45 research outputs found

    Impact of micronutrients supplementation on bone repair around implants: microCT and counter-torque analysis in rats

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    ABSTRACT The use of natural substances and micronutritional approaches has been suggested as a therapeutic alternative to benefit the bone healing associated with no side effects. Nevertheless, the influence of micronutritional interventions with therapeutic proprieties on the bone repair has yet to be intensely evaluated, and no evidence is available exploring the impact of micronutrient supplementation on the peri-implant bone healing. Objective This study investigated the effect of micronutrients supplementation on the bone repair around implants. Material and Methods One screw-shaped titanium implant was inserted in each tibia of each rat, which were assigned to: daily administration, for 30 d, of the placebo solution (Placebo group-n:18) or micronutrients supplementation (Micronutrients group-n:18), based on calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D3 intake. After, the animals were sacrificed. One of the implants was removed by applying a counter-torque force to evaluate the force to rupture the bone-implant interface. The other implant was evaluated by microcomputed tomography (CT) examination to determine the bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and the bone volume (BV/TV). Results No statistically significant differences were observed between the groups for both counter-torque values and microCT parameters (p>;0.05). Conclusion Within the limits of this study, micronutrients supplementation did not provide additional benefits to the bone healing around dental implants

    Characterization of bone cells obtained from the calvaria of neonatal rats (osteo-1) after serial subculture

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    The objective of the present study was to characterize bone cells grown in two culture media, and to determine the effective concentration of OP-1 on the growth of osteo-1 cells. Subcultured rat bone cells (osteo-1) were grown in alpha-modified Eagle's minimal essential medium (alpha-MEM) and Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) and total protein content, alkaline phosphatase activity and the formation of mineralized nodules were evaluated after 7, 14 and 21 days. Cells were exposed to different concentrations of rhOP-1 for 1, 3, 5 and 7 days and compared with an untreated control. Osteo-1 cells presented a significant increase in alkaline phosphatase activity and calcium deposits were observed at 21 days. Cells treated with 10 and 20 ng/mL rhOP-1 for 24 h showed a significant increase in cell viability when compared to control. Osteo-1 cells cultured on DMEM demonstrated an osteoblastic phenotype as indicated by high alkaline phosphatase activity and the presence of calcified nodules. The results suggest that low concentrations of OP-1 may promote an osteogenic effect on osteo-1 cells

    Maternal periodontitis induces intergenerational injuries on reproductive performance of adult female rat offspring

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    Substantial evidence suggests a direct link between periodontitis in pregnant women and subsequent adverse pregnancy outcomes. However, no studies have evaluated the transgenerational effects of periodontitis on the reproductive performance of subsequent generations. The present study investigated whether maternal periodontal disease exerts deleterious transgenerational effects on reproductive performance in F1 female rats. Rat female offspring from mothers that were subjected to experimentally induced periodontitis or sham operation were mated with sexually experienced male rats. The weight and reproductive performance of these F1 offspring were evaluated on gestation day 21, including maternal weight, litter weight, individual pup weight, number of pups, and number of resorptions. The percentage of dams with resorptions and the litter weight/number of pups were also calculated. Compared with the control group, an increase was observed in the percentage and number of resorptions and litter weight/number of pups, and a decrease was observed in the number of pups born in the experimental group. Maternal weight, litter weight, and individual pup weight were not different between the control and experimental groups. Maternal periodontitis impaired reproductive performance in the F1 generation. We showed that periodontitis may induce reproductive injury in adult offspring even if the offspring do not undergo any inflammatory/infectious process during their postnatal life or during gestation. These findings reinforce the importance of oral care during pregnancy. Existem evidências substanciais de uma relação direta entre periodontite em mulheres grávidas com efeitos adversos reprodutivos. No entanto, nenhum estudo avaliou os efeitos intergeracionais da periodontite sobre o desempenho reprodutivo das gerações subsequentes. O presente estudo investigou se a doença periodontal materna exerce efeitos intergeracionais deletérios sobre o desempenho reprodutivo em ratos fêmeas da geração F1. Assim, filhas de ratas cujas mães foram submetidas a periodontite experimental ou falsamente operadas foram acasaladas com ratos machos sexualmente experientes. O peso corporal e desempenho reprodutivo da geração F1 foram avaliados no dia 21 de gestação, incluindo o peso materno, peso da ninhada, peso da individual dos filhotes, número de filhotes e de reabsorções. A percentagem de fêmeas com reabsorção e o peso da ninhada/número de filhotes também foram calculados. Comparados com o grupo controle, observou-se aumento na porcentagem e número de reabsorções e no peso da ninhada/ número de filhotes, e decréscimo no número de filhotes nascidos no grupo experimental. O peso materno, peso da ninhada e individual dos filhotes não foi diferente entre o controle e experimental. Estes resultados mostram que a periodontite experimental materna prejudica o desempenho reprodutivo da geração F1, mesmo que estes animais não tenham sido expostos diretamente a um processo inflamatório

    Protective effect of topical Cordia verbenacea in a rat periodontitis model: immune-inflammatory, antibacterial and morphometric assays

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    BACKGROUND: This study evaluated the effects of C. verbenacea essential oil topically administered in a rat periodontitis model. METHODS: Periodontitis was induced on rats in one of the mandibular first molars assigned to receive a ligature. Animals were randomly divided into two groups: a) non-treatment group (NT) (n = 18): animals received 1mL of vehicle; b) C. verbenacea group (C.v.) (n = 18): animals received 5mg/Kg of essential oils isolated from C. verbenacea. The therapies were administered topically 3 times daily for 11 days. Then, the specimens were processed for morphometric analysis of bone loss. The ligatures were used for microbiological assessment of the presence of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Tannerella forsythia and Porphyromonas gingivalis using PCR. The gingival tissue was collected to Elisa assay of interleukin (IL)-1α and IL-10 levels. RESULTS: Bone loss was inhibited by C. verbenacea when compared to the NT group (p < 0.05). A decrease in the levels of IL-1α and increase in the IL-10 amounts was observed in the C.v. group as compared to NT group (p < 0.05). A lower frequency of P. gingivalis was found in C.v. group (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: C. verbenacea essential oil topically administered diminished alveolar bone resorption, promoting a positive local imbalance in the pro/anti-inflammatory system and reducing the frequency of detection of P. gingivalis

    Protocolos de medicação pré e pós-operatória para cobertura radicular combinada com enxerto de tecido conjuntivo.

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    This trial evaluated the preemptive and postoperative effect of dexamethasone and ibuprofen on prevention of pain/discomfort, edema and interference in daily life in patients undergoing root coverage combined with subepithelial connective tissue graft (CAF + CTG). Twenty patients were randomly assigned as follows: NSAID Group: 400mg Ibuprofen 60 min preemptive + 400mg Ibuprofen postoperative; or SAID Group: 4mg Dexamethasone 60 min preemptive + 4mg Dexamethasone postoperative. The postoperative medication was administered 8 and 16 h post-surgery. Each patient received questionnaires based on a numeric scale (101-point numeric scale rate [NRS-101]) and multiple choice questions (four-point verbal rating scale [VRS-4]) about trans-operative pain/discomfort, hourly for 8 h after surgery and once a day for three days. A Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for edema and interference in daily life during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 7th day was also answered. The degree of anxiety was rated statistically by the Chi-square test. The Mann-Whitney and Friedman tests were used for the other questionnaires. The surgery time and number of analgesic pills consumed were compared using Student’s t-test. Patients who used dexamethasone presented a trend toward less pain when compared to individuals who ingested ibuprofen, with a significant difference observed 3 h after the procedure (p&lt;0.05). The use of dexamethasone also promoted less edema until the 2nd day and lower interference in daily life on the third day when compared with ibuprofen (p&lt;0.05). We concluded that the use of dexamethasone as a preemptive and postoperative medication was more suitable as a drug therapeutic protocol for CAF + CTG.Este estudo avaliou o efeito pré e pós-operatório de dexametasona e ibuprofeno na prevenção de dor / desconforto, edema e interferência na vida diária em pacientes submetidos à cobertura radicular combinada com enxerto de tecido conjuntivo subepitelial (CAF + CTG).&nbsp;Vinte pacientes foram aleatoriamente designados da seguinte forma: Grupo AINE: 400mg de ibuprofeno 60 min preemptivo + 400mg de ibuprofeno no pós-operatório;&nbsp;ou Grupo SAID: 4mg de dexametasona 60 min preemptiva + 4mg de dexametasona pós-operatória.&nbsp;A medicação pós-operatória foi administrada 8 e 16 horas após a cirurgia.&nbsp;Cada paciente recebeu questionários com base em uma escala numérica (escala numérica de 101 pontos [NRS-101]) e questões de múltipla escolha (escala de avaliação verbal de quatro pontos [VRS-4]) sobre dor / desconforto transoperatório, de hora em hora para 8 h após a cirurgia e uma vez por dia durante três dias.&nbsp;Também foi respondida a Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) para edema e interferência na vida diária durante o 1º, 2º, 3º e 7º dia.&nbsp;O grau de ansiedade foi avaliado estatisticamente pelo teste Qui-quadrado.&nbsp;Os testes de Mann-Whitney e Friedman foram usados ​​para os demais questionários.&nbsp;O tempo de cirurgia e o número de comprimidos analgésicos consumidos foram comparados usando o teste t de Student.&nbsp;Pacientes que fizeram uso de dexametasona apresentaram tendência a menos dor quando comparados aos indivíduos que ingeriram ibuprofeno, com diferença significativa observada três horas após o procedimento (p &lt;0,05).&nbsp;O uso de dexametasona também promoveu menos edema até o 2º dia e menor interferência na vida diária no terceiro dia quando comparado ao ibuprofeno (p &lt;0,05)

    Maternal periodontitis induces intergenerational injuries on reproductive performance of adult female rat offspring

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    Substantial evidence suggests a direct link between periodontitis in pregnant women and subsequent adverse pregnancy outcomes. However, no studies have evaluated the transgenerational effects of periodontitis on the reproductive performance of subsequent generations. The present study investigated whether maternal periodontal disease exerts deleterious transgenerational effects on reproductive performance in F1 female rats. Rat female offspring from mothers that were subjected to experimentally induced periodontitis or sham operation were mated with sexually experienced male rats. The weight and reproductive performance of these F1 offspring were evaluated on gestation day 21, including maternal weight, litter weight, individual pup weight, number of pups, and number of resorptions. The percentage of dams with resorptions and the litter weight/number of pups were also calculated. Compared with the control group, an increase was observed in the percentage and number of resorptions and litter weight/number of pups, and a decrease was observed in the number of pups born in the experimental group. Maternal weight, litter weight, and individual pup weight were not different between the control and experimental groups. Maternal periodontitis impaired reproductive performance in the F1 generation. We showed that periodontitis may induce reproductive injury in adult offspring even if the offspring do not undergo any inflammatory/infectious process during their postnatal life or during gestation. These findings reinforce the importance of oral care during pregnancy

    Influence of different titanium surfaces in the adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of rat osteoblast-like cells (osteo-1 culture), in the presence or nor of the recombinant bone morphogenetic protein (rhBMP-2)

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    Este estudo analisou a influência de diferentes superfícies de titânio na adesão, proliferação e diferenciação de células semelhantes a osteoblastos de rato (osteo-1) em culturas, na presença ou não da proteína morfogenética óssea recombinante-2 (rhBMP-2). As células osteo-1 foram cultivadas sobre as seguintes superfícies de titânio: 1. superfície lisa, 2. superfície desgastada com partículas de areia e condicionamento ácido (SLA) e 3. superfície desgastada com partículas de areia e condicionamento ácido sob proteção de nitrogênio e armazenadas em solução isotônica de cloreto de sódio (SLActive), na presença ou não de 20 ng/ml de rhBMP-2. Foram analisadas a adesão celular em 24 horas, o conteúdo total de proteínas, o conteúdo de colágeno e a atividade de fosfatase alcalina em 7, 14 e 21 dias e a formação de nódulos calcificados em 21 dias. Os resultados mostraram que a adesão não foi influenciada nem pelo tipo de superfície nem pelo tratamento com rhBMP-2 (p=0,0936). Quando relacionamos o conteúdo total de proteínas ao número total de células, percebemos que a proliferação não foi influenciada pelo tipo de superfície de titânio, porém a adição de rhBMP-2 levou a uma redução estatisticamente significante na superfície SLA aos 21 dias (p=0,0000). Em relação à diferenciação, pudemos observar que o tipo de superfície não influenciou o conteúdo total de proteínas, o conteúdo de colágeno e a formação de nódulos calcificados em quaisquer dos períodos analisados. A atividade de fosfatase alcalina somente foi influenciada pelo tipo de superfície aos 14 dias, onde o grupo C/SLAactive apresentou valores inferiores ao grupo C/Liso (p=0,0000). A adição de rhBMP-2 promoveu uma maior influência sobre o processo de diferenciação, levando a uma redução estatisticamente significante no conteúdo total de proteínas na superfície SLA aos 21 dias (p=0,0000), a um aumento estatisticamente significante no conteúdo de colágeno na superfície SLActive no período de 7 dias (p=0,0005) e a uma diminuição estatisticamente significante na atividade de fosfatase alcalina na superfície lisa nos períodos de 14 e 21 dias, na superfície SLA aos 14 dias e na superfície SLActive aos 21 dias (p=0,0000). Somente a formação de nódulos calcificados não sofreu influência da adição de rhBMP-2.This study has analyzed the influence of different titanium surfaces in the adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of rat osteoblast-like cells (osteo-1 culture), in the presence or not, of the recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2). The osteo-1 cells were grown on the following titanium surfaces: 1. smooth surface; 2. coarse grit-blasted and acid-etched surface (SLA); and 3. coarse grit-blasted and acid-etched surface under nitrogen protection, and stored in sodium chloride isotonic solution (SLActive), in the presence or not, of 20 ng/ml of rhBMP-2. It was analyzed the cell adhesion in 24 hours, the total protein content, the collagen content, and the alkaline phosphatase in 7, 14 and 21-day periods, and also the formation of calcified nodules in 21 days. The results showed that the adhesion was neither influenced by the surface type, nor by the treatment with rhBMP-2 (p=0.0936). When we related the total protein content to the total number of cells, we noticed that the proliferation was not influenced by the titanium surface type; however, the addition of rhBMP-2 led to a statistically significant reduction on the SLA surface at 21 days (p=0.0000). Concerning the differentiation, we could observe that the surface type did not influence the total content of proteins, the collagen content and the formation of calcified nodules in any of the analyzed periods. The alkaline phosphatase activity was only influenced by the surface type at 14 days, where the group C/SLActive presented lower values than the group C/Smooth (p=0.0000). The addition of rhBMP- 2 promoted a bigger influence over the differentiation process, thus leading to a statistically significant reduction in the total protein content on the SLA surface at 21 days (p=0.0000), a statistically significant increase in the collagen content on the surface SLActive in the 7-day period (p=0.0005), a statistically significant reduction in the alkaline phosphatase activity on the smooth surface in the 14 and 21-day periods, on the SLA surface at 14 days, and on the SLActive surface at 21 days (p=0.0000). Only the formation of calcified nodules did not undergo influence of the rhBMP-2 addition

    Determination of root dentin and cementum micro hardness

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    Vickers micro hardness was assessed on root dentin and cementum in 30 canines obtained from the Periodontics Discipline tooth bank. Crown and cervical portion of the root were discarded by a transverse section situated 3mm, apically, from the cemento-enamel junction on the buccal surface, thus obtaining the root specimen. On root dentin, mean micro hardness values were obtained for 3 regions: (DR1) from 0.05 to 0.1 mm of the cemento dentin junction - 30.64 VHN; (DR2) from 0.3 to 0.5 mm of the cemento dentin junction - 56.92 VHN and (DR3) from 0.8 to 1.0 mm of the cemento dentin junction - 32.70 VHN. After statistical analysis (Variance Analysis test, p > 0,05), we conclude that micro hardness at the DR2 region was statistically greater than that at the DR3 region which was, in turn, greater than that at the DR1 region. The mean micro hardness of cementum was 19.70 VHN