

    Qualité du milieu marin littoral. Bulletin de la surveillance 2021. Départements du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme

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    L’Ifremer  coordonne,  sur  l’ensemble  du  littoral  mĂ©tropolitain,  la  mise  en  Ɠuvre  des  rĂ©seaux  d’observation et de surveillance de la mer cĂŽtiĂšre. Ce bulletin contient une synthĂšse et une analyse  des donnĂ©es collectĂ©es par l’ensemble des rĂ©seaux pour les dĂ©partements du Nord, du Pas‐de‐ Calais et de la Somme. Des reprĂ©sentations graphiques homogĂšnes, assorties de commentaires,  donnent des indications sur les niveaux et les tendances des paramĂštres mesurĂ©s

    Qualité du Milieu Marin Littoral. Bulletin de la surveillance 2019. DĂ©partements du Nord, du Pas‐de‐Calais et de la Somme

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    Ce document constitue une synthĂšse rĂ©gionale des principaux rĂ©sultats acquis par le Laboratoire Environnement et Ressources du centre Ifremer de Boulogne‐sur‐Mer (LER‐BL). Ces rĂ©sultats concernent les rĂ©seaux mis en oeuvre Ă  l’échelle nationale : le REMI (microbiologie), le REPHY (phytoplancton & phycotoxines) et le ROCCH (contaminants chimiques). Les particularitĂ©s environnementales rĂ©gionales peuvent mener au dĂ©ploiement d’autres rĂ©seaux ou d’autres Ă©tudes dont les rĂ©sultats font l’objet d’une valorisation spĂ©cifique. C’est le cas des rĂ©seaux SRN, IGA et MAREL Carnot sur notre littoral (voir §4. Conditions environnementales). L’amĂ©lioration des connaissances passe Ă©galement par la mise en oeuvre d’études et de recherches dont les objectifs et les contenus sont consultables via le site du laboratoire

    Tocilizumab in the treatment of mixed connective tissue disease and overlap syndrome in children

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    International audienceArthritis is one of the main manifestations of mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) and overlap syndrome in children and can be responsible for functional disability. We report on 2 children with arthritis that were dramatically improved by a treatment with interleukin-6 (IL-6) blockers in the context of connective tissue disease. However, in both cases, other systemic autoimmune symptoms were not modified by the treatment and autoantibodies tend to increase, suggesting a differential effect of IL-6 inhibition on articular inflammation and systemic autoimmunity