15 research outputs found

    The influence of xenobiotics in river sediment on the reproduction and survival of Daphnia magna, 1820, Straus Influência de xenobióticos no sedimento de rio sobre a reprodução e a sobrevivência de Daphnia magna, 1820, Straus

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    AIM: The Taquari River, a tributary of Guaíba Lake, is a major economic and environmental source for Rio Grande do Sul, a state located in the far south of Brazil; METHODS: This study evaluated the interference of sediment from this river in the reproduction and survival of 320 microcrustaceans (80 organisms per site) of the Daphnia magna species. Four sites between the middle course and the river mouth were monitored using eight samples from each site, between June/06 and April/10. Mortality higher than 20% suggested the acute action of the sample on the daphniids, while low reproduction indicated the presence of chronic toxicity. Sometimes an effect on survival was noted, but the number of individuals generated was always low. Semi-static chronic assays (21 day) were developed in 50 mL beakers using sediment and M4 culture medium at a ratio of 1:4 (v:v). Each beakers received a microcrustacean born from lots presenting LC50-24 hours = 0.98 mg K2Cr2O7 ± 0.04 mg totaling ten replicas per sample. The assays were developed under controlled light (16 hours light/day) and temperature (20 ºC ± 2 ºC) conditions; RESULTS: Duncan test showed a variation in reproduction (p < 0.05) with the presence of chronic toxicity. There was less reproductive activity in 91% of the samples, while for survival the reduction attained 9%. Spearman correlation identified the dependence between the rainfall index and reproduction in one of the samples and was absent when the rainfall index was compared to survival; CONCLUSIONS: Taquari River presented episodes of toxicity, and it is necessary to continue studies in the area and to inspect local sources of pollution, as already has been done. Chronic bioassays should be maintained when the purpose is to evaluate environmental quality, since reproduction proved more sensitive than survival.<br>OBJETIVO: O rio Taquari, tributário do Lago Guaíba, constitui importante fonte econômica e ambiental para o Rio Grande do Sul, estado localizado no extremo sul do Brasil; MÉTODOS: O presente estudo avaliou a interferência do sedimento deste rio na reprodução e na sobrevivência de 320 microcrustáceos (80 organismos por local) da espécie Daphnia magna. Foram monitorados quatro locais entre o curso médio e a foz do rio, utilizando oito amostras de cada local, entre junho/06 e abril/10. Mortalidade superior a 20% sugeriu ação aguda da amostra sobre os daphniids, enquanto a baixa reprodução indicou presença de toxicidade crônica. Eventualmente foi observado efeito na sobrevivência, porém a pequena geração de indivíduos foi constante. Ensaios crônicos (21 dias) semi-estáticos foram desenvolvidos em béqueres de 50 mL utilizando sedimento e meio de cultivo M4 na relação de 1:4 (v:v). Cada béquer recebeu um microcrustáceo nascido de lotes apresentando LC50-24 horas = 0,98 mg K2Cr2O7 ± 0,04 mg totalizando dez réplicas por amostra. Os ensaios desenvolveram-se em condições controladas de iluminação (16 horas luz diárias) e temperatura (20 ºC ± 2 ºC) RESULTADOS: O Teste de Duncan mostrou variação na reprodução (p < 0.05) com presença de toxicidade crônica. Ocorreu redução na atividade reprodutiva em 91% das amostras, enquanto que para sobrevivência a redução alcançou 9%. A correlação de Spearman identificou dependência entre índice pluviométrico e reprodução em uma das amostras e esteve ausente quando o índice pluviométrico foi comparado com a sobrevivência CONCLUSÕES: O rio Taquari apresentou episódios de toxicidade sendo necessários estudos na área e fiscalização das fontes poluidoras locais como já vem sendo realizado. Bioensaios crônicos devem ser mantidos quando o objetivo for a avaliação da qualidade ambiental, já que a reprodução foi mais sensível que a sobrevivência

    Evaluation of the Gravataí River sediment quality (Rio Grande do Sul- Brazil) using Daphnia magna (Straus, 1820) as the test-organism for toxicity assays Avaliação da qualidade dos sedimentos do rio Gravataí (Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil) a partir de testes de toxicidade utilizando Daphnia magna (Straus, 1820) como organismo-teste

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    AIM: Persistent pollutants released to riverbeds return to the trophic system, damaging living organisms thereof. Ecotoxicological assays express the effect of environmental interactions with organisms found there. Assays were performed with microcrustacean Daphnia magna (Straus, 1820) in sediment samples, from the headwaters to the mouth, in order to evaluate the Gravataí River quality; METHODS: Bottom sediment was used to evaluate the responses of cladocerans to environmental changes in 15 samples collected between Jan./06 and May/09. The microcrustaceans were submitted to stress for 21 days from birth (2-26 hours old). Duncan Test, percentage survival, reproduction and Spearman Correlation were used to evaluate the quality of the sites; RESULTS: Duncan Test showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) in reproduction in 14 of the 15 samplings, and chronic action was more constant (88%) than the acute one (23%). Changes in survival and reproduction related to season or rainfall regime were only observed on a few occasions. The two sites located close to the mouth presented a Spearman Correlation (p < 0.01) for survival and reproduction. There were changes in some samplings in the headwaters as a result of sewage discharges in the area; CONCLUSIONS: Fluctuating responses were observed in this river due to anthropic contaminants, slow flux and current reflux.<br>OBJETIVO: Poluentes persistentes lançados no leito dos rios retornam ao sistema trófico danificando os organismos que o integram. Os ensaios ecotoxicológicos expressam o efeito das interações ambientais com os organismos ali presentes. Visando avaliar a qualidade do rio Gravataí foram realizados ensaios com o microcrustáceo Daphnia magna (Straus, 1820), em amostras do sedimento, da nascente até a foz; MÉTODOS: Sedimento de fundo foi utilizado na avaliação das respostas dos cladóceros às alterações ambientais de 15 amostras coletadas entre Jan./06 e Maio/09. Os microcrustáceos foram colocados em situação de estresse durante 21 dias desde o início de suas vidas (2-26 horas). O Teste de Duncan, percentual de sobrevivência, reprodução e Correlação de Spearman foram utilizados para avaliar a qualidade dos locais; RESULTADOS: O Teste de Duncan mostrou diferença significativa (p < 0,05) na reprodução em 14 das 15 amostragens, sendo a ação crônica mais constante (88%) que a aguda (23%). Somente em algumas ocasiões foram observadas alterações na sobrevivência e na reprodução relacionadas à estação climática ou regime de chuvas. Os dois locais situados próximos a foz apresentaram Correlação de Spermann (p < 0,01) para sobrevivência e reprodução. Aqueles situados na nascente mostraram alterações em algumas amostragens em decorrência dos lançamentos de esgotos na área; CONCLUSÕES: Flutuações de respostas foram observadas neste rio devido aos contaminantes de origem antrópica, fluxo lento e refluxo de correntes

    Comunidade de liquens corticícolas em um gradiente de urbanização na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio dos Sinos, no sul do Brasil

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    Material suplementar do artigo Lucheta et al. Comunidade de liquens corticícolas em um gradiente de urbanização na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio dos Sinos, no sul do Brasil. Rodriguésia.<div><br></div><div>Tabela 3 - Espécies distribuídas por famílias e grupos morfológicos dos liquens ocorrentes nos municípios estudados na BHRS, RS, Brasil. <br></div

    Comunidade de liquens corticícolas em um gradiente de urbanização na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio dos Sinos, no sul do Brasil

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    Resumo Liquens são mundialmente conhecidos como indicadores de qualidade ambiental porque são sensíveis às modificações do ambiente, especialmente as de origem antrópica. Neste estudo foram avaliadas a riqueza, a composição e a cobertura de comunidades de liquens corticícolas em nove municípios com diferentes graus de urbanização e verificadas as principais semelhanças na composição das espécies entre as comunidades. Os locais amostrados estavam distribuídos em uma matriz rural, rural/urbana ou urbana/ industrial. Dez forófitos foram amostrados em cada área, utilizando o método do elástico. Ao total, foram identificadas 215 espécies de liquens, das quais nove são novas ocorrências, sendo quatro para o Brasil e cinco para o Rio Grande do Sul. Com o aumento da urbanização, observou-se uma simplificação da estrutura da comunidade de liquens, com diminuição da riqueza e mudanças na composição das espécies. Além disso, na matriz urbana/industrial poucas espécies apresentaram alta porcentagem de cobertura e, em conjunto, somaram grande importância na comunidade. Maior homogeneidade da composição de espécies foi encontrada em áreas mais próximas e inseridas na matriz urbano/industrial. Este estudo demonstrou que a arborização urbana é um fator importante para o estabelecimento das espécies de liquens, ao longo de um gradiente de urbanização

    Bioassay using Daphnia magna Straus, 1820 to evaluate the sediment of Ca\ued River (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

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    AIM: The Caí River is one of the five that form the Guaiba Lake Hydrographic Basin. It is used for public water supply in the capital of Rio Grande do Sul; METHODS: Sediment samples for toxicity test (21 days) with Daphnia magna were taken from four sites between the middle and upper reaches in this river from Mar./05 to June/09. Their quality is described based on the survival and reproduction responses of 440 test-organisms from the beginning of their lives (2-26 hours). Percentage survival, mean and total reproduction were calculated for this evaluation. Spearman correlation and Duncan Test were used to compare reproduction between sites and variation of this parameter statistically over time. Bacteriological, physical and chemical parameters in water samples collected during the period of the study were considered; RESULTS: Acute toxicity was observed in 18% of the samples and chronic toxicity in 95%, indicating the presence of small doses of environmental aggressors. Mortality and reproduction did not always follow the same trend, and it became clear that the reproductive activity was more sensitive when compared using contaminated samples. Duncan Test showed up to four clusters at sites Ca070, Ca092 and Ca245, indicating reproduction variation. A pattern of monthly rainfall distribution was not observed, nor was there a correlation between survival, reproduction and rainfall; CONCLUSIONS: Presence of low concentrations of xenobiotics was confirmed by physical, chemical, bacteriological and metal responses in water samples, besides a small effect on survival and constant change in reproductive activity in the organisms exposed to sediment samples. Long duration assays are more appropriate to evaluate environmental samples, since usually changes in ecosystem quality are tenuous and not detected by short tests. Caí River quality has improved, but further studies are needed to confirm this trend, and to follow the history of the area with a more detailed definition of the course characteristics and the most fragile sites in the region

    Air quality assessment in different urban areas from Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, using lichen transplants

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    Abstract Based on the need to monitor air pollution and on the importance of doing it with biological organisms, the present work had as main objective to assess air quality in urban areas through lichen transplants. Besides, we also tested whether there were differences among the studied sites, aiming to point out the main pollution characteristics of the areas. The monitoring was carried out in seven cities, which varied from mainly rural to mainly industrial, in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. The foliose lichen Parmotrema tinctorum was used as the biomonitor species. Physiological tests and contents of sulphur and heavy metals were measured in the lichen thalli. Other pollutants assessed through air samplers were available for some cities, and modeled concentrations of fine particulate matter and nitrogen oxides for all sites. The effect of air pollution negatively reflected on the physiology parameters of the lichen and the concentration of all heavy metals increased after exposure, especially in the industrial sites. We generated a profile of air pollutants and pointed out that Charqueadas and Esteio had the worst air quality. Since they have high demographic densities, the results are of great public health concern and could be guidelines for future studies

    Corticolous lichen community in an urbanization gradient in the Rio dos Sinos Hydrographic Basin, southern Brazil

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    <p></p><p>Abstract Lichens are known worldwide as indicators of environmental quality because they are sensitive to environmental changes, specially the ones with anthropogenic origin. In this study, we analyzed species composition, richness and coverage of corticolous lichen communities in nine municipalities with diferente urbanization levels, and evaluated their similarities considering lichen species composition. The studied sites were distributed in rural, rural/urban and urban/industrial matrices. Ten phorophytes were sampled in each area using the rubber band method. A total of 215 lichen species were identified, of which nine species are new records: four are being cited for Brazil for the first time, and five for Rio Grande do Sul. As urbanization increased, a simplification of the lichen community structure was observed, as well as a decrease in species richness and changes on species composition. Besides, in the urban/industrial matrix, few species had high coverage percentage and together added great importance to the community. We found higher homogeneity on species composition in closer areas and in the ones that were inserted in the urban/industrial matrix. This study showed that urban tree vegetation is an important factor for lichen species establishment along an urbanization gradient.</p><p></p